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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊慶昌, Yang,Chiang-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
『要如何將科技研發技術商品化』是國際間運用科技成果帶動經濟發展最重要的議題,本研究目的即在透過文獻探討及個案研究從對下列三議題的研究: 一、『研發技術商品化』的推動行之有年,然而,聯結『技術價值』與『經濟價值』間的環節為何? 二、智慧資本管理如何有效協助『研發技術商品化』? 三、透過個案研究實証,值得借鏡的做法為何? 探討技術成果商品化的機制。 從文獻的探討,本研究獲得許多學者專家曾提出精闢的看法,並從這些看法中歸納出對『技術商品化組織內機制』的評論與建議,後續並透過對British Technology Group(BTG)的案例研究,驗證實施的可行性。 本研究重要結論如下: 一、利用科技成果帶動經濟發展,近年來成為先進國家重要經濟發展策,『研發技術商品化』仍然有很大的調整空間。 二、技術商品化是一連串複雜的加值過程,透過商品化模式可將技術價值與經濟價值聯結聯結。 三、智慧資本為企業帶來價值,同時為達成技術商品化模式提供競爭策略決策分析。 四、目前大學與研究機構在流程上缺乏以『商品化模式』聯結『技術價值』與『經濟價值』。從文獻回顧,大學與研究機構除擁有技術和專利外,已逐步開始建立社群網脈,從經營觀點來看,專業人力仍是最大的弱點。 關鍵辭:技術商品化、商品化模式、智慧資本管理 / In order to have a competitive economic growth, “how to turn the value from R&D technology to knowledge-based economy” becomes one of the most important issue of multi-nations. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the mechanism of how to commercialize the R&D technologies. There are three following topics will be studied by the methods of articles review and case study to explore the mechanism : 1.What is the gap from transferring the technology value to economic value? 2.How intellectual capital management help technology commercialization? 3.What we learned from the benchmark case after studied? Many profound articles of technology commercialization from those named scholars has been reviewed and summarized into this study as references. The British Technology Group (BTG) was choused as the benchmark of feasibility case, based on its pioneered and experienced performance. The conclusions of this study are: 1.There are still have many space available for increasing competitive economic value by building up the mechanism of commercialization of R&D technology. 2.”Technology commercialization” is a series of complex value-added process. “Business Model” plays the bridging role linking the “technology value” and “economic value” during the processing. 3.”Intellectual capital management system” provide strategic analysis for competitive business model decision on technology commercialization process. 4.Currently, business model still not play the bridging role between technology value and economic value for most University and R&D institute during the technology commercialization processing. However, from the articles review, some universities and R&D institutes are starting to build up the technology commercialization network will be good for the business promotion, and the most week point for those organization still lock on the shortage of experienced manpower. Key Word: Technology Commercialization, Business Model, Intellectual Capital Management
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韓國技術移轉商品化創新制度與政策研究 / The Research on Korean Innovation System, Policy and Technology Transfer Commercialization

徐志姈, Seo Ji Young Unknown Date (has links)
在知識掛帥的社會裡,技術創新極具重要性,無論是個人、學術機構、研究機關、企業團體或政府組織,技術創新是成長發展與面對競爭的原動力,同時也是國家於國際競爭中,賴以存活的力量。 有鑑於1980年美國制定拜杜法案(Bayh-Dole Act)推動技術創新,台灣於1999年跟進制定「科技基本法」,而韓國亦於2000年制定「技術移轉促進法」,但根據統計資料顯示,韓國與台灣無論在技術移轉比例或技術資金規模皆不比美國拜杜法案帶來的經濟成效顯著。技術移轉收入,也較研究開發費用為低,技術移轉與推及商業化之預期效益,仍相當有限,顯見由於文化及產業環境上的差別,美國經驗在韓國、台灣並不能全然適用。 現今台灣的學術研究機構及民間技術交易機關,仍試圖迴避技術移轉的相關活動,對市場動向抱持著觀望的態度;相反地,需要技術的中小企業,卻依舊在探索新亮點技術,期盼增快技術移轉商品化的腳步。在供需高度失衡的現況之下,可以想見該市場仍有龐大的發展空間;反觀韓國,在相關輔導政策與執行成效上,似有較詳盡之規劃與成果。 本研究藉由分析韓國相關的技術移轉政策與制度,綜合相關內容提出以下建議:首先,台灣技轉單位強化技術移轉後之管理並提高專任組織之能力與競爭力、善用外部專業能力協助遴選優良技術;研發單位亦須更注重市場端的技術需求;政府則應合併改組重複的部門、協助提供客製化教育訓練、培養技術商品化專家,並依技轉實績進行獎勵或支援,最後,大學、政府與產業界之間應加強溝通交流,方可解決技術及市場間的供需失衡議題。

