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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

When the bullet hits the bone patterns in gunshot trauma to the infracranial skeleton /

Chapman, Katharine A. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Texas State University-San Marcos, 2007. / Vita. Appendix: leaves 113-114. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 115-118).

Correlation of post mortem LODOX digital radiological images with histopathological findings at autopsy : a prospective autopsy study at the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Service Facility

Quarrie, Karisha Claudia 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: The LODOX Statscan is a whole-body digital X-ray scanning device which was adapted for medical usage. The LODOX has an established role in the field of Forensic Pathology where it shows high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of skeletal pathology and foreign bodies. The role of the scanner in the detection of soft tissue pathology in the lungs of adults has not been reported and this study aims to review the radio-pathological correlation and the applicability of LODOX as a viable screening tool in the detection of lung pathology in post mortem cases. Methods: We prospectively reviewed cases which were referred for medico-legal autopsy between November 2012 and March 2013 to the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Service mortuary, Cape Town, South Africa. All cases meeting the prescribed inclusion criteria underwent LODOX scanning as well as macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of the lungs as permitted by the Inquests Act 58 of 1959. The macroscopic and microscopic variables were considered the “gold standard” when compared with the results of the LODOX. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were assessed. Results: One hundred and fifty nine cases (159) were included in the study. The most common radiographic patterns reported were the presence of ground glass opacities and consolidation. Overall, low to moderate sensitivity of these LODOX patterns in the prediction of pneumonic microscopic pathology (oedema, acute and chronic inflammation and features of diffuse alveolar damage) was noted. These values were lower than that reported for pneumonia using conventional X-rays. Additionally, these LODOX patterns have a high probability of representing oedema or autolytic/decomposition change. Pneumothorax was the most common pleural pathology detected on LODOX, but autopsy correlation could not be performed. Poor to no correlation was noted with the variables of cavity, malignant tumour, and bronchiectasis, but the prevalence of these conditions in our cohort was low. In general, LODOX predictions were better at excluding pathology which was not present rather than confirming pathology which was present. Conclusions: The LODOX offers excellent evidentiary value in the demonstration of a pneumothorax but currently has limited value as a “stand alone” test in the field of Forensic Pathology. However the continued use of the LODOX as an adjunct examination, as well as prospective study of its applicability, is advised. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Die LODOX Statscan is ‘n heel-liggaam digitale X-straal skandeer apparaat wat aangepas is vir mediese gebruik. Die LODOX het ‘n gevestigde rol in Geregtelike Patologie, waar dit ‘n hoë sensitiwiteit en spesifisiteit het in die opsporing van skeletale patologie en vreemde voorwerpe. Die rol van die skandeerder in die opspoor van sagte weefsel patologie in die longe van volwassenes is nog nie gerapporteer nie, en hierdie studie ondersoek die radio-patologiese korrelasie en toepaslikheid van LODOX as ‘n doeltreffende siftingsmeganisme om long patologie op te spoor in post-mortale gevalle. Metode: Gevalle wat verwys is na die Tygerberg Geregtelike Patologie Diens lykshuis in Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika vir medies-geregtelike outopsies tussen November 2012 en Maart 2013, is prospektief geëvalueer. Alle gevalle wat die voorgeskrewe insluitingskriteria nagekom het, het LODOX skandering asook makroskopiese en mikroskopiese ondersoek van die longe ondergaan, soos toegelaat deur die Wet op Geregtelike Doodsondersoeke Nr 58 van 1959. Die makroskopiese en mikroskopiese veranderlikes is beskou as die “goud standaard” in vergelyking met die resultate van die LODOX. Die sensitiwiteit, spesifisiteit, positiewe en negatiewe voorspellingswaardes is beoordeel. Resultate: Eenhonderd-nege-en-vyftig gevalle (159) is ingesluit in die studie. Die algemeenste radiografiese pattroon wat gerapporteer is, was die teenwoordigheid van gemaalde glas opasiteit en konsolidasie. In geheel is lae to matige sensitiwiteit van hierdie LODOX beelde waargeneem in die voorspelling van pneumoniese mikroskopiese patologie (edeem, akute en chroniese ontsteking, en eienskappe van diffuse alveolêre skade). Hierdie waardes was laer as die wat gerapporteer is vir pneumonie met konvensionele X-strale. Verder het hierdie LODOX beelde ‘n hoë waarskynlikheid om edeem en/of outolise/ontbinding uit te beeld. Pneumotoraks was die algemeenste pleurale patologie wat waargeneem is met die LODOX, maar outopsie korrelasie kon nie gedoen word nie. Swak tot geen korrelasie is gemerk vir die veranderlikes kaviteit, maligne tumor en brongi-ektase, maar die prevalensie van hierdie toestande in ons kohort was laag. Oor die algemeen was LODOX voorspellings beter om patologie wat nie teenwoordig is nie, uit te skakel, eerder as om patologie wat teenwoordig is, te bevestig. Gevolgtrekking: The LODOX is ‘n uitstekende bewysstuk in die aantoon van ‘n pneumotoraks, maar huidiglik het dit beperkte waarde as onafhanklike toets in die veld van Geregtelike Patologie. Desnieteenstaande word die verdere gebruik van LODOX as bydraende ondersoek, sowel as die prospektiewe studie van sy toepaslikheid aanbeveel.

