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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張惠玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市國民小學男女學生在課餘時間使用校內活動空間的現況與情形、研究臺北市國民小學男女學生對廁所空間及附屬設備的看法與使用情形、了解臺北市國民小學男女學生對校園危險空間類型與造成不安全因素的看法並析論兩性意見的異同、最後提出臺北市國民小學性別空間之具體建議,俾供相關單位、人員及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究方法分為問卷調查法與實地觀察法兩部分:(1)問卷調查對象為所抽取的51個學校各一班之六年級學生,共計抽取1,350名學生(有效樣本1,345人;女生640人,男生705人)進行問卷調查;(2)觀察對象的取得主要是以兩個行政區為一個單位,從各單位中各抽取一間學校,共六間學校進行觀察,主要觀察重點為學生下課時間所使用的校園空間、廁所與附屬設備、校園危險空間及產生不安全的因素。在資料分析上,問卷調查主要以描述性分析、次數百分比統計、卡方考驗、Cochran Q考驗、t-test考驗、Spearman等級相關、MANOVA變異數分析等方法。經研究結果發現: 一、學生認為校園各活動空間中使用者的性別印象「男比女多」的校園空間比「女比男多」的空間多。 二、學生在課餘時校園活動空間的選擇,男生勾選比例50%以上的有「班級教室內」、「運動場」、「室外籃球場」、「教室外走廊」;女生勾選比例50%以上的有「班級教室內」、「教室外走廊」、「運動場」。 三、女生易受到場地中異性影響而降低自我的使用意願。 四、在因距離太遠、不方便到達而降低使用意願的校園空間向度上,男生勾選的比例50%以上的有「圖書館」;女生則是「運動場」、「圖書館」。 五、校園空間本身也具有性別傾向;動態運動空間較屬於「男性取向的空間」;靜態學習空間較屬於「女性取向空間」、「休閒服務空間」則較為「中性空間」。 六、學生對校園廁所之馬桶形式與隔間方式的喜好具有性別差異。 七、學生對校園廁所之附屬設備的看法具有一致性。 八、不同學區、規模與性別的學生對廁所便利性、舒適性的滿意程度具有差異。 九、學生對校園危險空間前五項的排序具有一致性,分別為「地下室」、「廁所」、「圍牆角落」、「教具儲藏室」、「垃圾場」。 十、造成校園不安全空間的因素主要有「位置偏僻」、「人煙稀少」、「光線不足」、「視覺死角」。 研究者經過文獻探討與研究發現,提出下列幾點建議: 一、對教育行政機關與學校的建議:(一)擬定具體明確的「性別平等教育之校園空間」的規劃方向與建議,達成性別平等的校園環境目標;(二)在學生主要上課地點附近的空地或牆面增設籃框;彈性調整下課時間,增加學生使用遠距離的校園空間;(三)規劃性別平等的校園,注重不同性別學生使用校園空間的機會均等;(四)打造符合兩性需求的校園廁所空間;(五)充實校園廁所的附屬設備,規劃更衣室與複合式盥洗室,提供學生更便利的校園空間;(六)加裝緊急求救鈴及緊急照明設備,提高廁所的安全性;定期檢視廁所便間的安全性,以降低被偷窺的可能;(七)重視各學區、規模的校園廁所環境,提高女性廁所使用數量,將廁所位置設於易達又安全的地點;(八)繪製校園危險空間地圖並張貼於校園明顯處;裝設監視器、夜間照明設備及反光鏡,減少校園的危險空間;(九)上課空間的多元性,提高學生對學校各個空間的認識;性別平等理念的再宣導,將性別平等教育真正落實於日常生活中。 二、對未來相關研究的建議:(一)在研究對象方面,在1.研究學校的選擇上:(1)針對不同縣市的學校進行研究;(2)針對不同年限的學校進行研究;(3)針對不同層級的學校進行研究;(4)可比較不同年齡層的學生;2.研究對象的選擇:可針對不同身分的人進行研究;(二)在學校空間的選擇上,可1.挑選單一地點進行觀察;2.挑選單一類型空間進行觀察;(三)在研究方法方面,可加入與研究對象或學校主任、校長的深度對談,則對研究對象的空間選擇或學校空間設計的背景意義能有另一番角度的看法,以便對校園性別空間的使用情形與規劃能有更進一步或不同的認識。 關鍵詞:臺北市國民小學、校園空間、性別、性別與校園空間


張秀惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在:一、辨認校園空間創意設計的特性。二、探尋創 意校園空間設計者的創意來源與發展歷程。三、瞭解創意校園空間設計者的特質。四、解析創意校園空間設計的發生脈絡。 本研究採質性研究方法,以一年的時間,深度訪談四位校園空間創意 設計成果傑出的校長。依據研究目的,擬訂訪談大綱進行半結構式深度訪談,並提出研究者的反省,經資料的整理與分析,得到結論如下: 一、校園空間創意設計產品的特性 (一)四所校園空間創意產品與新、變、精、進、絕、妙等判斷原則 互相呼應。(二)四所校園空間創意產品均展現了某種程度的教育意義。 二、校園空間創意設計者的成長環境及養成教育 (一)多半從小生長在寬廣遼闊的生活空間。(二)專業素養大多不只專精於某一領域。 三、校園空間創意設計者的人格特質 (一)有高度的工作熱忱,態度認真而投入,善於溝通。(二)態度謙和卻也自信從容。(三)有高度的人文素養。(四)重視人文對空間的影響力。(五)對於環境空間敏於觀察。 四、校園空間創意設計的發生脈絡及其歷程 (一)都會地區學校面臨的共同問題是校地狹小。(二)公共藝術成為新建學校的特有文化。(三)參與式的共同創作成就了校園空間的創意設計。(四)專家學者的共同協助。(五)在校園規劃設計時,受訪者所重視的空間特性具有個別差異。(六)以學生為中心是校園空間創意設計最重要的概念。 最後依據結論提出對教育當局、有心校園空間創意設計者的建議,並對未來研究者提出五項建議。 / The purposes of the study are to: 1. Enumerate and distinguish the characteristics of creative design of school space 2. Probe deeply into the origin of creativity and the skills and development potential a school space designer must possess 3. Understand the characteristics of a school space designer and 4. Analyze the process of creative space design. This study adopted a qualitative approach. During the one-year time span of the study, the researcher conducted in-depth interviewing with four outstanding principals who were accomplished in creative school space design. According to the purpose of the study, the researcher created interview outlines on the basis of a semi-structural approach and offered a researcher’s retrospect. The conclusions that were reached are as follows: I. Characteristics of the products of creative design of school space: 1. The products of the four creative designs of school space correspond to the principles of innovation, variety, elegance, improvement, excellence, and delicacy. 2. The four creative designs of school space are meaningful to certain extent in education. II. The environment and upbringing of creative school campus designers in their youths: 1. Most of them were brought up in a spacious environment. 2. Most of them specialized in more than one field during their education. III. The characteristics of a creative school campus designer 1. They all posses high enthusiasm in their work, are devoted, and communicative. 