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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中文訴訟文書檢索系統雛形實作 / A Prototype of Information Services for Chinese Judicial Documents

藍家樑, Lan, Chia Liang Unknown Date (has links)
訴訟案件與日俱增,欲閱讀完所有案件顯然不容易,此時便需要一套較完善的檢索系統來輔助使用者。我們整合前人的相關研究成果,實作一套分群式檢索系統的雛形,依檢索條件搜尋相關案件,並將結果分群輸出,便於使用者對各群集進行查詢,以期減少使用者閱讀案件上的負擔,同時獲得較完整資訊。另設計文件標記與註解功能,供使用者建立個人化資料庫,便於日後檢索。 當輸入為關鍵詞時我們利用階層式分群法來為結果作分群,也以共現詞彙的概念建立的索引,列出可能的相關詞彙提供使用者作查詢;檢索條件亦可輸入一段犯罪事實,系統透過k最近鄰居法的概念,找到相似的案件,依照案由分群。另外也可以透過判決刑期分佈針對特定區間作檢索。 本系統難以進行較正規的實驗,因為這是一個使用者互動的系統,而適不適用也難有一個評定標準。我們從使用者的執行效率,以及對於分群結果的相似度與判決刑期統計來分析與討論,檢驗本系統對使用者的助益以及討論系統本身須要再改善之處。 / Because cumulative number of the judgments grows unceasingly, it is obviously not easy for the users to read all the judicial documents. They need a handier system to retrieve the judgment information. We present a prototype of clustering retrieval system for Chinese judicial documents. The system can automatically cluster and integrate the search results. It is easy for the users to focus on the information they need and pass over the others. When they read a judicial document, they can mark some parts of sentences or annotate some comments if they are interested in. We let them create the personalized database and search more easily. We can type a keyword, and then our system executes the hierarchical clustering method to cluster search results. We also can view some words which may be relative to the keyword from the collocation word lists. Besides we can input a crime description, and then our system executes the k-nearest neighbor method to classify the crime into some prosecution reason and provide the similar cases. Moreover, our system lets the users view the distribution of prison sentence lengths and the documents in the specific interval. A formal evaluation of our system is not easy because this is an interactive system. We cannot definitely judge whether it is helpful or unhelpful. We evaluated the efficiency of our system by the operations of human subjects. Besides we made some statistics about the similarity and the distribution of prison sentence lengths from the clustering results. We tried to discuss the help by our system for users and how to improve the system.

應用文字探勘分析網路團購商品群集之研究 -以美食類商品為例 / The study of analyzing group-buying goods clusters by using text mining – exemplified by the group-buying foods

趙婉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
網路團購消費模式掀起一陣風潮,隨著網路團購市場接受度提高,現今以團購方式進行購物的消費模式不斷增加,團購商品品項也日益繁多。為了使網路團購消費者更容易找到感興趣的團購商品,本研究將針對團購商品進行群集分析。 本研究以國內知名團購網站「愛合購」為例,以甜點蛋糕分類下的熱門美食團購商品為主,依商品名稱找尋該商品的顧客團購網誌文章納入資料庫中。本研究從熱門度前1000項的產品中找到268項產品擁有顧客團購網誌586篇,透過文字探勘技術從中擷取產品特徵相關資訊,並以「k最近鄰居法」為基礎建置kNN分群器,以進行群集分析。本研究依不同的k值以及分群門檻值進行分群,並對大群集進行階段式分群,單項群集進行質心合併,以尋求較佳之分群結果。 研究結果顯示,268項團購商品經過kNN分群器進行四個階段的群集分析後可獲得28個群集,群內相似度從未分群時的0.029834提升至0.177428。在經過第一階段的分群後,可將商品分為3個主要大群集,即「麵包類」、「蛋糕類」以及「其他口感類」。在進行完四個階段的分群後,「麵包類」可分為2種類型的群集,即『麵包類產品』以及『擁有麵包特質的產品』,而「蛋糕類」則是可依口味區分為不同的蛋糕群集。產品重要特徵詞彙不像一般文章的關鍵字詞會重複出現於文章中,因此在特徵詞彙過濾時應避免刪減過多的產品特徵詞彙。群集特性可由詞彙權重前20%之詞彙依人工過濾及商品出現頻率挑選出產品特徵代表詞來做描繪。研究所獲得之分群結果除了提供團購消費者選擇產品時參考外,也可幫助團購網站業者規劃更適切的行銷活動。本研究亦提出一些未來研究方向。 / Group-buying is prevailing, the items of merchandise diverse recently. In order to let consumer find the commodities they are interested in, the research focus on the cluster analysis about group-buying products and clusters products by the features of them. We catch the blogs of products posted by customers, via text mining to retrieve the features of products, and then establish the kNN clustering device to cluster them. This research sets different threshold values to test, and multiply clusters big groups, and merges small groups by centroid, we expect to obtain the best quality cluster. From the results, 268 items of group-buying foods can be divided into 28 clusters, and the mean of Intra-Similarity also can be improved. The 28 clusters can be categorized to three main clusters:Bread, Cake, and Other mouthfeel foods. We can define and name each cluster by catch the top twenty percent of the keywords in each cluster. The results of this paper could help buyers find similar commodities which they like, and also help sellers make the great marketing activity plan.

