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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of time and memory on Malcolm Lowry's fiction

Ramsey, Robin Harold January 1970 (has links)
The aesthetic basis underlying Lowry's work centers around two key ideas, time and memory. Crucial to all of his writing is the need to decipher and to justify the past, both as it is retained in memory and as it recurs in experience. As complex as such a problem is, it becomes more so when neither memory nor experience conforms to the limits or patterns that a conventional view of reality suggests, and accordingly, Lowry required a world-view that could accommodate such apparently irregular phenomena as premonition, coincidence, recurrence and telepathy. This study will examine some of the shapes which reality assumed in Lowry's life, and the means he employed to represent and to understand it through his art. It will also suggest the usefulness of comparing Lowry's approach to existence with the theories of Ortega and J. W. Dunne. The first chapter considers the nature of time and memory in general and looks at some of the specific treatments accorded these subjects in literature. In addition, it examines Lowry's special metaphysical needs and his search through a variety of doctrines and philosophies, primary among which are Western mysticism and occultism and various Eastern beliefs, for some elucidation of his problems. Throughout, it attempts to keep Lowry's efforts in a perspective of contemporary fiction, since the problems of a universal outlook which he faced and the solutions he posed, while individual, are neither as unique nor as esoteric as they might at first appear. Chapter II focuses on some of the solutions Lowry arrived at. It assumes that the disparate body of ideas at work in Lowry's aesthetic can be subsumed, for convenience, within two metaphysical systems--Ortega's philosophy of man and history and Dunne's serial universe. These theories are considered in some detail in an attempt to show that Lowry's conception of the nature and purpose of literary activity parallels Ortega's hypothesis, while his methodology, the execution of his objectives, makes use of serialism. Chapters III and IV analyze Under the Volcano and Dark as the Grave, respectively, in light of the above considerations and try to show how these ideas are operative in Lowry's work both on the aesthetic level, in terms of his approach to literature, and also on the thematic and structural levels within the fictive worlds of the novels. The final chapter is a brief summary, synthesizing Lowry's various conceptions of time, memory, and reality around a general aesthetic theory. It will be seen that Lowry makes free use of a number of different but compatible systems of thought in his writing. Thus the chapter will also consider some of the resultant critical problems which beset his work and the corresponding need, in any evaluation of his art, for critical breadth and flexibility. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

The making of Under the Volcano : an examination of lyrical structure, with reference to textual revisions

Johnson, Carell January 1969 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Lowry expanded Under the Volcano beyond the narrative level and yet also managed to infuse this dense, expanded structure with an organic unity. Passages from the earlier drafts of the novel have been juxtaposed with the printed version in order to reveal salient aspects of method and purpose in the novel's composition. Chapter I attempts to demonstrate that Under the Volcano is essentially a lyrical novel and discusses the background and aims of this twentieth century genre. What chiefly distinguishes the lyrical from the non-lyrical novel is that it transcends chronological time, to some degree, and presents a spatial pattern. Chapter II discusses the cosmic outlook which prompts a writer to aim at presenting simultaneity rather than succession, and examines textual revisions which reveal Lowry's intention to give his theme a cosmic or universal scope. Chapter III examines how Lowry has expanded moments in the narrative through the use of leitmotif. In tracing these flexible motifs, we see that Lowry has used variation to make one symbol or image embrace both positive and negative poles and thus render his central theme, the dichotomy of human experience. Chapter IV traces how Lowry has used another musical device, counterpoint, to expand moments or scenes in the narrative and thus suggest simultaneity. The final chapter discusses the prevailing atmosphere of poised tension and the wave pattern which emerge from the novel's structure and how this pattern not only gives the expanded structure a unity, but also renders theme. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

