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桃園縣國中教師對校長教學領導行為知覺之研究蔡呈譽 Unknown Date (has links)
調查對象以桃園縣公立之國民中學教師為母群體,抽取723位教師(包括教師兼之主任與組長)做樣本,以自編『國民中學校長教學領導行為調查問卷』進行問卷調查,有效問卷隨即進行編碼、記分,然後輸入電腦建立資料檔,再以SPSS 10.0 for Windows 套裝軟体進行各項統計考驗。為彌補問卷調查之不足,抽取桃園縣具代表性的六位校長以自編『國民中學校長教學領導行為訪談題目』進行訪談,經錄音、編碼、整理後進行分析。
壹、桃園縣國中教師所知覺到校長教學領導行為的理想面與實踐面有明顯差 異,理想面明顯大於實踐面
未來研究對象可進一步擴大地區範圍,研究變項應該加入教師學歷變項學區家長變項及學校效能,學生學習成就等相關變項,為了更能瞭解校長教學領導行為,未來的研究宜加入實際觀察、個案研究等方式。 / The purpose of this study was surveying the principals’ instructional leadership behaviors expected and perceived by the junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County. The study explored the differences in the sense of the principal’s instructional leadership behaviors perceived by the teachers in teacher background and school background variables.
The study took Taoyuan County’s public junior high school teachers as population from which 723 teachers (including teachers as part-time directors and chiefs) were randomly sampled. The effective questionnaires are then encoded, scored and stored, finally analyzed by SPSS 10.0. To supplement the questionnaire survey, the study also conducts in-depth interviews with six principals among all public junior high schools in Taoyuan County with the “the Junior High School Principal’s Instructional Leadership Behaviors” developed by the author.
The conclusions and implications of the present study are summarized below:
1. Significant differences are found between what expected and what actually realized in the principal’s instructional leadership behaviors. What expected are higher than what realized.
2. The teachers have a high perception on the expectation of principal’s instructional leadership. Among the seven major aspects of instructional leadership, Supportive Environment Creation ranks as top priority and Course Quality Assurance as the last.
3. The realization aspect of the principal’s instructional leadership behaviors perceived by the teachers was above average. Among the seven major aspects of principals’ instructional leadership, The dimension of supportive environment creation ranked as top priority and the encouraging teachers’ cooperation and interactions as the last.
4. Among the seven instructional leadership aspects of the principal perceived by the teachers, The demension of supportive environment creation ranked as top one both in expectation and realization and this aspect is also most valued by all principals interviewed. This result demonstrates a high consistency between the principals and teachers on the view of the principal’s instructional leadership.
5. The teachers’ perception of expectation to principal’s instructional leadership in variables including teacher’s sex, service term, position, school location, school founding time shows no difference. The degree of realization of the principal’s instructional behaviors perceived by the teachers shows no significant difference in variables including service term, school location and school founding time.
6. The male teachers’ perception of realization of principal’s instructional leadership was significantly higher than female teachers’ in sex variable.
7. The average teachers perceived a high degree of realization in the principal’s instructional leadership behaviors than the teachers as part-time administrators did.
8. The teachers’ perception of both expectation and realization of principal’s instructional leadership in school scale implies that the highest score of both arises in a school consisting of maximum 24 classes.
And then there are some suggestions presenting by this study as follow:
1. Suggestions to the education authorities:
(1) Promote and reinforce the concept of principal’s instructional leadership.
(2) Enrich the teacher and principal training programs with Instructional Leadership Courses.
(3) Downsize the school scale in time
(4) Value the instructional leadership areas during evaluating principals.
2. Suggestions to junior high school principals:
(1) Advance in instructional leadership knowledge and actively play the role in instructional leadership.
(2) Form Instructional Leadership Teams to lead teachers to optimal cooperation and interactions.
(3) Shape the school with excellent school culture actively while launching and implementing instructional leadership.
(4) Devote to course quality assurance.
(5) Enhance the research society’s functions
3. Suggestions to future researches :
It is advisable to expand in regional scope in future study and to expand the study variables that include variables such as Teacher’s Diploma, School District & Parents, School Performance, Student’s Academic Achievements, etc.; further, to better understand the principal’s instructional leadership behaviors, it is advisable to use methods such as Actual Observation, Case Study, etc.
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校長教學領導行為與九年一貫課程實施之研究 ─以桃園縣國民中學為例─羅新炎 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
關鍵詞:校長教學領導行為、九年一貫課程實施 / A Study of Principals’ Instructional Leadership and Nine-Years Integrated Curriculum Implement
- A Case Study for Junior High Schools in
Taoyuan County
The purpose of this research is to investigate principals’ educational leadership behavior in relation to issues regarding nine-years integrated curriculum practice and also to further investigate the perception differences for teachers with different background variables regarding principals’ educational leadership behavior on nine-years integrated curriculum practice.
