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廠商競爭型態與策略性貿易政策 / Strategic Trade Policy Under Cournot-Bertrand Competition蔡守容 Unknown Date (has links)
從Brander and Spencer (1985)和Eaton and Grossman (1986)兩篇最早的策略性貿易文獻中可知,廠商的競爭型態對於政府的貿易政策有決定性的影響,數量競爭下政府於第一階段的最適策略為補貼,價格競爭則為課稅;但在目前策略性貿易的各種延伸模型中並未對競爭型態與策略性貿易政策之間的關係做討論,本文將競爭型態不一致的情況引入原始的策略性貿易模型,亦即一家廠商採取數量競爭,另家廠商採取價格競爭的情形,並與競爭型態一致的情況作比較,探討競爭型態與策略性貿易政策的關係,得到了以下主要結論:(1)政府的最適貿易政策乃看對手廠商採取的競爭型態而定,若對手廠商採取數量競爭,則無論本國廠商採取價格或是數量競爭,最適策略皆為出口補貼。若對手廠商採取價格競爭,則無論本國廠商採取價格或是數量競爭,最適策略皆為出口課稅;(2)若本國廠商採取數量競爭,外國廠商有多家且採取數量或是價格競爭,則看採取數量競爭的外國廠商還是價格競爭的外國廠商,在單位補貼下對本國廠商的邊際利潤有較大的影響力,若整體數量競爭廠商影響力較大則最適政策為出口補貼,若整體價格競爭廠商影響力較大則最適政策為出口課稅。
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產品差異下最適反傾銷稅周育生 Unknown Date (has links)
本文的目的在探討在產品不完全替代下,面對國外持續性傾銷時,若廠商分別從事Cournot數量及Bertrand價格競爭時,如何課徴反傾銷稅?結果發現若廠商進行數量競爭時則:當本國與外國傾銷品相互替代率相同及本國產品對國外傾銷品之替代率大於國外傾銷品對本國產品之替代率時,本國政府可在社會福利最大化下制定反傾銷稅率。若進行價格競爭時則:本國政府無法依社會福利最大之反傾銷稅率制定反傾銷稅率。 / The mercantilist emphasis on expanding exports while restricting imports, coupled with the expansion of productivity seen following the industrial revolution, led to the proliferation of dumping trade practices around the world. “Dumping” has been a formally-recognized and widespread phenomenon in global trade since the 1970s. Against this, national governments have also been quick to implement countervailing laws and legislation. Anti-dumping legislation has been at the fore of international trade discussions since the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) was established.
This paper addresses the issue of how countervailing duties may be most effectively assessed in situations where a national product that is not completely substitutable by import competitors suffers sustained competition from imports dumped on the market. To achieve this objective, our research examines the effects on competition that result from the manufacturer of the national product adopting, respectively, Cournot volume and Bertrand pricing strategies. The result shows that, when a volume strategy is adopted, home government imposition of countervailing duties will be able to maximize social benefit when either domestic and imported (dumped) products share a similar substitutability ratio or the substitutability ratio of the domestic product is greater than that of the imported competition. When a pricing strategy is adopted, the government is, conversely, not in a position to impose a countervailing duty that will maximize social benefit.
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