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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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與他者相遇:佛斯特《印度之旅》的殖民旅行 / An encounter with the other: colonial travel in E. M. Forster's a passage to india

張婉蓉, Zhang, Wan-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
廣義而言,「殖民旅行」是指殖民者在從事各類殖民活動時,往返於殖民地與本國之間的旅程。殖民旅行(及各種旅行)最明顯的特徵為「自我」與「他者」的相遇。因此,佛斯特的《印度之旅》處理自我/他者和殖民者/殖民奴的遭遇,充分展現殖民旅行的特色。本論文嘗試援引德勒茲和伽塔利於(千高臺:資本主義與精神分裂》中所提出的旅行理論以解讀這本小說。其中的幾項概念,如靜止與游牧、條紋空間與平滑空間、固著路徑與可彎路徑、再現與遭遇,為本論文的主要論述基礎。同時,以勒維納斯的倫理學中自我對他者的無限尊重及責任為輔,本論文歸納出兩類旅行模式:靜止式及游牧式。 《印度之旅》中,殖民地官員、費爾亭與何德蕾是靜止旅行者。他/她們皆以「再現機器」強化自我/他者和殖民者/殖民奴間的疆界。她/他們遵循條紋空間/殖民地之固著路徑,明顯欠缺對他者/印度人民的責任感。職是,她/他們不可能停止挪用及消除他者,並真正與他者相遇。相反地,摩爾太太是小說中唯一的游牧旅行者。她沿著可彎路徑漫遊平滑空間,培養對他者/印度人民無窮的責任心。她不但僭越自我/他者的藩籬而進化為他者,更於殖民旅途中與無盡他者相遇。 本論文的貢獻在於試圖探究佛氏《印度之旅》中游牧旅行的深義及其存在的可能性,與靜止旅行對旅行者的危害。 / Broadly put, clonial travel refers to the geographical movement between the colonizer's arrival at the colony and return to Empire as they are engaged in various activities with respect to colonialism. In colonial travel(and all travels), one of the most remarkable features is the self's encounter with the other. In this light, E.M. Forster's A Passage to India(1924) manifests the conspicuous traits of colonial travel for it manages to deal with the self/the other, the colonizer/the colonized confrontations. This thesis takes a stab at applying Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's theory relating to travel in their collaborative work, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia(1987), to read the novel. Such concepts as the sedentary and the nomadic, striated space and smooth space, rigid lines and supple lines, representation and encounter delineated in their book are the paramount focus of critical attention. Moreover, Emmanuel Levinas'ethics championing the self's undiminished respect and responsibility for the other is employed to proffer a model for colonial travel. As a result, this thesis propounds that due to their distinct responses to the other, two different sorts of travel, the sedentary and the nomadic, consist in the colonial travel of the novel. In A Passage to India, the Anglo-Indian administrators, Cyril Fielding and Adela Quested are sedentary travelers who strengthen the self/the other, the colonizer/the colonized boundaries in thier dependence on the representational apparatus. They travel along rigid lines in striated space/the colony and lack a responibility for the other/Indians. They are thereby prohibited from a genuine self/the other encounter without appropriation and sublation. Conversely, Mrs. Moore in the novel proves to be the sole nomadic traveler who journeys across smooth space replete with supple lines and fosters an unlimited obligation for the other/Indians. She traverses the self/the other barriers to “become-other”and further encounters the infinite other in her colonial peregrinations. The contribution of this thesis is to explore the profundity and possibility of nomadic travel in all travels and the damaging results of sedentary travel in A Passage to India.

