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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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周錫欽 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園縣國民中學教師知識管理與教學效能之現況,並分析兩者間的關係,其主要目的有六: 壹、瞭解桃園縣國民中學教師知識管理之現況。 貳、瞭解桃園縣國民中學教師教學效能之現況。 參、瞭解不同背景之國中教師在知識管理的差異情形。 肆、瞭解不同背景之國中教師在教學效能的差異情形。 伍、瞭解國中教師知識管理及教學效能的相關程度與預測力。 陸、根據研究結果提出結論、作成建議,供有關教育單位及人員參考。 本研究採用文獻分析法、問卷調查法,進行研究。在問卷調查部分,以桃園縣公立國民中學教師為研究對象,每校依據班級數之多寡,選取12至18位教師進行問卷調查。總計發出問卷796份,回收問卷674份回收率84.7﹪,其中有效問卷共625份,佔發出問卷的79.0﹪。調查工具為「國民中學教師知識管理與教學效能調查問卷」,所得資料經輸入電腦後,以「SPSS」電腦套裝軟體,進行統計分析。採用平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法加以處理。 依據本研究問卷調查結果,獲致如下之結論: 壹、國民中學教師知識管理之現況大致良好。 貳、國民中學教師教學效能之現況大致良好。 參、教師知識管理之現況受年齡、學歷、職務、學校規模影響而有所差異。 肆、教師教學效能之現況受性別、年齡、學歷、年資、職務、科別、學校規模影響而有所差異。 伍、教師知識管理愈佳則教師教學效能愈佳。 依據本研究之發現與結論,提出下列建議: 壹、對學校及教師的建議 一、宣導知識管理理念,強化教師知識管理能力。 二、以「教學知識庫」提供顯性知識,「師徒制」傳遞隱性知識。 三、提供楷模共同學習,營造創新與知識分享的學校組織文化。 四、鼓勵教師進行行動研究,建立終身學習及團隊學習觀念。 五、提昇教師專業能力,強化教師自我效能。 六、強化領域教學研究會功能,分享教學經驗提升教學品質。 七、建立教學輔導機制,促進教師專業成長。 貳、對教育行政機關的建議 一、提供專業訓練與進修課程,強化資訊設備與擴充人員編制。 二、訂定激勵教師進修配套措施,實施知識管理績效評鑑。 三、推展教師終身學習的理念,建立教師教學效能績效考核機制。 四、增闢國中教師在職進修管道,提升教師自我效能。 關鍵字:知識管理、教學效能。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the current status of knowledge management and teaching effectiveness conducted by the teachers in the junior high schools of Taoyuan County and further to analyze the relation between both, the main purpose in which includes the following six items: 1.To understand the current status of knowledge management conducted by the teachers in the junior high schools of Taoyuan County. 2.To understand the current status of the teaching effectiveness conducted by the teachers in the junior high schools of Taoyuan County. 3.To understand the difference of knowledge management conducted by the teachers with different background in junior high schools. 4.To understand the difference of teaching effectiveness conducted by the teachers with different background in junior high schools. 5.To understand the relative extent and prediction ability of knowledge management and teaching effectiveness conducted by the teachers in junior high schools. 6.According to the result of study to submit conclusion and suggestion in order to provide to the related education institute and person for reference. This study adopts literature analysis method and questionnaire method to proceed study. On the part of questionnaire investigation, the study aimed at the teachers in the public junior high schools of Taoyuan County as the study object and selected 12 to 18 teachers from each school as per the number of class to proceed questionnaire investigation. The study totally issued 796 copies of questionnaire and returned 674 copies of questionnaire, the recovery efficiency is 84.7%, where the valid questionnaire has total 625 copies, which occupies 79.0% of questionnaire being issued. The investigation tool was the “investigation questionnaire to the knowledge management and teaching effectiveness conducted by the teachers in junior high schools”. After input the data obtained into computer, then used 「SPSS」computer package software to proceed statistical analysis. The study adopts mean value, standard difference, t examination, single factor variation analysis, relative analysis of integrated difference and plural step by step return analysis for treatment. According to the investigation result of questionnaire, this study has obtained the following conclusion: 1.The current status of knowledge management conducted by the teachers in junior high schools, which is good approximately. 2.The current status of teaching effectiveness conducted by the teachers in junior high schools, which is good approximately. 3.The current status of knowledge management conducted by teachers has difference., subject to age, education background, position, and the scale of school. 4.The current status of teaching effectiveness conducted by teachers has difference., subject to sex, age, education background, seniority, position, department, and the scale of school. 5.More better in knowledge management conducted by the teachers, more better in teaching effectiveness conducted by the teachers. According to the finding and conclusion of this study, we do hereby submit the following suggestions: 1.Suggestion to schools and teachers 1)Propaganda for the rational concept of knowledge management so as to strengthen the ability of knowledge management of teachers. 2)To provide express knowledge from “Teaching Knowledge Database” and to transmit hidden knowledge from “The Master and Apprentice System”. 3)To provide model co-learning to construct innovation and knowledge to be shared by the school organization culture. 4)To encourage teachers to proceed active research so as to establish a life learning and the group learning concept. 5)To enhance the professional ability for teachers and to strengthen the self-effectiveness of teachers. 6)To strengthen the function of research association of field teaching and to share the teaching experience and further to enhance the teaching quality. 7)To establish the teaching auxiliary system to promote the professional growth for teachers. 2.Suggestion to education administrative institute 1)To provide professional training and advanced course of study and to strengthen the information equipment and the expansion of system. 2)To establish encouraging teachers to accept advanced learning measures and to implement the performance evaluation on knowledge management. 3)To promote life learning concept of teachers and to establish the teaching performance evaluation system for teachers. 4)Otherwise increase on the job training channel for the teachers in junior high schools and to enhance the self-effectiveness for teachers. Keywords: knowledge management, teaching effectiveness.

