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海巡署機動查緝隊人員工作滿足之研究 / A Study on the Job Satisfaction of Reconnaissance Brigade of Coast Guard Administration程良波, Cheng, Liang Po Unknown Date (has links)
本研究區分工作特性、薪資福利、升遷機會及離職傾向等四分析面向,藉由文獻探討、參與觀察及深度訪談方式,邀請11名現任、曾任或離職之查緝人員受訪,找出其促進工作滿足之顯著因素,並窺探其內心真實感受以及是否產生離職傾向。依據研究發現結果,提出下列建議:一、調整人員薪資待遇。二、訂定合理升遷管道。三、建立良善組織文化。四、有效改善工作環境。伍、激勵提振工作士氣。陸、落實基層裝備採購。七、積極招募偵緝新血。八、法制人事任用條例。九、形塑組織共同願景。 / The CGA reconnaissance brigades are investigation units assigned to the administrative jurisdiction of every county and city, which have the same duties as the Criminal Investigation Division of the Police Department or the Criminal Investigation Brigade at each precinct. Each of the reconnaissance brigades is also the major force of each unit and the contributor to the unit’s performance. However, the reconnaissance brigades’ operations and services are miscellaneous and of heavy duty. They should keep abreast of the security situation of their jurisdiction with an excess of pressure and working hours. Thus, their job satisfaction is a big influence on the execution of law and order in the area.
The early establishment of the Coast Guard was quite hastily, which resulted in an improper overall planning of work inspection and evaluation such as organizational manning and equipping, personnel appointment, remuneration management, welfare and promotion. It is particularly noticeable in the personnel system as there is a suspicion of unequal payment for equal work. This may influence the internal unity of the team and become an obstacle in the organizational operation.
In order to boost the morale of the investigation unit, the characteristics and talents of the personnel are taken into consideration as to enhance the human resource quality, to give them further incentives, and to look for the demand of talents needed in the unit. This study explores the major aspects of job satisfaction of the Reconnaissance Brigade of Coast Guard Administration in the interest of strengthening the human resource quality and reducing the turnover rate, which shall be beneficial for the organization to serve for the needs of long-term development.
This study is divided into four different aspects of analysis – jobs characteristics, wages and employee benefits, opportunities of promotion, and turnover intentions. Through literature review, observation on the site and in-depth interviews with eleven current/retired/resigned personnel of the investigation unit, the major contributive factors of the job satisfaction are detected as well as the true inner feelings of the personnel and their turnover intentions. In accordance to our discovery, the following is a list of recommendations for this situation: 1) to adjust the salaries of the personnel; 2) to regulate proper promotion channels; 3) to establish a comprehensive institutional culture; 4) to improve the working environment effectively; 5) to cheer the personnel’s working morale; 6) to enforce the equipment procurement for the first-line employees; 7) to recruit further new personnel in an active way; 8) to stick to the rules of recruitment; 9) to shape a shared vision among the institution.
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