The investigation took Taoyuan County junior high school teachers as population and selected 768 teachers as samples and through self-made “Principals’ instructional leadership questionnaire” and “Nine-years integrated curriculum practice questionnaire” to do research. 712 valid questionnaires were analyzed and explained via descriptive analyses, T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression statistic methods by conducting SPSS10.0 statistic software. The study results are as follows:
1.Teachers in junior high schools perceived that principals’ educational leadership behavior was best at enhancing a student-learning atmosphere and was worst at ensuring the quality of teaching courses.
2.Based on different teachers’ background variables (gender, age, educational background, appointed position, number of years of service, school scale and school location), there were differences in teachers’ perception to principals’ educational leadership behavior.
3.There was no discrepancy between different practical circumstances to the middle school teachers’ perceptions of principals' instructional leadership.
4.The middle school teachers have high perception of nine-years integrated curriculum practice on “School-based curriculum” and have low perception on “collaborative teaching”.
5.Based on different teachers’ backgrounds (gender, age, educational background, appointed position, number of years of service, school scale and school location), junior high school teachers perceived that there were differences in the nine-year consistent course implementation.
6.There were no differences in junior high school teachers’ perception on nine-years integrated curriculum practice in schools with different implementation conditions.
7.There was a positive correlation between junior high school principals’ educational leadership behavior and nine-years integrated curriculum practice.
In addition, this research proposed several recommendations based on our results for reference.
Keywords:principals’ educational leadership behavior, nine-years integrated curriculum practice.
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國民中學校長教學領導、學校教學氣氛與教師教學效能關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship on Junior High School Principal Instructional Leaderdhip, School Instructional Climate and Teachers' Teaching Effectiveness張碧娟, Chang, Pei-Jang Unknown Date (has links)
壹、 校長教學領導方面
根據上述結論,本研究並針對教育行政機關、學校校長、教師及未來之研究提出建議。 / This study is based on the analyses of literature review, questionnaires and indepth interviews to discuss the relationship on three variables-- junior high school principals' instructional leadership, school instructional climate and teachers' teaching effectiveness. According to the results of 672 junior high school teachers' investigation and 6 junior high school principals interviews, the major findings were as followed:
A. In the respect of principal instructional leadership
a. From junior high school teachers' perception, principals do not, in particular, emphasize and pay attention to principals' instructional leadership. For principals, the best dimension is to "develop a supporting environment" and the worst is in "supervising and evaluation teaching".
b. Area, school size, principals' sex, years of service, age have significant influences on principals' instructional leadership.
c. For junior high school principals, their understanding and recognition to the term, "principal instructional leadership", are still insufficient. Mostly they are limited in traditional narrow stage for "supervision teaching".
d. Junior high school principals think that instructional leadership should be focused on and developed. However, while working on the idea, they still play the major role of a manager in school administration.
e. The satisfactory dimension of principal whose instructional leadership is better is different from that whose instructional leadership is worse. These two kinds have different focal points and manners on leadership.
B. In the respect of school instructional climate
a. Junior high school instructional climate is positive and correct. For junior high school teachers, the best dimension is "teaching involvement",and the worst is "coherence".
b. Area and school size have no any significant influences to school instructional climate. Teachers' sex, years of service, age and post do have significant influences to school instructional climate.
C. In the respect of teachers' teaching effectiveness
a. Junior high school teachers' teaching effectiveness is good. In their self-evaluation, junior high school teachers have the best performance on the dimension of "good instructional climate", but have the worst performance on the dimension of "teaching plan preparation".
b. School size, teachers' years of service, age and post have significant influences on teachers' teaching effectiveness while area and teachers' sex do not have any significant influences on teachers' teaching effectiveness.
D. In the respect of relationship on three variables--principal instructional leadership,school instructional climate and teachers' teaching effectiveness
a. In this study, Lisrel model of principal instructional leadership, school instructional climate and teachers' teaching effectiveness has good model fit.
b. The stronger the principal instructional leadership is, the better the school instructional climate is.
c. The better the school instructional climate is, the higher the teachers' teaching effectiveness is.
d. The relationship between "principal instructional leadership" and " teachers' teaching effectiveness" is negative. Only by way of a good "school instructional climate" does "principal instructional leadership" promote " teachers' teaching effectiveness".
e. Principals think that instructional leadership has positive meaning to promote teachers' teaching effectiveness. However, the following unfavorable factors will influence the efficiency of realization. They are the attitude of teachers' resistance on principals' instructional leadership, the ill relationship which the principal and teachers can not respect to one another and communicate well with one another, unfavorable factors on the environment of school and the lack of teachers' professional teaching or deviated .
According to the conclusion mentioned above, this study gives suggestions to educational administration units, school principals, teachers and studies in the future.
