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小孩敘說過去事件能力之發展 / Children’s narrative performance about past events across time廖冠琄 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的目的在於探討母親在親子對話中談論過去事件的方式對於小孩自行敘說過去事件能力的影響。研究語料來自於兩名以漢語為母語的三歲小孩與她們母親的對話,以及這兩名小孩與研究者之間的對話。研究結果顯示,根據Reese, Haden, & Fivush (1993)的研究,這兩位母親都展現出高度詳述的風格(high-elaborative style),不過這兩位媽媽所注重的敘說內容(narrative information)是不同的,其中一位媽媽注重事件的過程(complicating action),另一位媽媽則注重事件發生的背景(orientation)。至於小孩自行敘說過去事件的能力,研究結果發現這兩位小孩會受到她們母親的影響,亦即這兩位小孩在與研究者對話時,常常詳述(elaborate)正在討論的過去事件,較少重複(repeat)已提過的資訊,不過有關於敘說的內容(narrative information),這兩位小孩到了後期所注重的內容並不相同,她們所強調的內容會與她們母親類似,而這個結果與維高斯基(Vygotsky)的理論是一致的。 / This study investigates mothers’ ways of co-constructing narratives about the past in mother-child conversations when the children were 3;6 and the children’s narrative performance in researcher-child conversations at three time points when the children were 3;6, 3;9, and 4;0. The effect of mothers’ ways of co-constructing narratives with children on children’s narrative performance was also investigated. Mothers’ ways of co-constructing narratives with children were examined in terms of the conversational styles and the narrative information types, and children’s narrative performance was examined in terms of the conversational contributions and the narrative information types. Subjects in this study are two female children (D and Z) and their mothers. The results show that the two mothers displayed the same conversational style, namely, high-elaborative style termed by Reese, Haden, & Fivush (1993). But, they differed in the type of narrative information that they placed more emphasis on. One of the mothers was particularly concerned about orientation information, while the other mother placed more emphasis on complicating actions.
As for children’s narrative performance, the two children were very similar about the type of utterances that they contributed in the narratives when having conversations with the researcher. More specifically, they both frequently produced the type of elaborations, which was much higher than repetitions at each time point. In terms of narrative information types, at Time 1 (3;6) and Time 2 (3;9), D and Z were similar in that complicating action was higher than orientation. However, at Time 3 (4;0), Z’s orientation was higher than complicating action, while D’s complicating action was still higher than orientation. With respect to the effect of mothers’ ways of co-constructing narratives with children on children’s narrative performance, it was found that the difference that D’s mother provided or requested for complicating actions much more often than Z’s mother did at Time 1 (3;6) was reflected in the two children’s percentage of this narrative information type at Time 3 (4;0). This is in line with Vygotskian theory that early scaffolds provided by mothers would be reflected in children’s performance at a later time.
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四位台灣國中生之聽力策略個案研究 / A Case Study on Four Junior High School Students' Experiences in Developing EFL Listening Strategies張立宛, Chang,Li Wan Unknown Date (has links)
本個案研究旨在探討實施聽力策略教學對四位台灣國中生的影響與衝擊。 不同於以往傳統認知取向的策略教學,本文採用維高斯基(Vygotsky)社會文化取向理論來分析學生的學習;相信策略教學與學習應該考量到學生與外界環境及人際間的互動,而非只探討教學本身的成效。因此本研究在個案對策略學習及自主學習的觀感和態度上多所著墨。文獻回顧內容則涵蓋聽力策略的理論及聽力策略教學實施情形及成效的研究。
1. 聽力能力較高的同學顯然比聽力較弱的學生更能夠有效率的交互使用「由上而下」 及「由下而上」的聽力策略。而聽力較弱的同學則傾向於過度依靠直接翻譯」策略。
2. 原本一向被傳統認知學習策略所忽略的情意方面的因素,反而似乎是影響學生策略學習的主因。這些情意方面的因素包括了:學生如何控制自己的脾氣,學習態度,及情緒。更重要的是,學生似乎都傾向於需要找到生命中的重要他人,並依靠這些較有能力的大人來提供他們踏出學習第一步時必要的安全感,知識,能力,方法及學習的動力。
因此,本研究的發現,回應了維高斯基的社會文化取向理論。唯有先透過人際間的互動與學習,才有可能回歸自我,反求諸己,達到內省與自發的境界。本研究希望能藉由教育現場的真實互動情形,喚醒策略學習及教學研究者對社會文化取向的學習理論,以及學生情意態度影響學習成效的重視。 / The purpose of this case study was to investigate four Taiwanese junior high school learners’ listening strategy use when receiving listening strategy instruction. Different from conventional quantitative SLA strategy studies, this present qualitative case study, adopting sociocultural perspectives, grounded on the conception that the issues of strategy learning should not be understood only in terms of direct instruction and its effectiveness. Instead, exploring the learning processes in which learners and the external environment are necessary. Therefore, this case study focused on the discussion of four learners’ attitude toward learning and their perspectives toward listening strategy instruction.
The participants of this study were 37 students in a Taiwanese junior high school in the Taipei city. Yet, the focus was on four cases, Natalie, Tom, Jasmine and Jin Pin. Three major data collection instruments were adopted including the quantitative questionnaire, qualitative interviews and learning journals kept by the four cases. The instructional procedure was divided into five stages-- preparation, diagnosis, instruction, practice, and evaluation. A sample GEPT listening comprehension test was given to the students to pretest their proficiency in the diagnosis stage. Then the instruction on six listening strategies--guessing, grouping, inferencing, note-taking, selective attention, and asking for clarification was provided for 18 weeks. The Listening Comprehension Strategy Questionnaire based on Wang (2000) was conducted to identify the learners’ listening strategy use. Their learning journals were evaluated to explore their ongoing problems and perceptions toward learning the strategies.
In Chapter Four, the profiles of the four cases were illustrated including their family background, school performance, and attitude toward learning autonomously to give a full picture of their learning habits. In Chapter Five, major findings are summarized. First, the case study echoed the previous finding that more skillful listeners seem to use both the ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ strategies more effectively while less skillful listeners rely too much on direct translation. Second, some salient issues previously not emphasized were found including learners’ affective concerns and their ability to control emotions, turned out to powerfully influence the learners’ learning. The learners needed to be assisted first by some adult surrogates and their significant others and to gain enough guidance, assurance, sense of security and control over the emotions before they can move on to self-regulated learning. If not, their learning tends to be subject to their own emotions, which are mostly controlled by the interaction between the learners and the external environment or the others.
This finding consisted with the sociocultural perspective in that learning is a collaborative process between the learners and their social contexts. Only through interaction with others can learners achieve a new level of autonomy. To foster learner autonomy, strategy training needs to account for a more interactive view of learning.
It also suggests that more efforts should be paid to explore the impact of learners’ affective and social concerns on their language learning toward autonomy.
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