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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


徐暐珽, HSU WEI-TING Unknown Date (has links)
現代商業經營專業的分工中,環境變化速度之快、複雜程度之高更勝以往,企業為了在激烈的競爭中求生存,勢必要有獨特的競爭優勢,作為其差異化或低成本策略的來源,而在企業所擁有的資源中,最具價值的是無形知識(Know-how)的資產,它是最能為企業帶來競爭優勢的資源。因此,企業除了運用自行建構的資料庫累積經營知識外,更必須仰賴其他專業機構的資料庫,來提供其專業整理的資訊服務,作為經營決策判斷的輔助,如此方能確保企業經營的成功。 故如何以最快速、最有效之方式得到最精確的資訊情報,將是現階段企業對企業、國家對國家之競爭利器。政府也有所體認,並積極營造自由化與國際化經濟體系,提升國家競爭力,而產業技術資訊服務體系無疑的將擔任重要任務。本研究將以國內現有之產業資訊服務業者為研究對象,了解其如何提供及時並符合需求的資訊。本研究的主要研究結論如下: 一、國內產業資訊服務業現況與定位 (一)產業資訊服務業已漸漸脫離政府主導,在下列四個因素的配合下,使產業資訊需求增加、良性競爭使服務品質提升。產業發展正處於產業擴散的狀態。 1. 電子資訊產業的蓬勃發展,帶動產業資訊服務需求的改變與成長 2. 多年人才培育有成、民間業者出現,使產業競爭增加 3. 政府預算在MIC、IEK總營收之比例逐漸下降 4.MIC、IEK對市場競爭角色的重新思考 (二)資訊服務提供的資訊價值層次深淺不同,目前台灣產業資訊服務的定位屬於介入縱深較淺及風險承擔較低的層次,且各產業成員間略有差異。 二、產業資訊服務之加值及關鍵要素 (一)產業資訊服務在加值流程中的重要加值活動包含:主題及架構訂定、訪談暨資料蒐集、確認與分析、討論與資訊分享、報告撰寫。而前三個步驟:「主題及架構訂定」、「訪談暨資料蒐集」、「確認與分析」的重要性及加值比重相對較高。 (二)研究報告的內容加值策略可分為「水平整合」及「垂直加深」兩種。 (三)資訊服務業所提供的產品或服務,必為「資訊」,但不必然是「知識」。 (四)顧問服務須視個別客戶需求完成,顧客意見有左右最終服務成果的影響力,屬於需求導向的思考;對研究報告及研討會簡報的加值而言,顧客意見雖為重要依據,但僅只「參考」,屬於生產者導向的提供模式。 (五)加值流程中,判斷、選擇一正確、適時的資料是不可免的關鍵步驟;而產業資訊的加值,有許多判斷依靠的是分析師的研究經驗與知識。 (六)研究資料的收集有許多不同來源,國內與國際性研究機構在資料收集上有收集方式及資料性質的差異,但共同點在於以專家訪談為最主要的資訊來源。 三、組織層面的因素對加值流程的影響 (一)分析師的分析經驗與知識是影響加值過程的重大因素,故分析師的培訓是成為人力管理上的重要議題,產業資訊服務業者除了提供外顯知識的訓練課程外,更重視與專家互動、分析角度與觀點、文字表達…等較為內隱的實務經驗傳授。 (二)分析師在資訊加值過程中,須具備資料塑造者及資料庫管理者之五大技能:技術能力、統計模組化及分析能力、溝通合作技能、資料的知識、企業的知識。但國內訓練偏重在分析技能的教導,須加強溝通與合作能力的訓練。 (三)產業資訊服務業的研究領域會隨產業變化或客戶需求而更動,此變動將影響分析師的研究廣度、深度及工作重點。 (四)產業情報提供及顧問服務為產業資訊服務業的兩大主要產品或服務,但兩者在加值上為兩種不同的能耐,此差異將導致分析資源配置上的困難。 (五)國內早期與國外顧問公司合作引進研究分析方法,但由於所編撰非組織專屬之知識及研究方向易變、研究的短期需求等因素,目前正朝研究方法的知識管理及本土化兩方面努力。 / ABSTRACT The direct and undirect environment change faster and are more complax than before. To survive in this environment, companies must have the unique competive advantages, and the most valuable advantage is the invisible know-how. Therefore, beside the building database to accumulate operational know-how, the enterprises must rely on the database of the research companies. They provide the professional information services to assist the enterprises to make decisions. Consequently, how to acquire the accurate industrial information efficiently will be the important issue. The government positively builds the liberalized and internationalized environment to make the national competivity progress. Hence, this thesis will choose the industrial information service industy as the research case to confer how to provide the information which meet the needs of customers. Objectives Besed on the context and motives, this thesis tries te discuss the following objectives: 1.the status and the position of the industrial information service industry in taiwan. □2.The informational value-added activities of the industrial information service industry. □3.The impacts of the organizational factors on the value-added process of the industy. Research Structure The core of the research structure is the informational value-added process. Throught the process, the data is transformed to be useful information, and the information is able to go back to the new data. The process is based on the seven stages of the information audit and the organizational factors are according to the contextual factors in the model which Davenport mentioned in 2001. Additionally, The process and factors are revised to match the research objectives. Case Choice According to the industrial definition, and for the purpose of case study, this thesis chooses 3 companies as studies cases, including Market Intelligence Center (MIC), Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center (IEK), International Data Corporation (IDC). The reasons of choosing them are as follows: 1.They are the famous companies in the industrial information service industry in Taiwan. 2.In Taiwan, what They provide is the main source of the industrial and technological information. 