國民小學教師生涯發展階段與教學效能關係之研究 / A study of the relationship between teachers' career development stages and teaching effectiveness in elementary school

徐蔚文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學教師生涯發展階段與教學效能之現況、內涵,進而建構及驗證互動模式,並依研究結果提出建議。 首先進行文獻探討,作為本研究之理論架構基礎;接著,進行問卷調查345位教師(台北市、新北市、基隆市、桃園縣四縣市,共發出500份問卷,有效問卷345份)以分析現況、驗證理論;最後,依據研究結果進行討論與建議。研究發現如下: 一、國民小學教師生涯發展階段與教學效能之現況: (一)教師生涯發展階段包括探索期教師、轉化期教師、成熟期教師及精進期教師四層面;其整體、分層面得分均為中上,其中以轉化期教師得分最高。 (二)教學效能包括教師教學信念、教材系統呈現、多元教學技術、教學時間運用、師生關係建立、班級管理營造;其整體、分層面得分均為中上,其中以多元教學技術得分最高。 二、不同背景變項在國民小學教師生涯發展階段與教學效能之差異情形: (一)不同背景變項在國民小學教師生涯發展階段的得分方面:年齡、服務年資、最高學歷、現任職務及學校規模有顯著差異;但性別、學校所在區域沒有顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在國民小學教師教學效能的得分方面:年齡、服務年資、最高學歷及學校規模有顯著差異;但性別、現任職務及學校所在區域沒有顯著差異。 三、國民小學教師生涯發展階段對教學效能之影響情形: (一)不同教師生涯發展階段中分別對教學效能的影響情形:探索期教師中以「我樂意嘗試各種新的教學法」對教學效能最有影響;轉化期教師中以「我能與學生維持教學相長的關係」對教學效能最有影響;成熟期教師中以「我能維持高昂的工作情緒,且勝任愉快」對教學效能最有影響;精進期教師中以「我認為自己的教學已經十分純熟」對教學效能最有影響。 (二)在教師生涯發展階段對教學效能的整體模式中以「轉化期教師」最具影響力;其次為「精進期教師」;接著為「成熟期教師」;最後則是「探索期教師」。 最後,本研究根據研究的發現,提出相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民小學教師及後續研究參考。

國民中學校長教學領導、學校教學氣氛與教師教學效能關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship on Junior High School Principal Instructional Leaderdhip, School Instructional Climate and Teachers' Teaching Effectiveness

