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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳月美 Unknown Date (has links)
就讀研究所時,選修了李師定一先生所開的「中國近代史料分析」,我選擇了清代四大日記之一的「湘綺樓日記」以為期末報告。作者王闓運,生於道光十二年(一八三三),卒於民國五年(一九一六),享壽高達八十五歲,歷經清代道光、咸豐、同治、光緒、宣統五朝,以迄民國,正是近代中國變化最劇烈的階段,王氏深負朝野重望,數十年如一日,其間人物消長,政治得失,他都身經目擊了!每多論述及批評,除了日記以外,他的著作非常之多,文學上固有其地位,而近代中國之劇變,在其豐富的著作中,大約可以窺其梗概,在李定一師的鼓勵下,遂有此文之撰。 本文將分四章來探討王闓運對年代中國局勢變化的看法,首先略述他的生平,次論他對咸豐年間最重要的歷史事件一湘軍及辛酉政變的見證,即「湘軍志」及「祺祥故事」,繼而從內政、外交兩方面,分析他對當時中國應付西方帝國主義入侵的看法,第三章是內政方面,第四章是外交方面。 本文由開始搜集資料至撰寫完成,承蒙李定一師悉心的指導,在此表示衷心的感謝!其間,我因結婚赴美,中斷了兩年,若非外子、公婆及家人的支持,本文無以完成,在此致最深的感激,此外我要謝謝佩恆、佩鈞兩位弟弟挑燈校對的協助!

復古與現代: 王闓運文學思想研究= Between tradition and modernity: the literary thought of Wang Kaiyun

林傳濱, 19 August 2016 (has links)
在過去大多數文學史的論述中,王闓運由於摹擬漢魏六朝文學的復古主張而被視為是晚清保守派人物,其文學思想的價值意義及其背後的現實關懷都被輕易忽略,沒有得到足夠的重視。在學界逐漸承認古典文學與現代文學並非截然斷裂、古典文學更是現代文學在草創階段重要的借鑒資源時,對於王氏文學思想似乎也可以提出新的評價。通過對王闓運文學思想的剖析,可以發現,他的文學除了是與當時眾多文學話語的對話之外,還包含他的經學思想和現實關懷,在晚清文化轉型時期的大背景下,王氏看似復古守舊的取態,實際上在對文學與個人、文學與政治關係的思考上體現了一定的超越性,甚至可以與五四以後的現代文人達成相似的共識契合。全文共分六章。第一章為緒論,交代研究動機及思路。第二章在說明王闓運對駢散之爭的取態之外,同時探討其學術思想與文論之間的關聯,指出王氏通經自治的思想迥異於當時的致用思潮,同時也反映在他的文論之中。第三章以王氏的「文情說」為主線,探討他與鄧輔綸和袁枚的詩學對話,由此還原王氏文情說的建構過程及闡釋其內涵意義,說明王氏對創作的關注聚焦於如何處理文學藝術和個人情感的關係。第四章通過比較王氏與道咸宋詩派的詩學異同,由此說明王氏試圖將宋明理學的道德詩學排除在他的文學思想之外,視詩歌為個人陶冶性情的藝術。第五章由王氏在學術和文學思想上提出的「為己為人」之辨展開,由此了解其文學思想背後批評文學為政治服務、士人追求名利等現實關懷,而他在肯定文學的獨立價值,以及批評道德及政治文學的取態上與五四文人也有一定程度的契合。第六章為結論。Abstract Wang Kaiyun has been labeled as a 槍conservative" for his literary acclamation in most research of literary history. Therefore, his literary concern on the problems of society has not been attended much in the relevant studies. This dissertation focuses on the theme of Tradition and Modernity, uncovering his literary thought in the cultural transitional era on the one hand, and on the other, giving efforts to explain his transcendental consciousness over the relation between individuality and literature, literature and politics. In his literary dialogue with other literary contexts, his seemingly conservative acclamation is in fact thought-provoking for the contemporary as well as the following May-Fourth cultural movement. This dissertation consists of six chapters. The first chapter introduces research motive and methodology. The second chapter focuses the relation between Wang Kaiyun's literary theory and thoughts apart from his attitude toward the two literary types of prose and essay. The third chapter explores his poetic dialogue with Deng Fulun and Yuan Mei by tracing his Wen Qing Shuo(theory on the literary sentiments), in order to restore the process of theoretical formation as well as the connotation interpretation. The following chapter compares and contrasts Wang's poetic theory with the School of Song Poetry in Dao, and confirms his acclamation on the function of poetry as way of feeling expression. Wang Kaiyun rejects the authority of Song-Ming Confucianism in poetry, and insists that poetry be the art for cultivating human mind. Chapter five focuses on Wang's philosophical idea of Wei Ji versus Wei Ren(for self-versus for others), uncovering the value of his humanity concern for the following May-Fourth cultural movement. The last chapter is the concluding part.

王闓運文學理論研究 =: A study of Wang Kai Yun's literary theories. / Study of Wang Kai Yun's literary theories / Wang Kaiyun wen xue li lun yan jiu =: A study of Wang Kai Yun's literary theories.

January 2004 (has links)
諶蕾. / "2004年11月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2004. / 參考文獻(leaves 191-209). / "2004 nian 11 yue". / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Chen Lei. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2004. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 191-209). / Chapter 1.第一章: --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 2.第二章: --- 王闓運生平及著述簡介 --- p.2-5 / Chapter 3.第三章: --- 王闓運治學方法析論 --- p.5-31 / Chapter 第一節: --- 王闓運治學歷程槪述 --- p.5-10 / Chapter 第二節: --- 王闓運經學流派槪說 --- p.10-26 / Chapter 第三節: --- 王闓運治學方法及態度 --- p.26-31 / Chapter 4.第四章: --- 王闓運詩學理論槪說 --- p.32-98 / Chapter 甲: --- 詩論 --- p.32-81 / Chapter 第一節: --- 詩源論 --- p.32-39 / Chapter 第二節: --- 體製論 --- p.39-60 / Chapter 一、 --- 四言 / Chapter 二、 --- 古體詩 / Chapter 三、 --- 近體詩 / Chapter 第三節: --- 創作論 --- p.60-81 / Chapter 一、 --- 復古 / Chapter 二、 --- 摹擬變化 / Chapter 三、 --- 緣情綺靡 / Chapter 乙: --- 詩選 --- p.82-98 / Chapter 第一節: --- 《八代詩選》 --- p.82-91 / Chapter 第二節: --- 《唐詩選》 --- p.91-98 / Chapter 5. --- 第五章:王闓運文論槪說 --- p.98-109 / Chapter 第一節: --- 流派 --- p.98-100 / Chapter 第二節: --- 作法 --- p.100-109 / Chapter 6.第六章: --- 王闓運治學與治詩、文之關係 --- p.109-113 / Chapter 7.第七章: --- 結論 --- p.113-116 / Chapter 8. --- 附錄 --- p.117-187 / 附錄一:〈王闓運治經歷程詳表〉 --- p.117-138 / 附錄二:〈王闓運自負言論輯要〉 --- p.139-144 / 附錄三:〈《八代詩選》收錄詩統計總表〉 --- p.145-152 / 附錄四:〈魏晉南北朝詩家評〉 --- p.153-159 / 附錄五:〈《八代詩選》漢詩家評語輯要〉 --- p.160-163 / 附錄六:〈《唐詩選》評語輯要〉 --- p.164-190 / Chapter 9. --- 參考書目 --- p.191-195 / Chapter 10. --- 參考論文篇目 --- p.196-209

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