A Liverpool of self ; a study of Lowry's fiction other than Under the volcano

Benham, David Stanley January 1969 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of a group of central themes which run through Lowry”s work; it centres on such key-words as 'isolation', 'alienation', and 'self-absorption'. Lowry's protagonists are seen as men trapped in "a Liverpool of self"; they are characteristically torn between a desire to escape from their prison and a desire to remain in it. Although Lowry invests his self-absorbed heroes with a certain splendour, fulfilment only comes to them when they become capable of reaching beyond themselves and entering into community with another. In the Introduction, I have briefly reviewed Lowry's early life and works. We can find, in his insecure childhood and in his obsessive identification with Conrad Aiken and Nordahl Grieg, evidence of his own alienation; the search for a stable human relationship is central to even his earliest work. Chapter I is a discussion of Lunar Caustic; I distinguish between the two major versions of this book, finding in each a distinct aspect of the search for relationship. The chapter concludes with some observations on the probably structure of The Voyage That Never Ends as Lowry first conceived it. After his second marriage in 1940, the relationship between man and wife became, for Lowry, the prototype of the community which his protagonists seek. In Chapter 2 I discuss Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid and La Mordida, in which the marriage relationship is central. Chapter 2 concludes with an analysis of Sigbjørn Wilderness' 'metaphysical alienation'; Chapter 3 traces the cyclical pattern of Hear Us 0 Lord From Heaven Thy Dwelling Place in terms of the constant struggle to break down the distinction between the inner world of the mind and the outer 'real' world. In "The Element Follows You Around, Sir!" and "Ghostkeeper" we see this 'real' world itself in the throes of a kind of nervous breakdown; in Chapter 4 I attempt to find the meaning of these puzzling stories, and conclude that, like the rest of Lowry's work, they affirm the necessity of the individual to find himself in relation to others. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

The social and lyric voices of Dorothy Livesay

Boylan, Charles Robert January 1969 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the growth and development of an important contemporary Canadian poet, Dorothy Livesay. I attempt to show that common to her personal, lyrical poems and her social documentaries is a democratic and humanist sensibility. Her purpose as a writer is to communicate with Canadians her responses to contemporary life as she experiences and feels it. Her perspective is that of a sensitive and critical mind, conscious of injustice and the difficult striving of people for happiness and fulfillment in what she feels to be a restricting, often violent society. She has always been a rebel; and it is her rebellious, unquiet spirit which drives her to express both her communal concerns as a political poet, and her innermost personal feelings as a woman. Chapter one shows her early concern with the problem women have in finding fulfillment in a male-dominated world. Her intimate knowledge of and fondness for women Imagist poets finds reflection in Green Pitcher and Signpost. Also evident is her realistic response to her environment, and the influence of Raymond Knister. During this apprenticeship period in her life she mastered the Imagist technique, and indicated competence at treating larger social questions. Chapter two explores the impact the 1930s and upsurge of revolutionary ideas had on her writing. She accepted Marxism as the only perspective which could rationally explain the social evils caused by the depression. Her life as a social worker led her to see the worst aspects of industrial society. She channelled her political activism into revolutionary poetry after she became aware of the lyrical writings of Auden, Spender, Day-Lewis and others. In this chapter I also show her commitment to peace and the Loyalist cause in Spain. Much of her finest lyrical and social poetry in this period is her response to the ugliness of war against which she has campaigned all her life. Chapter three extends my analysis of her social poetry into the area of national themes. I investigate the important question of national identity in Canada. I also indicate that Dorothy Livesay is a patriot but not a jingoist. As such she has made an important contribution in making her compatriots aware of the real essence of their nation which is the people who live and work within an expansive landscape. Chapter four describes the difficult decade of the 1950s. Dorothy Livesay responded to the atomic age and problems of raising a family by a sharp reduction in the quantity and quality of her poetry. I then show how her return from Africa to Vancouver in 1963 led her to re-explore the lyrical point of view of a woman in love. Chapter five concludes the thesis with an examination of her latest social poems, re-emphasizing the continuity of her democratic, humanist perspective, I show how her interest in new techniques and her raporte with young writers enables her to continue exploring themes of love, war, art and politics in modes that communicate clearly and effectively her progressive, critical attitudes to contemporary life in Canada. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

