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Application of quantum Monte Carlo methods to excitonic and electronic systemsLee, Robert January 2011 (has links)
The work in this thesis is concerned with the application and development of quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods. We begin by proposing a technique to maximise the efficiency of the extrapolation of DMC results to zero time step, finding that a relative time step ratio of 1:4 is optimal. We discuss the post-processing of QMC data and the calculation of accurate error bars by reblocking, setting out criteria for the choice of block length. We then quantify the effects of uncertainty in the correlation length on estimated error bars, finding that the frequency of outliers is significantly increased for short runs. We then report QMC calculations of biexciton binding energies in bilayer systems. We have also calculated exciton-exciton interaction potentials, and radial distribution functions for electrons and holes in bound biexcitons. We find a larger region of biexciton stability than other recent work [C. Schindler and R. Zimmermann, Phys. Rev. B 78,045313 (2008)]. We also find that individual excitons retain their identity in bound biexcitons for large layer separations. Finally, we give details of a QMC study of the one-dimensional homogeneous electrongas (1D HEG). We present calculations of the energy, pair correlation function, static structure factor (SSF), and momentum density (MD) for the 1D HEG. We observe peaks in the SSF at even-integer-multiples of the Fermi wave vector, which grow as the coupling is increased. Our MD results show an increase in the effective Fermi wave vector as the interaction strength is raised in the paramagnetic harmonic wire; this appears to be a result of the vanishing difference between the wave functions of the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic systems. We have extracted the Luttinger liquid exponent from our MDs by fitting to data around the Fermi wave vector, finding good agreement between the exponents of the ferromagnetic infinitely-thin and harmonic wires. Read more
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Thermal analysis of a feedwater heater tubesheet through coupling of a 1D network solver and CFDJordaan, Haimi January 2019 (has links)
A feedwater heater is a typical component in power plants which increases the cycle efficiency. Over the last decade, renewable energies have significantly developed and been employed in the power grid. However, weather conditions are inconsistent and therefore produce variable power. Fossil fuel power stations are often required to supplement the variable renewable energies, which increased the rate of power cycling to an unforeseeable extent over the past decade. Power cycling results in changes in the flow rate, pressure, and temperature of a feedwater heater’s inlet flows. In a tubesheet-type feedwater heater, these transients induce cycling stress in the tubesheet and failures due to thermal fatigue occur. The header-type feedwater is currently employed in high pressure applications as it is more resistant to thermal fatigue compared to the tubesheet-type. However, the tubesheet-type is more cost effective to construct and maintain. It would be advantageous if the cyclic thermal stresses in the tubesheet can be better analysed and alleviated to support the use of the tubesheet-type.
A detailed transient temperature distribution of the tubesheet is required to understand the thermal fatigue. Normally, engineers opt towards a full CFD to obtain such results. However, the size and complexity of a feedwater heater is immense and cannot be simulated practically solely using CFD spatial elements. This study developed a multiscale approach that thermally couples 1D network elements, CFD spatial elements, and macroscopic heat transfer correlations to reduce the computational expense substantially. The combination of the various selected techniques and the specific application of this methodology is unique. This approach is capable of obtaining the detailed transient temperature distribution of the tubesheet in a reasonable time, as well as include the effects of the upstream and downstream components within the network model. The methodology was implemented using Flownex and Ansys Fluent for the 1D network and CFD solvers, respectively. The internal tube flow was modelled using 1D network elements, while the steam was modelled with CFD. Thermal discretisation, mapping, and convergence were considered to create a robust methodology not limited to feedwater heaters only. Additionally, a method was developed to analyse flow maldistribution in tube-bundles using the coupled 1D-3D approach. The implementation of the methodology consists of two parts, of which one is for development purposes, and the other serves as a demonstration. The development was done on a simple TEMA-FU heat exchanger which is representative of a feedwater heater. The methodology was tested by varying the primary fluid’s flow rates, changing the fluid media, and conducting transient simulations. The temperature distributions obtained were compared against a full CFD model and corresponded very well with errors less than 4%. A reduction in computational time of more than 40% was achieved but is highly dependent on the specific problem. Improvements to be made in future studies include the accuracy of the laminar case method and the stability of the flow maldistribution algorithm.