Prediction of Post Mortem Interval from Degradation of Endogenous Nucleotides in Human Subjects

Williams, John Burgess 04 1900 (has links)
High Performance Liguid Chromatography was used to measure degradation of nucleotides in human cadavers for the purpose of prediction of post mortem interval. Endogenous nucleotides were extracted from integumentary tissue of six(6) human cadavers using six percent(6%) tricholoacetic acid. Linear regression statistical techniques were used to determine linearity of degradation of various nucleotide pools.

Sudden and unexpected deaths in adults : an investigation of cases reported to Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Services from January 2001 - December 2005

Tiemensma, Marianne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed (Pathology. Forensic Medicine))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background - The workload of the forensic pathologist and Forensic Pathology Services staff is increased by the referral of potentially unnecessary natural cases to the Forensic Pathology Services. The primary aims of the medico-legal autopsy are limited to establishing a cause of death in presumed unnatural cases, and to exclude criminality or negligence. Objective – To determine the final outcomes of forensic post-mortem examinations in “sudden and unexpected” adult deaths over a 5 year period. Methods - An observational, retrospective, descriptive study was conducted. ”Sudden and unexpected” adult deaths referred to Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Services between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2005 were reviewed. Data was collected from the autopsy reports, contemporaneous notes and hospital records. Findings – A total of 816 adult cases of sudden and unexpected death were referred to Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Services over the 5 year period studied. Complete autopsies had been performed in 74% (601/816) of cases. The presumed manner of death was natural in 79 % of cases, and an increase in the number of natural cases autopsied per year was noted over the 5-year study period. Diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems were responsible for the majority of natural deaths. Infectious diseases were responsible for most deaths in the youngest age group studied (18-29 years). Acute alcohol poisoning was responsible for the deaths of 35 (6%) cases, with an average blood alcohol concentration of 0.38g/100mL in these cases. Eight deaths were drug-/substance related. Waiting times for blood alcohol and toxicology results increased over the 5-year study period. No cause of death was found in 10.6% of cases. Conclusions -The questionnaire and interviewing structure could possibly be improved in order to obtain better pre-autopsy information and to reduce the number of “unnecessary” medicolegal autopsies, thereby reducing the burden of cost on the Forensic Pathology Services. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond – Die werkslading van die forensiese patoloog en ander personeel van die Forensiese Patologie Dienste word vermeerder deur die verwysing van moontlik onnodige natuurlike gevalle na die Forensiese Patologie Dienste. Die primêre doelwitte van die medies-geregtelike nadoodse ondersoek is beperk tot die bepaling van ‘n oorsaak van dood in vermoedelik onnatuurlike gevalle, en om nalatigheid of kriminele aksies uit te skakel. Doelwit – Om die finale uitkomste van medies-geregtelike nadoodse ondersoeke in “skielike en onverwagte” volwasse sterftes oor ‘n 5-jaar tydperk te bepaal. Metodes – ‘n Observasionele, retrospektiewe, beskrywende studie is uitgevoer. “Skielike en onverwagte” volwasse sterftes wat verwys is na Tygerberg Forensiese Patologie Dienste vanaf 1 Januarie 2001 tot 31 Desember 2005 is hersien. Inligting is versamel vanaf die nadoodse ondersoekverslae, kontemporêre notas en hospitaalnotas. Bevindinge – Agthonderd en sestien volwasse gevalle van skielike en onverwagte sterftes is oor die 5-jaar periode verwys na Tygerberg Forensiese Patologie Dienste. Volledige lykskouings is uitgevoer in 74% (601/816) van die gevalle. Die vermoedelike wyse van die sterfte was natuurlik in 79.04% en ‘n toename in die aantal natuurlike gevalle wat lykskouings ondergaan het, is waargeneem oor die 5-jaar studie tydperk. Siektes van die kardiovaskulêre, respiratoriese en sentrale senuweestelsel was verantwoordelik vir die meerderheid natuurlike sterftes. Infektiewe toestande was verantwoordelik vir die meeste sterftes in die jongste ouderdomsgroep (18-29 jaar) wat bestudeer is. Akute alkoholvergiftiging was verantwoordelik vir die sterftes van 35 (6%) gevalle, met ‘n gemiddelde bloed-alkohol-konsentrasie van 0.38g/100mL in hierdie gevalle. Agt sterftes was dwelm-/middelverwant. Die wagtyd vir bloed-alkohol en toksikologie resultate het vermeerder oof die 5-jaar studie tydperk. Die oorsaak van dood was nie gevind in 10.6% van gevalle. Afleidings – Die vraelys en onderhoud-struktuur kan moontlik verbeter word om sodoende beter inligting te verkry voor die uitvoering van ‘n lykskouing, en om die aantal “onnodige” medies-geregtelike nadoodse ondersoeke te verminder, en sodoende die kostedruk te verminder op die Forensiese Patologie Dienste.

Patterns of injury and pathology in paediatric deaths processed at the Johannesburg Forensic Pathology Service over the period 2009 - 2011

Thornton, Roxanne 22 April 2015 (has links)
Division of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, University of the Witwatersrand Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Medicine In the Health Science Faculty University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg 2014 / Within the field of paediatric pathology dominant universal trends have emerged with child abuse related fatalities and child murders being at the forefront. However, several authors have noted that such trends have not been documented within the South African context. This is due to the lack of data collection and research within South Africa. Patterns of injury and prevalence of paediatric fatalities received at the Johannesburg Forensic Pathology Service (JHB FPS) over three years were observed through a descriptive, retrospective study. Data were collected from FPS case files and Police reports (SAPS180) accompanying the body to the mortuary. The results indicated that the majority of paediatric deaths were due to blunt force injuries, natural disease processes and drowning. Subdural and subarachnoid haematomas, multiple blunt force internal injuries, hyperinflation and consolidation of the lungs and features of dehydration were the dominant patterns of injuries and disease. Additionally, results exhibited a significant difference in age range when correlated to category of death as well as a high risk of mortality within the first year of life. This study highlights the alarming figures of accidental and socio-economic paediatric death cases which are received at the JHB FPS. Keywords: Child mortality, Injury patterns, Forensic Pathology

The effect of rainfall on blowfly (Calliphoridae) activity and decomposition on recently deposited animal remains

