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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the commitments of a genuinely physicalist account of perceptual experience

Gow, Laura January 2014 (has links)
Physicalism is the dominant metaphysical position III contemporary philosophy of mind, and it is generally acknowledged that we should expect our account of perception and perceptual experience to be compatible with this framework. It is also thought to be important that our philosophical account of perceptual experience should be consistent with what scientists tell us about the processes involved. As such, after a discussion of the general issues surrounding the physicalist theory of mind, I will assume that both of these expectations are appropriate. My primary aim is to describe the account of perceptual experience we must endorse if we want to be consistent physicalists. This account has some rather counter-intuitive consequences, the most notable of which is that perceptual experiences are not assessable for accuracy. The fact that perceptual experiences are intentional states will be instrumental in explaining why we find the idea that perceptual experiences are not assessable for accuracy so counter-intuitive, and also in enabling us to recognise that the claim is true notwithstanding its apparent implausibility.

Anxiety sensitivity, gender, coping strategies and pain perception

Thompson, Trevor January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Corpus gnarus : the experienced bodily self

Kontaris, Ioannis January 2012 (has links)
In the rubber hand illusion (RHI), watching a rubber hand being stroked synchronously to one's own, unseen hand, creates the compelling experience of ownership over the artificial hand. I induced the RHI in participants watching an egocentrically placed rubber hand that was stroked in synchrony or asynchrony with the biological hand. Two further conditions examined the illusory effect a) when the rubber hand was placed allocentrically (rotated 180°; 'Allocentric') to the participant, and b) when the rubber hand was placed egocentrically but seen only through a mirror (‘Mirror'), resulting in a identical visual input as the directly-viewed, allocentric condition. I replicated previous results on the 'classical' RHI: participants showed significantly greater introspective and behavioural responses in the Synchronous compared to the Asynchronous and Allocentric conditions. In addition, my preliminary findings show that a mirror-view of the rubber hand elicits a greater illusory effect than the 'no-ownership' effect evident in the Allocentric orientation, suggesting that background knowledge of the hand's true position plays a role in the induction of the RHI. The implications of these results for the current models of bodily ownership are discussed.

Affective responses to imaged motor fluency

Dennehy, Valerie January 2014 (has links)
Affective judgements of objects can be influenced by motor fluency (Hayes et al, 2008). However, the mechanisms that link emotion to motor fluency are not well understood. This thesis investigates whether imaging actions evokes an emotional response to fluency. In Study 2.1, participants imaged moving objects fluently (no obstacle) or non-fluently (avoiding an obstacle). Results indicated higher liking ratings for objects of fluent actions. Moreover, higher kinaesthetic imagery ability was associated with stronger emotional responses to fluency condition (Study 2.2). In Study 3, participants completed the movement imagery task from Study 2.1 using one of three imagery conditions: internal visual imagery, kinaesthetic imagery, or a combination of the two. Liking ratings were higher for objects of fluent actions, but only for the groups that used kinaesthetic imagery. Study 4 tests whether imaged motor fluency evokes emotion if the task does not require attending to emotional states. A direct measure of affect was implemented by measuring affective facial expressions using electromyography (EMG). This direct measure revealed that participants smiled more when responding to objects that were presented in the fluent condition compared to the nonfluent condition, suggesting emotional response to fluency is more positive and less negative than to non-fluency. This muscle-by-fluency interaction was evident while planning the Imagery. These Studies demonstrate the possible embodied nature of emotional responses to movement fluency via kinaesthetic imagery, and that responses to imaged motor fluency occur spontaneously, even when attention is not directed toward emotional states.

