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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The signalling value of provisions : A study of the relation between provisions and firm performance

Malmqvist, Daniel, Nilsson, Madeleine January 2013 (has links)
To be able to understand future firm performance it is important to recognize and correctly evaluate what constitutes a signal. This study investigates if provisions contain signalling value regarding future firm performance. The study is conducted on firms listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm from 2001 to 2010, constituting a sample of 2173 firm years. All the provision data has been manually collected from each of the firm’s annual reports. By using both univariate and multivariate analyses, the study provides new evidence regarding the association between provisions and firm performance. The findings indicate that firms who recognise restructuring provisions experience a performance improvement. The performance improvement is tied to the size of the restructuring provision i.e. the signal. Warranty and litigation provisions show no indications of having any relation to future firm performance. Thus, large restructuring provisions contain a signal of performance improvement, whereas warranty and litigation provisions do not. The thesis contributes to existing literature by providing new insight of how provisions functions as signals of firm performance

Development of Performance Warranties for Performance Based Road Maintenance Contracts

Ozbek, Mehmet Egemen 05 May 2004 (has links)
Performance based contracting in the transportation arena is a rather recently implemented concept which has a few number of applications in the United States up to date. Nonetheless, the US Department of Transportation has vigorously promoted (by issuing memorandums to be distributed to the Highway Agencies and State Departments of Transportation) the conversion of traditional contracts to performance based contracts to reach a goal of 80% of the service contracts and actions being performance based by the end of fiscal year 2004 (Tomanelli 2003.) Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has been one of the first state agencies that took the initiative of using a performance based contract for the maintenance of a portion of its interstate highway system. This initiative resulted in the establishment of the 'Comprehensive Agreement for Interstate Highway Asset Management Services' between VDOT and a private contractor in 1996 which resulted in the privatization of highway maintenance services. One of the important aspects of this contract related to this research is that it does not encompass any warranty clauses. In other words, the contractor does not provide any warranty to the VDOT for the services it is obligated to undertake. The contract is mute in this subject, making the contractor incur no liability for the underperformance of the maintenance activities. According to this research, this might lead to some cases which VDOT would not be willing to encounter. Just like performance based contracting, the use of warranties in highway contracts in the United States is a quite new concept which mainly dates back to 1995. There are different views possessed by different parties about the possible outcomes of implementing warranties in highway contracts. Nonetheless, this research proposes that the incorporation of warranty clauses into the VDOT issued performance based road maintenance contracts is vital to ensure the quality and durability of the work after the project completion. According to this research, warranty clauses, if developed carefully, give the contractor the motivation to implement superior maintenance practices to improve the overall conditions of the assets during the contract period. This is done in order to lengthen the life of each asset item and achieve the long term performance. Ultimately, the incorporation of warranty clauses is believed to reduce the risk imposed upon VDOT. Within the context of the discussion presented above, this research first illustrates that the complete satisfaction of one of the parties (VDOT) may be in question due to the absence of the warranty clauses within the contract, then lists and explores the benefits that would/may be gained by the incorporation of warranty clauses into the contract, and finally develops a warranty clause template and proposes it to be used in the future performance based road maintenance contracts issued by VDOT. At the bottom line, this study aspires to help the party in question (VDOT) to reduce the risk imposed upon it and to improve the future performance based road maintenance contracts it will issue. This research uses the VDOT contract as a baseline to define the problem and to propose a solution (i.e. the developed warranty clause template) for that. Nonetheless, some of the principles and approaches used during the development of the warranty clause template can also be referred to for the development of warranty clauses for the performance based road maintenance contracts issued by the other state DOTs. / Master of Science

