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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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特約條款之檢討與重構 / The examination and reconstruction of express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan

陳豐年, Chen, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
由於過度粗糙立法、缺乏相關深入研究暨流於形式之契約解釋取向,臺灣保險契約法第二章第三節特約條款制度實沈苛已深而積重難返,亟待立法者、司法者及主管機關進行大幅度改造。本文研究聚焦於探討該制度-相當於英美保險契約法之明示擔保條款-起源、本質暨新近發展,並研擬相關修法提案俾供後續立法者與研究者參酌。基此,本文擬採用法律經濟分析、實證分析與比較法等研究方式加以進行。從英美法系各國之立法潮流可發現,契約基礎條款因違反合理期待原則而遭多數國家揚棄。此從英格蘭暨蘇格蘭法律委員會目前保險契約法修法暫時提案,以及澳洲1984年保險契約法第24條規定即可窺見一斑。再者,鑑於肯定擔保條款當初建制基礎已消失殆盡,包含英國、澳洲及紐西蘭皆採取以不實陳述制度取代肯定擔保條款之立法,俾以達成較為公平之規範結果。至於允諾擔保條款部分,增加損失與違反行為間因果關係要件實已蔚為潮流,包含英國、美國數州、澳洲及紐西蘭相關立法皆為適例。此外,相較於無效、得撤銷抑或自動向後免責,賦予保險人契約終止權誠屬較佳之法律效果,已獲各國之共識。職是之故,本文主張應修改特約條款有關肯定特約部分相關文字,使同法第64條據實說明制度可取代之,俾產生較有效率之核保資訊提供制度。另一方面,允諾擔保條款內容應限縮於與危險有關之重要性事項。此外,應考慮增加損失與違反行為間因果關係要件,並使保險人於無因果關係之情形得以主張就系爭損失免責。鑑於解除權易使法律關係趨於複雜,本文建議應以契約終止權取代現行契約解除權較佳。又在前述修法前,法院得透過契約解釋方式緩和現行法弊端,而行政院金融監督管理委員會亦得透過保險商品審查機制過濾不妥之約款加以因應。 / Express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan provoke a great number of dilemmas in both theory and practice due to oversimplified legislation, a paucity of related studies and formalism of contract construction. This study aims not only at exploring the origin, nature and development of the institution for the purpose of elucidating pros and cons of express warranties, but also at providing an amendment to express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan. The dissertation achieves the dual goals by way of comparative study and economic analysis of law. Obviously, abolition of “basis of the contract clause”-an obsolete and bitterly-criticized contract term- has been an uncontroversial trend around the world on the grounds of reasonable expectations. English and Scottish Law Commissions’ tentative proposals, as well as Section 24 of Australian Insurance Contracts Act 1984, sets an excellent example. Also, with an eye to the collapse of affirmative warranties’ keystones, several countries, including the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand, substitute misrepresentation for affirmative warranties for the purpose of leveling the playing field. As for promissory warranties, requirement of causal link between losses and breach of promissory warranties has gained a dominant position in the U.K., the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand on the grounds that considerable unfairness to policyholders would arise in the absence of it. In addition, the insurers’ right to terminate contracts has been generally regarded as a more superior legal effect than III rendering contracts void or avoid, even the insurer automatically discharged from liability. Based upon these foreign legislation and other considerations, the dissertation proposes the third section “express warranties” of insurance law in Taiwan should be amended thoroughly. Affirmative warranties in the section should be substantially supersede by misrepresentation set forth in article 64, since the latter is capable of inducing the insured to provide necessary information for the insurer in a more efficient way than is the former. On the other hand, promissory warranties of insurance law in Taiwan should be reconstructed by adding the requirement of causal connection to the insurer’s right not liable for specific losses. Furthermore, this dissertation also advocates that legislators replace the insurer’s right to avoid with the right to terminate on the basis of evading complicated legal relationship. Besides, in advance of amending aforementioned articles, the dissertation suggests that courts in Taiwan mitigate harsh effects via contract construction, and regulators should filter inappropriate or nominal warranties from insurance policies by means of administrative screening mechanism.

專利授權之侵權風險管控研究-從侵權責任契約設計觀點 / Risk Management of Infringement for Patent Licensing: Focus on Contract Design

