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檢視違約風險利差、期限利差來代表規模效果、市淨比效果之能力 / How to use default spread and term spread to proxy size effect and B/M ratio effect陳冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的旨在探討 Fama & French 三因子模型中,其所提及之高市淨率公 司相較低市淨率公司的風險貼水(HML), 規模效應風險貼水(SMB)兩因子,究竟可 以用哪一種總體經濟風險貼水來表徵?小公司相較大公司而言,因為其財務體質、 財務槓桿、乃至於信用狀況都普遍比大公司還要來的差,因而產生潛在的報酬差 異,但這個報酬差異,究竟是哪一種風險的風險溢酬?而成熟型股票相對於成長 型股票而言,因其已經處於成熟階段,往往此一階段之公司賬面舉債高,故價值 型股票之公司往往面臨巨額的利息費用,可以想見其獲利能力普遍會比成長型股 票還差,既然獲利能力較差,又因為價值型股票通常舉債程度都相對高的情況下, 到底哪種風險是造成價值型股票必須給予風險溢酬?依據本文的實證發現,上述 兩種狀況分別為成熟型公司相對於成長型公司,存在財務困境風險貼水,因為成 熟型公司是高市淨率(high 市淨率(B/M) ratio)而成長型公司是低市淨率(low 市淨 率(B/M) ratio),所以高市淨率公司相對於低市淨率公司確實存在風險貼水,依照 Hahn & Lee (2006),其發現此風險貼水可以利用期限利差(term spread)來代表, 另外,規模較小的公司相對於大公司而言也必須要給予額外的貼水,此稱為違約 風險貼水(Default Spread)。Hahn & Lee (2006)研究發現,小公司相較於大公司、 低市淨率相較高市淨率確實都存在貼水,本文的研究目的即為探討其在台灣股票 市場的真實性。研究期間為西元 2005 年至 2014 年,研究樣本為此期間上市公 司共六百多間的股票報酬率。
透過本篇研究的實證結果發現,在台灣的股票市場中,在大公司與小公司之 間,確實存在著風險報酬之差異,另外,在高市淨率與低市淨率的公司之間,也 存在著報酬之差異,因此我們可以試著思考,違約風險貼水以及財務困境風險貼 水是否真的存在。
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規模因子、淨值市價比因子與總體經濟訊息相互關係,並對台灣股票報酬的影響 / The Relationship among Size Factor、Book-to-Market Factor and News related to Macroeconomics, Discussing the Influence on Taiwan Stock Market that Size Factor、Book-to-Market Factor Make.邱顯貴, Chiu, Hsien Kuei Unknown Date (has links)
本文引用Petkova(2006)所制定出來的模型及概念,探討Fama-French因子是否能作為投資機會的預測變數,並分析台灣股票市場風險溢酬(risk premium)與總體經濟變數間的關係。本文使用的總體經濟變數包括:規模效果因子(SMB)、淨值市價比效果因子(HML)、市場因子(market factor)、違約利差(default spread)、期限利差(term spread)、一個月期定存利率(RF)及股利收益率(dividend yield)。除此之外,本文亦以VAR系統表達每個狀態變數的動態特徵,討論公司治理因子與總體經濟變數(macroeconomic variables)間的關聯,並比較總體經濟變數與公司治理因子分別對股票超額報酬的解釋能力。
本研究以台灣股票市場為研究樣本,資料期間為2005年11月至2014年4月,共102個月的月報酬為研究主體。實證結果可發現:(1)本研究的價值型的股票(value stock)具有較高的風險溢酬,成長型股票(Growth stock)擁有較低的風險溢酬;而台灣上市公司也存在顯著規模效果,小市值公司具有較高的風險溢酬,大市值公司擁有較低的風險溢酬。(2)在大市值的分類下,期限利差(term spread)與淨值市價比因子(HML)呈現正向變動。在小市值的分類下,期限利差(term spread)與淨值市價比因子(HML)呈現反向變動;違約利差(default spread)則與規模效果因子(SMB)呈現正向變動。 / We use the model and concept that Petkova(2006) formulated to discuss if Fama-French factors can be the predictable variables of investment opportunity and analysis the relationship between risk premium and macroeconomic variables on Taiwan stock market. There are many macroeconomic variables in the article:Size factor(SMB)、book-to-market factor(HML)、market factor、default spread、term spread、one-month deposit interest rate and dividend yield. We capture the dynamic characters of every variables through VAR system to analyze the relationship French-French factors and macroeconomic variables. Furthermore, we compare the relationship between SMB and default spread, HML and term spread through the first step of Fama-MacBeth way.
We can make two important conclusions through empirical evidence:(1) The risk premium is higher in value stocks than in growth stock, which means there is prominent book-to-market effect on Taiwan stock market. Moreover, the risk premium is higher in small firms than in large firms, which means there is magnificent size effect on Taiwan stock market.(2) The behavior that default spread has is the same as SMB factor in any book-to-market ratio criteria. However, the behavior that term spread has is the same as HML factor only in big capitalization criteria.
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總體商業訊息與台灣股票報酬之關係:以Fama-MacBeth兩階段方法實證 / News Related to Macroeconomics and Taiwan Stock Market Return: Using two-step Fama-MacBeth Procedure王崇育, Wang, Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
實證方法採用Fama-MacBeth(1973)兩階段迴歸方法,Fama-French三因子模型實證結果顯示台灣股票市場存在著負向的淨值市價比效果,但卻不存在著規模效果,這與國外一些學者研究1980年代之後規模效果逐漸消失的結論相同。在實證未預期到的總體經濟訊息模型時,由於被解釋變數為股票超額報酬率,因此常數項應該為不顯著的關係,但此假設強烈的被未預期到的總體經濟訊息模型拒絕,代表此模型可能遺漏了重要的解釋變數。因此,Fama-French 三因子模型對台灣股票橫斷面平均報酬率的解釋能力比未預期到的總體經濟訊息模型更佳。 / The Fama and French factors HML and SMB are correlated with innovations in variables that describe investment opportunities. I find that shocks to term spread and shocks to default spread have the same information with the Fama and French factors HML and SMB. This paper investigates whether a model that includes shocks to the aggregate dividend yield and term spread, default spread, and one-month deposit interest rate can explain the cross section of average return on Taiwan stock market as well as the Fama and French can.
Using the Fama-MacBeth (1973) two steps cross-sectional regressions, I find there exists the negative book-to-market effect on Taiwan stock market, but the size effect disappears. Since the dependent variables in the regression is excess returns, the intercept of the cross-sectional regression should be zero. This hypothesis is strongly rejected in the case of the model includes shocks to the Macroeconomics variables and the market portfolio. It means this model omits some important variables, so the Fama and French three-factor model can explain the cross section of average returns better.
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