Managing construction interfaces within the building facade

Pavitt, Trevor C. January 2002 (has links)
Interfaces, joints and connections between different elements or sections cause more problems than most of the rest of the building. There are challenges during design, manufacture and construction as well as implications throughout the life of the building. These challenges are particularly relevant for the building envelope. Here the joints must perform at the same level as the main areas of wall or roof, but the pressures on them are invariably much greater. They must keep out the weather but, at the same time, accommodate tolerances. and inaccuracies and cater for movements both during construction and for as long as the building lasts. Managing construction interfaces is an important part of delivering a construction project without time delays or cost additions. However the lack of written publications on how to manage interfaces within construction is a problem discovered by the author very early in the research. Therefore the main aim of the research was; to improve the management of interfaces within the construction industry, with particular reference to interfaces within the building facade. The research was based on an EPSRC funded project entitled CladdISS "A standardised strategy for window and cladding interfaces". The methodology included industrial workshops, interviews, regular steering group meetings and a questionnaire. The strategy proposed to increase productivity, quality, reduce waste and reduce costs in design, manufacture, installation, and the building life cycle. The research highlighted a wide range of interrelated problems. However, the two main issues were: Poor communication between the design team and specialist contractors and poor interface detailing. The following situations typically exist: The interface responsibility is assigned too late if at all; the term 'by others' often leads to the interfaces being poorly managed; the design team does not have a good enough understanding of the construction and manufacturing tolerances of materials at the interfaces; often the design team does not have appropriate understanding of the cladding system they are designing; the specialist cladding contractors do not have enough input to the design of the cladding and interfaces early enough. Using the CladdISS strategy will enable the supply chain to be organised and provide a template for effective interface management.

Subsídios filosóficos ao ensino jurídico: as virtudes da Prudentia e da Iustitia e o \"método do caso\" aplicado à disciplina de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais. / Philosophical Subsidies to Law Education: The Virtues of Prudentia [Prudence] and of Iustitia [Justice] and the \"Case Method\" applied to the course of Fundamental Rights and Warranties.

