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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení pevnostních parametrů součástí vytvořených metodami rapid prototyping / Evaluation of strength properties of parts made by rapid prototyping methods

Šimek, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes Rapid Prototyping methods. It introduces their overview, principles, advantages and disadvantages. This project also deals with aplication and comparison of modifications of samples made by Fused Deposition Modeling. Findings from tests of mechanical features (pulling test and bending test) are used for comparison.

Visipedia - Embedding-driven Visual Feature Extraction and Learning / Visipedia - Embedding-driven Visual Feature Extraction and Learning

Jakeš, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Multidimenzionální indexování je účinným nástrojem pro zachycení podobností mezi objekty bez nutnosti jejich explicitní kategorizace. V posledních letech byla tato metoda hojně využívána pro anotaci objektů a tvořila významnou část publikací spojených s projektem Visipedia. Tato práce analyzuje možnosti strojového učení z multidimenzionálně indexovaných obrázků na základě jejich obrazových příznaků a přestavuje metody predikce multidimenzionálních souřadnic pro předem neznámé obrázky. Práce studuje příslušené algoritmy pro extrakci příznaků, analyzuje relevantní metody strojového účení a popisuje celý proces vývoje takového systému. Výsledný systém je pak otestován na dvou různých datasetech a provedené experimenty prezentují první výsledky pro úlohu svého druhu.

Zpracování rastrového obrazu pomocí FPGA / Raster Image Processing Using FPGA

Musil, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and implementation of hardware unit to detect objects in the image. Design of unit is optimized for fast streaming processing. Object detection is performed by the trained classifiers using local image features. It describes a new technique for multi-scale detection. Detector used accelerating algorithm based on neighboring positions. The correct functionality of the detector is verified by simulation and part of a whole is implemented on development kit.

Využití gest v uživatelských rozhraních / Gestures in User Interfaces

Bednář, Luboš January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the use of gestures in user interfaces. The goal of this thesis is to create library for hand tracking and gesture recognition in real time. For hand tracking was choosen algorithm Flock of Features. Classification of gestures is done by using algorithm DTW. This thesis also contains stage design, design and implementation of a system that uses this library. Within the tests was tested control of various application using this library.

Porovnávání dokumentů na základě vizuálních rysů / Document Comparison Based on Visual Features

Milička, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Obsahem této práce je návrh metody porovnání webových stránek na základě vizuálních rysů. Na začátku jsou popsány možné přístupy k porovnávání dokumentů s ohledem na jejich použití. Dále jsou prezentovány přístupy porovnávání zaměřené na vizuální vzhled dokumentů. Zde jsou nejdříve popsány metody pro porovnávání z vyrendrovaného obrázku dokumentu a pak přístup pomocí zdrojového kódu. Tato práce je dále detailně zaměřena na získání vizuální rysů ze zdrojového kódu dokumentu. Je zde popsán návrh nové metody pro porovnávání dokumentů na základě vizuálních rysů, která využívá strukturální popis dokumentu. Součástí je taky popis implementace aplikace a dosažené výsledky. V závěru jsou informace o možném rozšíření navržené metody a dalším pokračování.

Automatický výběr reprezentativních fotografií / Automatic Selection of Representative Pictures

Bartoš, Peter January 2011 (has links)
There are billions of photos on the internet and as the size of these digital repositories grows, finding target picture becomes more and more difficult. To increase the informational quality of photo albums we propose a new method that selects representative pictures from a group of photographs using computer vision algorithms. The aim of this study is to analyze the issues about image features, image similarity, object clustering and examine the specific characteristics of photographs. Tests show that there is no universal image descriptor that can easily simulate the process of clustering performed by human vision. The thesis proposes a hybrid algorithm that combines the advantages of selected features together using a specialized multiple-step clustering algorithm. The key idea of the process is that the frequently photographed objects are more likely to be representative. Thus, with a random selection from the largest photo clusters certain representative photos are obtained. This selection is further enhanced on the basis of optimization, where photos with better photographic properties are being preferred.

Detekce a rozpoznání dopravních značek v obraze / Detection and Recognition of Traffic Signs in Image

Spáčil, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This work focuses on classification and recognition of traffic signs in image. It describes briefly some used methods a deeply describes chosen system including extensions and method for creating models needed for classification. There's described implementation of library and demonstration program including important pieces of knowledge discovered during development. There're also results of some experiments and possible enhancements in conclusion.

Vyhledávání informací / Information Retrieval

Šabatka, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is a summary of theoretical knowledge in the field of information retrieval. This document contains mathematical models that can be used for information retrieval algorithms, including how to rank them. There are also examined the specifics of image and text data. The practical part is then an implementation of the algorithm in video shots of the TRECVid 2009 dataset based on high-level features. The uniqueness of this algorithm is to use internet search engines to obtain terms similarity. The work contains a detailed description of the implemented algorithm including the process of tuning and conclusions of its testing.

Rozpoznávání markantních rysů na nábojnicích / Recognition of Unique Features on Weapon Cartridges

Siblík, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Subject of this thesis is design and implementation of an algorithm, capable of distinct feature based comparision of two weapon cartridge casing  images. In the first section it looks into the issue of fi- rearms with special emphasis on ballistic traces. In following parts it presents design and imple- mentation of scanning unit for acquisition of such images and their processing and design and excuti- on of the comparation algorithm. In the conclusion there is an evaluation of goals achieved and possi- bilities for further development.

Trasování významných bodů ve videosekvenci nestacionární kamery / Interest Points Tracking in Video Sequence of Non-stationary Camera

Studený, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of tracking feature points earned from videosequences of hand helded camera. The work is focused on the case of moving camera and static background, and events that are associated with this case and can occur. There is studied the movement of the camera, which is given its direction and speed. The aim of this work is the election and the subsequent implementation of three fundamentally different methods suitable for tracking feature points in case of moving camera and their comparison according to set criteria. On the basis of comparison will be under pre-defined conditions chosen algorithm that is best able to deal with tracing these points.

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