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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡寅方 Unknown Date (has links)
我國古昔歷代建國,一向重視賢能的選拔與任用,每當軍事成功之後,必禮聘賢能之士,以為輔弼,並廣羅國內俊彥,建立人事制度,而便於推行各項政務,領導民眾,建設國家。因此用人是否得當,可決定建國的成敗,人事制度之良窳,又可註定國運之盛衰。古書上說:「得人者昌,失人者亡。」又說:「故為政在人,其人存,則其政舉,其人亡,則其政息。」在說明為政在人的重要性。 上古之世,政務簡單,環境單純,對於行政人才,無甚需要。秦漢以降,政事日繁,政府組織漸趨龐大,但當時係實行集權統治,官吏僅知奉行上級命,令以壓制恐怖手段,推行政務,僅具管理之名,而無領導之實。民國初年,軍閥禍國,終歲戰亂,人事制度不上軌道,迨民國十七年,國民政府成立考試院,文官制度正準備普遍推行時,內憂外患,交相侵逼,繼之以抗戰戡亂,使這項重要工作,無法順利展開。 反觀歐美諸國,人民生活方式與社會背景雖與我國迥異,但其早期推行政務的方法,與我國頗為相似,至工業革命之後,隨著生產技術的不斷革新,社會進步,人民生活由靜趨動,就在行政事務逐漸擴大之時,受到十九世紀前半期自由學派理論的影響,政府的職權被限制得很小,使行政工作幾陷於停頓。直至十九世紀中葉以後,各國的政務益加繁鉅,政府各級組織,迅速擴大,基於事實的迫切需要,不得不注重一般公務人員的選拔,訓練與任用,同時並配合加強人事機構的職權,應用科學方法,推行行政管理的技術,對行政領導人員的方術,也莫不詳加研討改進,以求適應實際需要。益以近世科學發達,人民生活水準提高,民主思潮風行,政治變遷日新月異,為了推動建設工作,增進人民福祉,促進社會進步,政府之各級機關,非選用大批領導幹才,運用智慧技能,出而推動率領,服務社會,不能擔當軍國重任。因是,行政領導就在此種迫切需要的性形之下,遂成為廉能政治與行政革新的重要課題了。 政府播遷來臺以後,行政革新工作,積極展開,卓著成效,政府機關與公私企業機構,開始應用科學管理立法,講求效率與服務,對領導人員的考選、訓練與任用,亦列為施政重點工作,若干研究發展團體,對領導新觀仿的鼓吹提倡,尤多建樹。五十七年元旦,總統特別昭示國人,要加速國家現代化,就必須推動全面革新,並應以行政革新帶頭,採取具體行動,啟用新人,訓練領導人才,以促進觀念與思想的革新,生活與行動的革新、方法與制度的革新,並重視研究發展,以建立真正的廉能政府。又在國家安全會議第一次會議時,總統也說:「現代戰爭,實為打人才的戰爭,所以獎進優秀人才,集中科學智能,是今天政府的急務,也是我們國家安全會議的急務。我所說的人才,乃是在思想上要有新的發展,精神上要有新的陶治,生活行動上要有新的規律,風氣習慣上要有新的領導人才,簡言之,也說是要有革命的精神,和科學的知識的人才,只有這種人才,才是我們復國建國迫切需要的人才。」目前因時代變遷的結果,現代的機關已趨於組織龐大,人員眾多,業務錯綜複雜,處理政務,需要多方面的知識與技能,領導者非有新的觀念、新的方法、決心與熱忱,不克勝任如此艱鉅繁雜的行政工作,這篇研究論文的動機,就是想針對這個實際問題,加以研討。 行政領導(Administrative Leadership)與政治領導(Political Leadership)有別,前者是直接的領導,範圍有限度,效果多用檢查方法測定,可配合運用科學管理方法,以鼓舞集體工作之情緒,提高效率;後者常便用間接的領導方法,其影響範圍較廣,多應用群眾心理與技術,來從事各項活動,故其效果僅能從抽樣測驗方法中求得,實施起來較為困難,(美國芝加哥大學教授麥利因Frof Charles E Merriam, University of Chicage在一九三0年作「政治的領導」”Pilitical Leadership"一書,可為其代表。)本研究論文僅討論行政領導,對有關政權、選舉、立法、任命等政治領導的問題,則不包括在研究範圍之內。同時,為了敘述的方便和體系的清晰,將全文分為上下兩篇,上篇共有五章,主要在闡明行政領導的一般概念,根據時事需要,介紹一些中外學者的理論,並對領導者所應具備的條件和認識,予以綜合論列。但僅具有一般的條件,仍不能作一個理想的行政導者,因此這篇研究論文的下篇,專門提出幾項有關領導者的方術,綜合成原則,加以討論,其中包括運用組織,訂定計劃、激勵士氣、溝通意志、協調合作、監督工作等共六章,各章僅作一般性的介紹,故對研討個別事例所採用的個案研究法(Case study method)亦一概從略。 文內所提出的原則,都偏重在動的一面,正是目前行政學者們所強調的一些重點,需要領導者去主動推行,去認真實踐,在工作當中,發掘問題,解決問題,以期不斷地革新,不斷地進步,並達到真正的行政革新,和帶動政治的全面進步。


林益鋒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於探討桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導的基本理念、分析目前桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導的現況、以及不同背景變項(性別、最高學歷、現職、現職服務年資、服務年資、學校類別、學校規模)的教師,對於校長學校行政領導的看法,並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供校長、教師、教育行政機關及後續研究之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採用文獻探討與問卷調查方法,研究範圍包括:桃園市、蘆竹鄉、大園鄉、大溪鎮、龜山鄉、八德市、平鎮市、中壢市、楊梅鎮、觀音鄉、新屋鄉、龍潭鄉、復興鄉等十三個鄉鎮市內的公立國民中學合計48所;而以桃園縣公立國民中學校長、主任、組長、導師及專任教師為調查研究之母群體,問卷調查之對象,採用分層隨機取樣方式,發出問卷1048份,實得有效問卷643份,問卷資料處理採用電腦統計套裝軟體(SPSS for Windows)中的次數分配、平均數、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析等方法,進行統計分析,經資料整理與研究結果,獲得結論如下: 一、桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導具備的特質,具備程度最高的是 「誠實互信」、「守法力行」、「清廉無私」;最低的是「友善幽 默」、「研究創新」。 二、桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導面臨到「家長忽視教養責任」、 「市場機制」校際競爭、「顧客導向」學生選校權、「學校規模過 大,設備不敷使用」、「經費短缺不易維修設備」的困境。 三、桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導具體的做法,表現程度最高的是 「親自參加教師婚喪喜慶」、「定期召開行政會報協調業務」、「不 受利誘清白辦學」;最低的是「廣開言路接受建議」、「凝聚教師向 心力對抗外在壓力」、「校園規畫考量學校發展」。 四、不同背景變項教師,對於校長學校行政領導具備特質的看法有顯著差 異,包含男性高於女性、校長高於教師(含導師)、校長高於教師 (含導師、教師兼行政人員)、教師兼行政人員(含校長)高於教師 (含導師)、現職服務年資「3年以下」高於「10年以上」、「偏遠地 區」高於「一般地區」、學校規模「13~36班」高於「60班以上」。 五、不同背景變項教師,對於校長學校行政領導面臨困境的看法有顯著差 異,包含女性高於男性、「師範院校畢業」高於「研究所碩士班畢 業」、教師(含導師)高於校長、教師(含導師、教師兼行政人員) 高於校長、教師(含導師)高於教師兼行政人員(含校長)、現職服 務年資「10年以上」高於「3年以下」及「4~6年」、服務年資「16年 以上」及「9~15年」高於「3年以下」、「一般地區」高於「偏遠地 區」、學校規模「60班以上」高於「12班以下」、「13~36班」及 「37~59班」。 六、不同背景變項教師,對於校長學校行政領導具體做法的看法有顯著差 異,包含男性高於女性、「研究所碩士班畢業」高於「師範院校畢 業」、校長高於教師(含導師)、教師兼行政人員(含校長)高於教 師(含導師)、校長高於教師(含導師、教師兼行政人員)、現職服 務年資「3年以下」高於「10年以上」、「偏遠地區」高於「一般地 區」、「12班以下」及「13~36班」、「37~59班」高於「60班以 上」。 