Amaral, Antonio Carlos Rodrigues do 17 December 2007 (has links)
O método de ensino não é indiferente à formação dos valores éticos do acadêmico de direito e da sociedade, no plano jurídico. Se o ensino jurídico for aético, formalista, árido e desconectado do todo da realidade, a reação do jurista e da sociedade perante o direito tenderá a ser igualmente aética, formalista e árida, concorrendo para o desprestígio da lei, das instituições criadoras e intérpretes dos institutos jurídicos e da própria aplicação da justiça. Daí que a implementação de um método pedagógico para o ensino do direito que possibilite a irradiação de valores éticos de alta significância, notadamente para a disciplina de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais, na sua moderna concepção dos Direitos Humanos, deverá produzir efeitos positivos expressivos para a consciência moral e jurídica da sociedade, na elaboração, interpretação e aplicação das leis. Isto porque, na perspectiva ética, segundo a tradição filosófica clássica, há indissociável vinculação da virtude da prudentia, que é ato da inteligência voltado ao comando da ação, com a virtude da iustitia, como atitude decisiva da vontade dirigida ao reconhecimento do direito do outro, com toda a sua ampla dimensão de alteridade (iustitia est ad alterum). A adoção de um instrumento pedagógico que leve a realidade, com toda a sua contingência, concretude e dramaticidade, para a sala de aula - unindo fortemente o ser do homem à ética, na realização em plenitude tanto do indivíduo quanto da sociedade na perspectiva do bonum commune hominis e do bonum commune communitatis - deverá propiciar que o aluno abandone uma tendência à apatia e passividade em sala de aula. Tal dinamização do ensino jurídico é possível pelo \"método do caso\", pelo qual a realidade do direito, apreendida a partir de decisões judiciais em casos concretos - pela jurisprudentia, que deveria exprimir a prudentia do ius -, é objeto de reflexão e discussão em classe, deslocando-se o centro de gravidade do professor para os alunos, que passam a ocupar o núcleo do processo educativo em sala de aula. A partir do conhecimento dos casos concretos permite-se ao acadêmico de direito compreender os princípios gerais que regem o sistema jurídico e a vida em sociedade, bem como a inquirir sobre o ideal de justiça, de concepção jusnaturalista, que propugna por reconhecer o direito do outro, o que é a base da tolerância e o que possibilita a experiência humana do encontro e da convivência com o próximo. Na dimensão ética e pedagógica as afinidades do \"método do caso\" com a virtude da prudentia são magníficas. O \"método do caso\" exprime a consubstanciação, a concretização da educação para a prudentia tanto da primeira parte da virtude no sentido de se \"ver a realidade tal como ela é\", com toda a sua contingência, dramaticidade e concretude, quanto remete à outra parte do preceito moral voltada ao comando da ação em direção à atitude moralmente certa, no plano jurídico do ideal de justiça em uma situação concreta no hic et nunc da realidade. O saber jurídico é fruto da educação e da experiência prática, assim como as virtudes da prudentia e da iustitia são apreendidas ex doctrina et experimento, segundo propugna a tradição aristotélica e tomista. A hermenêutica jurídica, como ato de conhecimento, compreende um exercício intelectual de vertente técnica, mas está fundamentalmente atrelada a um juízo de caráter subjetivo, de dimensão interior de seu agente, como ato da vontade em direção à justiça comandado a partir da consciência moral. Daí a indissociável conexão entre direito e moral, na perspectiva das virtudes da prudentia e da iustitia, com todo o seu vigoroso potencial pedagógico para o ensino jurídico através do \"método do caso\", com as imensas e positivas implicações para o aprimoramento do direito, a persecução do ideal de justiça e a vida em sociedade daí decorrentes. / The methodology of education is not indifferent to the development of the ethical values of the law student and the society, on the juridical side. If law education has no ethical concerns, is formalistic, arid and not connected with reality as a whole, the reaction of the jurist and of the society before law will also tend to be without ethical concerns, formalistic and arid, nurturing the lack of prestige of law, of the institutions that create and interpret the juridical institutes and of the administration of justice itself. Therefore, the implementation of a pedagogical method of law teaching which makes it possible to irradiate ethical values of great significance, particularly in the course of Fundamental Rights and Warranties, in its modern conception of Human Rights, would lead to meaningful positive effects on the moral and legal conscience of the society, in the creation, interpretation and application of the laws. This is because, from the ethical perspective, based on the classic philosophical tradition, there is an inseparable relationship between the virtue of prudentia, which is an act of intelligence directed to the command of action, and the virtue of iustitia, as a decisive attitude towards the recognition of the right of one\'s fellow, with all its broad dimension of alterity (iustitia est ad alterum). The adoption of a pedagogic instrument which brings the reality, in its entire contingency, concreteness and graveness, to the classroom - strongly connecting man\'s being to ethics, in direction of the full realization of the individual and of the society in the perspective of the bonum commune hominis and bonum commune communitatis - should allow the student to abandon a tendency to apathy and passivity in classroom. Such dynamism in law education is feasible through the use of \"case method\", by which the reality of law, learned from court decisions in concrete cases - by the jurisprudentia, which would represent the prudentia of the ius -, is object of reflections and discussion in class, moving the centre of gravity from the professor to the students, who become the core of the education process in classroom. The knowledge of actual court cases would allow the law student to comprehend the general principles which comprise the legal system and life in society and to inquiry about the ideal of justice, of a jusnaturalist conception, which supports the recognition of the fellow citizen, which is the basis of tolerance and would allow the human experience of encounter and coexistence with the fellow human. On the ethical and pedagogical dimension, the affinities of the \"case method\" with the virtue of prudentia are magnificent. The \"case method\" expresses the consubstantiation, the completion of the education for the prudentia in relation to the first part of the virtue, headed for \"seeing reality as it is\" with all of its contingency, graveness and concretion, and with regard to the other part of the moral precept set towards commanding the action to the morally correct attitude, in the legal perspective of the ideal of justice in a concrete situation in the hic et nunc of the reality. Legal knowledge is the outcome of education and practical experience, as the virtues of prudentia and iustitia are learned ex doctrina et experimento, in accordance with the Aristotelian and Thomistic tradition. The legal hermeneutic, as an act of knowledge, follows an intellectual exercise of a technical character, but is fundamentally linked to a subjective judgment arising from the internal dimension of its agent, as an act of will towards justice, driven by the moral conscience. This results in the indissoluble connection between law and moral, from the perspective of the virtues of prudentia and iustitia, with all of their vigorous pedagogical potential for the education of law through the \"case method\", with its vast and positive implications to the improvement of law, the pursue of the ideal of justice and the life in society.

Subsídios filosóficos ao ensino jurídico: as virtudes da Prudentia e da Iustitia e o \"método do caso\" aplicado à disciplina de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais. / Philosophical Subsidies to Law Education: The Virtues of Prudentia [Prudence] and of Iustitia [Justice] and the \"Case Method\" applied to the course of Fundamental Rights and Warranties.

