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Formación y experiencias de organización y lucha del gremio de trabajadores de tranvías de Santiago: 1902-1919Seiwerth, Malte Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Historia / Seminario de grado: Movimientos sociales y política popular en Chile contemporáneo
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El Oncenio de Leguía a través de sus elementos básicos (1919-1930)Ames Zegarra, Marty January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Weimarer Nationalversammlung und die deutsche Außenpolitik : Waffenstillstand, Friedensverhandlungen und internationale Beziehungen in den Debatten von Februar bis August 1919 /Boden, Ragna. January 2000 (has links)
Texte révisé de: Magisterarb.--Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaften--Marburg--Philipps-Universität, 1999. / Bibliogr. p. 175-188. Index.
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A study of Li Jinxi's system of Chinese grammarTse, Yiu-kay., 謝耀基 January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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A study of the Europeanized structures in the modern Chinese language =Tse, Yiu-kay., 謝耀基 January 1989 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Master / Master of Philosophy
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Egyptian nationalism, 1882-1919 : elite competition, transnational networks, empire, and independenceTassin, Kristin Shawn 10 February 2015 (has links)
This thesis studies the formulation and expression of Egyptian nationalism in the period 1882-1919. In particular, it argues that Egyptian nationalism, rather than having the territorial nation-state as the highest form of nationalist expression, was composed of multiple overlapping and contingent identities. Furthermore, this thesis will draw attention to inter-and intra- elite rivalries between power bases within Egypt, including the office of the Khedive, the urban elite, landowners, European powers, and Ottoman representatives; and the way in which these vying groups affected the growth and composition of the Egyptian nationalist movement. This thesis also contends that the policies and ideologies of Egyptian nationalists were both contingent and fluid, as were the self-identities of the Egyptian population. Egyptian nationalism in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries took many of its characteristics and methodologies from the global context of competing imperialisms as well as trans-national anti-colonial movements. Therefore, this thesis seeks to locate Egyptian nationalism in the period 1882-1919 within the global and local context of competing power bases and popular expectations. / text
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La domination maternelle dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Roger Lemelin.Smith, Helene. January 1972 (has links)
No description available.
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Freedom, democracy, and nationalism in the political thought of Pierre Elliott Trudeau: a conversation with CanadiansArrison, Sonia 05 1900 (has links)
Pierre Elliott Trudeau's ideas on liberal democracy and political philosophy are relevant to
Canadian life. He is a modern liberal democrat with a vision of the 'Good' society - what he
terms the Just Society. The values of a Just Society are numerous, but perhaps, the most
important are freedom, equality, and tolerance. These values are core to his theory and are
often revealed in his battle against nationalism. Trudeau is radically opposed to notions of
ethnic nationalism, such as French Canadian and Aboriginal nationalism, but he supports a type
of civic nationalism within a federal, pluralistic system. In his dislike for nationalism, Trudeau
is similar to Lord Acton, who has had a major influence on his work. Trudeau also shows
thought similar to John Locke, J.S. Mill, I. Berlin, de Tocqueville, Publius, and John Rawls.
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Une analyse de l'ideologie de Moḥammad Rez̤ā Shāh Pahlavī /Tremblay, Jane January 1992 (has links)
Ce memoire tentera de decrire ce que fut l'ideologie defendue par le Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi d'Iran (1919-1980). Malgre que le Shah n'ait pas lui-meme ecrit ses positions politiques, il adherara a ce systeme de pensee qui pourrait avoir toutes les caracteristiques d'une ideologie. Ce systeme, qui a domine la vie politique iranienne pendant pres de trente ans, est fonde sur trois principes, soit la tradition monarchique iranienne, la constitution de 1906 et la revolution blanche. Ces trois fondements devaient permettre le developpement accelere de l'Iran et qui se traduit par une modernisation de la societe ainsi que par une separation stricte entre l'eglise et de l'etat. L'autorite de l'Islam et du clerge shiite sera alors progressivement evince des affaires publiques durant le regne de Mohammad Reza Shah, laissant la place a une doctrine valorisant a la fois le modernisme, l'occidentalisation et les traditions royales issues de l'Iran ancien. Toutefois ce sera ces memes fondements--constitution, monarchie, revolution blanche--pourtant incompatibles entre eux, qui feront en sorte que ce systeme n'a pu, devenir une ideologie au sens propre du terme.
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Fazlur Rahman's Islamic philosophyHusein, Fatimah. January 1997 (has links)
This study examines Fazlur Rahman's understanding of Islamic philosophy by analyzing his attitude towards the works of Muslim philosophers and his belief in the value of the Qur'an's precepts. It pays specific attention to the relationship between his understanding of philosophy and his method of interpreting the Qur'an, since in Rahman's understanding, this method is the only means to satisfy the changing needs of society. It explores Rahman's definition of Islamic philosophy, which is strongly characterized by three religious terms, iman, islam, and taqwa. / The thesis furthermore looks at the reasons why Rahman borrowed certain philosophical expressions of the Muslim philosophers in his works when, at first glance, their doctrines contradict Rahman's own position. Special attention is paid to his book Major Themes of the Qur'an, wherein Rahman discusses human existence and his final destiny through his interpretation of the Qur'an. The thesis concludes that Rahman's Islamic philosophy is a moral one, which is practically oriented and based on his understanding of the Qur'an.
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