2. They are humble and self-reliant. 3. They are highly and liberally educated. 4. They pay attention to the effect that humanity may have on space design. 5. They are apt to observe space as an environment. IV. The origins and experience of the occurrence of creative school space 1. Schools in the metropolitan areas face a common problem, i.e., limited school area. 2. Public art displays become a special phenomenon in newly built schools. 3. Teamwork accomplishes creative school campus design. 4. With the cooperation and help of experts and scholars, the creative school campus design is successfully completed. 5. In the designing of a school campus, the interviewees pay much attention to individual site differences in terms of school space. 6. Student-centered design for school campuses is the most crucial focus for campus designers. Finally, five suggestions are offered to educational establishments and all those interested in school campus design for further studies.

臺北市國民中學校園休憩活動空間之研究 / The study of junior high school campus leisure activities space in Taipei City

蔡坤良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討臺北市國民中學休憩活動空間規畫現況與使用情形,並分析不同背景變項下規畫與使用之差異,進而瞭解學生在下課選擇校園休憩活動空間的原因、活動形式、改善設施及放學欲使用情形,最後歸納規畫校園休憩活動空間之規劃與改善意見。因此研究採用休憩活動空間設置調查表,用以調查校園休憩活動空間之現況資料,並配合休憩活動空間使用問卷調查瞭解學生使用與需求情形,共寄發出1,200份問卷,回收有效問卷共1,072份,最後輔以訪談以深入了解學校規劃與使用情形,根據資料整理,本研究發現結果如下: 一、校園靜態休憩活動空間設置最多為教室、走廊、圖書館、合作社與庭園,其次為戶外劇場,設置比例較少為交誼平臺、交誼室及屋頂花園。 二、校園動態休憩活動空間設置最多為田徑場、室外球場與活動中心為主。 三、不同學校類型在靜態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在走廊、圖書館、庭園的附屬設施與戶外劇場設置略有差異;在動態休憩活動空間在田徑場與室外球場附屬設施略有差異。 四、不同學校規模在靜態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在走廊、圖書館、合作社略有差異,在動態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在室外球場附屬設施略有差異。 五、下課學生較常使用的靜態休憩活動空間,以教室、走廊與合作社為主;動態休憩活動空間以室外籃球場、田徑場與活動中心為主。 六、下課選擇靜態休憩活動空間的原因以距離較近、放鬆身心與同學因素為主;選擇動態休憩活動空間的原因以身體活動、放鬆身心、距離較近與同 學因素為主。 七、下課學生在靜態休憩活動空間從事的活動以聊天為主,其次為睡覺、看書、發呆與散步;動態休憩活動空間從事的活動以聊天、打球為主。 八、在靜態休憩活動空間使用頻率上完全中學使用頻率高於市立國中;在動態休憩活動空間使用頻率小規模與中規模使用頻率高於大規模,七年級使用頻率高於八年級使用頻率,男生使用頻率高於女生。 九、在靜態休憩活動空間學生希望增設或改善的空間以教室、合作社與圖書館為主,並增設音樂聆聽區、電腦設備區與休憩座椅等設施為主。 十、在動態休憩活動空間以學生希望增設或改善的空間以室外籃球場、室內籃球場與活動中心為主,並增設休憩以球類設施與休憩座椅為主。 十一、學生放學從事的休憩活動依序最多為聊天、打球與散步;選擇的休憩活動空間依序最多為教室、走廊與室外籃球場。 根據結論以上結論,提出以下建議: 一、國中校園靜態休憩活動空間以教室、走廊、圖書館與合作社等空間,應優先充實其空間設施,以利學生休憩活動之用。 二、國中校園動態休憩活動空間以室外籃球場與活動中心等空間,應優先充實其空間設施,以利學生休憩活動之用。 三、高樓層校舍應就近增設休憩設施,以滿足高樓層學生休憩活動空間之需求。 四、彈性調整下課時間,利於學生進行多樣化的休憩活動。 五、動態休憩活動空間宜考慮性別的需求作適當的調整 六、國中學生在休憩活動選擇以聊天為主要活動,顯示社交需求應被重視,應此宜多設置休憩座椅,以提供學生下課聊天的硬體需求。 七、以經費持續補助學校進行校園空間改善,以增加休憩活動空間設施。 八、對未來的研究建議可在研究內容上可針對休憩附屬設施如:休憩座椅、閱讀桌椅或球場等設施之規畫形式與使用狀況進行研究。 / This study focuses on the current situation of the planning and use of recreational spaces in junior high schools in Taipei city. An analysis was conducted to find out differences in the planning and use of these spaces under different background variables in order to further probe into the reasons students choose the recreational spaces on campus after class, the activity types, improvement of facilities, and use after school. The recreational space planning and improvement suggestions were then summarized. In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the current situation of recreational spaces on campus. The questionnaires were distributed to find out the use and needs of the students. A total of 1,200 questionnaire copies were distributed and 1,072 valid copies were recovered. Interviews were also conducted to gain an insight into the planning and use of the school recreational spaces. The study findings based on the compiled data are as follows: 1. Most passive recreational spaces on campus are allotted for classrooms, corridors, libraries, cooperatives, and gardens, followed by outdoor theaters. Friendship platforms, recreational rooms, and roof gardens on the other hand have the least passive recreational spaces. 