Antonio Carlos Rodrigues do Amaral 17 December 2007 (has links)
O método de ensino não é indiferente à formação dos valores éticos do acadêmico de direito e da sociedade, no plano jurídico. Se o ensino jurídico for aético, formalista, árido e desconectado do todo da realidade, a reação do jurista e da sociedade perante o direito tenderá a ser igualmente aética, formalista e árida, concorrendo para o desprestígio da lei, das instituições criadoras e intérpretes dos institutos jurídicos e da própria aplicação da justiça. Daí que a implementação de um método pedagógico para o ensino do direito que possibilite a irradiação de valores éticos de alta significância, notadamente para a disciplina de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais, na sua moderna concepção dos Direitos Humanos, deverá produzir efeitos positivos expressivos para a consciência moral e jurídica da sociedade, na elaboração, interpretação e aplicação das leis. Isto porque, na perspectiva ética, segundo a tradição filosófica clássica, há indissociável vinculação da virtude da prudentia, que é ato da inteligência voltado ao comando da ação, com a virtude da iustitia, como atitude decisiva da vontade dirigida ao reconhecimento do direito do outro, com toda a sua ampla dimensão de alteridade (iustitia est ad alterum). A adoção de um instrumento pedagógico que leve a realidade, com toda a sua contingência, concretude e dramaticidade, para a sala de aula - unindo fortemente o ser do homem à ética, na realização em plenitude tanto do indivíduo quanto da sociedade na perspectiva do bonum commune hominis e do bonum commune communitatis - deverá propiciar que o aluno abandone uma tendência à apatia e passividade em sala de aula. Tal dinamização do ensino jurídico é possível pelo \"método do caso\", pelo qual a realidade do direito, apreendida a partir de decisões judiciais em casos concretos - pela jurisprudentia, que deveria exprimir a prudentia do ius -, é objeto de reflexão e discussão em classe, deslocando-se o centro de gravidade do professor para os alunos, que passam a ocupar o núcleo do processo educativo em sala de aula. A partir do conhecimento dos casos concretos permite-se ao acadêmico de direito compreender os princípios gerais que regem o sistema jurídico e a vida em sociedade, bem como a inquirir sobre o ideal de justiça, de concepção jusnaturalista, que propugna por reconhecer o direito do outro, o que é a base da tolerância e o que possibilita a experiência humana do encontro e da convivência com o próximo. Na dimensão ética e pedagógica as afinidades do \"método do caso\" com a virtude da prudentia são magníficas. O \"método do caso\" exprime a consubstanciação, a concretização da educação para a prudentia tanto da primeira parte da virtude no sentido de se \"ver a realidade tal como ela é\", com toda a sua contingência, dramaticidade e concretude, quanto remete à outra parte do preceito moral voltada ao comando da ação em direção à atitude moralmente certa, no plano jurídico do ideal de justiça em uma situação concreta no hic et nunc da realidade. O saber jurídico é fruto da educação e da experiência prática, assim como as virtudes da prudentia e da iustitia são apreendidas ex doctrina et experimento, segundo propugna a tradição aristotélica e tomista. A hermenêutica jurídica, como ato de conhecimento, compreende um exercício intelectual de vertente técnica, mas está fundamentalmente atrelada a um juízo de caráter subjetivo, de dimensão interior de seu agente, como ato da vontade em direção à justiça comandado a partir da consciência moral. Daí a indissociável conexão entre direito e moral, na perspectiva das virtudes da prudentia e da iustitia, com todo o seu vigoroso potencial pedagógico para o ensino jurídico através do \"método do caso\", com as imensas e positivas implicações para o aprimoramento do direito, a persecução do ideal de justiça e a vida em sociedade daí decorrentes. / The methodology of education is not indifferent to the development of the ethical values of the law student and the society, on the juridical side. If law education has no ethical concerns, is formalistic, arid and not connected with reality as a whole, the reaction of the jurist and of the society before law will also tend to be without ethical concerns, formalistic and arid, nurturing the lack of prestige of law, of the institutions that create and interpret the juridical institutes and of the administration of justice itself. Therefore, the implementation of a pedagogical method of law teaching which makes it possible to irradiate ethical values of great significance, particularly in the course of Fundamental Rights and Warranties, in its modern conception of Human Rights, would lead to meaningful positive effects on the moral and legal conscience of the society, in the creation, interpretation and application of the laws. This is because, from the ethical perspective, based on the classic philosophical tradition, there is an inseparable relationship between the virtue of prudentia, which is an act of intelligence directed to the command of action, and the virtue of iustitia, as a decisive attitude towards the recognition of the right of one\'s fellow, with all its broad dimension of alterity (iustitia est ad alterum). The adoption of a pedagogic instrument which brings the reality, in its entire contingency, concreteness and graveness, to the classroom - strongly connecting man\'s being to ethics, in direction of the full realization of the individual and of the society in the perspective of the bonum commune hominis and bonum commune communitatis - should allow the student to abandon a tendency to apathy and passivity in classroom. Such dynamism in law education is feasible through the use of \"case method\", by which the reality of law, learned from court decisions in concrete cases - by the jurisprudentia, which would represent the prudentia of the ius -, is object of reflections and discussion in class, moving the centre of gravity from the professor to the students, who become the core of the education process in classroom. The knowledge of actual court cases would allow the law student to comprehend the general principles which comprise the legal system and life in society and to inquiry about the ideal of justice, of a jusnaturalist conception, which supports the recognition of the fellow citizen, which is the basis of tolerance and would allow the human experience of encounter and coexistence with the fellow human. On the ethical and pedagogical dimension, the affinities of the \"case method\" with the virtue of prudentia are magnificent. The \"case method\" expresses the consubstantiation, the completion of the education for the prudentia in relation to the first part of the virtue, headed for \"seeing reality as it is\" with all of its contingency, graveness and concretion, and with regard to the other part of the moral precept set towards commanding the action to the morally correct attitude, in the legal perspective of the ideal of justice in a concrete situation in the hic et nunc of the reality. Legal knowledge is the outcome of education and practical experience, as the virtues of prudentia and iustitia are learned ex doctrina et experimento, in accordance with the Aristotelian and Thomistic tradition. The legal hermeneutic, as an act of knowledge, follows an intellectual exercise of a technical character, but is fundamentally linked to a subjective judgment arising from the internal dimension of its agent, as an act of will towards justice, driven by the moral conscience. This results in the indissoluble connection between law and moral, from the perspective of the virtues of prudentia and iustitia, with all of their vigorous pedagogical potential for the education of law through the \"case method\", with its vast and positive implications to the improvement of law, the pursue of the ideal of justice and the life in society.

