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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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姜璿 Unknown Date (has links)
公共健康與藥品專利之間的衝突與調和,一直是世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,以下簡稱WTO)各會員國所關注的焦點;儘管全球經濟發展迅速,但多數低度開發及開發中國家,卻因為無法獲得足夠且平價的醫療資源及藥品,而有大量人口死於可治療之疾病,人類最基本的健康權在該些國家境內仍無法獲得基本的保護;故WTO 在2001、2003及2005年分別通過數個宣言及決議,試圖透過該些決議,來解決該些國家境內日益嚴重的公共健康問題,並試圖調和藥品專利保護與公共衛生間的衝突。然而,該些決議仍必須透過各國修正內國法律來加以實踐,故本文以加拿大和印度之內國法修正為例,分析後發現該些國家修正專利相關法規後所建立之學名藥品出口機制對於解決上述公衛問題之效果其實相當有限,再加上始終對強制授權機制持反對意見的美國,透過其於國際社會強大之影響力,進一步的阻礙了各國的實踐,故WTO允許透過強制授權出口平價學名藥品至不具製藥能力國家之機制,對於落後國家之實際影響,仍有待未來進一步的觀察。


周慧菁 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2002年加入世界貿易組織,市場之開放勢必對我國生技製藥產業帶來衝擊。在法制方面,為改善現有管理制度,期與國際管理規定接軌,並順應世界貿易組織「與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定」之相關規定,我國藥事法於民國94年2月5日增訂第40條之2,一則獎勵新藥研發,遵守國際義務,強化智慧財產權之保護,以符合世界醫藥法規潮流,再者兼顧國內製藥業之發展。其中藥事法第40條之2第1項係關於藥品專利登錄制度之規定,此項新規定,可能因新藥許可證申請人揭露無關該新藥之專利而衛生主管機關又無餘力審核之情況下,延誤後續學名藥之上市時程;而其中藥事法第40條之2第5項則係關於試驗例外之規定,此項新規定則與專利法試驗例外規定有關,其之適用對於以製造學名藥為主之我國藥廠亦將有相當影響。有鑑於此,本論文擬就我國生技製藥產業因前開法制規範增訂所可能面臨之爭議問題進行探討。 本文將生技製藥產業涉及專利法及競爭法之爭議問題分為二個面向討論,第一面向係上游階段,即藥品開發階段之相關專利法及競爭法爭議問題,主要包括研究工具專利試驗例外及授權等相關問題,第二面向則為下游階段,即藥品開發完成後之相關競爭法爭議問題,主要係關於藥品專利登錄制度可能衍生之競爭法相關問題。 首先,關於上游階段之研究工具專利試驗例外問題,本文認為,未經專利權人同意而實施研究工具專利之學名藥廠,其臨床試驗與申請上市許可之行為雖可主張藥事法上之試驗例外,然其尋找候選藥物之行為卻不該當專利法上之試驗例外規定,而仍構成專利權之侵害。其次,關於上游階段之研究工具專利授權問題,本文認為,針對第二種態樣之研究工具專利聯盟,由於其同時涵蓋所有互補性及替代性專利,因此,不論以產品市場、技術市場或創新市場之觀點,其皆有可能構成獨占地位之濫用以及搭售,而有違反競爭法相關規定之虞。最後,關於下游階段之藥品專利登錄制度問題,本文建議,可參酌美國鼓勵學名藥上市之立法例及司法實務,於藥事法中訂定確認訴訟及反訴之相關規定,且訂定第一個提起確認之訴者可享有180天之獨占銷售權,以鼓勵欲生產新藥學名藥版之學名藥廠,主動向法院提起確認之訴,確認其未侵害系爭專利,以除去經檢附之不適當專利。

影響企業於中國建構醫藥品通路的因素分析─台商未來的因應之道 / An analysis on pharmaceutical industry’s channel strategy in China ─ suggestions for Taiwan’S enterprises