2. Most dynamic recreational spaces are allotted for track and field, outdoor courts, and activity centers. 3. The passive recreational space planning in different schools is generally the same except for corridors, libraries, ancillary facilities in gardens, and outdoor theater layout that slightly differ. For the dynamic recreational spaces, the ancillary facilities such as the track and field, outdoor courts, etc., differed slightly. 4. There is not much variation in dynamic recreational space planning at different schools except corridors, libraries, and cooperatives that showed slight differences. In terms of dynamic recreational space planning, the schools do not differ much except for ancillary facilities of outdoor courts that show slight variations. 5. Students more frequently used passive recreational spaces after class, particularly classrooms, corridors, and cooperatives. The dynamic recreational spaces are primarily outdoor basketball courts, track and field, and activity centers. 6. The reasons for choosing dynamic recreational spaces include: closer in distance, relaxing the body and mind, and influence of peers. The reasons they choose dynamic activities include: physical activity, relaxing the body and mind, closer in distance, and influence of peers. 7. After class, the activities that take place in the passive recreational spaces are primarily chatting, followed by taking a nap, reading, trance, and taking a walk; the activities that take place in the dynamic recreational spaces include chatting and playing ball games. 8. The usage rate of the passive recreational space in complete high schools is higher than that of city junior high schools; the usage rate of the small-scale and medium-scale dynamic recreational spaces is higher than that of the large-scale spaces; the usage rate of the 7th graders is higher than that of the 8th graders, and the usage rate for the boys is higher than that of the girls. 9. In the passive recreational space, the students’ requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily classrooms, cooperatives, and libraries and setup of music areas, computer areas, and recreational chairs. 10. In the dynamic recreation space, the students requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily outdoor basketball courts, indoor basketball courts, and activity centers and setup of ball sport related facilities and recreational chairs. 11. The students’ recreational activities after school in sequence are chatting, playing ball games, and taking a walk. And the recreational spaces chosen in sequence are classrooms, corridors, and outdoor basketball courts. Based on the conclusions above, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. In terms of the passive recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in classrooms, corridors, libraries, and cooperatives for students’ recreational use. 2. In terms of the dynamic recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in outdoor basketball courts and activity centers for students’ recreational use. 3. Additional recreational facilities should be set up in the vicinity of high-rise buildings to satisfy students’ recreational space needs. 4. Make flexible adjustment of the class schedule to facilitate students’ versatile recreational activities. 5. Take gender needs into consideration in making appropriate adjustment to the dynamic recreational space. 6. Most junior high school students choose chatting as the recreational activity,showing the need to emphasize social needs. Therefore, additional recreational chairs are recommended for students’ hardware needed for chatting. 7.Continue to grant money to improve the campus space and add more facilities in the recreational space. 8.It is suggested that future researches focus on the planning and usage of recreational ancillary facilities such as recreational chairs, desks/chairs for reading, and ball courts.

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