Aplicação dos princípios da razoabilidade e da proporcionalidade na jurisprudência tributária brasileira

Silva, Ana Paula Caldin da 12 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:33:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Paula Caldin da Silva.pdf: 472983 bytes, checksum: bc775c0a7de4347bb88288601e900dd3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-12 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This study approaches the concept, origin and evolution of reasonableness and proportionality, as well as their relationship with some constitutional warranties. It analyses the importance of these principles at the examination, by the Judiciary, of the legislator s discretion. It verifies the application of the reasonableness and proportionality by the superior courts on tax demands, from the elements of tax obligation material, spatial, temporal, quantitative and personal. It also examines the application of these principles at the international tax jurisprudence, from countries like Germany, Spain, Argentina and United States. It concludes defining the roles of reasonableness and proportionality at the defense of taxpayer s constitutional warranties. / Este estudo aborda o conceito, a origem e a evolução dos princípios da razoabilidade e da proporcionalidade, bem como suas possíveis diferenças e sua relação com determinadas garantias constitucionais. Analisa a importância destes princípios no exame da discricionariedade do legislador pelo Poder Judiciário. Verifica a aplicação dos princípios da razoabilidade e da proporcionalidade pelos tribunais superiores em demandas tributárias, a partir dos elementos da obrigação tributária material, espacial, quantitativo, temporal e pessoal. Confere a aplicação destes princípios na jurisprudência tributária internacional, mais especificamente de países como Alemanha, Espanha, Argentina e Estados Unidos. Conclui definindo o papel da razoabilidade e da proporcionalidade na defesa das garantias constitucionais do contribuinte.