McLeod, Elizabeth Van Hoven 03 November 2015 (has links)
The accurate estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is one of the most important determinations in a forensic investigation of decomposing human remains. Forensic entomology has gained popularity in death investigation due to its reliability and precision in the estimation of the minimum postmortem interval (mPMI). Forensically significant insects are mainly necrophagous species, which feed only on decomposing animal matter, and the most common necrophagous insects are the blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Estimations of the mPMI by entomological methods are made using the known developmental rates of various species of blowfly and via the successional patterns of the carrion insect community in a given region. It is generally assumed that blowflies oviposit quickly after death, so in many cases this time may equate to the time since death. The precision of mPMI estimations based on the developmental rates of blowflies often relies on this assumption. Rainfall may effect decomposition by inhibiting access of insects to the cadaver or carcass for oviposition. The current study investigated the effects of rainfall on blowfly activity, behavior, and overall decomposition of decaying animal material in an outdoor environment in the northeastern United States, conducted at the Boston University Outdoor Research Facility (ORF). It was hypothesized that natural rainfall, typically light to moderate in the geographic area of study, will disturb initial blowfly activity by acting as a physical barrier, diminishing access to the remains, and creating a delay in colonization and subsequent larval development. This hypothesized delay would result in an underestimation of the mPMI by entomological methods when rainfall has occurred. Also examined were several questions about the nocturnal behavior of blowflies and their activity in heavy rain. In the experimental trial 12 pig (Sus scrofa) heads were exposed under normal conditions (N; no rain controls), and 15 pig heads were exposed under rainy conditions (R; rain treatment), split into uncovered (N, n=6; R, n=5), covered (NC, n=5; RC, n=5), and covered partially (RCP, n=5) treatments. Additionally, there were three pig heads used in a preliminary trial and three pig heads exposed in an active rain trial. Generally, the results show that while a negative correlation exists between the amount of rainfall experienced and the coded number of flies observed, the light to moderate rainfall typical of many rainy days in the northeastern Unites States will not totally inhibit blowfly activity or disturb established maggot masses. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) determined that there was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) between the N, NC, R, RC, and RCP treatments in the number of days it took to reach the advanced decomposition stage. While constant, heavy rainfall may inhibit blowfly activity; the results suggest that the irregularity of natural rainfall would rarely produce the conditions necessary for this to make a significant impact estimation of the PMI by entomological methods, although further studies are needed to confirm this conclusion. The results show a positive correlation between solar radiation and the coded number of flies observed. Time of day as a function of the coded number of flies observed during the first 48 hours of exposure forms a bimodal bell curve, confirming that blowflies are diurnal in their natural environment. Additionally, evidence of scavenging by turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) and some unknown animal(s) was observed. The results of this study illustrate the complicated, multivariable nature of the process of decomposition. This study provides preliminary data on the effect of rainfall on blowfly activity and overall decomposition, while future studies will be required to determine the effects of the duration and the intensity of rainfall.

Unidentified bodies in forensic pathology practice in South Africa : demographic and medico-legal perspectives

