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On a case supported approach to object-oriented rapid prototypingMitchell, William Ian Cameron January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Feasibility study of integrating workpiece design to tool engineering using artificial intelligence and CAD principlesLim, B. S. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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Modeling and simulation of tool induced soil resistance with application to excavator machineLIU, HENG 13 September 2016 (has links)
To evaluate and test control systems designed for heavy duty hydraulic excava-tor, it is important to simulate the force acting on the bucket during its excavation process. The study of soil-tool interaction contributes to the prediction and simula-tion of resistive forces experienced at the tool during digging. Even though many different finite element (FE) models have been developed in the past to study soil-tool interaction process, there is still needs to study the effects of soil-tool friction coefficient. The main objective of this thesis is to utilize finite element model to simulate the soil-tool interaction process, with the focus on the application of excavation, to study the effects of soil-tool friction coefficient on soil failure zone, soil resistive force, and stress distribution on the cutting tool by utilizing finite element model to simulate the soil-tool interaction process. / October 2016
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Studies in the excavation of selected rock materials with mechanical toolsHekimoglu, Osman Zeki January 1984 (has links)
This work covers laboratory studies in the excavation of selected rock materials with mechanical cutters. Cutting head design of rock excavation systems employing drag tools or disc cutters is investigated by considering their practical cutting action. Effects of tool tilt angle on the performance of roadheaders with longitudinal cutting heads are investigated in detail. Along with tilt angle, optimum tool spacing between adjacent cutters, cutting head geometry and mode of operation of roadheaders are also studied. Experiments with disc cutters covered mainly the effect of disc edge angle on disc performance. When the practical cutting action of drag tools is considered the trend of forces and specific energy becomes somewhat different from those obtained during flat rock surface cutting trials; however, the definition of optimum tool spacing with respect to drag tools confirms previous findings. Tilt angle has a significant influence on the performance of cutting tools; in particular, with corner cutting tools. It was found that individual tool forces are proportional to the cross-sectional area cut by the corresponding tool. Roadheader cutting heads with combined geometry offer better performances than those with spherical geometry when the tool spacing is kept constant around the cutting head. In arcing mode tool duties are also affected by boom length. Cyclic deepening of grooves exists when cutting with discs, discs having smaller edge angles requiring more successive passes to produce a complete breakout between adjacent grooves.
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Design and implementation of the crypto-assistant: an eclipse plugin for usable password-based column level encryption based on hiberate and jasyptGarcia, Ricardo Rodriguez 01 March 2013 (has links)
The lack of encryption of data at rest or in motion is one of the top 10 database vulnerabilities according to team SHATTER [72]. In the quest to improve the security landscape, we identify an opportunity area: two tools Hibernate and Jasypt that work together to provide password-based database encryption. The goal is to encourage developers to think about security and incorporate security related tasks early in the development process through the improvement of their programming system or integrated development environment (IDE). To this end, we modified the Hibernate Tools plugin for the popular Eclipse IDE, to integrate it with Hibernate and Jasypt with the purpose of mitigating the impact of the lack of security knowledge and training. We call this prototype the Crypto-Assistant. We designed an experiment to simulate a situation where the developers had to deal with time constraints, functional requirements, and lack of familiarity with the technology and the code they are modifying. We provide a report on the observations drawn from this preliminary evaluation. We anticipate that, in the near future, the prototype will be released to the public domain and encourage IDE developers to create more tools like Crypto-Assistant to help developers create more secure applications. / UOIT
