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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

繪本共讀對EFL國小學童字彙學習的影響:圖文標指與引導問答之比較 / Vocabulary learning with storybook reading in EFL elementary school: Labeling vs. questioning

劉儒蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
字彙學習是語文能力重要的一環,許多教學也都是以提升孩童單字量之目的設計的,其中,故事閱讀活動就被推崇為是能以提供豐富情境的方式來增進孩童語文能力的有效策略。本研究主旨在探討繪本共讀對EFL國小學童字彙學習的影響,主要的研究方向有:(1) 圖文標指與引導問答教學對學童運用繪本學習字彙的影響; (2)不同教學引導方式對學生字彙保留量的影響; (3)不同教學引導方式對不同程度學生所產生的影響。 受試者為五十四位台北縣五年級國小學童,其字彙測驗成績則為資料分析來源。本研究主要發現有下列幾點。第一,圖文標指和引導問答教學對國小學童運用繪本學習字彙皆有助益。第二,圖文標指和引導問答教學對學童字彙保留量都有正面的影響。第三,英語學習高成就學生在運用繪本學習字彙上收穫比低成就學生多,其中,圖文標指教學對高成就以及低成就學生皆有助益;此外,總括來說,引導問答教學對高成就學生的字彙學習幫助最大。 最後,本文提供了教學者以及日後研究者相關建議,並期盼研究結果能帶給台灣英語老師一些字彙教學上的參考。 / Vocabulary plays an important role in children’s emergent literacy. Many instructions were developed to build children’s word knowledge. Among them, storybook reading is promoted to be an effective strategy that enhances children’s literacy by providing rich contexts. The purpose of the present study aims to examine the effects of the techniques of labeling (L) and labeling plus questioning (L+Q) for vocabulary teaching with storybook reading in EFL elementary school. The study is mainly concerned with three aspects: (1) the effects of L and L+Q on student’s vocabulary learning during shared storybook reading; (2) student’s retention of learned vocabulary affected by the two techniques; (3) the influence of the two techniques on students with diverse English proficiency. Participants were 54 fifth-grade elementary school students in Taipei County, and the data analysis was based on their performance of the Picture Vocabulary Test (PVT). The findings of the study are as follows. First, L and L+Q techniques were both beneficial for student’s receptive vocabulary learning during shared storybook reading. Second, both L and L+Q techniques were effective in retaining student’s word knowledge. Third, overall performance of students with high English proficiency (HEP) in PVT improved more significantly than that of students with low English proficiency (LEP). Besides, L technique was helpful for HEP and LEP’s receptive vocabulary learning, but not for HEP’s word retention. Moreover, HEP were most influenced by L+Q technique in vocabulary learning during shared storybook reading. Based on the findings of the present study, pedagogical implications and suggestions for future study were provided at the end of the thesis.

成人共讀策略對兒童繪本閱讀理解歷程影響之眼動研究 / Effects of adult interactive strategies on young children’s reading comprehension: an eye movement study

張雅嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
繪本共讀對學前及低年級兒童而言,因可同時增加兒童閱讀的經驗以及閱讀能力,故十分受到重視。過去文獻亦指出成人與兒童進行繪本共讀,確實能促進兒童的讀寫萌發能力,惟成人運用何種策略的助益較大,尚未有結論。閱讀最重要的目的在理解,然過往繪本共讀研究的焦點主要集中於繪本共讀對聲韻覺識等解碼能力的效果,較少觸及繪本共讀對兒童理解能力的影響,更少討論推論理解等較高層次的理解歷程,是否會影響兒童在繪本共讀時的表現。 本研究旨在探究成人不同的共讀策略以及不同閱讀理解層次的內容,是否會對兒童繪本閱讀歷程產生影響?實驗一操弄提問式與評述式兩種共讀策略,並以眼動儀(Eye Tracker)觀察記錄大班與小一兒童在共讀繪本時的眼動表現。結果顯示提問式策略對大班兒童注視目標圖區的引導功能較評述式策略強,但評述式策略則較提問式策略更能引導兒童凝視目標字區。大班兒童在不同策略時的眼動與語音對應性,在不同區域的差異相反,顯示圖畫與文字兩種區域,在繪本閱讀的歷程中,可能扮演不同的角色、提供不同的訊息。 實驗二進一步將成人與兒童的互動內容分為文義與推論理解兩不同閱讀理解層次,討論不同的共讀策略及閱讀理解層次對小一兒童的繪本共讀是否有所影響。結果同樣發現提問式策略可引導兒童注視目標圖區,而評述式策略則有助兒童凝視目標字區。在不同閱讀理解層次的影響上,則發現推論理解層次時,評述組兒童注視目標圖區時間高於文義理解;而文義理解層次的內容,對引導提問與評述兩組兒童注視目標字區的幫助則高於推論理解層次。惟語音對應凝視時間的指標,反映出評述組兒童目標字區推論理解的對應凝視比例高於文義理解,與凝視時間比例之策略差異相反。 評述組兒童在推論理解層次的內容時,凝視目標圖區的時間比例顯著高於文義理解,在文字區域文義理解高於推論理解的差異亦達顯著,顯示不同層次的閱讀理解內涵,確實會影響兒童看圖看文的眼動表現,故推知圖畫與文字兩區域,其資訊本質並不相同。而推論理解在目標字區的語音對應凝視比例高於文義理解的結果,則代表推論理解較文義理解更能引導兒童在繪本共讀時的注意力,並有機會使兒童可整合圖畫與文字兩類資訊。 文獻指出單純聆聽成人唸誦繪本內容,不針對內容加以明確的引導與互動,並不會對兒童的讀寫萌發能力有顯著的幫助。本研究進一步發現成人運用提問與評述等不同策略,及不同閱讀理解層次的互動內容,可分別引導兒童注視繪本畫面上不同的區域,使兒童在閱讀歷程中獲取推論或文義理解所需之不同訊息。因此,進行繪本共讀的活動時,成人或教育工作者應選擇適合的互動策略、設計不同理解層次的互動內容,並依據不同的互動與教學目的交替使用,以使繪本共讀對兒童的閱讀理解歷程發揮最大的功效。 / Since benefits of shared book reading (SBR) to young children’s emergent literacy have been manifested, numerous studies have emphasized the advantage of SBR to children’s decoding ability (e.g. phonological awareness).Even though the most important purpose of reading is comprehension, research which focus on the effects of SBR to comprehension ability is still scarce, and especially so for studies which discuss the relationship between SBR and higher level comprehension ability (e.g. inferential comprehension). The influence of adult’s interactive strategies on children’s reading comprehension is also indistinct too. The present study investigated the effects of adults’ interactive strategies and comprehension levels of interactive content on children’s comprehension process during SBR, which was reflected by the eye movement data. Experiment 1 compared reading behaviors of preschool and first-grade children under question versus comment strategies. Experiment 2 explored the effects of comprehension level of adult’s interactive content and interactive strategies on first-graders. Results of experiment 1 and 2 revealed that the question strategy drew preschoolers’ attention to target picture area (critical for story comprehension), while the comment strategy guided it to word area. Moreover, children paid more attention to target picture area in the inferential condition than the literal one and the data on target word showed the opposite pattern. Results confirm that adults’ explicit references during SBR can attract children’s attention to different areas on shared book, and thus enhance respective aspects of the comprehension process. Therefore, using interactive strategies and interactive content with high comprehension level contribute more to children’s literacy and comprehension development than simply reading to them.

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