生技製藥產業之技術商品化研究--由法規政策面分析 / A study on the commercialization of the intellectual property of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry--Regulatory perspective

洪子秋, Hung,Tze Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在相關產業與政府的努力及人才培育之下,我國許多生技研究已有初步的規模且可說是居於亞洲領先地位。然而,這些技術在商品化應用的階段卻一直沒有重大突破與發展,難以將研發成果的實質效益挹注到產業中。研發成果商品化的過程中,必須兼備技術面、法律面、財務面、管理面的考量,面面俱到才能將初萌的技術逐步發展為成熟的商品,進而在市場上獲取實質利潤,再將獲得的資源挹注於研發活動,形成良性循環。 研發成果商品化的策略視產業特性而截然不同,在「生技醫療產業」中,因其具有「受衛生主管機關高度管制」、「商業化認證需時」、「行銷國際化」的特性,在法規面的複雜度較高,且為專案成功與否的關鍵因素之一,進行商品化評估時必須熟悉相關醫藥法規,才能著手為專案發展做正確的規畫 ,極度仰賴「跨領域」、「高度技術」與「熟稔特殊商業技巧」的人才。依各國藥物法規的不同,商品化的開發時程也受此影響,生技製藥產業之技術及研發成果必須將為達到法規規範的要求而必須投入的時間、資金、人力等各項資源納入總體可行性評估之考量依據。。因法規具有地域性,本研究無法齊備全球各國,將以美國及台灣為研究主體,台灣的法規深受世界公認醫藥法規先進的美國影響,熟知美國的法規可以預估台灣法規機構的思路;且美國藥品市場佔全世界最大規模,此外,美國也極有可能成為潛在合作廠商之所在地,因此本研究將比較美國與台灣之醫藥法規,並評估在技術研發的過程中,衛生主管機關之要求對於技術商品化過程中所產生的影響。 明確、具科學性、可預期性的法規環境能降低製藥產業於研發過程中的不確定性,提高廠商投入的意願。衛生醫療政策及藥政管理政策直接影響到醫藥法規的訂立,政府制定的法規將引導產業發展的方向,對於藥品市場有極重要的影響。一個好的政策應該能夠與國家的總體背景相匹配,法規要求應與國家發展程度及國家內需市場成比例。台灣生技製藥產業目前的困境之一,就是國內廠商在開發新藥時,為了符合台灣衛生主管機關訂定的高標準法規必須投入更多的成本,但台灣卻沒有足夠的內需市場得以支撐,造成擁有豐厚資源的國外廠商可以將符合世界(十大先進國)高標準的藥品進入台灣市場,但國內廠商卻無法立足。為解決此困境,台灣廠商一定要設法將業務範圍擴大到外需市場,以獲取足以支持藥物發展所需的資金成本。因此,了解國內、外之藥物相關法規,做出能符合各國法規要求的產品,為踏出國際外銷市場的第一步;此外,各國的智財法以及與商業相關的法律,還有其之間的互相關聯,都是技術商品化是否能夠成功至為重要的關鍵因素。本文擬就藥物法規面為討論之主軸,其間輔以智財、商業相關構面,對生技製藥產業之技術商品化之過程做一探討。在本研究所選的個案—核子醫學藥物,是眾多創新產品的一種,如果能把握技術、智財、法規、法律、國際商業運作,很有可能為台灣的藥業打開另一片天。 / In recent years, we have already developed some achievements in biotech researches in Taiwan and are in a leading position in Asia under the efforts of government and industries. However, these technologies still are slowly developed to the commercialized phase. Thus, the achievement of these researches does not benefit industry substantially. In the process of commercialization of biotech research, we have to consider all the aspects, including technology and regulation, intellectual property, finance and management. With a well-rounded development plan, technologies in the bud will gradually develop to a mature commodity, and earn fiscal profit in the market. The profit will consequently contribute to research activity. A virtuous circle will be formed. The strategies of commercialization differ considerably among industries. Regarding biopharmaceutical industry which has the properties of highly regulated by competent authorities, time consuming, heavy capital, and global marketing, the regulation assessment is not only complicate but also critical to project implementation. The required documents according by regional authorities will be a decisive factor to consider the development plan including the estimated timetable, needed resources. Due to the regulation system in US affected a lot legislation for laws in Taiwan , America and Taiwan will be the prior topics in this research. A well-developed legal framework and protection of intellectual property rights is the prerequisite for building an ideal environment where the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries can flourish. In order to improve the environment for these industries, in recent years the government has approved the amendment and execution of related laws and regulations. Amendments have been made to related tax benefit and incentive measures of investment. Other amendments have been made which have allowed R&D results to be more easily transferred to academia and industry. Looking into the future, under the joint cooperation of industry, academia and research institutes, and with the government’s policy to fully promote the sector, it is believed that Taiwan will have well developed in the near future.