The methodology was demonstrated by applying it to an existing industrial feedwater heater. No plant data was available to use for input conditions and therefore were assumed. The steam in the DSH was modelled using 3D CFD elements and the tube flow with 1D network elements. The condensing zone’s heat transfer was approximated using an empirical correlation. A steady state case was simulated and the outlet temperatures corresponded well with the manufacturer’s data. The temperature distribution of the tubesheet and surrounding solids were obtained. Finally, assumed sinusoidal transient perturbations to the inlet conditions were imposed. It was evident that the thermal gradients of both sides of the tubesheet were misaligned which highlights the thermal lag and inertia that cause differential temperatures.
The 1D-CFD methodology was developed successfully with results that proved to correspond well, for a wide range of conditions, to full CFD. The methodology was applied and can be, in future work, validated with experimental results or extended by modelling upstream and downstream components in the network solver. / Dissertation (MEng (Mechanical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / MEng (Mechanical Engineering) / Unrestricted Read more
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Hydraulic Simulation Model for DishwasherHabibi Khorasani, Seyed Morteza January 2018 (has links)
This thesis project concerns the creation of a simulation model for the hydraulic system of a commercial dishwasher machine. A 1D model was created using the Simscape physical network modeling tool integrated into the widely used MATLAB software environment. The resultant model can predict the hydraulic performance of the dishwasher for various cases of input parameters. It can also simulate certain state varying aspects of the dishwasher such as its flow controller which opens and shuts off flow to different parts of the system. The model can achieve sufficiently low runtimes where it can be faster than the real-time operation of the target system. The modularity of the physical network approach allows for the quick testing of changes to the overall design of the hydraulic system, a useful attribute when it comes to investigating performance requirements. The results of this work show promise in Simscape as a modeling tool for multi-physics systems. The model developed can serve as a foundation for further development to be carried out and more aspects of the dishwasher machine, such as its heating, be added to the model so it can cover a broader range of the dishwasher’s behavior.
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Economic and Hydraulic Simulation Models for Evaluation of Sediment Management in a ReservoirAnari, Razieh 08 August 2022 (has links)
Reservoir sedimentation is a serious problem that threatens the water storage capacities across the world. Extending a dam's life requires adopting a new design and operational paradigm that focuses on managing the reservoir and watershed system to bring sediment inflow and outflow into balance by including reservoir sediment management facilities in dam and reservoir. However, the cost of methods that remove the sediment from reservoirs is usually prohibitive and is a serious factor preventing sustainable sediment management. This thesis considered a case study, Paonia Reservoir in Colorado, to investigate two aspects of reservoir operation, sediment management and economic assessment. The purpose is to determine how sediment management (sluicing using a low-level gate) effectively reduces sedimentation and whether this management is economically viable. The SRH-1D will be implemented to model the reservoir sedimentation, and RSEM evaluate it economically. The result comparison of current Paonia operation with hypothetical Paonia (added low-level gate) proved sluicing incoming sediment-laden flow effectively reduces sedimentation without interruption in the reservoir targeted functions like irrigating downstream. The deposited sediment volume could decrease more by monitoring the possible peak flow time and keeping the low-level gate open to pass high incoming flow downstream. This thesis applied RSEM to evaluate and compare the benefits and costs of continued sedimentation and eventual dam decommissioning (the existing Reservoir condition) to sediment management costs and benefits (hypothetical Paonia Reservoir). The results illustrated that sediment removal is advantageous because it contributed to decrease rate of decline of reservoir capacity, which made this capacity, and the associated instantaneous net benefits exceed those in the without sediment management alternative. The preserved benefits from sustainable sediment management offset the additional costs of incorporating sediment management. One of the key messages of this thesis is that incorporating sediment management into the planning and design phases of dam projects is essential for ensuring that the benefits of reservoir storage are sustained over the long term. This means fairness between current and future generations to enjoy the benefits of the facility while spreading the cost of ownership, operations, and maintenance over generations. Read more
