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Ezra and the second wilderness : the literary development of Ezra 7-10 and Nehemiah 8-10Yoo, Philip Young January 2014 (has links)
For many pre-modern and modern critics, the emergence of Ezra among the post-exilic Jerusalem community marks a significant event in the beginning stages of Judaism. Ezra’s promulgation of a “law of Moses,” bolstered by the theory of Persian imperial authorization, is often viewed as the moment at which the final form of the Pentateuch is published. The accounts contained in Ezra 7-10 and Nehemiah 8-10, however, continue to present historical and literary problems for the exegete. Compounding the difficulties for a reconstruction of Ezra’s activities, recent scholarship has raised questions concerning the viability of state-sanctioned support for the Pentateuch and revived skepticism on the historicity of Ezra and the reliability of the biblical witness. Still, the Ezra Memoir (EM) remains an important source that is shaped by the political, religious, and social worldview of post-exilic Yehud. This study incorporates two scholarly debates: on the one hand, the identification of EM and its supplemental layers; and on the other hand, the development of the Pentateuch up to this period. After the parameters of EM are identified in Ezra 7-10 and Nehemiah 8-10, this study supports EM’s use of Deuteronomic and Priestly literature but adds that EM also demonstrates significant literary connections to pentateuchal strands that are neither Deuteronomic nor Priestly. These strands are distinguished by the narrative and historical claims that are preserved in the classical pentateuchal documents. This study concludes that EM is a product of the Second Temple that anticipates the final form of the Pentateuch by collecting and integrating multiple presentations of the wilderness generation into a super-narrative that projects Ezra and the returnees as a second exodus and Sinai generation that supersedes their predecessors.
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The commentary of Joḥanan Luria on the PentateuchLehmann, Otto Herrmann January 1960 (has links)
No description available.
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Bakbuk, Bukki, Barsillai - Das Esra/Nehemia-Buch und seine Personennamen. Felder und Probleme der Forschung / Bakbuk, Bukki, Barsillai - The book of Ezra/Nehemiah and it´s personal names. Fields and problems of researchFrank, Annemarie January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Lizentiatsarbeit stellt eine Forschungsgeschichte als Vorarbeit zu einer Dissertation über die Personennamen im Esra/Nehemia-Buch dar. Die Darstellung besteht aus zwei Teilen, einem zu den wesentlichen Fragestellungen in der Erforschung des Esra/Nehemia-Buches und einem zur hebräischen Onomastik. / This is a history of research for a doctoral dissertation about the personal names in Ezra-Nehemiah. It consists of two parts, one to the essential questions in the investigation of the Ezra-Nehemiah-book and one to Hebrew onomastics.
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Dynamics of stream and groundwater exchange using environmental tracersPritchard, Jodie Lee, jodie_pritchard@hotmail.com January 2006 (has links)
Regions of surface water and groundwater exchange are major sites for the transfer and transformation of solutes and nutrients between stream and subsurface environments. Conventional stream and groundwater exchange investigations are limited by methodologies that require intensive field investigations and/or the set-up of expensive infrastructure. These difficulties are exacerbated where hydraulic gradients are very low and stream discharge highly variable. This thesis uses a suite of environmental tracers (Cl-, Rn-222, H-2 & O-18, Sr-87/Sr-86) to characterise the extent of stream and groundwater exchange between a sand bed stream and adjacent alluvial aquifer in a subtropical catchment (the Wollombi Brook) of eastern Australia. The aims were to identify sources and relative contributions of different sources of groundwater to stream discharge and specifically to improve the methodology of using Rn-222 to obtain quantitative estimate of groundwater fluxes.
The sensitivity of the Rn-222 technique for identifying groundwater discharge based on the Rn-222 concentration in stream water was improved via an iterative numerical approach to account for Rn-222 loss from stream water via turbulent gas exchange and radioactive decay. Optimal distances between stream sampling points for defining the magnitude of groundwater discharge to stream flow based on Rn-222 concentrations in stream water is a function of average stream velocity and water depth. The maximum allowable distance between sampling points for determining the magnitude of groundwater discharge to the Wollombi Brook was 2 km. This work showed that groundwater discharged to all reaches of the Wollombi Brook during baseflow and flood recession conditions. Alluvial groundwater contributed less than 30% of water to stream flow in the mid Wollombi Brook catchment.
