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A Case Study on the Effects of Applying Authentic Materials as Listening Comprehension Supplements for Senior High School Students / 使用真實語料做為高中生英語聽力輔助教材成效之個案研究林宜如, Yi-ju Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析探討以廣播真實語料 (authentic broadcast materials) 做為台灣高中生英語聽力輔助教材之可能性,並兼論不同題型設計 (task types) 對不同程度學生聽力表現上的影響,以期能夠提供高中英語教師在英聽教學教材上的另一選擇及英聽測驗的方針。
本研究採用質與量的分析方法。質的分析涵蓋:(一)實驗對象的英文學習背景;(二)學生英聽困難的分析;(三)學生對選材及不同題型的看法。量的分析則以SPSS統計法,包括(一)前後測統計數值的差異;(二)取材(text types)與後測英聽成效的關係;(三)題型(task types)與後測英聽成效的關係。
研究結果發現:受試者在收聽廣播真實語料上最大的困難在於速度及連音。但經過廣播真實語料的英聽訓練後,高程度組不但在後測表現上有明顯進步,且較習慣於外國人的速度及連音,並能接受更長篇的真實語料。至於題型設計對英聽成效影響不大,但是,從學生問卷發現,高程度者認為克漏字題型較有助於英聽訓練,而中、低程度者則都認為選擇題較有助於英聽訓練。最後,本研究提出一些英語聽力教學上的建議:(一)教學初期只要求學生達到重要但簡單的基本目標;(二)教導學生分辨中英文語言的差異以及口說與書寫英文的不同特性;(三)設計多樣化的題型。最後,希望本研究能對台灣的高中英語聽力教學有所助益。 / ABSTRACT
This study aims chiefly at the feasibility of using authentic English broadcast programs as supplementary materials in listening comprehension training for EFL senior high school students. It also discusses the effect of different task types on different proficiency levels in English listening comprehension performance, in the hope that the research would provide other alternative of supplementary listening materials and test designs as a reference for senior high school teachers.
The research is conducted among 41first-year senior high school students. In the beginning of the first semester in fall, 2002, the subjects were divided into three proficiency levels (high, middle and low) according to the results of their performance on the GEPT listening comprehension as a pretest. Then they were given a ten-week authentic English broadcast listening training. During the course of training, different task types were provided to evaluate students’ listening proficiency and to help them to the focus of the test. At the end of the semester, the same GEPT listening task was administered as a posttest.
The research adopts both qualitative and quantitative data analyses. Qualitative analyses consist of (1) the subjects’ English learning background, (2) the English listening comprehension difficulties encountered by the subjects, and (3) students’ views on different test and task types. By using SPSS, the quantitative analyses incorporate (1) the difference of statistical values between the pretest and posttest, (2) the correlation between text types and proficiency performance on the posttest, and (3) the correlation between task types and proficiency performance on the posttest.
The research has found out that in listening to authentic English broadcast, the major difficulties encountered by the subjects are speed and linkage. Nevertheless, after the ten-week systematic training, the high-achievers are found to have improved obviously in their posttest performance. Little by little the subjects, especially the high-achievers, are not only adapted to the speed and linkage in authentic speech but also used to longer utterance by native speakers. Furthermore, it is also found in the research that the task types have little effect on the subjects’ listening performance. However, from the analysis of the subjects’ feedback questionnaire, the research has found that high-proficiency students reveal that cloze test types are helpful for the training of listening comprehension, while the middle- and low-achievers prefer the multiple choices.
It is suggested that in teaching English listening comprehension teachers should (1) start with requiring students to achieve the basic goals the teacher considers essential in comprehension certain types of tasks, (2) teach students to differentiate the features between English and Chinese as well as those between spoken English and written English, and (3) design diverged types of tasks for students to practice listening skills. It is hoped that this research would make some contribution to English listening comprehension teaching in senior high schools in Taiwan.