張碧娟, Chang, Pei-Jang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由文獻分析、問卷調查、訪問調查等方法探討「校長教學領導」、「學校教學氣氛」、「教師教學效能」三個變項間之關係。根據672位國中教師之量表調查與6位國中校長訪談的結果,獲得之主要結論如次: 壹、 校長教學領導方面 一、由國中教師的知覺中,發現教學領導工作尚未得到校長們特別的重視與強調;校長表現最好的教學領導向度是:「發展支持環境」,表現最差的是向度是「視導評鑑教學」。 二、地區、學校規模、校長之性別、年資與年齡對校長教學領導均有顯著的影響。 三、國中校長對「校長教學領導」之理解與認知仍然不足,多侷限在傳統狹義「教學視導」的層面。 四、國中校長認為教學領導理念應該受到重視與推展,但在實際運作時,校長們仍以扮演學校行政管理角色為主。 五、教學領導表現較佳與表現較弱之校長,所滿意於教學領導的向度並不相同,二者有不同的領導重心與作風。 六、校長推動教學領導面臨有觀念突破的困難、教師認同的困難、校長專業知能不足、校長的時間與精力不足、未列入校長考評與獎勵的重點、以及不易見其成效之困難。 貳、學校教學氣氛方面 一、國中教學氣氛是積極且正向的。國中教師在「教學投入」向度上的知覺最佳,在「團體凝聚」向度上的知覺最差。 二、地區與學校規模對學校教學氣氛無顯著影響,教師之性別、年資、年齡與職務對學校教學氣氛則有顯著的影響。 參、教師教學效能方面 一、國中教師教學效能良好。國中教師自評在「良好學習氣氛」向度上效能最佳,在「教學計畫準備」向度上效能最差。 二、學校規模、教師之年資、年齡與職務對教師教學效能有顯著影響;地區與教師性別對教師教學效能無顯著的影響。 肆、校長教學領導、學校教學氣氛、教師教學效能三變項之關係方面 一、本研究「校長教學領導」、「學校教學氣氛」與「教師教學效能」互動模式適配度佳。 二、「校長教學領導」愈強,「學校教學氣氛」愈佳。 三、「學校教學氣氛」愈佳,「教師教學效能」愈高。 四、「校長教學領導」與「教師教學效能」成負面關係;「校長教學領導」需透過良好的「學校教學氣氛」,方能提昇「教師教學效能」。 五、校長認為教學領導對教師教學效能之提昇有正面之意義,但下列不利的因素,會影響到推動的成效:教師抗拒校長教學領導的心理、校長與教師間未能相互尊重與溝通、不利的學校環境因素、教師個人專業知能的欠缺或偏頗的人格特質。 根據上述結論,本研究並針對教育行政機關、學校校長、教師及未來之研究提出建議。 / This study is based on the analyses of literature review, questionnaires and indepth interviews to discuss the relationship on three variables-- junior high school principals' instructional leadership, school instructional climate and teachers' teaching effectiveness. According to the results of 672 junior high school teachers' investigation and 6 junior high school principals interviews, the major findings were as followed: A. In the respect of principal instructional leadership a. From junior high school teachers' perception, principals do not, in particular, emphasize and pay attention to principals' instructional leadership. For principals, the best dimension is to "develop a supporting environment" and the worst is in "supervising and evaluation teaching". b. Area, school size, principals' sex, years of service, age have significant influences on principals' instructional leadership. c. For junior high school principals, their understanding and recognition to the term, "principal instructional leadership", are still insufficient. Mostly they are limited in traditional narrow stage for "supervision teaching". d. Junior high school principals think that instructional leadership should be focused on and developed. However, while working on the idea, they still play the major role of a manager in school administration. e. The satisfactory dimension of principal whose instructional leadership is better is different from that whose instructional leadership is worse. These two kinds have different focal points and manners on leadership. B. In the respect of school instructional climate a. Junior high school instructional climate is positive and correct. For junior high school teachers, the best dimension is "teaching involvement",and the worst is "coherence". b. Area and school size have no any significant influences to school instructional climate. Teachers' sex, years of service, age and post do have significant influences to school instructional climate. C. In the respect of teachers' teaching effectiveness a. Junior high school teachers' teaching effectiveness is good. In their self-evaluation, junior high school teachers have the best performance on the dimension of "good instructional climate", but have the worst performance on the dimension of "teaching plan preparation". b. School size, teachers' years of service, age and post have significant influences on teachers' teaching effectiveness while area and teachers' sex do not have any significant influences on teachers' teaching effectiveness. D. In the respect of relationship on three variables--principal instructional leadership,school instructional climate and teachers' teaching effectiveness a. In this study, Lisrel model of principal instructional leadership, school instructional climate and teachers' teaching effectiveness has good model fit. b. The stronger the principal instructional leadership is, the better the school instructional climate is. c. The better the school instructional climate is, the higher the teachers' teaching effectiveness is. d. The relationship between "principal instructional leadership" and " teachers' teaching effectiveness" is negative. Only by way of a good "school instructional climate" does "principal instructional leadership" promote " teachers' teaching effectiveness". e. Principals think that instructional leadership has positive meaning to promote teachers' teaching effectiveness. However, the following unfavorable factors will influence the efficiency of realization. They are the attitude of teachers' resistance on principals' instructional leadership, the ill relationship which the principal and teachers can not respect to one another and communicate well with one another, unfavorable factors on the environment of school and the lack of teachers' professional teaching or deviated . According to the conclusion mentioned above, this study gives suggestions to educational administration units, school principals, teachers and studies in the future.

學科型教室與教學效能之研究-以國立政大附中為例 / Research on Variation Type Classroom and Teaching Effectiveness-A case study on The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University