Dilution of steady-state Rn-222 concentrations measured in transects from the stream to the alluvial sediments showed that significant surface water and groundwater exchange occurs even when gradients between surface water and groundwater are low. Lateral stream water influx to the adjacent alluvial aquifer was more extensive in the lowland areas of the Wollombi Catchment during low flow than flood recession conditions. Extensive stream water influx to the adjacent alluvial aquifer occurs contrary to the net direction of surface water and groundwater flux (as indicated by hydraulic gradients toward the stream channel). The rate of stream and groundwater exchange within the adjacent alluvial aquifer appears to be greatest during baseflow conditions. Fresh alluvial groundwater appeared to provide a buffer against higher salinity regional groundwater discharge to the alluvial aquifer in some reaches of the Wollombi Brook catchment. Pumping of the alluvial aquifer and diversions of surface water may jeopardise the water quality and volume of the alluvial aquifer and induce water flow from the regional aquifer toward the stream, potentially salinising the fresh alluvial aquifer and subsequently the stream.
The change in the Cl- concentration and the variation in slope of the deuterium � oxygen-18 line between consecutive stream sampling points could be used to differentiate between regional and alluvial groundwater discharge to stream flow. Incorporating this information with three-component end-member mixing using [Sr2+] and Sr-87/Sr-86 showed that stream and alluvial groundwater exchange within the stream channel was highest in the lowland floodplains during low flow conditions. The least stream and alluvial groundwater exchange occurred in the low streambed gradient mid reaches of the Wollombi Brook regardless of stream stage. The greatest difference in the degree of stream and alluvial groundwater exchange between high and low stream stages occurred in the lowland floodplains of the Wollombi Brook.
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Estimation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre à différentes échelles en France à l'aide d'observations de haute précision.Lopez, Morgan 16 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ma thèse est de conduire et d'utiliser les observations de haute précision de gaz à effet de serre pour estimer les émissions de ces gaz à différentes échelles en France, du locale au régionale. Le réseau français de mesure de gaz à effet de serre, géré par l'équipe RAMCES, est constitué de trois observatoires équipés de systèmes de mesure par chromatographie en phase gazeuse. Ces chromatographes en phase gazeuse sont situés à Gif-sur-Yvette, Trainou (forêt d'Orléans) et au sommet du Puy-de-Dôme. Ils ont été optimisés pour la mesure continue et de haute précision des principaux gaz à effet de serre : CO2, CH4, N2O et SF6. Ayant installé le GC au Puy-de-Dôme au cours de l'année 2010, je présenterai et analyserai en détail la série temporelle obtenue depuis son installation. Les mesures de gaz à effet de serre et des traceurs associés m'ont permis d'utiliser une approche multigaz pour contraindre leurs émissions à différentes échelles. A une échelle départementale et régionale, j'ai utilisé le 222Rn comme traceur de masses d'air pour quantifier les flux surfaciques mensuels de N2O à Gif-sur-Yvette et Trainou. Les émissions annuelles de N2O estimées à Gif-sur-Yvette et Trainou sont respectivement de 0.34/0.51 et 0.52 g(N2O) m-2 a-1. Le cycle saisonnier des émissions de N2O a permis de mettre en évidence l'impact de l'agriculture sur les émissions lors de l'apport d'engrais azoté dans les sols. J'ai mis en évidence une corrélation entre les flux de N2O annuels et les précipitations annuelles à Gif-sur-Yvette. A une échelle locale, j'ai utilisé le CO2 et ses isotopes mesurés lors d'une campagne réalisée pendant l'hiver 2010 à Paris, pour estimer les flux de CO2 parisien. Les mesures de 14CO2 atmosphérique m'ont permis de montrer que les flux de CO2 parisien en hiver sont essentiellement anthropiques (77 %) avec une contribution significative des émissions biogéniques (23 %). L'analyse du 13CO2 à quant à lui mis en évidence que les 77 % d'émission de CO2 d'origine fossile sont dues à 70 % à l'utilisation de gaz naturel et 30 % à l'utilisation de pétrole.
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Evaluation of Geophysical and Thermal Methods for Detecting Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Suwannee River Estuary, FloridaWeiss, Matthew 31 March 2006 (has links)
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) represents a significant portion of the total discharge from coastal aquifers through diffuse seepage and point source springs, but can be difficult to locate. SGD is important as it can be a source of nutrients to estuaries and other coastal ecosystems. In an effort to evaluate geophysical and thermal methods for detecting SGD on the Florida Gulf coast, a suite of water-borne surveys were run in conjunction with aerial thermal imagery over the lower Suwannee River and estuary in March and September 2005. Thermal imagery exploits temperature differences between discharging groundwater and surface water. Thermal images were collected in March (dry season), at the end of winter, and at night to maximize the differences between warm groundwater and colder surface water. Generally pore waters in zones of concentrated SGD should be fresher, and hence more resistive than "background" values. Marine streaming resistivity data can detect pore water resistivity variations and were collected alongside continuous 222Rn and CH4 sampling from surface waters. Naturally occurring tracers, 222Rn and CH4, are used as the "standard" against which resistivity and thermal images are compared.