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以學生與教師觀點探討台灣國中生英語聽力困難之研究 / A study of junior high school students' problems in english listening comprehension from students' and teachers' perspectives莊孟淳, Chuang, Mong-chun Unknown Date (has links)
一、在五種影響聽力困難的因素中,學生認為最常見的因素為聽力文本,聽者本身為其次,接著依序為聽力任務、說話者因素,最後為聽力過程。在文本因素中,聽力困難主要來自於不熟悉的片語。在聽者因素中,聽者本身文法知識的不足是聽力困難最主要的原因。在聽力任務中,聽完後需要學生做聽寫是比較困難的。在說話者因素中,說話者速度是主要的聽力理解障礙。在聽力的過程中,學生最常遇到的問題在於無法將一連串的內容分成有意義的段落。調查問卷的44個分項中,學生認為他們所遇到的最常見英語聽力困難中文本因素佔大多數,而聽者因素其次,最常見的困難為不熟悉的片語,其次為不熟悉的單字與文法的不足。 二、高能力者與低能力者遇到的聽力困難有顯著性的差異。大致上的區別為,影響高能力者聽力的最主要因素為聽力文本,而影響低能力者的主因為聽者本身的因素,且高能力者遇到的聽力困難比低能力者顯著來得少。最常見英語聽力困難中,高程度者認為在文本方面無法重複聽為最大的困難,然而對低程度者而言,聽者本身的文法不足是導致聽力困難最主要的原因。三、以教師與學生觀點來說,兩者對學習者所遇到的聽力困難的認知有顯著性的差異。大致上的區別為,教師認為造成學生聽力困難的主因為聽者本身的因素,而學生認為文本因素為影響聽力困難的最主要障礙。最常見英語聽力困難中,教師認為說話者的語速為主要困難,然而學生認為文本中不熟悉的片語是導致聽力困難最主要的原因。最後,本論文指出研究限制以及對未來相關研究之建議提出說明。 / The purpose of the present study is to investigate junior high school students' listening comprehension difficulties. This study is mainly concerned with three aspects: (1) the overall difficulties that student encountered in junior high school; (2) the similarities and differences in listening difficulties between high achievers and low achievers; (3) the differences in the perspectives on students' listening problems between students and teachers. This thesis research was based on the data analysis of 366 ninth-graders from 11 odd-numbered class and 17 English teachers at a public junior high school in Taoyuan.
The findings of the study were summarized as follows: (1) among five factors, the text factor held the highest frequency followed by the listener, task, speaker, and listening process. For text factor, the main difficulty emerged from unknown phrases and unknown words. For listener factor, weak grammar was identified as the foremost difficulty. For task factor, the task demanding dictation arose most difficulty. For speaker factor, the speech rate was the main obstacle. For listening process, the students suffered from the perception problem that they could not chunk streams of speech into meaningful segments. Among listeners’ top ten difficulties in taking a listening comprehension test, six of them were categorized into text factor, and five were classified into listener factor. (2) There were highly significant differences in listening difficulties between the effective and the ineffective listeners. The difficulties the effective listeners met with were fewer than those ineffective listeners encountered. The effective listeners in this study met with listening comprehension problems in text factor more frequently than the other factors; however, the ineffective listeners encountered difficulties in listener factor most often. Among the top ten listening difficulties, the foremost difficulty for the effective listeners was unrepeated materials, and for the ineffective ones was weak grammar. (3) Overall, the teachers’ perceptions about their students’ listening difficulties are significantly different from the students’. Specifically, there were significant differences in the perspectives between the teachers and the students in the factor of listening process and listener. The teachers reported that their students encountered listening difficulties in the listener factor most often, whereas the students indicated that the text factor was the hugest barrier to their listening. Among the top ten students’ listening comprehension problems, the individual difficulty with the highest mean acquired by all of the students was the text with unknown phrases (text factor) However, the foremost listening problem from the teachers’ perspectives was the fast speed rate of the speaker (speaker factor).
Based on the findings of the present study, pedagogical implications and suggestions were provided at the end of the thesis.
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圖像輔助呈現時機對台灣國中生聽力之影響 / The Effects of Pictures at Different Time Periods on the Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students in Taiwan吳嘉容, Wu, Jia-rong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台中縣光正國中一個國三班級42位同學為對象,經過英語聽力能力測驗後,他們被分為高中低三組。實驗前,學生們先填寫第一份問卷。隨後,三組學生一起接受兩種實驗: (1)邊聽邊看圖片; (2)先展示圖片再聽。在完成所有實驗後,隨即填寫第二份問卷。本研究主要結果如下:
根據研究的結果,聽前呈現圖像輔助對不同程度的學生均有助益,尤其對中低程度者聽力理解的幫助更為顯著。因此,本論文呼籲,國中英語老師可在實施英語聽力測驗時,多善用圖像輔助以引發學生的學習動機並藉由聽前呈現圖片技巧來提昇學生們的英語聽力理解。 / The purpose of the present study is to explore the effects of pictures as cues supplied at different time periods, the picture before listening comprehension test (BLCT) and during listening comprehension test (DLCT). More specific, it is focused on the comparisons of the effects of BLCT and DLCT on the high, middle and low proficiency groups. Also probed are students’responses to two questionnaires on the following issues.
(1) The subjects’ previous English learning background as shown in Questionnaire One;
(2) The main listening problems the subjects encounter in the process of listening, including the oral text, the listener and external aspects;
(3) The subjects reactions to the listening comprehension with the picture format and their preference for the timing of picture-giving.