特約條款之檢討與重構 / The examination and reconstruction of express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan

陳豐年, Chen, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
由於過度粗糙立法、缺乏相關深入研究暨流於形式之契約解釋取向,臺灣保險契約法第二章第三節特約條款制度實沈苛已深而積重難返,亟待立法者、司法者及主管機關進行大幅度改造。本文研究聚焦於探討該制度-相當於英美保險契約法之明示擔保條款-起源、本質暨新近發展,並研擬相關修法提案俾供後續立法者與研究者參酌。基此,本文擬採用法律經濟分析、實證分析與比較法等研究方式加以進行。從英美法系各國之立法潮流可發現,契約基礎條款因違反合理期待原則而遭多數國家揚棄。此從英格蘭暨蘇格蘭法律委員會目前保險契約法修法暫時提案,以及澳洲1984年保險契約法第24條規定即可窺見一斑。再者,鑑於肯定擔保條款當初建制基礎已消失殆盡,包含英國、澳洲及紐西蘭皆採取以不實陳述制度取代肯定擔保條款之立法,俾以達成較為公平之規範結果。至於允諾擔保條款部分,增加損失與違反行為間因果關係要件實已蔚為潮流,包含英國、美國數州、澳洲及紐西蘭相關立法皆為適例。此外,相較於無效、得撤銷抑或自動向後免責,賦予保險人契約終止權誠屬較佳之法律效果,已獲各國之共識。職是之故,本文主張應修改特約條款有關肯定特約部分相關文字,使同法第64條據實說明制度可取代之,俾產生較有效率之核保資訊提供制度。另一方面,允諾擔保條款內容應限縮於與危險有關之重要性事項。此外,應考慮增加損失與違反行為間因果關係要件,並使保險人於無因果關係之情形得以主張就系爭損失免責。鑑於解除權易使法律關係趨於複雜,本文建議應以契約終止權取代現行契約解除權較佳。又在前述修法前,法院得透過契約解釋方式緩和現行法弊端,而行政院金融監督管理委員會亦得透過保險商品審查機制過濾不妥之約款加以因應。 / Express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan provoke a great number of dilemmas in both theory and practice due to oversimplified legislation, a paucity of related studies and formalism of contract construction. This study aims not only at exploring the origin, nature and development of the institution for the purpose of elucidating pros and cons of express warranties, but also at providing an amendment to express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan. The dissertation achieves the dual goals by way of comparative study and economic analysis of law. Obviously, abolition of “basis of the contract clause”-an obsolete and bitterly-criticized contract term- has been an uncontroversial trend around the world on the grounds of reasonable expectations. English and Scottish Law Commissions’ tentative proposals, as well as Section 24 of Australian Insurance Contracts Act 1984, sets an excellent example. Also, with an eye to the collapse of affirmative warranties’ keystones, several countries, including the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand, substitute misrepresentation for affirmative warranties for the purpose of leveling the playing field. As for promissory warranties, requirement of causal link between losses and breach of promissory warranties has gained a dominant position in the U.K., the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand on the grounds that considerable unfairness to policyholders would arise in the absence of it. In addition, the insurers’ right to terminate contracts has been generally regarded as a more superior legal effect than III rendering contracts void or avoid, even the insurer automatically discharged from liability. Based upon these foreign legislation and other considerations, the dissertation proposes the third section “express warranties” of insurance law in Taiwan should be amended thoroughly. Affirmative warranties in the section should be substantially supersede by misrepresentation set forth in article 64, since the latter is capable of inducing the insured to provide necessary information for the insurer in a more efficient way than is the former. On the other hand, promissory warranties of insurance law in Taiwan should be reconstructed by adding the requirement of causal connection to the insurer’s right not liable for specific losses. Furthermore, this dissertation also advocates that legislators replace the insurer’s right to avoid with the right to terminate on the basis of evading complicated legal relationship. Besides, in advance of amending aforementioned articles, the dissertation suggests that courts in Taiwan mitigate harsh effects via contract construction, and regulators should filter inappropriate or nominal warranties from insurance policies by means of administrative screening mechanism.