吳珮君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以政大附中為個案研究對象,旨在瞭解政大附中學科型教室的規劃理念、調查政大附中學科型教室的運用現況、探討政大附中教師對學科型教室的使用感受、分析政大附中學科型教室與教學效能的關係,進而根據研究結果提出對未來研究之建議,以供後進學校規劃學科型教室之參考。 為達此研究目的,目前政大附中共有24位教師,皆為本研究之問卷調查對象,並訪談政大附中6位教師、實地觀察一位教師上課情形。在資料分析上,問卷調查的結果主要以次數百分比統計及平均數分析,以內容分析法分析訪談所得資料,以描述性的方式記錄實地觀察過程。從研究結果發現得到以下結論: ㄧ、政大附中學科型教室規劃理念秉持空間有效利用、妥善配置及教室使用效 能提升的原則 二、政大附中學科教室情境佈置內容多元豐富,多以學科知識為主,輔以班級 事務,常見學生駐足閱覽 三、政大附中學科教室裡教學資訊設備豐富,教師不僅能熟練地使用學科教室 的資訊設備,且對資訊設備有助教學內容的呈現、教學效果的提升,持肯 定態度 四、政大附中教師肯定教學研究室有助教師交換教學經驗、情感交流、放鬆壓 力及提升教學效果的功能 五、政大附中教師肯定學科型教室之設計意義及運作方式,共用學科教室之教 師,會彼此溝通協調意見 六、學科型教室使用現況與教師教學效能之「教學自我效能信念」、「系統呈 現教材內容」、「多元有效教學技術」、「有效運用教學時間」、「建立 和諧師生關係」、「營造良好班級氣氛」,以及「整體教師教學效能」具 有顯著相關 本研究依據結論,提出建議如下: ㄧ、學科型教室設計有其價值,值得推廣 二、教師可善用學科教室便於進行情境佈置之優點,強化以學科內容相關知識 充實教室情境佈置 三、學科型教室教學設備豐富,教師需提升教學設備使用的知能 四、學校可規劃教學研究室讓同科教師在一起,以利專業對話 五、共用學科教室之教師,應透過溝通協調達成共識 六、學科型教室設計為因應「班級」的需求,需有妥善配套措施 七、學科型教室係因學生需移動到各學科教室上課,應妥善規劃動線 八、未來研究可以進一步地針對採行學科型教室的不同學校,從事長期性的研 究,以瞭解不同學校學科型教室的運作現況及績效 / By conducting a case study on The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University, the research aims to penetrate the concept of organizing Variation type classrooms, investigate the school’s utilization of such classrooms, discuss the teachers’ feedback, and analyze the classrooms’ relation to teaching effectiveness. Further suggestions are made according to the research results for schools’ reference when it comes to the organization of Variation Type Classrooms. To achieve the above purposes, 24 teachers of The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University conducted the survey questionnaires, with 6 teachers interviewed and one observed in class. As for data analysis, the questionnaires were analyzed in terms of frequency portion percentage and mean. On the other hand, content analysis was conducted on the information obtained through interviews and the observation process was documented with truthful description. The following conclusion can be derived from the research results: 1. The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University organized Variation type classrooms with the principle of effective space utilization, proper arrangement and elevated class efficacy. 2. The subject classrooms in Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University are decorated with abundant and diverse subject knowledge supplemented with class affairs that often attract students to read. 3. The subject classrooms in Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University are equipped with abundant information equipment for teaching. Teachers are proficient in the application of such equipment and hold positive opinion on its help with the presentation of teaching contents and the improvement of teaching effectiveness. 4. The teachers of Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University confirm that teaching labs can help teachers exchange teaching experience, share emotions, alleviate pressure and improve teaching effectiveness. 5. The teachers of The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University approve of the design idea and operation of Variation Type Classrooms. Teachers sharing the same subject classroom can communicate and coordinate with one another. 6. The utilization status of Variation Type Classrooms are closely related to the teaching effectiveness in terms of “self-efficacy for teaching”, “systematic presentation of teaching materials”, “diverse and effective teaching methods”, “effective use of teaching sessions”, “establishment of harmonious relationship between teachers and students”, “creation of pleasant class atmosphere” and “overall teaching efficacy of teachers”. The following suggestions are proposed based on the research results: 1.The design of Variation Type Classrooms is of great value and worthy of promotion. 2.Teachers can furnish subject classrooms with thematic decoration and supplement with subject-related materials. 3.Teachers have to improve their proficiency of teaching equipment operation in order to make use of the abundant teaching equipment in Variation Type Classrooms. 4.Schools can arrange teaching labs so that teachers of the same subject can gather to facilitate professional dialogue. 5.Teachers sharing the same subject classroom should reach consensus through communication and coordination. 6.Supplementary measures must be taken for Variation Type Classrooms to meet the demands of classes. 7.Students have to move to each subject classroom in the Variation Type Classrooms. Therefore, the routes must be carefully designed. 8.Further studies are encouraged to conduct long-term surveys on different schools adopting Variation Type Classrooms to better understand the operation status and effectiveness of such classrooms.


吳雲道, Wu , Yun-daw Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學教師資訊素養與教學效能的關係,主要探討不同背景變項、環境變項之國民中學教師,在資訊素養與教學效能的差異情形。 本研究之研究對象,乃以苗栗縣之公立國民中學教師為主,抽樣18所公立國民小學312位教師,調查結果以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後多重比較法、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法,進行資料處理分析,獲致下列結論: 一、苗栗縣國民中學教師資訊素養與教學效能整體是屬於「中上」程度的表現。 二、苗栗縣國民中學教師資訊素養因教師背景變項不同而有顯著差異。 (1)男性教師在資訊素養上表現高於女性教師 (2)師大學歷的教師在「資訊操作」、「資訊應用整合」,高於一般大學學歷的教師。 (3)主修資訊科系之國中教師高於非資訊本科之國民中學教師。 (4)任教科目是電腦的苗栗縣國民中學教師在「資訊應用整合」、「資訊操作」、「資訊倫理」、「資訊認知」、「整體層面」上的得分都是最高。 (5)資訊研習時數在61小時以上的國民中學教師其資訊素養亦較高。 (6)苗栗縣國民中學教師不同年齡、服務年資、職務及研習項目在資訊素養上沒有明顯差異。 三、苗栗縣國民中學教師教學效能因教師背景變項不同而有顯著差異。 (1)男性教師在教學效能上高於女性教師。 (2)任教科目是電腦的國民中學教師在「教學策略」、「教學技巧與評量」「教學氣氛」、「教學規劃」、「整體上」層面上的得分都是最高。 (3)苗栗縣國民中學教師不同資訊研習時數在「教學策略」、「學技巧與評量」、「教學氣氛」、「教學規劃」、「整體教學效能」層面有顯著的差異存在。 (4)苗栗縣國民中學教師不同資訊研習項目在教學效能上有顯著差異存在。在「整體教學效能」層面,資訊研習項目是網路應用及網頁製作、電腦及多媒體教學製作的國中教師高於資訊研習項目是光碟教學應用及製作的國民中學教師。 (5)苗栗縣國民中學教師不同年齡、學歷、修業科系、服務年資、職務、在「整體教學效能」層面,無顯著差異。 四、苗栗縣國民中學教師資訊素養與教學效能不因教師環境變項不同而有顯著差異。 五、苗栗縣國民中學教師資訊素養與教學效能間有顯著正相關。 基於以上研究結果,本研究針對教育行政單位與未來研究提出建議,以作為教育與研究之參考。 / This research explored the relationship of information literacy and teaching effectiveness, and analyzed the differences of information literacy and teaching effectiveness among junior high school teachers by different background and environment factors. The samples of this study are 312 teachers of 18 junior high schools locating in Miaoli County. The results are analyzed by means, standard deviations, frequency, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson’s product-moment correlation, Scheffé method , canonical correlation. The finding were as following : 1.“Upper-high”level performance was found on the whole in relation to the teaching-information literacy and teaching effectiveness of the junior high school teachers of Miaoli County .. 2. Significant differences were found between the background variables of the junior high school teachers of Miaoli County in relation to the teaching-information literacy. 2.1 Male teachers scored higher than female teachers in relation to the teaching-information literacy . 2.2 Teachers graduating from “National Normal Taiwan University” scored higher on “information operation” and “information application” than teachers graduating from other universities . 2.3 Teachers majoring in computer sciences scored higher on information literacy than teachers of not this major. 2.4 Teachers teaching in computer sciences scored higher on information literacy than teachers of teaching other subjects. 2.5 Teachers researching and studying above 61hours scored higher on information literacy than teachers of researching and studying under 20 hours. 2.6 No significant difference was found between age 、teaching experience、duty and the items of researching and studying on information literacy. 3.Significant differences were found between the background variables of the junior high school teachers of Miaoli County in relation to teaching effectiveness. 3.1 Male teachers scored higher than female teachers in relation to teaching effectiveness. 3.2 Teachers teaching in computer sciences scored higher on teaching effectiveness than teachers of teaching other subjects. 3.3 Teachers researching and studying above 61 hours scored higher on teaching effectiveness than teachers of researching and studying under 20 hours. 3.4 Teachers researching and studying items on internet application scored higher 0n teaching effectiveness than teachers of researching and studying other items. 3.5 No significant difference was found between age 、 higher degree、teaching experience、duty and course of majoring on teaching effectiveness 4. No significant difference was found between the environment variables Of the junior high school teachers of Miaoli County in relation to teaching-information literacy and teaching effectiveness. 5. There is a positive correlation between information literacy and teaching effectiveness . These results can be used by education administratives, school principles ,and future research. Keywords:Information literacy;Teaching effectiveness