黃淑媛, Huang, Shu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
中國13億人口的內需市場已為各產業的新興目標,尤其是在醫藥產業,中國政府於2009年宣布將投注8,500億人民幣改革中國整體醫藥建設,更為目前身處於台灣飽和市場的本土藥廠的發展契機,加上兩岸近期簽署的兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),未來兩岸商業互動將更為頻繁。台商藥廠如何在這各界搶占的中國市場占有一席之地?掌握通路即掌握市場。 影響通路建構的因素分析,是企業市場營銷的首要步驟,公司對影響通路建構的因素越是瞭解,越是能掌握變動的市場,做出調整以因應環境的變化。本研究首先從中國醫藥品生產企業發展概況的分析,引導出跨國藥廠(歐美等國與台灣企業)進入中國市場常見的問題,並研究影響其通路建構須掌握的三大分析構面,包括醫療體制、藥品管理相關法令,以及流通企業等。 在醫療體制部分,中國的醫療市場主要集中在國有醫院(public hospitals),但國有醫院的營銷環境複雜,受到許多來自政策、地方主義、關係資本等因素的影響,使得外來投資企業在經營中國國有醫院市場上,皆需要各方面相當的營銷資源才足以支撐。 在藥品相關法令部分,中國政府為了整頓醫藥市場混亂的景象以及減輕民眾的用藥負擔,於1998年起陸續頒布了許多藥品管理相關法令,包括國家基本藥品目錄、藥品價格管理制度,以及藥品集中招標採購制度等,這些法令雖然規範與體制化了中國醫藥市場,但也約束了醫藥通路終端市場的藥品採購,並使藥廠的通路建構彈性大幅受限。另外,雖然過去由於中國專利法發展遲滯,致使許多歐美企業無法在中國發揮藥品發明專利之市場壟斷的作用,但中國於2007年再次修定並頒布新實施的藥品註冊管理辦法,已將中國的藥品專利保護之法律與行政制度進行初步連結,未來兩者整合性的發展,將塑造出更有利於擁有強大技術與專利能量的藥廠生存的環境,此為台商不可忽視的重要課題。 在流通企業部分,中國流通企業不僅了解當地行規,通常又擅長多角化經營,掌握了大多的終端客戶,往往能夠提供藥廠代銷、物流、倉儲、收款等服務,故在流通企業在中國醫藥通路上扮演著不可或缺的角色,藥廠對流通企業的通路功能依賴性極大。 台商過去進入中國醫藥市場發展十幾年來的商業模式,是否還能足以因應未來更變化多端的市場環境?而後進中國市場的台灣藥廠又該採取怎樣的進軍策略?面對未來,台商更應「衡外情、量已力」,從各面向深入瞭解影響中國醫藥品通路建構的因素,除了鞏固既有醫藥市場與通路資源外,更應積極思考如何提高通路系統的附加價值,開創嶄新的獲利模式。本研究後續將針對前述三大影響因素,分章論述分析,最後歸納與整理影響因素對台灣藥廠所造成的困難,並提具因應上的建議,期能提供在中國發展醫藥品市場的台商企業作為未來發展策略的參考依據。 / China’s great market demand has become the new target for international enterprises, especially in pharmaceutical industry. China government announced the investment of 850 billion RMB to ameliorate the medical infrastructure in China, which indicates an opportunity for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies. The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China will encourage a more enthusiastic interaction across the strait. Channel strategy will be the key to predominate the highly competent China market for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies. Analysis on channel construction will be the first step for industrial marketing strategy. The better a company understands the factors influential for channel construction, the better it can get control in the ever-changing market and adjust itself to cope with any alteration in the environment. This thesis will begin with an introduction on the development of pharmaceutical industry in China and thus induce some common issues with which international pharmaceutical companies are confronted in China market. It will analyze the channel construction from three important perspectives, healthcare system, pharmaceutical regulations, and logistics industry. Public hospitals play a major role in the healthcare system of China market. The marketing in public hospital involves complicated variables, including policy, local protectionism, and relationship capital. Non-local companies need every considerable resource to manage the marketing in public hospitals. In order to reform the healthcare market and lower the medical expense, China government announced several pharmaceutical regulations, including National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL), Medicine pricing policy, and Pharmaceutical Centralized Public Bidding Procurement process. On one hand, these regulations help to put the market into order; on the other hand, it sets restricts on the retail sales and the channeling flexibility of the pharmaceutical company. Due to the slow development of China patent law in the past, moreover, a lot of American or European pharmaceutical companies could not develop an exclusive market for their drug through patent system. New Provisions for Drug Registration revised and announced by China government in 2007 established an initial connection between legal and administrative system of drug patent protection. Such integrated development will form an environment more suitable for pharmaceutical companies which possess powerful technology and patents, a significant trend for Taiwan companies’ attentions. China logistics companies understand local law and regulation and are usually familiar with multi-business strategy. They control most of the retailers and can offer sales agency, logistics, storage, and agency receipt. Logistic industry plays an important role in China pharmaceutical channel and is indispensable to pharmaceutical companies. It will be questionable whether Taiwan companies’ old business model can be sufficient for the changing China pharmaceutical market in the future. The newcomers should ponder more on their strategy for the market as well. Taiwan companies need to take the external condition and their own strength into consideration, understanding every factor of China pharmaceutical channel construction. Besides strengthening the original market and channels, Taiwan companies should aggressively enhance the add-value of channel system and find out new profit model. This thesis will focus on and elaborate the three perspectives and analyze the difficulties they bring upon Taiwan pharmaceutical companies, proposing possible solutions and future strategy for those who aim to develop their pharmaceutical business in China.

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