《一無所有》中的旅行辯證 / The dialectics of Travel in The Dispossessed

秦小玳, Ching, Shiau Diy Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以旅行敘事的角度來解讀魏勒恩 (Ursula K.Le Guin) 的科幻小說《一無所有》(The Dispossessed),討論在旅行至異地時,自我與他者的相遇,他者的「異質性」(the alterity of the other,簡稱「他異性」)如何影響甚至改變個人的自主性與既有的社會認同。本論文首先以佛洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud) 所提出的「怪異經驗」(the uncanny experience) 理論,以及克莉斯緹娃 (Julia Kristeva) 對此經驗的闡述,說明人對「他異性」所引起的反應,其實是來自於其本身早已具有的異質性。 克莉斯緹娃認為人之所以會將他者視為不可理解的陌生人,是因為人的內心也蘊藏著一個陌生人。本論文接著引用列維納斯 (Emmanuel Levinas) 「絕對他者」(the absolutely other) 的理論,延伸克莉斯緹娃的主張,並且將自我與他者的關係構築成一個倫理關係。列維納斯認為他者的激進他異性無法整合進入自我的知識系統,因為它只能被經驗感知,既不能被概念化,也不能被智性思考。因此,他者的無限內在性無法被掌握,而主體有選擇是否回應他異性的自由。對於列維納斯而言,選擇回應並超越自我中心,或者不回應且拒絕面對他者之無限性,二者並無對錯可言,皆為可接受之選項。 《一無所有》的主要人物薛維克 (Shevek) 的故事敘述他如何成為列維納斯倫理的見證人。他的故事提供了一種另類模式,用來觀照現代殖民旅行小說 (modernist colonial odysseys) 中主要角色的旅行經歷。亞當斯(David Adams) 主張這些小說中的主角旅行至殖民地,是尋求在家鄉已不復見的神聖他者,換言之,即上帝的角色。西方世界因宗教的絕對權威崩潰,導致人類的存在價值無法再由神來保證,而有關存在的問題無法由神學來回答。這些小說的主角在異國土地上找不到答案,無功而返,甚至釀成悲劇。列維納斯認為尋找上帝的路是透過對他者沒有保留的仁慈與慷慨而展開,薛維克的故事正好詮釋了列維納斯的主張。 本論文的主要論證是將《一無所有》這本小說定位成繼承現代殖民旅行小說的脈絡,卻成就另一番文學風貌,不僅因為此書解決了現代殖民旅行小說的神學難題,也因為早在十九世紀末,當地球上已無多餘之地可供殖民時,已有作家在文學的領航下,開始了在異想世界或外太空的殖民。 / This thesis tries to examine Ursula K. Le Guin’s work of science fiction, The Dispossessed, as a travel narrative in terms of the dialectical relation between the self and the other. The term dialectics means the condition of the tension or opposition between two interacting forces or elements. The thesis aims to discuss how encountering others exerts the impact on the self whose autonomy and identity structured in the homeland are re-structured during travel in a foreign land. It will first explicate that the uncanny response to the otherness arises from one’s own otherness by employing Freud’s theory of the uncanny and Kristeva’s re-investigation of Freud’s. Secondly, Emmanuel Levinas’s theories concerning the absolutely other is used to broaden Kristeva’s contention that one is always already a stranger in her/himself, and to turn the relation between the self and the other into an ethics. Levinas maintains that the otherness of the other (“alterity” by Levinas’s term) is radical and cannot be incorporated into the self’s totality; the alterity in the other is as infinite as that in the self. Neither the other nor the self is graspable. The subject is free to choose between responding to the alterity of the other in order to transcend its own solipsism, and incorporating the other and treating it simply as a reflection of the self. To Levinas, there is no right or wrong with either choice. The story of the protagonist, Shevek, delineates how he becomes a Levinasian ethical man. His travel experience provides an alternative model that would otherwise accomplish the quest that the modernist colonial odysseys have failed—according to David Adams, to seek the divine absolute in an age when the theological questions in the Western world are no longer answered as God has been perceived to be absent. Levinas suggests that the way to the divine absolute, that is, God, is through the detour of opening oneself to the other with generosity and hospitality, which Shevek demonstrates in his travel. The theoretical argument of the whole thesis expects to put The Dispossessed in the continuum of the modernist travel narratives because it offers the solution to the theological problems embedded in those travel narratives, and because to colonize or to transform a familiar place into an imagined land has, since the late 19th century, long been manifested in the works of those writers of science fiction.

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