The subjects of this study are 42 students of nine-grade junior high school students in Kuang-cheng Junior High School in Taichung County. They are divided into three proficiency groups—the high proficiency group (HPG), the intermediate proficiency group (MPG) and the low proficiency group (LPG) according to the scores of the listening comprehension test in the subjects’ second mid-term examination. At the beginning of the overall experiment, they are demanded to finish Questionnaire One. After that, they are assigned to take two listening comprehension tests: a listening comprehension test with a picture before listening and during listening. After receiving the two treatments, the subjects are asked to complete Questionnaire Two to reveal their attitudes toward the listening comprehension tests with visual cues.
The major findings of the present study are summarized as follows:
(1) Although most of the subjects have learned English for more than three years, they do not establish much confidence in their own listening ability due to the limited time of practice in listening. Many of them do not support the idea of incorporating the listening comprehension test into the future high school entrance exam. However, they express their eagerness for obtaining the teacher’s guidance in listening.
(2) The worse the listeners achieve, the more listening difficulties they would come across, especially in the oral text and the listener himself/herself.
(3) BLCT is more effective than DLCT. This can be proved by the mean scores and standard deviation of BLCT and DLCT respectively.
(4) As the three different proficiency groups are taken into consideration, BLCT lends itself to the low proficiency groups (LPG) and the intermediate proficiency groups (MPG).
(5) Most of the subjects prefer the listening comprehension test with the picture format, particularly the visual cue before the listening activity.
Based on the results of the study, the picture before listening benefits all of the three proficiency groups, especially the lower achievers. The researcher suggests that English teachers in junior high school try to make good use of visual cues in constructing listening comprehension tests to arouse students’ motivation and thus improve students’ listening comprehension.
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影片標註聽力複習機制對於英語聽力理解的影響研究 / The Effects of Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism on Listening Comprehension陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來英語教學特別重視聽力對於英語學習的重要性,然而臺灣的英語教育仍以播放CD為最廣泛使用的英語聽力練習方法,無法因應個別學習者聽力上的個別差異需求,進行重聽段落的自我調整。隨著科技的進步,電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,本研究發展一影片標註聽力複習機制(Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism, VALRM),可輔助學習者依據自己的學習需求,進行英語聽力重聽段落的標註與重聽。為了驗證此一機制對於提升英語聽力的成效,本研究比較使用VALRM以及利用Youtube進行自主聽力複習機制(Self-Determined Learning Review Mechanism, SDLRM)的學習者,在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷是否具有顯著差異。此外,也進一步比較不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者(場地獨立型與場地依賴型),分別採用VALRM及SDLRM在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷上是否具有顯著的差異。
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大學生修習商用英語聽力訓練之學習需求及聽力策略探討—以國立政治大學商學院為例 / Needs Analysis and Listening Strategies Training of English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes in Colleges -- A Case Study in College of Commerce, NCCU陳佳琦, Chen, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的在於調查大學生修習「商用英語聽力訓練」之動機及需求,並對教師的教學活動及學習者之策略習得進行深入探討。該課程係以專業英語(English for Specific Purposes)之理論為依據,設計為應用於商業場合之課程。本研究以國立政治大學商學院學生為受試者進行個案研究,藉以探討「商用英語聽力訓練」課程現況及可供改進之方向。
由以上的研究結果,本論文針對於學習需求及策略訓練方法歸納出改進「商用英語聽力訓練」課程之具體建議,以期日後對相關課程之學習者及授課教師都能有所助益。 / This thesis aims to explore the current situation of an “English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes” in college and to provide suggestions for further improvement. This study focuses on two aspects:one is the motivations and needs analysis of the students who take this course; the other is the training and acquiring of listening strategies in this course. This course is based on the theory of “English for Specific Purposes” and is designed for Business majors. All the subjects of this research are sophomores and seniors of the College of Commerce at NCCU.
The subjects’motivations and needs are investigated through a questionnaire survey at the beginning and the end of the semester. This research reveals the different motivations and needs for efficient and less-efficient learners. The results may provide some helpful perspectives to assist teachers in selecting effective teaching materials and designing appropriate courses.
The other emphasis of this study is on the training and acquiring of listening strategies in this course. The definitions and categories of listening strategies are based on Oxford’s theory (1990). The author sits in on the classes for 28 hours to observe and record the actual teaching and learning situations. In addition, both questionnaires and tests (pre-test & post-test) are utilized to examine the actual strategies the subjects employ. With reference to the results of the observation, questionnaires and tests, the author presents the most effective listening strategies of this course.
Based on the conclusions of this thesis, some possible applications are proposed for an “English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes”. The author hopes these suggestions can enhance the development of relevant courses in the future.
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