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探討新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之研究 / Research on the network in division of labor for product innovation of technology startup company

葉啟超 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要探討新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之現況與績效,新創科技公司之兩大核心資源為創新與技術。公司成長與獲利通常來自技術商品化之價值,一般而言公司很少可完全依賴內部資源進行獨立創新。創新社群以技術為核心,社群中的組織必須顯著地參與一項新技術的商品化工作,主要辨認指標是垂直互補性資產與資訊流通。產業分工網路是企業內部組織和企業彼此間的結合型態,用以產生附加價值,其價值鏈活動是透過良好的協調以造成差異化或成本降低。資訊科技是改變價值活動的執行方式及價值鏈活動中各種連結的性質,影響競爭範圍並塑造新產品。 本研究以國內研發新產品或技術之新創科技公司為研究對象,以個案方式運用分析模式將企業之內外在因素、SWOT及產業能力作深入分析,並訪談中小企業實證研究分工網路活動,探索新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之現況以及產業系統(研究/製造)供應鏈績效,研究結果發現: 1、台灣產業仍屬於「不完全的概念設計與試製生產分離型」分工網路。新創科技公司之產品普遍缺乏品牌形象,且因資源缺乏,無法以全球市場為行銷對象,在設備上的投資、產品與製造的選擇上沒有自主性,限制台灣人才的創新能力及新創科技公司之成功。 2、新創科技公司在產品創新上提昇產品之附加價值,製程上依賴中小企業的「專業分工」及「彈性互補」,充分利用體系資源,調整出最佳效率。但在成熟市場中,採取追隨者的競爭腳步以及成本領導策略,因此無法將產品附加價值回饋於產業分工體系。 3、台灣中小企業普遍在資訊化方面嚴重落後,無法在新的且分散化的產業分工中,以虛擬、組織模組化的分工原理運作,因此人工成本優勢喪失後,其「彈性」、「快速」的核心競爭能力亦在衰退中。 4、中小企業與新創科技公司因價值鏈之市場顧客面不完整,以供應鏈管理觀點檢討發現:管理方法、產品流程、風險與獲利架構、文化與態度觀念、變革升級等構面皆尚待加強。 / I his thesis is mainly in finding out the reality and performance on the network in division of labor for product innovation of a technology startup company. The two core resources of a technology startup company are innovation and techniques. The growth and earning of such company normally come from the value of technology commercialization. Generally, such company could hardly rely on its internal resources completely for independent innovation. Innovative community centers on techniques and the community organization must involve in the commercialization of a new technique significantly, and the main identifying indicator is the vertical complementary assets and the information flow. Industrial network in division of labor is the connecting pattern of the international organization of a business entity with other business, which is for creating added value. The value chain activities are made through sound coordination to generate differentiation and cost-down.Information technology is for changing the performing manner value activities,as well as the natures of connection among various chain activities. It serves to affect the scope of competition and to form new products. This research targeted at the technology startup companies involved in the research and development of new products or new techniques, and case study approach is employed to analyze the internal and external factors of a company,SWOT and industrial capacity with analytical modes. Face to face interview with medium and small enterprises were conducted to empirically demonstrate the activities of the network in division of labor, and to investigate the reality and industrial system (research / manufacturing) supply chain performance of new innovative network in division of labor. The findings are: 1.Industries in Taiwan are still in the stage of“Incomplete Conceptual Design and Pilot Production Separated Network in Division of Labor”level.Technology startup companies are generally lack of brand image. And, with the lack of resources, they are unable to target at the global market for marketing. There is less autonomy in the investment in equipment and options of products and manufacturing. These have limited the talents in Taiwan in their innovation capability and the success of technology startup companies. 2.The technology startup companies promote the added value of their innovative products, and in manufacturing, they rely on the specialization and flexible complement of medium and small enterprise to adjust to the best efficiency by fully utilize the system resources. However, in a matured market, they adopted the follower approach and cost-lead strategies, that they could not feed back the added value of products to the system in division of labor. 3.Generally the medium and small enterprises are having serious information gap, that they are unable to employ the diversification principle in the new and spread-over industrial diversification with virtual, organization modular.Therefore, after losing the labor cost advantage, the core competitiveness in flexibility and speed are also in their way down. 4.Medium and small enterprise, and the technology startup companies have the short of incomplete customer dimension in their value chain, it is found,in the view point of supply chain management, they need to strengthen and improve their managerial approach, product flow, risk and profit structure,culture and attitude and changes and upgrading. Subject Terms (Key Word): - technology startup company - technology commercialization - network in division of labor - innovation community - value chain - supply chain management
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