國民小學校長課程領導與教師教學效能關係之研究-以臺北縣為例 / A Study of the Relationship between Principals' Curriculum Leadership and Teachers' Teaching Effectiveness in Elementary Schools--An example of Taipei County

陳慕賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要為探討國民小學校長課程領導與教師教學效能二者之間的關係。   本研究主要採用文獻分析法、問卷調查法以及訪談法等研究方法。在問卷調查方面,以臺北縣90所公私立國民小學的90位校長與810位教師為調查對象,問卷回收後以描述統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。在訪談方面則從上述學校中選擇2所學校,每校訪談校長、主任、教師各1位。本研究期能透過上述的設計,了解校長與教師對課程領導與教師教學效能二者關係的具體看法與建議。   本研究之結論歸納如下:   一、臺北縣國民小學校長與教師均肯定校長課程領導。   二、臺北縣國民小學校長與教師均肯定教師教學效能。   三、不同背景變項的校長對於本身課程領導的評價差別不大。   四、在教師的背景變項中,除了最高學歷之外,其餘變項均會影響其對校長課程領導的評價。   五、不同背景變項的校長在教師教學效能上的評價差別不大。   六、在教師的背景變項中,除了年齡與服務年資之外,其餘變項對教師教學效能的影響不大。   七、校長實施課程領導確實有助於提升教師教學效能。   八、在校長課程領導各層面中,以「促進教師專業成長」對於整體教師教學效能的預測力最高。   本研究依據結論,於教育行政機關、校長、教師以及未來研究,提出以下具體建議:   一、對教育行政機關的建議    (一)重視校長的培育與進修,不斷提升校長實施課程領導的實力。    (二)依據地方差異,給予課程領導行政支援。   二、對國民小學校長的建議    (一)發揮課程領導權利,善盡課程領導義務。    (二)營造優質校園文化,建構學習型學校。    (三)促進教師專業成長,提升教師教學效能。   三、對國民小學教師的建議    (一)成為「合作的學習者」,彼此交流教學經驗與資源。    (二)成為「行動的研究者」,探索提升教學效能之道。   四、對未來研究的建議    (一)在研究範圍方面:本研究以台北縣為研究範圍,建議未來研究可以全臺灣地區為研究範圍,以擴大研究的廣度。    (二)在研究方法方面:除了文獻探討、問卷調查與訪談之外,建議未來研究再增加個案研究法,以擴大研究的深度。 / The purpose of this study was to inquire the relationship between principals' curriculum leadership and teachers' teaching effectiveness in elementary schools.   This study methods were adopted literature review, questionnaire and in-depth interviews. In questionnaire aspect, the subjects included 90 principals and 810 teachers from 810 public and private schools in Taipei County. The collected data were analyzed through the methods of descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, canonical correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. In addition, interviews had selected two schools from the sample of questionnaire. It is hoping that through this design to collect and understand the relationship between principals' curriculum leadership and teachers' teaching effectiveness as well as real life phenomenon of the researched subject.   Conclusions were made as followings:   1. Most principals and teachers agree the behavior of principals' curriculum leadership in elementary schools of Taipei County.   2. Most principals and teachers agree the behavior of teachers' teaching effectiveness in elementary schools of Taipei County.   3. Principals among diverse background variables take a similar view in their own curriculum leadership.   4. Teachers among diverse background variables, except the highest academic background, the rest variables will affect evaluations on principals' curriculum leadership.   5. Principals among diverse background variables take a similar view in teachers' teaching effectiveness.   6. Teachers among diverse background variables, except age and service seniority, the rest variables will have little influence on teachers' teaching effectiveness.   7. To put principals' curriculum leadership into practice is indeed conducive to promote teachers' teaching effectiveness.   8. Among all dimensions of principals' curriculum leadership, the highest prediction to total teachers' teaching effectiveness is promoting teachers' professional growth.   According to the conclusions, following are the suggestions:   1. Suggestions for educational administration organizations    1) Respecting the nurture and further education of principals and enhance the strength of curriculum leadership constantly.    2) In accordance with variation of locality, offering administrative supports for curriculum leadership.   2. Suggestions for principals of elementary schools    1) Functioning curriculum leadership rights, fulfilling curriculum leadership obligations.    2) Building high quality campus cultures, constructing learning schools.    3) Promoting teachers’professional growth, enhancing teachers' teaching effectiveness.   3. Suggestions for teachers of elementary schools    1) Becoming cooperative learners, communicating the experiences of and resources to each other.    2) Becoming action researchers, enhancing the way to teachers' teaching effectiveness.   4. Suggestions for future research    1) Aspects in research scope: the study ranging from Taipei County, suggest future research could include the whole Taiwan area to expand the breadth of study.   2) Aspects in research method: besides literature review, questionnaire and in-depth interviews, suggest future research could add case study to expand the depth of study.