七、桃園縣公立國中校長對於學校行政領導具備特質與具體做法方面,其 整體表現受到國中教師的肯定 。 根據研究結果與結論提出以下的建議: 一、校長多關注「友善幽默」、「研究創新」特質之培養。 二、校長可多著力於親職教育活動,以落實家庭教育。 三、校長須發展學校特色,因應「市場機制、顧客導向」帶來的衝擊。 四、校長可建立與教師良性溝通互動平台。 五、校長須發展學校願景,才能凝聚教師向心力。 六、校長對於校園規畫,可多考量學校未來的發展。 七、主管教育機關對學校經費編列,可給予較大之彈性空間 。 八、為因應有限的教學資源,主管教育機關應儘量降低學校班級數。 九、未來的研究可增加廣度與深度。 / This main purpose of the research lies in discussing the basic concepts and analysing the present situation of the principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County as well as the teachers from the different background variable (including sex, the highest school record, current position, service period of current position , service period, school category, school scale) , regarding to a view of principals’school administration leadership , and puts forward the proposals according to the results, provides reference to the principals, the teachers, the educational administration institution and the following research. In order to reach the above goals, this research uses the literature discussion and the questionnaire survey method. The research scope includes 48 junior high schools which are in the local 13 townships and towns ,such as Taoyuan City, Luchu Township, Dayuan Township, Dahshi Town, Kweishan Township, Pader City, Pingj City, Chungli City, Yangmei Town, Kwanin Township, Shinwu Township, Lungtan Township, Fu-hsing Township and so on . But take the principals, directors, group leaders, homeroom teachers and subject teachers of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County as the population of investigation and study. Objects of the questionnaire survey select the stratified random sampling method, which sends out asked volume 1,048,and obtains effective asked volume 643.The asked volume datas’processing uses the computer statistics software (SPSS for Windows) , including the Frequence, the Mean , the Independent-Samples T Test, One-Way Anova and so on ,in order to carry on the statistical analysis. After organizing the data and investigate the result, obtains the conclusion as follows: 1.Principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County possess the special characteristics,the most highest is " honest and trustworthy", "obeys the law energetically puts into practice", "incorruptible and selfless";the most lowest is "friendly and humorous", "the research innovation". 2.Principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County face difficult positions,such as "the guardians neglect the education responsibility", "the market mechanism" of the interscholastic competition, "the customer guides" that students have the right to choose the school, "the school scale oversized, equipment is insufficient ", "funds is not enough to maintenance equipment easily" . 3.The concrete procedure of the principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County , the most highest degree is "attends the teachers’marriages and funerals in person", "convenes the administration conference regularly to coordinate business", "is not tempted with the promise of gain to run a school"; the most lowest is "encourages the wide airing of views accepts suggested", "condenses the teachers’ centripetal force resistance external pressure", "the campus plans considers the school development". 