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A Mobile Deaf to hearing Communication Aid for MedMutemwa, Muyowa January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Integrating requirements authoring and design tools for heterogeneous and multicore embedded systems. : Using the iFEST Tool Integration FrameworkWolvers, Adrianus Hendrikus Cornelis January 2013 (has links)
In today’s practical reality there are many different tools being used in their respective phases of thesystem development lifecycle. Every tool employs its own underlying metamodel and these metamodelstend to vary greatly in size and complexity, making them difficult to integrate. One solution to overcomethis problem is to build a tool integration framework that is based on a single, shared metamodel.The iFEST project aims to specify and develop such a tool integration framework for tools used in thedevelopment of heterogeneous and multi-core embedded systems. This framework is known as the iFESTTool Integration Framework or iFEST IF.The iFEST IF uses Web services based on the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC)standards and specifications to make the tools within the tool chain communicate with each other. Tovalidate the framework, an industrial case study called ‘Wind Turbine’, using several embedded systemstools, has been carried out. Tools used to design, implement and test a controller for a wind turbine havebeen integrated in a prototype tool chain. To expose tools’ internal data through Web services, a tooladaptor is needed. This work reports on the development of such a tool adaptor for the RequirementsManagement module of HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), one of the tools used in the WindTurbine industrial case study. A generalization of the challenges faced while developing the tool adaptoris made. These challenges indicate that, despite having a tool integration framework, tool integration canstill be a difficult task with many obstacles to overcome. Especially when tools are not developed with tool integration in mind from the start. / Idag existerar det en mängd olika verktyg som kan appliceras i respektive fas isystemutvecklings livscykel. Varje verktyg använder sin egna underliggande metamodell. Dessametamodeller kan variera avsevärt i både storlek och komplexitet, vilket gör dem svåra attintegrera. En lösning på detta problem är att bygga ett ramverk för verktygsintegration sombaseras på en enda, gemensam metamodell.iFEST-projektets mål är att specificera och utveckla ett ramverk för verktygsintegration förverktyg som används i utvecklingen av heterogena och multi-core inbyggda system. Dettaramverk benämns iFEST Tool Integration Framework eller iFEST IF.iFEST IF använder webbtjänster baserade på en standard som kallas OSCL, Open Services forLifecycle Collaboration samt specifikationer som gör att verktygen i verktygskedjan kankommunicera med varandra. För att validera ramverket har en fallstudie vid namn ”WindTurbine” gjorts med flertal inbyggda systemverktyg. Verktyg som används för att designa,implementera och testa en styrenhet för vindturbiner har integrerats i prototyp av enverktygskedja. För att bearbeta och behandla intern data genom webbtjänster behövs enverktygsadapter. Detta arbete redogör utvecklingen av en verktygsadapter förkravhanteringsmodulen HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), ett av de verktyg somanvänts i fallstudien av vindturbinen. En generalisering av de utmaningar som uppstod underutvecklingen av verktygsadaptern har genomförts. Dessa utmaningar indikerar att, trots att detfinns ett ramverk för verktygsintegration så är verktygsintegration fortfarande vara en svåruppgift att få bukt med. Detta gäller särskilt när verktyg inte är utvecklade med hänsyn tillverktygsintegration från början. / ARTEMIS iFEST
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Design of a gripper tool for robotic picking and placing / Design av ett plockverktyg för robotiserad plockning och placeringMohammed, Karokh January 2010 (has links)
Industrial robots are very popular in now day’s automation factories, industrial robots can perform jobs that people are not willing or able to perform. Industrial robots can repeat the same work at the exactly same way, resulting a higher quality of production. Industrial robots can work in several areas, each robot must have a specific tool for each area. This thesis includes design of a gripper tool for an industrial robot for picking and placing different laser notched generator-parts. The product is being designed for the division of electricity in Uppsala University. A gripper tool prototype might be built in the future. The report begins with a theoretical comparison between lifting and gripping techniques for later deciding which technique is most suitable for picking and placing the different parts. A pre-study and a short description about different transporting systems have been made. After the pre-study different concepts were developed, the best