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An Efficient Algorithm for Clustering Genomic DataZhou, Xuan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Identificação de antígenos do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus por soros de bovinos geneticamente resistentes e suscetíveis ao parasita / Identification of antigens from the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, by sera from genetically resistant and susceptible bovines.Garcia, Gustavo Rocha 07 May 2009 (has links)
Carrapatos da espécie Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus causam enormes prejuízos à saúde e à produção animal. Sendo um ectoparasita hematófago, o carrapato espolia seu hospedeiro e transmite doenças. Seu parasitismo é mediado por sua saliva, que inibe as reações homeostáticas do hospedeiro à injúria local causada por sua picada. Seus hospedeiros montam respostas imunes contra esse parasita, incluindo a resposta imune mediada por anticorpos, indicando que o controle imunobiológico é possível. Contudo, o complexo farmacológico da saliva do parasita é composto por proteínas solúveis que são sabidamente pouco ou nada imunogênicos se não forem introduzidos no hospedeiro com adjuvante ou na foram agregada. Assim, dificilmente induziriam imunidade nos hospedeiros. Bovinos apresentam fenótipos contrastantes e herdáveis quanto à intensidade de infestações com carrapatos. Carrapatos alimentados em bovinos resistentes não completam a refeição de sangue, apresentando menor eficiência reprodutiva. É possível que esse desfecho seja devido à capacidade do hospedeiro resistente, mas não do suscetível, de produzir anticorpos que neutralizam componentes salivares do carrapato cruciais para realize a hematofagia. É necessário, portanto, examinar essa possibilidade. Os resultados obtidos também podem ajudar a identificar antígenos úteis para formular uma vacina anti-carrapato. Para estabelecer quais componentes salivares são reconhecidos pelos dois fenótipos de hospedeiros empregamos uma soroteca composta por soros obtidos de bovinos resistentes e suscetíveis ao carrapato em diferentes estágios do ciclo do parasito (larva, ninfa e adulto) e após uma, duas ou três ciclos de infestações. Os soros foram empregados individualmente e em forma de pools para imunodetecção por western blot de proteínas presentes em extrato de larvas não-alimentadas, saliva e glândulas salivares de fêmeas de R. microplus e separadas em uma e duas dimensões. Os resultados obtidos nos western blots 1D de saliva e de extrato de larvas não alimentadas mostraram que houve um reconhecimento diferencial dos antígenos parasitários pelos soros dos animais resistentes e suscetíveis. Os soros dos animais resistentes quando ainda eram livres de infestações (i.e., naïve) ou quando infestados com a forma larval reconheceram com maior freqüência e/ou exclusivamente certas bandas de proteínas. Resultados semelhantes foram vistos nos western blots de géis 2D de saliva e glândulas salivares de fêmeas, onde os soros dos animais resistentes ainda não infestados (i.e., naïve) reconheceram vários spots presentes nessas amostras e soros de animais resistentes infestados reconhecerem spots de forma exclusiva. Também foi observado que, apesar dos hospedeiros suscetíveis estarem expostos a grande quantidade de saliva, os soros desses animais não reconhecem um número maior de spots que os hospedeiros infestados resistentes. Por outro lado, a maioria das proteínas salivares não é reconhecida pelos hospedeiros infestados, sejam resistentes ou suscetíveis. Esses resultados indicam que os hospedeiros bovinos resistentes reconhecem de forma mais precoce que os bovinos suscetíveis certos componentes parasitários. Essa capacidade pode estar relacionada ao fenótipo de resistência ao carrapato / The cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, causes enormous losses to animal health and production. Since it is a hematophagous parasite the tick expoliates its hosts and transmits diseases. Parasitism by the tick is mediated by its saliva, which inhibits the hosts local homeostatic reactions to its bite. Hosts mount immune responses against this parasite, including antibody-mediated responses, indicating that the immunobiological control of ticks is possible. However, the pharmacological complex of saliva is composed of soluble proteins, which are known to be incapable of eliciting antibody responses if they are not introduced into the host with adjuvant or in aggregated form. Thus, salivary proteins may not be able to induce immunity in hosts. Bovines present contrasting, heritable phenotypes for tick infestations. Ticks fed on resistant hosts are unable to complete a blood meal and present a decrease in reproductive immunity. It is possible that this outcome is caused by an ability of the resistant host to produce antibodies that neutralize salivary components that are crucial to blood feeding. It is necessary, therefore, to examine this