Substituto processual: limites subjetivos da coisa julgada em relação ao substituído diante das garantias constitucionais do acesso à justiça e do contraditório

Silva, Nelson Finotti 18 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:27:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nelson Finotti Silva.pdf: 641484 bytes, checksum: c62ded32b692de9f2155433548f61762 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-18 / Since the 1988 Constitution, Brazilian procedural system has suffered deep changes with the inclusion of principles and procedural warranties within it. These did not exist before and provoke effects into all civil procedural jural order. The principles and constitutional warranties are the basis of the procedural system, remanding the right operator to investigate and reread the procedural rules from National Constitution. The Constitution is embodied in a historical period and cannot be separated from this time concrete reality. The principles and the warranties point the direction and whatever the rule supported by them is not supposed to contradict the imposed North; thus, the interpreter has no right to any conclusion that might vitiate all constitutional structure. It is undisputed that the1988 Constitution has brought a new conception of State and the values assured by it. Specifically concerning the civil procedure, the procedural system, as mentioned before, supported by constitutional fundamental principles and imposing a jural political order as a whole, has been maintained upon four bases: the jurisdiction, the action, the defense and the proceeding. These constitute the normative constitutional structure and the present work seeks to, through examining the constitutional principles and warranties of the access to justice and adversary, reevaluate the institute of procedural substitute and the res judicata in the presence of constitutional normative force of mentioned principles and warranties / A partir da Constituição de 1988, o sistema processual brasileiro sofreu profundas mudanças com a inclusão de princípios e garantias processuais no corpo da Lei Maior, os quais antes não existiam e irradiam efeitos sobre todo o ordenamento jurídico processual civil. Os princípios e garantias constitucionais são estruturantes do sistema processual, remetendo o operador do direito a investigar e reler as normas processuais a partir da Constituição Federal. A Constituição está condicionada a um momento histórico, não podendo se separar desta realidade concreta de seu tempo. A nova realidade constitucional resgatou a força normativa da Constituição. Os princípios e garantias apontam a direção e qualquer que seja a norma que neles se sustenta, não pode contrariar o norte imposto; não cabe, pois, ao intérprete nenhuma conclusão que possa contrariar os princípios e garantias constitucionais, sob pena de comprometer toda a estrutura constitucional. Não há a menor dúvida de que a Constituição de 1988 trouxe uma nova concepção de Estado e valores por ele protegidos e, no que diz respeito ao processo civil em particular, o sistema processual, como já afirmado, sustentado em princípios fundamentais constitucionais impondo uma ordem político-jurídica como um todo, tem a sua sustentação em quatro alicerces: a jurisdição, a ação, a defesa e o processo. Constituem estes a estrutura normativa constitucional e o presente trabalho procura, através do exame dos princípios e garantias constitucionais do acesso à justiça e do contraditório, rever o instituto do substituto processual e a coisa julgada, diante da força normativa constitucional dos princípios e garantias mencionados

Autonomia privada e licença para mentir: uma investigação sobre a possibilidade de limitação contratual da responsabilidade por dolo

Sabadin, Mariana Guerra January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Guerra Sabadin (mariana.sabadin@gmail.com) on 2015-11-30T15:55:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão Final Apresentada à Direito GV | 30.11.2015.pdf: 1365128 bytes, checksum: be63412ebe9b39f69c030581c4e2858d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2015-11-30T16:55:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão Final Apresentada à Direito GV | 30.11.2015.pdf: 1365128 bytes, checksum: be63412ebe9b39f69c030581c4e2858d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-01T11:19:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão Final Apresentada à Direito GV | 30.11.2015.pdf: 1365128 bytes, checksum: be63412ebe9b39f69c030581c4e2858d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / This master’s dissertation aims at investigating whether the parties to business deals executed in accordance with Brazilian law can evoke the party autonomy to – through the inclusion in the contract of mechanisms imported from the common law – such as representations and warranties, rules regarding indemnification and limitation of liability (generally accompanied by exclusive remedy clauses), entire agreement clauses and disclaimer os reliance clauses –, limit their extracontractual liability for fraud (dolo) set forth in the Brazilian Civil Code and, therefore, create a true license to lie. In view of the lack of judicial precedents on this issue in Brazil, this dissertation analyzes the case 'Abry Partners V, L.P. v. F&W Acquisition LLC, C.A. No. 1756-N' examined by the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware in 2006 in order to (i) comprehend – according to the decision of such Court of Chancery and to the foreign literature that has studied the case – the intended and actual effects of such clauses and mechanisms within the common law system; and, afterwards, (ii) attempt to understand – according to the principles applicable to the formation, conclusion and interpretation of commercial agreements in Brazil (such as the objective good faith) – how the Brazilian Judiciary should conduct the accommodation and/or adaption of such clauses and mechanisms to Brazilian law. / A presente dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo investigar se as partes de negócios jurídicos empresariais celebrados à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro podem evocar a autonomia privada para, por meio da inserção no contrato de mecanismos importados da common law – como as declarações e garantias, as regras de indenização e limitação de responsabilidades (frequentemente acompanhadas de disposição de remédio exclusivo), as cláusulas de entendimento integral e os dispositivos de disclaimer of reliance –, estabelecer limites à responsabilidade extracontratual por dolo prevista no Código Civil e, assim, criar contratualmente verdadeira licença para mentir. Para tanto, dada a ausência de jurisprudência brasileira a esse respeito, parte-se da análise do caso Abry Partners V, L.P. v. F&W Acquisition LLC, C.A. No. 1756-N, examinado pela Court of Chancery do estado norte-americano de Delaware em 2006. Busca-se, então, compreender – com base na decisão proferida em tal caso e na doutrina estrangeira que sobre ela se debruçou – os efeitos pretendidos e obtidos, no âmbito da common law, pela inserção das cláusulas e mecanismos mencionados acima e, posteriormente, segue-se – de acordo com os princípios que regem a formação, a conclusão e a intepretação dos contratos comerciais no Brasil (tal como a boa-fé objetiva) – rumo ao exame de como o Poder Judiciário brasileiro tenderá a conduzir a acomodação e/ou adaptação de tais mecanismos e cláusulas ao direito pátrio.

