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考慮韋伯分配時S管制圖之經濟設計林淑勤 Unknown Date (has links)
自從1956年Duncan首先提出X管制圖的經濟模式以來,各類管制圖的經濟設計即被廣泛的研究,但有關S管制圖經濟設計卻非常少。最早是由Collani and Sheil於1989年提出,他們假設製程中只存在一個非機遇因素,且其發生時間服從指數分配,但實務上製程中經常存在二種或以上的非機遇因素,而且故障率並不一定為固定的,所以本研究係探討製程中存在二個非機遇因素的情況下,擴展其發生時間之分配至範圍較廣的韋伯分配,並藉由Banerjee and Rahim(1987)的更新方程式方法建立S管制圖之最適設計。
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考慮韋伯分配下兩個相依製程之管制 / Process Control for Two Dependent Subprocess under Weibull Shock Model陳延宗, Chen, Yen-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
Today, most products are produced by several dependent subprocesses. This paper considers the economic-statistical process control for two dependent subprocesses with two assignable causes following Weibull shock distributions. We construct the individual X control chart to monitor the in-coming quality produced by previous process, and use the cause-selecting control chart to monitor the specific quality produced by current process. By using the charts, we can effectively and economically distinguish which subprocess is out of control. The renewal theorem approach is extended to construct the cost model for our proposed control charts, and the successive quadratic programming algorithm and a finite difference gradient method in the Fortran IMSL subroutine (dnconf) is used to determine the optimal design parameters of the proposed control charts. Finally, we give an example to show how to construct and apply the proposed control charts. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis illustrates the effects of cost and process parameters on the optimal design parameters and the minimal expected cost per unit time for the proposed control charts.
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在型Ⅱ截略抽樣計劃下選擇較可靠韋伯分配之研究吳慧貞, WU, HUI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
假設π□、π□,....,πk 是K+1個獨立的韋伯母體,第i個韋伯母體πi
的可靠度函數如下:R(t;αi;βi)=exp(-(t╱αi)βi )假如R
(S* ;αi;βi)>R(S* ;α□;βυ)則稱母體πi比π□更具可靠度。
i)ゝ局部最適法則以便由π□到πk 中挑選比π□更具可靠度的母體。
當形狀參數β已知時,由Huang et al (一九八四)的局部最適法則來推導挑選法則
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