臺灣地區公立高中校長教學領導、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship Among Principals’ Instructional Leadership, Teachers’ Organization commitment, and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Public Senior High Schools in Taiwan.

葉佳文, Yeh,Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討公立高中校長教學領導、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能之關係和影響情形及不同背景變項之校長教學領導、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能的差異性分析,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並提出研究結論與建議。 本研究採訪談及問卷調查二種方法,針對校長教學領導、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能等三個變項進行探究。本研究首先由文獻探討分析中,建立研究架構及理論基礎,在問卷調查方面,則先以177位公立高中教師為預試樣本,將取得的樣本資料進行信度與因素分析,以發展為正式問卷。正式問卷施測後,以回收有效樣本832位公立高中教師之問卷為研究資料,分別以描述性統計、t考驗、變異性分析、相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析及線性結構方程模式等統計方法,進行資料分析。在訪談方面,根據本研究意旨與目的研擬訪談大綱,訪談13位現職公立高中校長,藉以瞭解校長與教師間對「校長教學領導」知覺的差異性及其原因。 本研究之主要研究結果如下: 一、現行公立高中校長教學領導、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能之整體表現 良好。 二、不同背景變項之高中校長教學領導、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能有顯著差異。 三、不同程度之校長教學領導對教師組織承諾的影響有顯著差異。 四、不同程度之校長教學領導對教師教學效能的影響有顯著差異。 五、不同程度之教師組織承諾對教師教學效能的影響有顯著差異。 六、校長教學領導與教師組織承諾呈顯著高度正相關。 七、校長教學領導與教師教學效能呈顯著中度正相關。 八、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能呈顯著中度正相關。 九、校長教學領導與教師組織承諾能有效解釋教師教學效能。 十、校長教學領導會影響教師教學效能;校長教學領導應特別重視提升教師專業。 根據以上研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對教育行政主管機關之建議 (一)培養校長教學領導專業知能 (二)建立教師專業成長機制與評鑑辦法 (三)強化校長教學領導共識 二、對公立高中校長之建議 (一)積極扮演教學領導者的角色 (二)培養良好的溝通能力 (三)重視教師努力意願、提升教師組織承諾知覺 三、對公立高中教師之建議 (一)建立教師專業知能、協商制定教師評鑑 (二)協助校長教學領導、提升教師教學效能 四、對未來研究之建議 (一)研究對象方面:擴大研究對象範圍,多元觀點研究分析。 (二)研究方法方面:多方整合專家意見,實地觀察受訪學校。 (三)研究內容方面:探討其他研究變項,建構新的架構模式。 (四)研究工具方面:發展其他研究量表,適用不同類型學校。 關鍵詞:教學領導、組織承諾、教學效能 / The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among principals’ instructional leadership, teachers’ organization and teaching effectiveness in public senior high schools and the different effects from the different background factors. An interactive model was constructed and confirmed, and some research conclusions and suggestions were offered. This study adopted two research methods : visiting survey and questionnaire survey, aiming the relations among principals’ instructional leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. First, the research frame and theory were established based on the literature analysis. As for the questionnaire survey, 177 senior high school teachers in public schools were chosen as pre-test samples on which the reliability and validity analysis were based and the formal questionnaires were developed. The 832 public senior high teachers’ questionnaires were used as research data and some statistical techniques such as t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis, and SEM were employed. As for the visiting survey, 13 public senior high school principals were interviewed to understand the differences between the principals and teachers about the awareness of “principals’ instructional leadership”. The major findings from this study are as follows: 1.The overall performances of principals’ instructional leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness are good. 2.The effects of different background variables on principals’ instructional leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness are statistically significant. 3.The effects of principals’ instructional leadership on teachers’ organizational commitment are significantly different. 4.The effects of principals’ instructional leadership on teachers’ teaching effectiveness are significantly different. 5.The effects of teachers’ organizational commitment on teachers’ teaching are significantly different. 6.The principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ organization are high positive correlation. 7.The principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness are medium positive correlation. 8.Teachers’ organizational commitment and teachers’ teaching effectiveness are medium positive correlation. 9.Principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment can explain effectively teachers’ teaching effectiveness. 10.Principals’ instructional leadership has effects on teachers’ teaching effectiveness; principals’ instructional leadership should put more emphasis on the teachers’ profession The suggestions made by this study are as follows: A.The suggestions to the educational administrative institutes: 1.Develop principals’ professional knowledge. 2.Establish mechanism for teachers’ professional development and assessment. 3.Strengthen the commitment of principals’ instructional leadership. B.The suggestions to the public senior school principals: 1.Play a more active role as instructional leaders. 2.Develop sound communication skills. 3.Value teachers’ devotion to teaching and raise the awareness of teachers’ organizational commitment. C.The suggestions to public senior high school teachers: 1.Develop teachers’ professional knowledge and establish teachers’ evaluation. 2.Help principals’ instructional leadership, and promote teachers’ teaching effectiveness. D.The suggestions to the research in the future: 1.The research subjects: expand the research subjects, analysis based on multiple points of view. 2.The research methods: Integrate experts’ suggestions and visit the interviewed schools. 3.The research contents: Explore other variables, and establish new research frames. 4.The research tools: Develop other research measurement and apply to different types of schools. keywords: Instructional Leadership ; Organization commitment Teaching Effectiveness