3.When the managers in companies and officers in government make decisions, they will refer to the information which the three companies provide. Research Methodology This thesis adopts the case study using direct web observation, testing the internet system and in-depth managers interviews. Before interviewing, the author has collected related data and the under-practicing data of every enterprise. Case Analysis and Conclusions 1. The status and the position of the industrial information service industry in taiwan (1) The industrial information service industry in Taiwan has departed from the control of government. The increasing of needs to the industrial information and the upgrating of the quality of services can be attributed to the following reasons. The industy is in the status of expansion. □*The great developmentof electronical information industry makes the needs of industrial information increasing and changing. □*Training and the non-government companies make the competiton increase. □*The proportion of the government buget in the total revenue of MIC and IEK gradually decreases. □*The re-thinking of the competional status of MIC and IEK. (2) The value of information of informational services is different in depth. The position of industrial services in Taiwan is deep intervention and low risk-taking, and the companies in this industry have a little difference. 2. The informational value-added activities of the industrial information service industry. (1) The important value-added activities of the industrial information service are setting the subject and structure, interview and data collection, identification and analysis, discussion and information sharing, and paper writing. However, the former three stages(setting the subject and structure, interview and data collection, identification and analysis) are more important than another stages. (2) The content value-added strategies of the research reports can be sorted to the horizontal-integrated and vertical-deepened stragey. (3) The product and service provided by industrial information service industry must be information but not be bound to be knowledge. (4) Each consulting service depends on the individual customer need, which is the demand-oriented thinking and what customer wants can decide the result of consulting service. However, the opinion of customers is important for research report and brief of seminar, but it is only to be the reference, which is the supply-oriented thinking. (5) In the value-added process, the judgement counts on the research experience and knowledge of the industrial analyst. (6) There are many different data sources. The difference in data collection of native and international companies is the measure of collection and the property of data, but the common point is interview to be the major data source. 3. The impacts of the organizational factors on the value-added process of the industy. (1) The research experience and knowledge of the industrial analyst are the significantly influential factor, so the training of analyst is a important issue in human resource management. Beside the training programs, the company pays much attention to teaching the practical experience, for example the interaction between analysts and experts, the analytic view, expression of research…etc. (2) Anlyst must provide with Technology Skills, Statistical Modeling and Analytic Skills, Knowledge of the Data, Knowledge of the Business, Communication/Partnering Skills. However, the native training lays particular stress on the analytic skills, and then it should increase the training of Communication/Partnering Skills. (3) The research fields will develop as the industries and customer needs change. Then the change will take influence on the research scope and depth of analysts. (4) The main production and service are intelligence providing and consulting service. Nevertheless, the company must have two capacities to add value to intelligence providing and consulting service, which contribute to the difficulty of the distribution of analytic resources. (5) The native and international research companies cooperate to bring in the research methodology in early stage. Now, the native research companies strive to KM (knowledge Management) and localization of methodology.

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