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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intersecting Identities: Context And Change In The Case Of Mardinian Arabs

Kucuk, Murat 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Identity have come to fore in daily life, political life and social sciences in recent years. Debates on the ways how identity can be studied and conceptualized have been varying. There needs to make critical studies on multicultural Mardin using current theoretical possibilities. The reason of why Mardin is selected as the case of this study is that the significant role of identity in people living in Mardin as a multi-religious and multi-ethnic site. However, because of that &quot / difference&quot / which is expressed in the &quot / cultural diversity&quot / is understood with only ethnic and religious belongings, social class and gender are generally neglected. In this thesis, identity is studied as intersectionality of ethnicity, social class, and gender differences. It is focused on where, how and how certain identity expressions are selected. Accordingly, it is tried to be revealed that identity is not fixed and essentialist, rather is historical, contextual and contingent in the case of Mardinian Arabs. The most suitable data generation method for this research question is interviewing and participant observation as a part of living experience in the researching site.

Efterlevnad av redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134. : Test av tre oberoende variabler.

Wallin, Henrik, Nilsson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning företag noterade på OMX-börsen i Stockholm följer redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134 samt om tre oberoende variabler, omsättning, bransch och revisionsbyrå, har någon inverkan på i vilken utsträckning företagen följer redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134. Mot bakgrund av syftet har vi kommit fram till följande frågeställningar. I vilken utsträckning följer företagen redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134? Har företagens omsättning någon inverkan på efterlevnaden av redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134? Har företagens val av revisionsbyrå någon inverkan på efterlevnaden av redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134? Har bransch någon inverkan på efterlevnaden av redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134? Metod:Vi har i denna uppsats använt oss av en kvantitativ metod för att samla in information. Vi har studerat litteratur, artiklar samt årsredovisningar från företag noterade på OMX-börsen i Stockholm för att i analysdelen undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan vår beroende variabel och våra oberoende variabler. Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att medelvärdet på företagens efterlevnad av redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134 är 55,08 %. Undersökning visar att det inte finns några statistiskt säkerställda samband mellan den beroende och våra oberoende variabler. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Det vore intressant att undersöka andra oberoende variabler, göra en liknande undersökning igen om några år samt att undersöka om hårdare sanktioner vid dålig efterlevnad av redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134 skulle förbättra efterlevnaden. Uppsatsens bidrag: Vi hoppas att denna uppsats skall visa och belysa i vilken utsträckning företag noterade på OMX-börsen i Stockholm följer redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 punkt 134.

Nedskrivningsprövning av Goodwill : Hur efterföljs standarden IAS 36 punkt 134?

Larssen, Sara, Lidberg, Emma January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att se hur företag följer standarden IAS 36 punkt 134. Vidare är syftet att se huruvida det existerar skillnader branscher emellan samt om efterlevnadsgraden ändras beroende på om de studerade företagen använder sig av bonussystem eller inte. Metod: Studien har gått tillväga genom en tolkning av IAS 36 punkt 134, en kvantitativ undersökning har genomförts med utgångspunkt i de valda företagens koncernredovisningar. Vi har tittat på i vilken grad företagen efterföljer standarden. Vidare har ett test gjorts för att se huruvida ett samband föreligger mellan dels hur företag efterföljer standarden IAS 36 punkt 134 och huruvida de tillämpar bonussystem samt hur företag följer standarden IAS 36 punkt 134 och vilken bransch de är verksamma. Resultat och slutsats: Av den gjorda studien kan utläsas att företagen efterföljer standarden till 52,43 procent. Detta är således medelvärdet av alla företags efterföljnadsgrad. Enligt de gjorda testerna kan ses att det inte finns något statistisk signifikant samband mellan hur företagen efterföljer standarden och huruvida de tillämpar bonussystem eller inte. Det existerar inte heller något samband mellan hur standarden efterföljs och vilken bransch företagen är verksamma i.

Identity And The Nur Movement In Turkey: &quot / trying To See The Gray&quot

Wuthrich, Aimee M 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the identity of the Nur movement in Turkey from the emic perspective on two levels, the group and the individual. Research was conducted through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with ten university students who identify themselves as Nur students. With regard to group identity, first, the emergence and function of the movement is considered in light of Norbert Elias&#039 / s &quot / Changes in the We-I Balance,&quot / concluding that the movement constitutes an important &quot / survival unit&quot / for the students, for some even taking the place of the nation-state. Second, an attempt is made to define the boundaries that exist vis-a-vis non-adherents, other Islamic groups, and between the sub-groups within the movement itself per Fredrik Barth and Thomas Hylland Eriksen&#039 / s theories. Several important boundary markers are identified including such things as language, dress, value orientations, differing approaches to religion (rational versus imitative or emotional), social involvement, political involvement and attitudes toward the Risale-i Nur. Finally, the impact of the movement on one&#039 / s individual identity is considered, utilizing Richard Jenkins&#039 / s model of the internal-external dialectic. Regarding the external, it was determined that the &quot / outside other&quot / creates the need for identity negotiation and restricted interaction, while the &quot / inside other&quot / prescribes some important values, including education and nationalism. The internal half of the identity dialectic, it was concluded, is significantly shaped by one&#039 / s interaction with the Risale-i Nur.