suitable concept was selected for further development and final construction. The final design of the gripper tool was used in the robot cell-simulation program ABB Robot Studio for choosing a proper cell design. The gripper tool was designed in light weight material aluminium, and uses electromagnets for picking and releasing the different notched part. The gripper tool is assembled on an industrial robot from ABB, IRB 7600 with a handling capacity of 150 kg and 3.5m reach. / I dagens automatiserade fabriker är industrirobotar väldigt populära, då industrirobotar kan utföra arbeten som människor inte vill eller kan utföra. Industrirobotar kan utföra samma arbete flera gånger om på exakt samma sätt, vilket medför en högre kvalitet på produktionen. Industrirobotar kan arbeta inom flera olika områden, för varje område måste industrirobotarna vara utrustade med ett speciellt verktyg. I detta examensarbete designas ett gripdon för en industrirobot som skall plocka och placera olika laserskurna generatordetaljer. Produkten designas för Avdelningen för Elektricitetslära vid Uppsala Universitet. En prototyp av gripdonet kan bli aktuellt i framtiden. Arbetet inleddes med en teoretisk jämförelse mellan olika grepp- och lyfttekniker för att sedan avgöra vilken grepp- respektive lyftteknik passar bäst för plockning och placering av de olika detaljerna. Förstudie och en kort beskrivning av olika transportmetoder ingår. Efter förstudien togs olika möjliga koncept fram för att sedan välja ut det bäst passande konceptet för ytterligare utveckling och en slutlig konstruktion. Den slutliga designen användes seden i robotcellsimuleringsprogrammet ABB Robot Studio för utförandet av experimenten. Gripdonet designades i aluminium och använder elektromagneter som lyftteknik för plockning och placering av de olika skurna plåtdetaljerna. Gripdonet monteras sedan på en industrirobot från ABB, IRB 7600 med lastkapaciteten 150 kg och en räckvidd på 3.5 m.
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Improvement of Protein All-atom Prediction with SVMYen, Hsin-Wei 07 September 2010 (has links)
There are many studies have been devoted to solve the all-atom protein back- bone reconstruction problem (PBRP), such as Adcock¡¦s method, MaxSprout, SAB- BAC and Chang¡¦s method. In the previous work, Wang et al. tried to solve this problem by homology modeling. Then, Chang et al. improved Wang¡¦s result by refining the positions of oxygen based on the AMBER force field. We compare the results in CASP7 and 8 from Chang et al. and SABBAC v1.2 and find that some proteins get better predicting results by Chang¡¦s method and others do better in SABBAC. Based on SVM, we propose a tool preference classification method for determining which tool is potentially the better one for predicting the structure of a target protein. We design a series of steps to select the better feature sets for SVM. Our method is tested on the proteins with standard amino acids in CASP7 and 8 dataset, which contains 30 and 24 protein sequences, respectively. The experimen- tal results show that our method has 7.39% and 2.94% RMSD improvement against Chang¡¦s result in CASP7 and 8, respectively. Our method can also be applied to other effective prediction methods, even if they will be developed in the future.
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Determination of fluid viscosities from biconical annular geometries: Experimental and modeling studiesRondon, Nolys Javier 15 May 2009 (has links)
Knowledge of viscosity of flow streams is essential for the design and operation of
production facilities, drilling operations and reservoir engineering calculations. The
determination of the viscosity of a reservoir fluid at downhole conditions still remains a
complex task due to the difficulty of designing a tool capable of measuring accurate
rheological information under harsh operational conditions. This dissertation presents
the evaluation of the performance of a novel device designed to measure the viscosity of
a fluid at downhole conditions.
The design investigated in this study addresses several limitations encountered in
previous designs. The prototype was calibrated and tested with fluids with viscosities
ranging from 1 to 28 cp under temperatures ranging from 100 to 160oF. Viscosity
measurements were validated with independent measurements using a Brookfield
viscometer. We proposed a mathematical model to describe the performance of the
device for Power-law fluids. This model describes the response of the device as a function of the rheology of the fluid and the physical dimensions of the device.
Experimental data suggests the validity of the model to predict the response of the
device under expected operating conditions. This model can be used to calculate optimal
dimensions of the device for customized target applications.
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