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體驗學習在國小社會領域教學之實地研究 / Merging experiential learning into social studies in elementary schools.林淑敏, Lin, Shu-Min Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果主要發現:1.體驗學習有助於學生社會領域學習成就,尤其是高層次認知方面。 2.體驗學習有助於學生社會領域學習態度,尤其是興趣方面。 3.體驗學習有助於學生社會領域長期學習態度,不論是興趣、價值或信心方面。 4.體驗學習最重要的成分為情境、互動、反思。 5.不同教學風格教師均適合使用體驗學習教學法。 6.參與體驗學習教學有助於教師專業成長。
根據研究發現對教學實務提出建議如下:1.不論教師風格為何,均可使用體驗學習教學法,以利於學生高層次認知、興趣和長期學習態度。 2.體驗學習課程設計應有高情境、高互動、高反思。 3.社會領域第二學習階段強調鄉土教育,宜使用體驗學習。 4.使用體驗學習進行社會領域鄉土教學,應善用社區和家長資源。 5.與其他學習領域設計整合體驗學習課程,可解決時間不足的問題。 6.教師參與平等、互信、互助、重反思、重專業的教學行動研究團隊,有助於教師專業成長。 / The main purpose of this study was to understand the effects of merging experiential learning into social studies in elementary schools. Through literature reviews, we constructed a teaching model of merging experiential learning into social studies, including directive activity, situated interaction, reflection of experience, application and reflection of process.
Three classes accepted experiential learning were categorized as experimental groups, and one class accepted teacher’s lecture as contrast group. The courses lasted for five weeks in an elementary school in northern Taiwan. All students took social studies achievement test and social studies attitude questionnaire immediately following the courses, and filled up social studies attitude questionnaire again six months after the courses. We also observed the process of the courses, and interviewed teachers and students after the courses.
The main findings of this study were as follows:
1.Experiential learning can help improve students’ achievement in social studies, especially in high level cognition.
2.Experiential learning can enhance students’ attitude toward social studies, especially in interest aspect.
3.Experiential learning can promote students’ long-term attitude on social studies, no matter in interest, value, or confidence aspect.
4.The most important elements of experiential learning are situation, interaction, and reflection.
5.Teachers with various types of teaching styles can adapt experiential learning method when teaching social studies.
6.The experience from the participation of the study helps teachers’ professional growth.
Finally, some suggestions were proposed based on the conclusions for further studies.
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