4.The different background variable teachers,as regards the principal school administration leadership possess the special characteristics view reveals the difference obviously, contains the male to be higher than the female, the principal is higher than the teacher (includes homeroom teacher), the principal is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher, teacher concurrently administrative personnel), the teacher concurrently administrative personnel ( includes the principal) is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher), service period of current position "below 3 years" is higher than "above 10 years", "the remote district" is higher than "the general area", the school scale "the 13~36 classes" is higher than "above 60 classes". 5.The different background variable teacher,as regards the principal school administration leadership faced with the difficult position view reveals the difference obviously, Contains the female is higher than the male, "the teacher graduates colleges and universities " is higher than "graduates from research institute ", the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher) is higher than the principal, the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher, teacher concurrently administrative personnel) is higher than the principal, the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher) is higher than the teacher concurrently administrative personnel ( includes the principal), service period of current position "above 10 years" is higher than "below 3 years" and "the 4~6 years", service period "above 16 years" and "the 9~15 years" is higher than "below 3 years", "the general area" is higher than "the remote districts", the school scale "above 60 classes" is higher than "below 12 classes", "the 13~36 classes "and" 37~59 classes ". 6.The different background variable teacher, as regards the principal school administration leader concrete procedure view reveals the difference obviously, Contains the male is higher than the female , " graduates from the research institute " is higher than "the teacher graduates from colleges and universities ", the principal is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher), the teacher concurrently administrative personnel ( includes the principal) is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher), the principal is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher, teacher concurrently administrative personnel), service period of current position "below 3 years" is higher than "above 10 years", "the remote districts" is higher than "the general area", "below 12 classes" and "the 13~36 class", "the 37~59 classes" is higher than "above 60 classes". 7.The special characteristics and the concrete procedure of the principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County acquires positiveness from the public junior high school teachers . According to the research results and conclusions,the suggestions are as follows: 1.The principal pays more attention to raise the special characteristics of "friendly and humorous"and "the research innovation" . 2.The principal may focus on parents-teachers education activities,carring out the family education. 3.The principal must develop the school characteristic, to deal with the impact of "the market mechanism and the customer guides". 4.The principal may build a flat-top platform to communicate with teachers benignantly. 5.The principal must develop the school vision in order to condense the teachers’centripetal force. 6.The principal should consider the school future development while planning the campus policy. 7.A chief education institution arranges the school funds may give more flexible. 8.For the limited teaching resources, the chief education institution ought to reduce the number of school classes as soon as possible. 9.The future research might increase the breadth and the depth.

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