Aspects of the quest in the minor fiction of Malcolm Lowry

Robertson, Anthony January 1966 (has links)
Although Malcolm Lowry is recognized as a major writer largely for the novel Under the Volcano, his lesser known works, Lunar Caustic, "Through the Panama" and "The Forest Path to the Spring", in Hear Us O Lord From Heaven Thy Dwelling Place, are as clearly representative of his place as a twentieth century writer as Under the Volcano, These three novellas were intended by Lowry to be a part of his proposed cycle, The Voyage That Never Ends, and their relationship to the rest of his work can be clearly seen. This thesis examines Lunar Caustic, "Through the Panama", and "The Forest Path to the Spring", in terms of the clear relationship to the proposed cycle. They are analysed primarily in thematic terms, through an analysis of each novella as a separate entity. At the same time, the integral relationship between them will be shown. All Malcolm Lowry’s work is an attempt to defeat chaos and alienation by establishing identity through the exploration of the various masks of self. This process of exploration can be called the quest for self. Accepting this as a basis, the thesis attempts to define and clearly evidence the aspects of the quest in the three novellas. The process is one of discovering the separate masks of self in each novella, and then establishing the links between each mask and their progressive nature. This should clearly delineate the interconnective nature of the three novellas and their link to the remainder of Lowry’s work. This thesis hopes to prove that the design and pattern of Lowry’s operation of the quest, while beginning in despair and chaos, eventually moves to a point of order and redemption, while at the same time showing that in personal and creative terms, the quest and its literary reconstruction are primarily destructive. In the novella Lunar Caustic, despair and chaos prevail and the protagonist fails in his quest for self, although the terms of that quest have been established. Sigbjorn Wilderness, the protagonist of "Through the Panama", moves further towards an acceptance of himself in terms of his past and the disordered world around him. It remains, however, for the nameless protagonist of "The Forest Path to the Spring", to finally reach a point of self acceptance and of salvation. He does this as a composite figure, made up from his predecessors in Lunar Caustic and "Through the Panama", and from Malcolm Lowry himself. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

L’inspiration romanesque de Gabrielle Roy

Merzisen, Yves January 1973 (has links)
Des etudes bibliographiques recentes indiquent que le total des etudes consacrees a Gabrielle Roy depasse maintenantHe millier de titres. C'est certainement une preuve de la vitalite de l'oeuvre de la romanciere canadienne. Un succes aussi Incontestable montre egalement que la creation litteraire du Quebec n'est plus une vue de 1'esprit. Gabrielle Roy fait partie d'une pleiade d'ecrivains contemporains qui contribuent tous, selon leurs moyens propres, a etablir les bases d'une tradition litteraire solide qui manquait jus-qu'alors au roman canadien-francais. Ltetude suivante s'attache avant tout aux sources de 1'imagination romanesque de Gabrielle Roy. La premiere partie traitera de la question des influences litteraires et verra comment elles se manifestent dans l'oeuvre de la romanciere canadienne. Ce probleme est important au Quebec au meme titre que dans tout pays francophone, car il met en cause toute 1'orientation d'une litterature nationale. Dans des pays ou la tradition litteraire est recente, il semble bien qu'il faille se resigner a aller chercher ailleurs ses mentors. Dans le cas de Gabrielle Roy, nous avons ete frappe par le fait que deux ecrivains frangais semblaient avoir ses preferences. Nous etudierons ce que Gabrielle Roy semble devoir a Georges Duhamel; elle donne 1'impression de fort bien connaitre sa Chronique des Pasquier ainsi que sa Vie et aventures de Salavin. De nombreux critiques avaient deja remarque 1'accent proustien de certaines pages de Gabrielle Roy. Nous passerons rapidement sur cette question, 1'enrichissant d'exemples nouveaux. L'originalite de Gabrielle Roy semble surtout se faire jour a travers deux themes principaux qui expriment sa vision du monde sous une forme poetique et symbolique. Le theme du voyage hante litteralement l'oeuvre de la roman-ciere canadienne et souligne le desequilibre fondamental de la plupart de ses personnages. Ceux-ci, a la recherche d'un ideal a leur mesure, errent dans un monde qui les ignore ou les ecrase. Ce meme theme permet egalement a Gabrielle Roy de peindre le desarroi social et metaphysique de 1'homme du vingtieme siecle. Par le voyage en soi ou, par son imagination debridee, le personnage de Gabrielle Roy tente desesperement d'accomplir une sorte d'eternel retour vers le paradis de l'enfance. Par le biais de ce theme, l'auteur souligne egalement la tendance innee qu'a 1'homme de vouloir fonder sa liberte. L'autre theme qui contribue a donner son unite a l'oeuvre de la romanciere canadienne-francaise est celui de l'arbre. Depuis l'antiquite, celui-ci s'est vu chaiger de symbolisme. Chez Gabrielle Roy, il est, tour a tour, frere de 1'homme dans le malheur et le desir d'evasion, aspiration a l'absolu, support de la creation artistique et meditation sur l'art. Par 1'usage qu'elle fait de ces deux themes, Gabrielle Roy prouve que le roman ne saurait se passer d'un certain halo poetique; celui-ci exprime souvent, mieux que les mots, les etats d'ame d'un personnage ou la Weltanschauung de l'auteur. Si Gabrielle Roy ne parvient pas toujours a camper des personnages inoubliables par leur psychologie, du moins son oeuvre a-t-elle d'incontestables resonnances poetiques et humaines. / Arts, Faculty of / French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, Department of / Graduate