國民中學校長分布式領導、教師專業社群學習與教師教學效能關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Principals’ Distributed Leadership, Teacher Professional Learning Community and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Junior High Schools

洪毓澤, Hung, Yu Tse Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民中學校長分布式領導、教師專業社群學習與教師教學效能之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師對於校長分布式領導、教師專業社群學習與教師教學效能知覺之差異情形,且探討三者之間的關係,最後則探討國民中學校長分布式領導、教師專業社群學習對教師教學效能之預測力。 本研究採問卷調查法,共計抽樣48所國民中學,發出445份問卷,回收423份有效問卷,問卷有效率達95.1%,問卷調查結果以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行統計分析。 本研究最後獲得以下結論: 一、國民中學教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「校長專業自信與謙遜」之知覺程度為最高,「營造適當的變革時機」之知覺程度為最低。 二、國民中學教師知覺教師專業社群學習為中高程度,以「關注學生學習」之知覺程度為最高,「分享教學實務」之知覺程度為最低。 三、國民中學教師知覺教師教學效能為高等程度,以「教學氣氛」之知覺程度為最高,「教學策略」之知覺程度為最低。 四、國民中學教師,因年齡、擔任職務、學校地區、及學校規模之不同,在知覺校長分布式領導上有顯著差異。 五、國民中學教師,因性別、學校地區、及學校規模之不同,在知覺教師專業社群學習上有顯著差異。 六、國民中學教師,因性別、擔任職務、及服務年資之不同,在知覺教師教學效能上有顯著差異。 七、國民中學校長分布式領導、教師專業社群學習與教師教學效能整體及各層面,彼此之間具有正相關的關係。 八、國民中學校長分布式領導、教師專業社群學習對教師教學效能具有預測作用,以「教師專業社群學習」的預測力最佳。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the current development of principals’ distributed leadership, teachers’ professional learning community, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness in junior high schools, and to analyze the difference between teachers of different background variables, and to explore the relationship among the three variables. This study has aimed to predict teachers’ teaching effectiveness through principals’ distributed leadership and teachers' professional learning community. Through the use of questionnaire survey method, data were collected from 48 junior high schools, distributing 445 questionnaires in total. Valid questionnaires of 423 were collected, with a usable rate of 95.1%. All data were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Junior high school teachers’ perception of principals’ distributed leadership is above average, in which the dimension “principals’ self-confidence and modesty” was the highest, and “construction of a proper turning point” was the lowest. 2. Junior high school teachers’ perception of teacher professional learning community is above average, in which the dimension “focusing on students’ learning” was the highest, and “sharing teaching practices” was the lowest. 3. Junior high school teachers’ perception of teachers’ teaching effectiveness is above average, in which the dimension “teaching environment” was the highest, and “teaching strategy” was the lowest. 4. There are significant differences in the junior high school teachers’ perception of principals’ distributed leadership in terms of age, position, location of school, and scale of school. 5. There are significant differences in the junior high school teachers’ perception of teacher professional learning community in terms of gender, location of school, and scale of school. 6. There are significant differences in the junior high school teachers’ perception of teachers’ teaching effectiveness in terms of gender, position, and years of service. 7. There is a positive correlation among the principals’ distributed leadership, teacher professional learning community, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. 8. Principals’ distributed leadership and teacher professional learning community have a predictive effect on teachers’ teaching effectiveness.