吳雅貞, Wu, Ya Chen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣科技業代工廠常面臨購買合法來源零組件,仍無法擺脫專利侵權控訴之命運,亦或常居於談判地位劣勢之被授權方角色,只能接受授權方完全排除自身擔保責任之契約條款,導致國內廠商始終擺脫不了高額權利金及侵權損害賠償金之累。本論文之核心研究問題,即在於探討如何在專利授權之架構下,降低未來潛在之第三人侵權責任風險?並區分法律制度層面、契約設計層面、管理制度層面,三個面向進行探討,嘗試提出可行之風險管控策略。個案研究方面,選擇美國最高法院Quanta v. LG專利侵權訴訟案,此案受各界宣稱為近期美國司法界對於專利制度最具指標性之判決,本論文透過判決評析探求美國法院見解真意,並在此架構下,提出個人意見及看法,進而對於專利權人未來之策略轉變,以及台灣代工業者應之因應方式提出建議。 1、法律制度面管控: 被控侵權者可運用專利制度下賦予專利權本質上限制之「專利權耗盡原則」,衡平原則發展下之「默示授權原則」,以及「再授權理論」對於專利權人之權利主張限制,以達降低侵權責任成立之風險。美國法下針對專利權耗盡原則及默示授權原則發展出多種態樣,惟其是否於個案中有所適用空間,往往仍取決於授權契約條款之解釋,此即彰顯出事先明確定義授權條款之重要性。 2、契約設計面管控: 由於我國法與美國法下對於專利授權契約定性上之差異,進而推衍出我國法下相較於美國法較加重授權人責任之結果,是以我國學說有主張當被授權人因運用授權標的遭受第三人主張侵權時,應準用民法瑕疵擔保規定使授權人承負一定責任者;反之,美國學說則普遍否認授權人存在有此等法定契約責任,此亦和雙方政策選擇保護立場互異之結果不謀而合。惟在現階段實務及學說對於授權人是否承擔被授權人之侵權瑕疵擔保責任尚無定見之下,以契約條款預先分配侵權風險最可達成管控風險之目的。美國企業之授權契約發展已十分成熟,與侵權責任分配相關之典型條款,如:授權條款、聲明擔保條款、補償條款,均存有許多附隨之細節需於契約設計談判時預先留意。惟若於契約條款中無法獲得有利於己之責任分配模式,即應評估風險性高低,決定是否採行其他之風險管控方式,如:專利侵權責任保險、企業自行提撥風險準備金、進行專利侵權訴訟評估與管理等。 3、管理制度面管控: 授權做為專利眾多換價模式之一,其背後最終之目的即在於具體落實為企業利潤收益,自然無法背離商業策略思維而獨立運作。國內現階段之專利授權實務發展成效不彰,其原因即在於國內普遍認為授權是單純法律之範疇,而未於企業內建立一套完備之授權管理制度。事實上,授權契約設計亦應與智財行銷要素、商業模式建構要素,以及企業營運流程相互配套,藉由平時有效之管理制度,方能確實將侵權風險防患於未然。 4、個案判決評析結論: 國內代工業者Quanta雖於本案中獲得最終勝訴判決,可說是貫徹了美國最高法院近年來持續傾向限縮專利權人權能之見解。然其是否代表台灣代工業者獲得了完全的勝利?往後不需再為合法採購之零件是否侵權一事苦惱?本論文採取保留之態度。因本案判決事實上僅圍繞在判斷LG與Intel授權範圍之解釋,並未對於能否以契約條款限制專利權耗盡原則表示見解。且本案判決出爐後,專利權人未來勢必轉變其授權策略,亦可預見其授權條款將更趨嚴苛,以規避判決中劃定之界限。台灣代工廠商實應謹慎集思因應策略以對。 / Taiwan OEMs are often situated in the role as licensees with inferior bargaining power when negotiated license agreements with foreign companies, and usually had no choice but to accept unfair contract terms. Therefore, Taiwan companies cannot get ride of high royalties and infringement penalty for all these years. This paper aims to discuss how to reduce potential patent infringement risk under the license system. The discussion will be elaborated from three aspects: Legal, Contract, and Management, and it will also try to propose some feasible risk management strategies. Furthermore, the paper will include a case study on Quanta v. LG, which is believed to be the most significant patent infringement case in United States Supreme Court in 2008.Through the analysis of Court opinions, the thesis then proposes some different suggestions about conversion of the patentee’ license strategies and how Taiwan OEMs should cope with the change in the future. 1.Legal Aspect: The defendant of a infringement case can apply for the doctrine of patent exhaustion, implied license, and sublicense. These doctrines are derived from patent right essential limitation. The U.S. law develops a lot of different models of patent exhaustion and implied license. It often depends on the interpretation of the terms of license agreement whether theses doctrines should be applied to individual case. This demonstrates the importance of precise definition and arrangement of contracts in advance. 2.Contract Aspect: The contract qualification of patent license agreement are different in Taiwan Law and the U.S. Law. Taiwan law intensifies licensor’s liability than American Law. Some Taiwan theories consider that when the licensee is accused of infringement because of the use of licensed articles, the licensor should have liability corresponding to the liability of warranty against defects in Civil Law. On the contrary, the majority of American theories deny such contract liability from law of licensor. Such difference corresponds to the different policies adopted in both countries. Since the defect warranty liability of the licensors are still in dispute, it will be the best way for risk management to distribute the infringement liability of both parties in contract explicitly. License agreement research has been fully developed in the U.S.. Grant Clause, Representations & Warranties and Indemnifications are all accompanied with details to be concerned. If the corporation unfortunately cannot obtain favorable clauses for its own side, it should evaluate risk to decide should it adopt another way for risk control, such as insurance, setting up risk reserves or litigation management. 3.Management Aspect: License is one of business models for corporation to make profit from patent. Its main purpose is to realize intangible patents into tangible profit. Accordingly, licensing strategy cannot be apart from commercial strategies. Patent license practice is still immature in Taiwan. Domestic corporations generally consider license as only a legal issue and do not properly construct a management system. In fact, license agreement design is a multidisciplinary subject and should coordinate with IP marketing strategies, business model, and enterprise operation procedure. Effective management system can establish necessary precautions against infringement liabilities. 4.Case Study: United States Supreme Court finally decided in favor of Quanta, Taiwan OEM, in Quanta v. LG case. The judgment does not mean a complete victory for Taiwan OEMs and neither did it indicate that the manufacturers do not need to bother for patent infringement by combining licensed components. Because the Court opinion only focuses within the scope of the license agreement by LG to Intel, without mentioning about if license conditions could break free of the doctrine of patent exhaustion. Furthermore, the stricter license conditions from the licensor is expectable after this case. Taiwan OEMs should make their best to find a solution.

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