Evert, Lucinda 23 May 2012 (has links)
Unidentified bodies in the forensic setting constitute a global problem. Though this should be of great concern to many governments, very little data on the extent of this phenomenon is available in international literature and few countries require that statistics on the number of unidentified deceased be kept. To determine the extent of this phenomenon in South Africa, a study into the number of unidentified deceased at the Pretoria Medico-Legal Laboratory and their demographic profile was undertaken. The study has indicated that between 7% and 10% of bodies remain unidentified at the Medico-Legal Laboratory in Pretoria. Publications further indicate that a total of 846 bodies remained unidentified at Medico-Legal Laboratories in Gauteng for the period January 2010 to August 2010. This number is very high when compared to international literature. Of great concern is the fact that these statistics do not include the cases in which persons die in hospital facilities from natural causes without an identity, which are not referred to the Forensic Pathology Service for investigation. The true extent of the problem may thus be far greater than imagined. Determining the true extent of this phenomenon in South Africa is therefore important, as these unidentified bodies have many social and economic consequences. Not only are families unaware that their loved ones have passed away, but they are also unable to bury and mourn them. Unidentified bodies at Medico-Legal Laboratory facilities also impacts on the service delivery capability of the government departments involved in the investigation of such cases. The drafting of additional legislation for the management of unidentified bodies is therefore required. A need to establish and enforce specific protocols to be followed in the event of unidentified bodies has also been identified. The creation of a National Unidentified Decedent website and DNA database is recommended as they will greatly assist in reducing the number of unidentified bodies throughout South Africa. It is however only through coordinated efforts and interdepartmental cooperation that these proposals will be successful. AFRIKAANS : Ongeïdentifiseerde liggame in die forensiese omgewing is ‘n wêreldwye probleem. Alhoewel dit ‘n bron van kommer vir meeste regerings behoort te wees, is baie min data oor die omvang van hierdie verskynsel beskikbaar in die internationale literatuur, met min lande wat vereis dat amptelike statistieke oor onbekende oorledenes versamel word. Om die omvang van hierdie verskynsel in Suid Afrika te bepaal, is ‘n studie na die aantal onbekende liggame by die Regsgeneeskundige Laboratorium in Pretoria en hul demografies profiel onderneem . Die studie het getoon dat tussen 7% en 10% van alle liggame wat deur die Regsgeneeskundige Laboratorium in Pretoria opgeneem word, onuitgeken bly. Publikasies dui ook aan dat 846 liggame ongeïdentifiseerd was by Regsgeneeskundige Laboratoriums vir die tydperk Januarie 2010 to Augustus 2010. Hierdie getal is aansienlik hoër as díe wat in die internasionale literatuur gesien word. ‘n Groot bron van kommer is die feit dat hierdie statistieke nie gevalle insluit waar die oorledene in ‘n hospitaal gesterf het as gevolg van natuurlike oorsake, sonder dat hul identiteit bekend is. Die ware omvang van die problem kan dus veel groter as geskat wees. Die bepaling van die omvang van hierdie verskynsel in Suid Afrika is belangrik, omdat ongeïdentifiseerde liggame beide sosiale en ekonomiese gevolge het. Nie net is families onbewus daarvan dat hul geliefdes gesterf het nie, maar kry hul ook nie die geleentheid om hul geliefdes te begrawe en oor hul afsterwe te rou nie. Ongeïdentifiseerde liggame by Regsgeneeskundige Laboratoriums het ook ‘n invloed op die diensleweringskapasiteit van die verskeie staatsdepartemente wat betrokke is by die ondersoek van sulke gevalle. Die opstel van addisionele wetgewing wat die bestuur van ongeïdentifiseerde liggame reguleer is dus nodig. Die behoefte aan spesifieke protokolle vir die hantering van sulke gevalle is ook geïdentifiseer. Daar word verder aangeraai dat ‘n Nasionale Onuitgekende Liggaam webwerf en DNS databasis geskep word in ‘n poging om die aantal ongeïdentifiseerde liggame in Suid Afrika te verminder. Dit is egter slegs deur middel van gekoördineerde pogings en interdepartmentele samewerking wat hierdie voorstelle sukses sal behaal. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Forensic Medicine / unrestricted

An Unusual Case of Multiple Mesosternal Foramina

McCormick, William F., Flournoy, Lori E., Rogers, Nikki L., Ross, Ann H. 01 January 1998 (has links)
We present an unusual example of multiple mesosternal foramina (MMF). The alignment of the paired defects is unlike any previously described. Although single sternal defects are often encountered, paired defects are quite uncommon. This is the first documented example of bilateral paired defects in the sternum.

High pressure liquid chromatography ion exchange studies on bile relating to the postmortem interval

Martin, Bertha Louise 01 January 1987 (has links) (PDF)
It is the purpose of this, then, to investigate the feasibility of using the changes of concentrations of small iconic decomposition products in bile as indicators of time since death. High pressure liquid chromatography was selected for measurement of these changes.

A history of the medical profession in Hong Kong's criminal justice system

Hamilton, Sheilah Elizabeth. January 1994 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Criminology / Master / Master of Social Sciences

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