卓秀冬, Zuo, Xiu-Dong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討台灣省高級職業學校教務行政續效與教學效能之關係,及學校行政人員、學校資源對教務行政續效之影響,並且嘗試建立教務行政續效及教學效能評鑑之指標。本研究以台灣省教育廳統計所編有關高級職業學校的統計資料為主。 並且自編高級業學校教務行政暨教學效能調查表。調查全省八十個公立高級職業學校的教務行政既教學效能有關資料,共得有效樣本七十五個。在研究方法上,以多元迴歸預測高級職業學校行行人員人口變項、學校資源、教務續效指標對教學效能之影響。以單因子多變量分析(One-Way MANOVA)探討高級職業學校不同的教務續效、學校行政人員人口變項、學校資源對教務續效的影響。以因素分析(Factor Analysis) 抽取各變項之共同因素,並且以共變數結構分析(LISREL)探討其因果關係。以 群分析(Cl u ster Analysis)探討各學校教務行政續效、教學效能是否有差異? 玆將主要研究結果臚列於下: (一)學校行政人員的學歷、召開教學研究會的次數、辦理教師進修的次數、教學圖書冊數、依教師專長排課面分比對教師教學知能競賽獲獎有顯著的影響。 (二)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、教師總人數、召開教學研究會資料、辦理教師在職進修資料、教務行政電腦化百分比、教學圖畫冊數、依教師專長排課面分比對百位教師研提報告篇數具有顯著影響。 (三)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、教師總人數、召開教學研究會資料、辦理教師在職進修次數、教務行政電腦化百分比、教學圖劃冊數、依教專長排課面分比、教師教學知能競賽獲獎數、面位教師研提報告篇數百分率對學生升學率具有顯著的影響。 (四)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、召教學研究會次數、辦理教師在職進修資數、教學圖書冊數依教師專長排課百分比、教師教學知能競賽獲獎數、百位數師研提報告編數對學生操行成續達八十分的通過率具有顯著的影響。 (五)教務行政電腦化百分比、依數師專長排課面分比、百位教師研提報告篇數、學校行政人員的學歷對學生技能檢定的通過率具有顯著的影響。 (六)校長學校行政知能、學校行政人員行政知能、學校資源、教務行政續效、教學效能間之因果關係在本研究中并未獲得完全證實,但教務行政續效及學校產能之各評鑑指標都達極顯著水準。 (七)有關高級職業學校教學效能之研究,全部七十五個學校將學生表現投入群集分析共可分成優秀學校(十二個)、良好學校(二十一個)普通學校(二十個),欠佳學校 (二十二個)。將教師教學知能投入群彙分析共可分成優秀學校 (四個)、良好學校 (十二個)、普通學校 (五十八個)。 最後根據研究結果,本研究提出強化教務行政續效、教學效能之具體建議,並對未來之研究方向提出建議。

國中數學教師之不同培育背景對教學效能、教師專業承諾及學生數學成就影響 / The effects of pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement in Taiwan

朱美怡, Chu,Mei-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在教育改革浪潮下,台灣師資培育制度於1994年師資培育法公布之後,正式進入多元培育的體制。新制實施後,引發不少爭論。主要爭論焦點之一為新制培育的教師,其教師素質是否比舊制培育者為低。主張單一培育制度者認為師範院校具有獨特潛在課程,潛移默化學生專業精神,因而學生素質較佳;多元師資培育制度者則認為市場競爭、教師專業化取向有利提高教師素質。 本研究主要目的即透過「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(TEPS)第二波國中教師及學生之資料,比較不同培育背景之數學教師於教師素質及學生數學成就上之差異,並釐清過去關於師資培育之爭論。 本研究數學教師樣本數為7,001,依據教師年資、是否就讀師範院校,以及是否修習教育學程等標準,將數學教師培育背景分成新制、舊制,及師範與非師範院校等共七類。教師素質則包含與教學效能及教師專業承諾等兩面向相關之指標。學生數學成就則以TEPS提供之數學能力IRT分數為指標。 本研究依不同研究假設,進行卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸等統計分析。主要發現如下: 一、師範院校與非師範院校培育之教師相比,其教學效能及教師專業承 諾有顯著差異。在教學效能上,師範院校生較常使用傳統教學策略與教材,非師範院校生則較常使用新制教學策略與教材及常測驗考試;在教師專業承諾上,非師範院校生則表現較佳。但兩者在學生學習成就上則無顯著差異。 二、舊制與新制培育之教師相比,其教學效能及教師專業承諾有顯著差異。教學效能方面,舊制生於其他教材層面表現較佳,新制生則於維持秩序及常測驗考試層面表現較佳;而教師專業承諾上,舊制生於研究進修層面表現較佳,新制生則於教學不厭倦層面表現較佳。但舊制生於學生學習成就表現較佳。 雖然研究發現,不同培育背景之教師,其教學效能、教師專業承諾、及學生數學成就表現有顯著差異。但進一步分析,則發現整體而言,這些差異並不是很大。由此可見,多元師資培育政策並未影響教師素質,而一般大學師資培育機構之培育功效亦不亞於師範院校之師資培育機構。綜觀以上發現,可發現「教育系統標準化」的觀點更合乎台灣的現況。台灣之師資培育與學生的學習成就,在「國家機器」嚴格的控制把關之下,能夠維持一定水準。 / The pre-service teacher education in Taiwan has become multi-training since 1994. Considerable debates have been arisen since then, and one of which is “Teaching Quality.” Some argue that multi-training policy worsens teaching quality. For they think Normal Schools, providing more latent lessons to students’ spirit, are better than other pre-service teacher education programs. On the other hand, some argue that the new multi-training policy would advance teaching quality by the market competition and teacher’s professionalism. The main purpose of this study is to utilize the data of “Taiwan Education Panel Survey” (TEPS) to compare the effects of pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement in a bid to solve the controversy. In this study, the teachers’ sample, divided into 7 categories according to their teaching experience and training background, is 7001. Besides, “teaching quality” includes “teaching efficiency” and “teacher’s professional commitment.” “Students’ math achievement” is based on students’ math IRT score provided by TEPS. The study mainly utilizes statistical analyses based on Chi-square analysis, ANOVA, Regression analysis and so on, The study finds out, although teachers of different training backgrounds have significant differences on their teaching efficiency, teacher’s professional commitment and students’ math achievement, the differences are not magnificent. In other words, the effects of different pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement are not much diverse. The result suggests that under firm control of “the state apparatus”, teaching quality and students’ academic achievement in Taiwan could maintain at a level.

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