Lowry’s journal form : narrative technique and philosophical design

Slemon, Stephen Guy January 1976 (has links)
The fictions Malcolm Lowry wrote subsequent to Under the Volcano seem to demonstrate little of the technical expertise he manifests in the earlier work, and one of the few unanimously held findings of his critics is that in Lowry's later fictions something has gone wrong. This thesis explores the "problem" of the later fiction. It shows how Lowry, throughout his writing career, experiments with fictional form, and how each of his later works marks an intermediate point in a process of fictional evolution towards a "new form." This "new form," although never fully realized, is initially shaped in the notebooks Lowry used to record the events which he later transformed into the material of his autobiographical fictions. Lowry's "new form" is in fact a development out of the structure of his notebooks: the journal form. The journal form inherently creates opposing perspectives upon events; conflicting narrative rhythms ensue from this. The "new form" is an ideal Lowry aspires towards: it is intended to structure a new type of realism -- the means by which human beings assimilate and order what has happened to them —• and to contain, and thus make contiguous, Lowry's diverse themes, images, and oppositional narrative technique. Lowry's theoretical approach to the "new form" is discussed in the Introduction. Chronology is then reversed. Chapter I discusses "Ghostkeeper" as Lowry's reflection upon his fictional method. Chapter II approaches "Through the Panama" as Lowry's use of the journal form to unify disparate narrative voices. Chapter III examines and compares the manuscript and the printed version of Dark As the Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid. It shows that this book is Lowry's first direct experiment with temporal inversions which are used to attempt to reconcile narrative mode with thematic action. Chapter IV demonstrates that Lowry uses an oppositional system as the fictional unifying principle for Under the Volcano, and examines the formal dimensions which Lowry only retrospectively discovers operating in this book. Each chapter focuses upon fictional form and argues that Lowry's themes and narrative techniques grow out of the form he employs. The Conclusion examines Lowry's "new form" in relation to his philosophical outlook, shows how the new form reconciles Lowry's borrowings from Ortega y Gasset and J.W. Dunne and suggests a critical approach that will elucidate the literary and philosophical function of the journal-narrative method. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

Maux et mots du corps dans Alexandre Chenevert de Gabrielle Roy

Tanguay, Céline. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The voyage that never ends : time and space in the fiction of Malcolm Lowry

Grace, Sherrill, 1944- January 1974 (has links)
No description available.

Le Merveilleux erotique chez Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues.

Tadros, Jean-Pierre. January 1967 (has links)
No description available.

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