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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

數學焦慮認知與情意影響數學內在動機、自我概念與成就之模式:以PISA 2003香港資料為例

林姿諭, Lin, Zih-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用PISA 2003資料庫為例,說明數學焦慮之認知與情意,如何影響學生數學內在動機、自我概念與成就的機制。本研究的研究對象,為香港十五歲學生,並採取整列剔除法(listwise deletion)刪除作答不全的缺失值與極端值,共計取得有效樣本為4,397人,其中男生2,168位,女生2,229位。研究結果顯示:第一、數學焦慮之認知與情意模式獲得驗證;第二、數學焦慮之認知與情意除了直接影響數學成就之外,還能經由數學內在動機與自我概念,對數學成就產生間接影響。 / The purpose of the present study was to assess the influence of mathematics anxiety (including the cognitive and affective dimensions), mathematics intrinsic motivation, and mathematics self-concept on mathematics achievement. Participants were 4,397 9th-grade students from Hong Kong who attended PISA 2003 study. The results of confirmatory factor analyses supported the theoretical distinction between cognitive and affective dimensions of mathematics anxiety. The analysis of structural equation modeling confirmed that the cognitive and affective dimensions of mathematics anxiety can predict mathematics achievement through the mediating effect of mathematics intrinsic motivation and mathematics self-concept.

國民中小學學生電腦態度.電腦素養及其相關因素之研究 / A Study of Attitude and Literacy Toward Computer and Relationships about Junior Secondary and Primary School Students

蔣姿儀, Chiang, Tzu-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解國民中小學學生學習電腦相關行為及現況,本研究以台北市國民中學三年級學生1251人及國小六年級學生1201人為研究對象,經運用電腦經驗調查表.認知需求量表.數學焦慮量表.電腦態度量表及電腦素養測驗卷等研究工具,獲得所需的資料,再以chi-square考驗.皮爾遜積差相關. t-test.典型相關.多元(逐步)迴歸及因徑分析等方法進行統計分析,結果 有以下幾點發現: 一. 國民中小學學生電腦經驗.電腦資源.電腦態度與電腦素養現況方面 1. 國中與國小學生之電腦經驗有顯著的差異存在. 2. 國中與國小學生之電腦資源部份有顯著的差異. 3. 國中與國小男女學生之電腦經驗部份有顯著的差異存在. 4. 國中與國小男女學生之電腦資源部份有顯著的差異存在. 5. 國中學生與國小學生在電腦焦慮與電腦有用性兩電腦態度上有顯著差異. 6. 國民中小學男學生之電腦態度(焦慮與自信)顯著較女生好. 7. 國中學生之電腦素養(軟硬體.應用與影響.操作.倫理)顯著較國中學生佳. 8. 國民中小學男學生之電腦素養(軟硬體.應用與影響.操作)顯著較女生佳. 二. 影響國中小學生電腦態度方面 1. 電腦經驗與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關. 2. 電腦資源與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關. 3.認知需求與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關. 4. 數學焦慮與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之相關. 5. 數學成就與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關. 6. 認知需求.每星期使用電腦的時間.每星期閱讀電腦書籍及雜誌的.家中電腦週邊設備的情形.自己或與他人共同使用電腦以及是否有電腦學前經驗等六個變項對國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著的預測效果,預測解釋力為32%. 三. 影響國中小學生電腦素養方面 1. 電腦經驗與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關. 2. 電腦資源與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關. 3. 認知需求與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關. 4. 數學焦慮與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之相關. 5. 數學成就與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關. 6. 每星期閱讀電腦書籍及雜誌的時間.家中電腦週邊設備的情形.自己或與他人共同使用電腦.電腦焦慮.電腦自信以及電腦喜歡等六個變項對國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著的預測效果,預測解釋力約為52%.四.整合模式分析方面1. 國中學生之電腦經驗與電腦資源對其電腦素養之影響,主要是來自直接效果的影響(經驗:57.32%;資源:73.31%), 而認知需求對電腦素養之影響主要是透過電腦態度間接效果的影響(89.06%).2. 電腦經驗與電腦資源對國小學生電腦素養之影響, 來自間接效果的影響約佔(經驗: 67.55%;資源:52.32%),認知需求對國小電腦素養的影響主要是透過電腦態度的間接效果,佔61.29%. With the expansion of computer technology, it is important to prepare individuals for success in our increasingly computerized society. Therefore,factors that impact decisions regarding attitude and literacy of computer should be expored. Several factors should be considered: (1) individual characteristics, (2) computer experience, (3) computer resource, (4) cognitiveneed, (5) mathematics anxiety, and (6) mathematics achievement. The purposes of this study were : (1) To find out the situation of information education in junior secondaryand primary school at present; (2) To find out the situation of the computer attitude and literacy in junior secondary and primary school students at present; (3) To examine the relationship and effects toward computer attitudes and literacy of many factors. 1251 junior secondary and 1201 primary school students were measured by (1)individual characteristics and computer experience questionnare, (2) Cognitive Need Scale , (3) Mathematics Anxiety Scale , (4) Computer Attitude Scale, and(5) Computer Literacy Test. The mainly statistical methods are chi-square, pearson product moment correlation, t-test, canonical correlation analysis, multiple(stepwise) regression analysis and path analysis. The results of the analysis of data indicated the following : (1) There were significant sex and school level differences of attitude and literacy toward computer. Boys were better than girls. Primary school students were better than junior secondary school; (2) There were significant correlations between computer experience, computer resource, cognitive need, mathematics anxiety, mathematics achievement, and computer attitude; (3) There were significant correlations between computer experience, computer resource, cognitive need, mathematics anxiety, mathematics achievement, and computer literacy; (4) Computer experience, computer resourse, cognitive need and computer attitude were significant predictors for computer literacy. Computer attitude was the best significant predictor. Recommendations were made for information education , school , family,educational organization and future additional research , to improve the attitude and literacy toward computer of junior secondary and primary school students.