Personal Consequences Of Work Under

Kodalak, C. Metin 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is an attempt to present the sociological dimensions of high-technological work from the perspective of highly-qualified white-collar professionals under the conditions of &lsquo / new economy&rsquo / . This study tries to shed some light on the rapidly growing professional high-tech work and its interrelation with personal consequences. The pace of change and the acceleration of global informational economy have created a new kind of workforce, introduced new cultures of work, and witnessed diverse social transformations for more than twenty years. At the core of this research, it aims at providing a broad sociological perspective on the changes which are brought by the entry of a large number of well-educated young people into the workforce. New forms of work organization, employment, and the new cultures of work and identity that emerged in this industry is taken into consideration. Technopoles as a newly emerging concept for Turkey, are clusters where this so-called technological change could be clearly observed. METU-Technopolis is chosen as the field of research due to the widespread use of flexible production employment methods and highly qualified labor force.

Ethnic Identity And Social Distance In Ankara

Altunsu, Lutfi 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate perceived group identity and the differences between select ethnic groups as well as the perceived distance and discrimination experienced by these groups from the other ethnic groups. Using the conceptual framework provided by Constructionist Theory of ethnicity and subjectivist approaches to ethnicity, as well as the theoretical insights of Symbolic Interactionism, this study explores the individual and ethnic identity, images and perceptions of the other groups, discrimination or feeling discriminated by the others, social distance between the groups, commonly shared traits among the groups, ethnic relations and interactions among the groups, and finally the future of the intergroup relations. These problem areas of the thesis are explored conducting a survey questionnaire applied to 252 people, chosen on the basis of purposive sampling, and 20 in-depth interviews in Ankara. It is found out that the ethnic identities are not salient characteristics of the members of the ethnic categories and determining factor in intergroup relations in Ankara.

The Turks Of Borcali In Georgia: Ethnic Identity In Borderland

Ethem, Said 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines the history and ethnic identity of Turks living in Bor&ccedil / ali (Kvemo-Kartli) region of Georgia. It focuses on the mechanisms that led to the formation and strengthening of their ethnic identity and the impact of the shifts in political borders on ethnic identification. Characteristics of the region and the people are provided and socio-political developments are analyzed with an historical perspective. Different dimensions of the concepts of ethnicity and ethnic identity are discussed with an interdisciplinary approach.

Fragmented Yet United: Alevis

Alatas, Irem 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis aims to recount the current situation of the Alevi community in the urban Turkish setting. The data were collected during eight months of ethnographic field research from February 2009 to October 2009 in a complex preferred to be called as the Dikmen Alevi Community Center, in Ankara. I present different ways adopted by various groups while explaining what Alevism is and I stress the fact that there is a certain degree of fragmentalization within the community due to such diverse descriptions. Thenceforth, I emphasize the reasons behind the existence of divergent classifications and analyze Alevis&rsquo / migration from rural to urban areas during 1970s and 1980s as it relates to the changes in the institutions. After offering an evaluation of the changes accompanying migration, I accentuate the competitive sharing of the city as a religious space between Alevis and Sunnis concentrating on Alevis&rsquo / perception of religious space and providing a comparison between Sunni and Alevi perceptions regarding the places of worship. Subsequently, I attempt to show that there is a competitive sharing relationship present within the community giving the example of Dikmen Alevi Community Center after the establishment of the Alevi Institute for Research, Documentation and Application. I conclude that this kind of a relationship and the current state of affairs are the results of the struggle to adapt to a changing environment, which in turn alters the individuals themselves.

Non-governmental Organizations And Democratization In Post-soviet Kyrgyzstan

Ataser, Gokhan Alper 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the relationship between NGOs and the democratization process in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. The conditions shaping both the civil society and political development are analysed in the light of findings obtained through in-depth interviews with NGO leaders in Kyrgyzstan. Despite relative freedom for NGOs, civil society in Kyrgyzstan is still in its infancy. Soviet era conception of roles attributed to state and society still persist especially among the governmental officials and general population. Despite the problems of building a democratic regime in Kyrgyzstan, NGOs have achieved a certain level of development. Through building functioning state institutions together with a lively political society primarily including political parties, the potential of NGOs for democratic development can be more fully utilized.

Memory, Identity, Home: Self-perception Of Identity Among The Armenian And Jewish Communities In Ankara

Bal, Ozgur 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the identity perceptions of the Armenian and Jewish communities in the context of Ankara. Purpose of the study is to understand the ways the members of these communities experienced the social, spatial, political and cultural changes in the capital-city after the establishment of Turkish nation-state / and in what ways they draw on these experiences in terms of their identifications, self-understanding, and feelings of belonging. For this purpose, life-story narratives of people who were born in the early Republican era and of the following generation were collected through oral history methodology. As a result of the analyses of these narratives, multiple, fluid, contextual, and contingent character of identity in terms of the Armenian and Jewish communities in Ankara is pointed, and it is concluded that community identity for the members of these communities was symbolically constructed.

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