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桃園市國民中學校長教學領導與教師學術樂觀關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between Principal Instructional Leadership and Teacher Academic Optimism in Secondary Schools of Taoyuan City陳思年 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 桃園市國民中學教師知覺校長教學領導與教師學術樂觀為中高程度。
二、 個人背景變項中,男性教師在校長教學領導的知覺程度高於女性教師。
三、 學校環境變項中,職務性質及學校規模在知覺校長教學領導及教師學術樂
四、 兼任行政職務之教師在校長教學領導、教師學術樂觀的知覺程度皆高於其
五、 學校規模在「24班(含)以下」之教師,在知覺校長教學領導及教師學術
六、 國民中學校長教學領導與教師學術樂觀有顯著正相關。
七、 校長教學領導之「完善學習環境」與「凝聚教學目標」對教師學術樂觀有
關及後續研究者之參考。 / This study aims at exploring the correlation and prediction level of principal’s instructional leadership and teachers’ academic optimism, in terms of different variables such as teacher’s personal background and school environment.
To assess the relevance, I surveyed full-time teachers, part-time teachers, section directors and school deans in 29 public and private junior high schools in Taoyuan. Of all the 581 questionnaires applied, 512 are valid. These questionnaires are analyzed and presented by using descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression. The results of this survey are listed as follows:
1. The relevance between teachers’ perceptions of principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ academic optimism is high-intermediate.
2. In the personal background variables, male teachers are more perceptive to principals’ instructional leadership than female teachers.
3. In school environment variables, the perception of principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ academic optimism vary significantly, in terms of educational positions and the size of school.
4. Teachers in administrative positions have a better perception of principal’s instructional leadership and academic optimism.
5. Teachers in a small-sized school (equal to or less than 24 classes) are more perceptive to principals’ instructional leadership and have more academic optimism than those in a larger-sized school (equal to or more than 49 classes.)
6. There is a positive correlation between junior high school principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ academic optimism.
7. Two factors in principal’s instructional leadership—a positive study environment and cohesive teaching objectives—are the two best predictors of teachers’ academic optimism.
Relevant suggestions are provided based on the study, and serve as references for educational administrations, junior high school administrators and subsequent research.
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國中校長教學領導、教師領導與家庭教養文化對學生表現影響之研究 / The Study of the Effects of Junior High School Principal Instructional Leadership, Teacher Leadership, and Family Educational Culture on Student Performances陳怡潔, Chen, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
一、 國民中學教師對校長教學領導之知覺為中度表現。
二、 國民中學教師對教師領導之知覺為中度表現。
三、 不同家庭背景之國民中學學生對於家庭教養文化的知覺有顯著差異。
四、 國中校長教學領導與學生學業成就有正相關。
五、 國中教師領導與學生學業成就有正相關。
六、 家庭教養文化與學生學業成就有正相關。
七、 本研究所假設的結構模型在LISREL整體適配度考驗下,為一可接受模型,並可顯示出各變項之間的直間接效果。尤其,家庭教養文化對於學生表現有高度的預測力;而校長教學領導與教師領導必須透過學校文化才能對學生表現造成顯著影響。
最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以作為教育行政主管機關、國民中學校長、教師、家長以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The Study of the Effects of Junior High School Principal Instructional Leadership, Teacher Leadership, and Family Educational Culture on Student Performances
The goal of the study is to explore the relationship among junior high school principal instructional leadership, teacher leadership, family educational culture and student performances. First of all, to understand the common situation of principal instructional leadership and teacher leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school. And then, to explore the differences between students’ perceptions toward family educational cultures and students’ family backgrounds, including brother and sisters’ number in family, family organization type, parents’ education degree, and parents’ occupation. Next, to analyze the correlation between principal instructional leadership &student achievement, teacher leadership&student achievement, and family educational culture&student achievement. Finally, to use the Structural equation modeling to exam the feasibility of the hypothetical model, and through the path analysis to find out the direct and indirect effects between each variable.
There were 858 valid cases, including 236 teachers and 622 students. The returned data were analyzed by statistical methods such as “ Mean”, “Standard Deviation”, “One-Way ANOVA”, “Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation”, and“ Structural Equation Modeling”.
The major results were summarized as follows:
1. The entire performance of principal instructional leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school is at middle degree.
2. The entire performance of teacher leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school is at middle degree, too.
3. There are obvious differences between students’ perceptions toward family educational cultures and students’ family backgrounds.
4. There is a positive correlation between principal instructional leadership and student achievement.
5. There is a positive correlation between teacher leadership and student achievement.
6. There is a positive correlation between family educational culture and student achievement.
7. Through the LISREL test, improving the hypothetical model in our research could be acceptable, and it could show the direct and indirect effects between variables. We also find out that family educational culture is the most powerful predicator to student performances in the study.
At last, to bring up some concrete suggestions according to the study outcomes as references for governmental institution for education, junior high school principals, junior high school teachers and parents, and correlated study in the future.
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