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交易制度、市場透明度與投資人行為之研究詹瑞華 Unknown Date (has links)
市場透明度會影響市場的公平與效率,左右投資人的交易行為,進而影響市場的流動性、波動性、價格效率等,因此探究市場透明度對投資人交易行為之影響之相關課題實有其必要性。本研究利用民國 91 年 1 月至 92 年 3 月之相關日資料進行分析,並將樣本依新制的實施劃分為三階段,旨在探究台灣股票市場中,自營商、投信與外資買賣超與股票報酬率之間是否各別存在正向回饋的反應、三大法人買賣交易是否存在相互影響的關連性與此兩種交易行為是否因為證交所所實行的新資訊揭露制度而有所改變。主要實證結果有:(1)由整體市場報酬率來看,在實行新制之前三大法人皆具有明顯的正向回饋交易行為。但在實行新制之後,外資在第二階段以前一日報酬為基準時已無正向行為的出;自營商則有顯著性降低的趨勢,但對投信無顯著的影響。(2)以個股報酬率來看,三大法人皆出現顯著的正向回饋行為,並未因新制的實施而有所改變。(3)在進一步將個股劃分為大型股與小型股後可發現,在大型股方面,三大法人皆具有顯著的正向回饋交易行為,皆未因新制的實行而改變其行為;在小型股方面,在新制實行之前,在以前一日為基準時,外資不存有正向回饋的現象。隨著新制的施行,自營商在第二階段即有正向回饋顯著性降低的趨勢,投信則是在第三階段才出現顯著性降低的現象。(4)在Granger因果關係檢定中,在新制實行前,前期的外資買賣超對當期市場報酬與自營商、投信買賣超皆具有影響力,此影響力隨新制的實行有降低的趨勢。(5)在VAR模型檢定中,三大法人買賣超在各階段皆具有顯著的自我相關,但僅有投信在第一階段中具有追隨外資的從眾行為,並且採取與外資反向的投資策略。
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慣性噪音下的內部人交易 / Inside trading with inertial noise trades胡昌國, Hu, Chang Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
Based on the sequential auction model of Kyle (1985) and embedded the formulation of positive feedback traders in De Long et al. (1990), our model formulates a recursive market game of insiders, noise traders, and market makers. In particular, the submitted demands of positive feedback inertial traders are influenced by previous own trading quantities. I prove the existence and uniqueness of a recursive linear equilibrium with positive feedback inertial trades. Further, the equilibrium calibrates that the strategies of insider and market makers are also influenced by positive feedback trades. Finally, we conduct a simulation analysis to get a price-volume pattern with some empirical interesting implications.
Finally, this thesis takes trading strategies to trade the individual stock in TSEC. Although the market mechanism of TSEC has no market makers, it is still expected that these trading strategies are useful for traders which implies the information is filtrated by these trading strategies.
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