The role of vision in the preparation and execution of multiple target movements

Sarteep, Salah January 2013 (has links)
Many everyday tasks involve multiple movements that require accurate and proficient motor control (e.g., typing on a keyboard, using a smart phone or tablet, placing a pen in a desk organiser or simply making a cup of tea). Researchers have adopted many approaches to understanding how these type of aiming movements in order to examine how they are prepared and executed. In fact as early as the 19th century researchers were investigating the control of rapid target direct movements (Woodworth, 1899) and revealed that single target actions consist of at least two distinct components; the first is the initial impulse and assumed to be fast, ballistic, pre programmed movement designed to bring the limb into the vicinity of the target; the second is an error correction phase whereby vision (or proprioception) of the limb and target are used to make corrections to the limb trajectory in order to accurately reach the target. This notion of a two component model is still consistent with recent motor learning perspectives, which also point to a two-component with multiple processes model of goal-directed aiming (for a review, see Elliott et al., 2010). Studies have found that rapid aimed hand movements take longer when the movement is directed at a second target rather than executed toward a single target (Adam et al., 2000; Chamberlin & Magill, 1989; Elliot, Helsen, & Chua, 2001; Lavrysen, Helsen, Elliott & Adam, 2002). This phenomenon is known as the 'one-target advantage' (OTA), the prominent explanations of which fall in one of three hypotheses; online programming (Chamberlain & Magill, 1989); movement constraint (Fischman & Reeve, 1992); movement integration (Adam et aI., 2000). All three of these hypotheses adopt the notion of central programming and online processes in attempts to explain why and how movements within a two target aiming task are functionally dependent. It has been suggested that the dependency/movement integration between segments is aided by the availability of vision (Helsen, Adam, Elliott, & Beukers, 2001) through the visual monitoring and regulation of actions (also see Khan , Lawrence, Franks, & Buckolz, 2006). In direct support for this is found in conditions where visual feedback is occluded, since participants have been reported take longer to initiate their movement (Lavrysen et al., 2002); presumably this increase in reaction time is to ensure that actions are accurate and can be integrated without the use of visual information. In light of the above, an issue with has been at the forefront of much theorising is the extent to which movement integration is dependent on the relative contributions of central planning and online processing together with the role that vision might take in this interplay. 1.2 Outline of the thesis This thesis utilises a series of experiments in an attempt to investigate issues relating to the planning and control of multiple target actions under vision and no vision conditions. The first experiment focused on the movement variability or the accuracy equivalent of the OTA. The aim here was to investigate the role of visual feedback in the interaction between movement segments within a time constrained action. This allowed a more direct approach to testing the MCH and MIH hypotheses than previous research that have adopted paradigms where movement times that are free to vary. Over the course of3 further investigations, the use of visual feedback in the interplay between planning and online integration was examined under full vision conditions and conditions where visual feedback was occluded at the end of the first movement. Here movement times were free to vary and the primary purpose"was to investigate the effect of varying the location of the first target location under a non-perturbed (investigation 1) and unexpected perturbation (investigation 2) paradigms together with the effect of unexpectedly perturbing the location of the second target (investigation 3). The explanations of the OT A are both expanded and re-examined in light of the role of visual information plays in the integration between movement segments. 1.3 Thesis Format This thesis consists of a review of the literature, four research papers and general discussion. All four manuscripts are written as standalone research articles. The first manuscript has been published in the international psychology and motor control journal Acta Psychologica. The remaining manuscripts are currently in preparation for publication consideration. For consistency, all manuscripts are written in style adopted by the school of Sport, Health and Exercise Science, Bangor University, which is described in American Psychology Association Publication Manual 2009 (6th Edition) and current recommendations of the Bangor University for thesis preparation. For the same reason, all citations are included a single section and the end of this thesis and illustrations are numbered consecutively.

A perceptual function of motor resonance : evidence from response-stimulus paradigms

Thomaschke, Roland January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging investigations of visuo-motor action-specific representations

Oosterhof, Nikolaas Nuttert January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Individual differences in perceptual discrimination, attention, personality and arousal : with special reference to sensory inhibition processes and the effect of induced stress

Hinton, J. W. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

A self-determination theory approach to understanding motivation in physical activity settings

Standage, Martyn January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring, measuring and explaining negative attitudes to own future old age

O'Hanlon, Ann January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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