possibility. The results will also assist in the identification of protective antigens to formulate an anti-tick vaccine. In order to establish which salivary components are recognized by the two types of host phenotypes, a collection of sera derived from resistant and susceptible bovines infested one, two and three times with different developmental stages of the parasite (larvae, nymphs and adults) was employed to detect which proteins were recognized in western blots of saliva and extracts of salivary glands and unfed larvae. Western blots of tick proteins (saliva and extracts of unfed larvae) separated in one dimension showed that antigens were differentially recognized by resistant and susceptible bovines. Sera from resistant bovines still naïve or infested with larvae recognized certain protein bands exclusively or more frequently than similar sera from susceptible bovines. Similar results were seen in western blots of proteins from saliva and extracts of salivary glands separated in two dimensions, where sera from naïve, resistant bovines recognized several spots and sera from infested, resistant bovines recognized several spots exclusively. In spite of the fac that susceptible hosts are exposed to greater amounts of tick saliva, sera from these animals did not recognize a greater amount of spots than those from resistant bovines. On the other hand, the great majority of spots is not recognized by any of the different sera, be they from resistant or susceptible hosts. These results indicate that resistant bovines are able to recognize parasitic proteins earlier than susceptible bovines. This ability may, in turn, affect expression of salivary components that are crucial for the tick and may explain the phenotypes of tick infestations in bovines. Read more
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Identificação de antígenos do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus por soros de bovinos geneticamente resistentes e suscetíveis ao parasita / Identification of antigens from the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, by sera from genetically resistant and susceptible bovines.Gustavo Rocha Garcia 07 May 2009 (has links)
Carrapatos da espécie Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus causam enormes prejuízos à saúde e à produção animal. Sendo um ectoparasita hematófago, o carrapato espolia seu hospedeiro e transmite doenças. Seu parasitismo é mediado por sua saliva, que inibe as reações homeostáticas do hospedeiro à injúria local causada por sua picada. Seus hospedeiros montam respostas imunes contra esse parasita, incluindo a resposta imune mediada por anticorpos, indicando que o controle imunobiológico é possível. Contudo, o complexo farmacológico da saliva do parasita é composto por proteínas solúveis que são sabidamente pouco ou nada imunogênicos se não forem introduzidos no hospedeiro com adjuvante ou na foram agregada. Assim, dificilmente induziriam imunidade nos hospedeiros. Bovinos apresentam fenótipos contrastantes e herdáveis quanto à intensidade de infestações com carrapatos. Carrapatos alimentados em bovinos resistentes não completam a refeição de sangue, apresentando menor eficiência reprodutiva. É possível que esse desfecho seja devido à capacidade do hospedeiro resistente, mas não do suscetível, de produzir anticorpos que neutralizam componentes salivares do carrapato cruciais para realize a hematofagia. É necessário, portanto, examinar essa possibilidade. Os resultados obtidos também podem ajudar a identificar antígenos úteis para formular uma vacina anti-carrapato. Para estabelecer quais componentes salivares são reconhecidos pelos dois fenótipos de hospedeiros empregamos uma soroteca composta por soros obtidos de bovinos resistentes e suscetíveis ao carrapato em diferentes estágios do ciclo do parasito (larva, ninfa e adulto) e após uma, duas ou três ciclos de infestações. Os soros foram empregados individualmente e em forma de pools para imunodetecção por western blot de proteínas presentes em extrato de larvas não-alimentadas, saliva e glândulas salivares de fêmeas de R. microplus e separadas em uma e duas dimensões. Os resultados obtidos nos western blots 1D de saliva e de extrato de larvas não alimentadas mostraram que houve um reconhecimento diferencial dos antígenos parasitários pelos soros dos animais resistentes e suscetíveis. Os soros dos animais resistentes quando ainda eram livres de infestações (i.e., naïve) ou quando infestados com a forma larval reconheceram com maior freqüência e/ou exclusivamente certas bandas de proteínas. Resultados semelhantes foram vistos nos western blots de géis 2D de saliva e glândulas salivares de fêmeas, onde os soros dos animais resistentes ainda não infestados (i.e., naïve) reconheceram vários spots presentes nessas amostras e soros de animais resistentes infestados reconhecerem spots de forma exclusiva. Também foi observado que, apesar dos hospedeiros suscetíveis estarem expostos a grande quantidade de saliva, os soros desses animais não reconhecem um número maior de spots que os hospedeiros infestados resistentes. Por