中文詞彙集的來源與權重對中文裁判書分類成效的影響 / Exploring the Influences of Lexical Sources and Term Weights on the Classification of Chinese Judgment Documents

鄭人豪, Cheng, Jen-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
國外法學資訊系統已研究多年,嘗試利用科技幫助提昇司法審判的效率。重要的議題包括輔助判決,法律文件分類,或是相似案件搜尋等。本研究將針對中文裁判書的分類做進一步談討。 在文件特徵表示方面,我們以有序詞組來表達中文裁判書,我們嘗試比較採用不同的詞彙來源對於分類效果的影響。實驗中我們分別採用一般通用的電子詞典建立一般詞組;以及以演算法取出法學專業詞彙集建立專業詞組。並依tf-idf(term frequency – inverse document frequency)的概念,設計兩種詞組權重tpf-idf(term pair frequency – inverse document frequency)以及tpf-icf(term pair frequency – inverse category frequency),來計算特徵詞組權重。 在文件分類演算法方面,我們實作以相似度為基礎的k最近鄰居法作為系統分類機制,藉由裁判書的案由欄位,將案例分為七種類別,分別為竊盜、搶奪、強盜、贓物、傷害、恐嚇以及賭博。並藉由觀察案例資料庫的相似度分佈,以找出恰當的參數,進一步得到較佳的分類正確率與較低的拒絕率。 我們並依照自省式學習法的精神,建立權重調整的機制。企圖藉由自省式學習法提昇分類效果,以及找出對分類有影響的詞組。而我們以案例資料庫的相似度差異值以及距離差異值,分析調整前後案例資料庫的變化,藉以觀察自省式學習法的效果。 / Legal information systems for non-Chinese languages have been studied intensively in the past many years. There are several topics under discussion, such as judgment assistance, legal document classification, and similar case search, and so on. This thesis studies the classification of Chinese judgment documents. I use phrases as the indices for documents. I attempt to compare the influences of different lexical sources for segmenting Chinese text. One of the lexical sources is a general machine-readable dictionary, Hownet, and the other is the set of terms algorithmically extracted from legal documents. Based on the concept of tf-idf, I design two kinds of phrase weights: tpf-idf and tpf-icf. In the experiments, I use the k-nearest neighbor method to classify Chinese judgment documents into seven categories based on their prosecution reasons: larceny(竊盜), robbery (搶奪), robbery by threatening or disabling the victims (強盜), receiving stolen property (贓物), causing bodily harm (傷害), intimidation (恐嚇), and gambling(賭博). To achieve high accuracy with low rejection rates, I observe and discuss the distribution of similarity of the training documents to select appropriate parameters. In addition, I also conduct a set of analogous experiments for classifying documents based on the cited legal articles for gambling cases. To improve the classification effects, I apply the introspective learning technique to adjust the weights of phrases. I observe the intra-cluster similarity and inter-cluster similarity in evaluating the effects of weight adjustment on experiments for classifying documents based on their prosecution reasons and cited articles.

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