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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林慧青, Lin, Hui-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
小說之中涉及「末世」與「濟度」主題的就被稱為「末世濟度」類型小說,所以並不限於「神魔」小說,而是包括其他各種的題材。但小說的內容若只觸及人間亂象,只能說是以亂世為背景的小說;因為在道教的「末世濟度」觀中,「濟度」是一個不可抽離的核心觀念,所以「末世濟度」類型小說就必須同時含有「末世」與「濟度」兩個主題,作品中必須具有神秘力量的授權,才能稱之為「末世濟度」類型小說,否則只能說是豪俠小說罷了。「末世」這個主題出現在眾多的明清小說之中,為了能正確地看待這些作品,本文決定以道教的「末世濟度」觀為切入點,重新分析清人李百川的《綠野仙蹤》,希望能賦予本書新的價值,也為其在小說史上尋得正確的定位。 《綠野仙蹤》的版本大致分為百回抄本與八十回刻本兩種,因為百回抄本中保留了較多的道教末世思想,所以本文主要是以百回本為研究的對象,為了便於了解道教的末世觀,本文在第三章中比較詳細地敘述道教的末世思想。 在神話敘事模式方面,本書將世界區分為人間與仙界兩個不同的空間,而以「末世」這一段共同的時間貫穿兩個世界。末世時的人間亂象橫生,除了朝綱不振、五倫失序,還有異於人類的精怪作祟;而仙界中的神仙亦有觸犯罪律的可能,犯了罪的神仙會被逐出仙界謫降於人間。末世時的人間存在了謫仙、精怪與凡人,三者的共同點是身負罪孽,所以不斷朝向劫數的一方沈淪,終至難逃一死。而救劫者的適時點化,給予知錯能改的凡人一條生路,也就是只要遵循正道鍥而不捨地修煉就可以獲得救度,終有一天可以成仙;但若故態復萌,就只有墮入劫數的深淵。成仙之後也不可忘了要繼續修道,否則又會因犯罪而謫凡,這就是書中所要表達的道教循環不已的宇宙觀。 在「末世與濟度」的主題方面,度人者的首要任務是度脫仙才,只要是誠心向道者,無論是何種身分都能被度脫,只要潛心修道,也皆可成為神仙。此外,度人者還需執行替天行道的任務,以其「非常」的能力處理「正常」法律所無法約束的事件。度人者要度脫一個人,首先要試煉他有無道心,被度者因為在生活上出現困境,或是生命安全遭受威脅,因驚覺人生無常,所以決定出家修道,這是度人者利用災的告譴讓被度者從紅塵中醒悟。若是無法在現實生活中讓被度者醒悟,度人者就會利用夢境來點化他,也就是讓被度者在夢中享盡榮華富貴,再利用死亡的惡鏡頭讓其驚醒,使其切身感受到人生如夢的虛幻。 經過前述的分析之後,本文認為應該站在更宏觀的角度,將《綠野仙蹤》視為宗教文學的一部分;若再細分則屬於「超凡入聖型」的道教「末世濟度」類型小說。

中國明清時期的黃天道:宗教與政治層面的考察 / The Huangtian Dao in Ming-Qing China: An Investigation of Its Religious and Political Dimensions

吳昕朔, Wu. Hsin-suo Unknown Date (has links)

密爾頓與十七世紀英國千禧年思想 / Milton and Seventeenth-Century English Millenarianism

趙星皓, Chao,Hsing hao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以十七世紀英國千禧年思想為脈絡,從神學的角度檢視密爾頓千禧年思想的發展。千禧年思想在十六世紀時被斥為異端,但卻在十七世紀初興起,並於英國大革命時達到前所未有的高峰。密爾頓早年並未相信千禧年王國會降臨人世。從密爾頓1640年之前所寫的短詩中,我們發現他期待這個世界結束後,接續而來的是天國。然而隨著內戰爆發,密爾頓也受到當時盛行的千禧年思想所感染;因而在其反對聖公會神職制度文章中,密爾頓熱切企盼基督早日再臨人世,建立千禧年王國。唯此熱度很快就消退,直到1649年查爾斯一世戰敗後,密爾頓又重燃對千禧年王國的渴望。在為弒君辯護的文章中,密爾頓懇求基督速速降臨,在這個世界興起第五王國。但1652年眼睛全盲後,密爾頓對於忍耐有了更深刻的「洞視」,因而也重新調整他的千禧年思想。密爾頓終於體認到主的日子是無法預測的,人只能忍耐等候神。但他仍然持守對於千禧年王國的信仰。1660年當查爾斯二世即將復辟之時,密爾頓最後一次表達他的千禧年思想。他希望英國共和體制能延續到千禧年王國的來臨。然而這次他並未表達對千禧年王國的急切性。在密爾頓的兩部史詩──《失樂園》與《復樂園》──當中,我們看不到任何的千禧年思想。老詩人似乎重拾他早年的思想:天國的盼望。但同時密爾頓也鼓吹大家追求神在人內心創建的樂園;也就是說,神的國已經降臨:神的國並不是外在物質的邦國,而是內在屬靈的國度。 / This dissertation aims to discuss Milton in the context of seventeenth-century English millenarianism. The writer examines the development of Milton’s millenarian ideas through a theological lens. Millenarianism was condemned heretical in the sixteenth century, but it arose at the beginning of the seventeenth century and reached its zenith during the English Revolution. At first, Milton did not believe in the realization of an earthly millennial kingdom. In his early short poems written before 1640, we only find his hope for a kingdom of heaven after the end of the world. However, with the outbreak of the Civil War, Milton was influenced by the then widespread millenarianism, and in his anti-prelatical tracts he expected the imminent coming of Christ to inaugurate an earthly kingdom of God. But his fervency for millenarianism was soon quenched, and was not rekindled until the defeat of Charles I in 1649. In his regicide tracts, he urged the imminence of Christ’s Advent to usher in a terrestrial fifth monarchy. Yet his total blindness in 1652 gave him a deeper “insight” into the value of patience, causing him to readjust his attitude toward millenarianism. After two wrong guesses, Milton finally came to realize in terms of experience that the Day of the Lord was unpredictable, and that all he could do was to wait patiently for God’s time. But he still maintained his belief in the realization of an earthly kingdom of God. On the eve of the Restoration of Charles II in 1660, Milton for the last time uttered his millenarian hope. He wished the English Commonwealth would last until the arrival of God’s millennial kingdom. Only this time he did not urge its imminence. Millenarianism was absent in Milton’s two epics—Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. In them the old bard seemed to resume his earlier stance: anticipating a heavenly kingdom of God. But he also emphasized the importance of enjoying a paradise within heart—that is, the kingdom of God has already arrived, and it is not an external, physical monarchy, but an inward, spiritual realm.

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