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基於反應-擴散之傳統獸面紋圖樣對應產生技術 / The pattern generation technology of traditional animal-mask decoration based on reaction-diffusion劉偉正, Liou, Wei Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
中國歷代的各種藝術品與建築上富有多樣的裝飾紋樣,多是古人根據自然現象與生物的觀察加以風格化而成。而非相片寫實電腦繪圖技術(Non-photorealistic Rendering)之目的是分析各種繪畫形式的規則並且建立出一套生成系統。本論文以裝飾紋路中的傳統獸面紋圖樣做為研究對象及發展其生成技術,分析傳統獸面紋結構並找出生物與獸面紋間的關聯性,對資料庫進行結構性比對方法來進行五官特徵的生成並改善現有著作之成果。在花紋特徵生成上,應用了反應-擴散(Reaction-Diffusion)方法來保留和風格化輸入影像的花紋特徵並用以強化獸面紋的裝飾,同時也能根據給定向量場的資訊擴散出符合向量流向的背景裝飾紋路。結合以上之特徵,所提出的系統可生成出一張具傳統獸面紋風格之影像,並做出可應用在東方風格之遊戲或是商標上的結果。
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傳統中國獸面紋圖樣對應寫實相片之產生技術 / The pattern generation technology of traditional animal-mask decoration王裕炫, Wang, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
獸面紋又稱做饕餮紋,其盛行於商代至西周早期,但早在夏代青銅器上就已發現這種紋飾,饕餮是古人想像出來的怪獸,進而再融合自然界中各種猛獸的特徵而成。一般形象是以鼻樑為中線,兩側成對稱排列,有大眼和頭上兩個大角,以及一個沒有下唇的大嘴。非相片寫實電腦繪圖技術(Non-photorealistic Rendering)不同於傳統的電腦圖學技術,著重於產生各式各樣不同於光學物理的繪圖效果。最重要的是如何分析各種藝術的結構和技巧,進而加以統整之後,建立系統性的演算法,將其重現於數位空間。本論文便是針對中國古代所流傳下來的獸面紋圖樣的設計創作去做分析,從而發展出一套系統,讓使用者輸入一張任意的動物圖像,將此圖像標示出特徵部位後再與我們收集的獸面紋樣資料庫做簡單的比對和變更,自動的產生繪製出具有中國古代獸面紋圖樣特徵的結果。 / Animal-mask decoration, also known as the taotie pattern, is an art stylization commonly found on bronze vessels from the Shang Dynasty to the early Western Zhou Dynasty. Taotie is an imagined gluttonous monster, which is composited with the characteristics of various wild animals. The general layout of taotie is a symmetrical face with pair of large eyes and horns, and a big mouth without lower lip.
Non-photorealistic computer graphics (NPR) technology tries to produce all kinds of effects different from the optical physics, and focuses on analyzing and integrating the principle of the various arts and skills to establish a systematic method to reproduce the stylization. This thesis tries to analyze the structure of the traditional animal-mask decoration, and building a system to transfer the stylization. The User can input an animal photograph and manually select few feature points. Then the proposed algorithm will automatically extract the feature and find the correspondence in the example Database to create the new animal-mask decoration with the feature in the input photograph.
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