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我國司法判決之敘事分析初探—以「目標可贖回遠期契約」(TRF)爭議為例 / An narrative analysis of judicial judgement—Taking the“ Target Redemption Forward ”(TRF)controversy as an example周冠中 Unknown Date (has links)
而當法律爭訟發生時,雙方當事人需將自己認定之事實分以「故事」及「論述」讓法官有興趣聽、聽得懂並相信所說為實,如此才能贏得訴訟。因而「敘事」對當事人之攻防與判決書的事實建構益顯重要,司法敘事策略與方式及其意義與價值於焉產生。 / The purpose of this study is to conduct an exploratory analysis on the narratives in Taiwan’s judicial judgments by using examples of dispute cases on Target Redemption Forwards (TRF).
Analyses are conducted on texts of civil judgments in order to understand how plaintiffs and defendants respectively develop their strategies and methodologies of narratives for winning cases, and how judges narrate the legal facts that they affirm as causes and consequences in their verdicts.
It was discovered in the study that, based on the "principles of distribution of the burden of proof" and the "regulations on the drafting of litigation pleadings," judicial narratives made by plaintiffs, defendants and judges can be classified into two parts, namely "story" and "discourse." A frequently used form of writing, "narration interspersed with comments," is normally made for the purpose to affirm "legal facts."
When a legal dispute takes place, the parties concerned are required to provide narratives (stories and discourses) in the court, including interpretation of the facts that they affirm by using relevant evidences. In order to win the case, however, the narrator must ensure that such narratives are interesting, understandable and persuasive to the judges.
"Narratives," therefore, play important roles for constructing the facts by the two parties and for preparing the court verdicts. The strategies and methodologies used for judicial narratives are then of significant meanings and values.
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