La motivation par le juge judiciaire / No English title available

Richard, Gwennaëlle 27 April 2015 (has links)
Objet connu de la recherche juridique, sujet à la mode, la motivation n'a pourtant pas livré tous ses mystères, lien éthéré entre le processus décisionnel, avec lequel on voudrait parfois la confondre, et l'instrumentum du jugement, auquel elle ne peut se réduire. Propulsée sur le devant de la scène par les (r)évolutions de la place du juge dans notre ordre social et processuel, elle est marquée d'une ambigüité essentielle. Envisagée comme un devoir, la motivation apparaît comme un processus de légitimation interne et externe de la décision du juge judiciaire, dont l'aboutissement repose sur une triple vertu : vertu introspective d'abord, par laquelle le magistrat est amené, dans l'intimité de sa conscience de juge, à une réflexion renouvelée sur sa décision ; vertu processuelle, ensuite, par laquelle on s'assure du respect par le juge des droits processuels et substantiels ; vertu pédagogique enfin, marquant l'ambition d'une justice comprise et acceptée. Envisagée comme un pouvoir, la motivation est à la fois le révélateur et l'instrument de la participation du juge judiciaire à un véritable dialogue normatif et éthique, au-delà de son office strictement juridictionnel. C'est par-delà cette ambiguïté essentielle de la motivation, à la fois devoir et pouvoir, que se dévoile, entre confiance et espérances, le renouveau de la fonction du juge à l'aube du XXIème siècle / The legal basis for decisions, a well-known and fashionable subject of legal research, has yet to yield up all its secrets: it constitutes the insubstantial link between the decision-making process, with which it is sometimes confused, and the instrumentum of the judgment which cannot be regarded as its sole component. (R)evolutions in thinking concerning the position of the judge in both social and procedural contexts have propelled the question to the forefront, and its very essence is ambiguous. Initially regarded as a duty, the requirement to give a legal basis for a decision comes across as a process of internal and external legitimisation of the judge’s findings, and its finality is based upon a threefold virtue. Firstly the virtue of introspection whereby the judge is led, in the privacy of his conscience, to undertake a renewed reflection on his or her decision. Secondly the virtue of good procedure whereby the respect by the judge of procedural and substantive rights is assured. Finally, there is the pedagogical virtue of a system of justice which sets out to be understood and accepted. Initially regarded as a power, the legal basis for decisions both reveals and enables the participation of the judge in a truly normative and ethical dialogue which goes beyond the strictly jurisdictional context of his office. Thus it is through this ambiguity between duty and power which constitutes the essence of the legal basis for decisions that is heralded, at the dawn of the 21st century, in a climate of confidence and hope, the renewal of the judicial function.

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