outro lado, a maioria das proteínas salivares não é reconhecida pelos hospedeiros infestados, sejam resistentes ou suscetíveis. Esses resultados indicam que os hospedeiros bovinos resistentes reconhecem de forma mais precoce que os bovinos suscetíveis certos componentes parasitários. Essa capacidade pode estar relacionada ao fenótipo de resistência ao carrapato / The cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, causes enormous losses to animal health and production. Since it is a hematophagous parasite the tick expoliates its hosts and transmits diseases. Parasitism by the tick is mediated by its saliva, which inhibits the hosts local homeostatic reactions to its bite. Hosts mount immune responses against this parasite, including antibody-mediated responses, indicating that the immunobiological control of ticks is possible. However, the pharmacological complex of saliva is composed of soluble proteins, which are known to be incapable of eliciting antibody responses if they are not introduced into the host with adjuvant or in aggregated form. Thus, salivary proteins may not be able to induce immunity in hosts. Bovines present contrasting, heritable phenotypes for tick infestations. Ticks fed on resistant hosts are unable to complete a blood meal and present a decrease in reproductive immunity. It is possible that this outcome is caused by an ability of the resistant host to produce antibodies that neutralize salivary components that are crucial to blood feeding. It is necessary, therefore, to examine this possibility. The results will also assist in the identification of protective antigens to formulate an anti-tick vaccine. In order to establish which salivary components are recognized by the two types of host phenotypes, a collection of sera derived from resistant and susceptible bovines infested one, two and three times with different developmental stages of the parasite (larvae, nymphs and adults) was employed to detect which proteins were recognized in western blots of saliva and extracts of salivary glands and unfed larvae. Western blots of tick proteins (saliva and extracts of unfed larvae) separated in one dimension showed that antigens were differentially recognized by resistant and susceptible bovines. Sera from resistant bovines still naïve or infested with larvae recognized certain protein bands exclusively or more frequently than similar sera from susceptible bovines. Similar results were seen in western blots of proteins from saliva and extracts of salivary glands separated in two dimensions, where sera from naïve, resistant bovines recognized several spots and sera from infested, resistant bovines recognized several spots exclusively. In spite of the fac that susceptible hosts are exposed to greater amounts of tick saliva, sera from these animals did not recognize a greater amount of spots than those from resistant bovines. On the other hand, the great majority of spots is not recognized by any of the different sera, be they from resistant or susceptible hosts. These results indicate that resistant bovines are able to recognize parasitic proteins earlier than susceptible bovines. This ability may, in turn, affect expression of salivary components that are crucial for the tick and may explain the phenotypes of tick infestations in bovines. Read more
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Studie protipovodňových opatření v lokalitě Maloměřice na Svitavě v km 8,085 – 10,950 / Feasibility study of the flood protection measures in the locality of Maloměřice at the Svitava river at km 8,085 – 10,950Kavalírová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with exploring present conditions in Maloměřice-Brno during floods which is followed by design of antiflood protective structures. Research uses coupled 1D/2D numerical model for flood discharges Q1, Q5, Q20 and Q100 computing. In the last step maps of hazard and draw documentation were made.
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Hydrodynamický model soutokové oblasti Svitavy a Svratky / Hydrodynamic model in the area of the confluence of the rivers Svitava and SvratkaHalaška, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with present state assessment of flood hazard on rivers Svitava and Svratka in the southern part of Brno. Flood discharges Q5, Q20, Q100 and Q100N were solved using coupled 1D/2D numerical model. All results were evaluated as maps of hazard.
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Motocyklový rotační motor / Motorcycle rotary engineSlíva, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis describes a concept of Wankel type rotary engine for use in motorcycle with estimated power between 70 – 80 kW. Basic geometry parameters of rotor and ports are calculated. Power output is then checked on equivalent piston combustion engine with central crank mechanism in 1D simulation model. Rotor is designed for use with oil cooling system. Rotor is checked for safe design by static FEM analysis by applying maximum pressure found out of 1D simulation model.
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