焦慮與動機影響數學學習之縱貫研究 / A longitudinal study of the effect of anxiety and motivation on the learning of mathematics

王金香 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是以文獻分析、問卷調查、潛在成長模式等方法探討數學焦慮、數學學習動機與數學學業成就等三個變項的縱貫模式及因果結構模式。根據五百二十九位國三學生所填的五波調查問卷資料,進行兩部分研究。 研究一乃在估算數學焦慮、數學學習動機、數學學業成就的潛在改變量模式及 數學焦慮、數學學習動機、數學學業成就兩兩之間的因果結構模式。結果發現1.數學焦慮縱貫模式上,符合「焦慮遞增理論」;2.數學學習動機縱貫模式上,符合「動機先升後降理論」;3.數學學業成就縱貫模式上,符合「成就先升後降理論」; 4.數學焦慮與數學學習動機因果結構模式上,符合「動機焦慮交互激發效果理論」;5.數學焦慮與數學學業成就因果結構模式上,符合「焦慮成就交互抑制效果理論」;6.數學學習動機與數學學業成就因果結構模式上,符合「動機成就交互激發效果理論」。 研究二則依據研究一二變項因果結構統計驗證成立的三套理論,建構出三變項因果結構六模式,並驗證有無中介效果。結果顯示,1.前焦慮、中動機、後學業成就因果模式上,符合「動機未完全中介前焦慮、後學業成就理論」;2. 前動機、中焦慮、後學業成就因果模式上,符合「焦慮未完全中介前動機、後學業成就理論」;3.前焦慮、中學業成就、後動機因果模式上,符合「學業成就未完全中介前焦慮、後動機理論」;4.前學業成就、中焦慮、後動機因果模式上,符合「焦慮未完全中介前學業成就、後動機理論」;5. 前動機、中學業成就、後焦慮因果模式上,符合「學業成就未完全中介前動機、後焦慮理論」;6.前學業成就、中動機、後焦慮因果模式上,符合「動機未完全中介前學業成就、後焦慮理論」。 除了上述結果外,研究也對數學焦慮、數學學習動機與數學學業成就縱貫模式的趨勢與時間效果量,國三學生轉折點界定,數學焦慮、數學學習動機與數學學業成就適當模式產出及個別中介角色剖析有深入探討。 / This study, using literature review, questionnaire survey, and latent growth model, investigated the longitudinal model and causal model among math anxiety, learning motivation, and academic achievement. After collecting 529 students with 5 waves, I conducted two studies. The purpose of study 1 was to estimate the latent change model and the causal model of math anxiety, learning motivation, and academic achievement. Results showed that 1. The anxiety increasing theory was supported by the math anxiety longitudinal model. 2. The first increasing then decreasing theory was supported by the math learning motivation longitudinal model. 3. The first increasing then decreasing theory was supported by the math academic achievement longitudinal model. 4. The reciprocal activated effect theory was supported by the math anxiety and learning motivation causal models. 5. The reciprocal inhibitive effect theory was supported by the math anxiety and academic achievement causal models. 6. The reciprocal activated effect theory was supported by the math learning motivation and academic achievement causal models. According to the final three theories stated above and proved by study 1, I constructed the six causal models in order to verify the mediated effects of math anxiety, math learning motivation, and math academic achievement. I found that 1. Math learning motivation did not mediate fully the effects on early math anxiety and late math academic achievement. 2. Math anxiety did not mediate fully the effects on early math learning motivation and late math academic achievement. 3. Math academic achievement did not mediate fully the effects on early math anxiety and late math learning motivation. 4. Math anxiety did not mediate fully the effects on early math academic achievement and late math learning motivation. 5. Math academic achievement did not mediate fully the effects on early math learning motivation math and late math anxiety. 6. Math learning motivation did not mediate fully the effects on early math academic achievement and late math anxiety. In addition, the research also explored the longitudinal model trend and effect, the key period for 3rd year junior high school students, the proper models, and the mediated roles among math anxiety, learning motivation, and academic achievement.

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