Based on the expected properties of discharging groundwater, we hypothesize that in zones of elected tracer concentrations, increased thermal image temperatures and increased terrain resistivities will be observed. The data set as a whole supports this hypothesis. However, regional-scale correlations are clearly and significantly influenced by factors other than SGD including thermal-image noise, the presence of the fresh/salt water interface, and a large regional tracer gradient generated by a first-order spring. At local scales (tens to hundreds of meters) there are no significant correlations between thermal image temperature and tracer concentrations, due at least in part to flight-line edge effects that dominate the thermal imagery. After correcting for regional trends,significant correlations between tracer concentration and log resistivity exist only in a subset of the data that lies offshore. Because neither thermal imagery nor streaming resistivity data consistently support the hypotheses, this study suggests that neither method by itself is reliable for detecting SGD in this area
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Comportement du radon-222 dans les eaux souterraines des eskers et les eaux de tourbières de la région d'Amos, en Abitibi-TémiscamingueBerthot, Laureline 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche réalisée dans le cadre d'un projet visant à développer les méthodes de caractérisation des eaux souterraines à l'aide des traceurs isotopiques a été entreprise grâce à un financement du FRQNT (programme partenariats-actions concertées sur les eaux souterraines). Ce projet de maîtrise s'est intéressé à la région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue. L'objectif était de quantifier l'apport d'eau souterraine aux tourbières à l'aide du 222Rn. Le 222Rn, radionucléide (demi-vie de 3.82 jours), produit par le 226Ra issu de la chaîne de désintégration de 238U, est un excellent traceur pour étudier les interactions entre les eaux souterraines et les eaux de surface. Les tourbières étudiées sont situées sur les flancs des eskers de Saint-Mathieu-de-Berry et de Barraute, de même que sur la moraine d'Harricana. Les sites expérimentaux ont été instrumentés et caractérisés dans le cadre d'un autre projet de recherche également financé par le FRQNT. L'eau recueillie montre des activités en 222Rn de 2,8 à 34,9 Bq/L dans les eaux des eskers et du socle fracturé archéen au-dessous des plaines séparant les eskers. L'activité en 222Rn varie de 0,02 à 16,59 Bq/L dans les eaux de tourbières. Aussi, les tourbières montrent une bonne corrélation entre l'activité du 222Rn et les ions totaux dissous, et plus particulièrement les ions HCO3-, SO42-, Mg2+ et Ca2+. La relation établie entre le 222Rn et la profondeur permet de conclure que la salinité de l'eau provient en grande partie des eaux des eskers. Un bilan de masse entre les eaux de l'aquifère, riches en 222Rn et les eaux de tourbières appauvries en sels et en 222Rn, permet d'estimer qu'entre 0,03 et 39% de toute l'eau qui alimente les tourbières provient de l'eau souterraine des eskers.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : 222Rn, tourbière, esker, eau souterraine, eau de surface, traçage, Abitibi-Témiscamingue.
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The recensions of the Septuagint version of I SamuelBrock, Sebastian P. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.
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The 'love of neighbour' (Lev 19:18) : the early reception history of its priestly formulaAkiyama, Kengo January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the early Jewish reception of the love command (Lev 19:18) during the Second Temple period. Although the ascendancy of this command as the “greatest” command in later Jewish and Christian writings is well-known, the historical interpretative process through which this levitical love command came to be viewed as such is not widely known. The thesis begins by examining the meaning of Lev 19:18 in its original context and then systematically traces its interpretation in Second Temple, Jewish literature by carefully examining its citations in context. The study examines the Greek translation of Lev 19:18 in the Septuagint, followed by a series of sustained exegetical analyses of interpretations of Lev 19:18 in the Book of Jubilees, the Damascus Document, the Community Rule, Galatians, Romans, James, and the Synoptic Gospels. Although the citations of Lev 19:18 are infrequent in the Second Temple period, a careful consideration of each occurrence demonstrates diverse, if complex, developments vis-à-vis Lev 19:18. It is argued that no mainstream Jewish interpretation of Lev 19:18 existed during the Second Temple period, and the analysis repudiates a simplistic, evolutionary trajectory (e.g., from restricted, intra-communal obligation to universal altruism) regarding its interpretative development. The study concludes by identifying important areas of development that paved the way for Lev 19:18 to become the indispensable, hermeneutical key and summary command in Jewish and Christian thought.
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Vliv anestetik na parmu obecnou / Effects of anaesthetics on barbelŘEŽÁBEK, Josef January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the four most used anaesthetics in European aquaculture MS 222, clove oil, 2-phenoxyethanol and Propiscin on barbel (Barbus barbus). The effects of anaesthetics were assessed based on haematological profile, biomarker of oxidative stress and antioxidant enzymes. This study contributed to the expansion of knowledge on the safety of tested anaesthetics and selected safe anaesthetics for barbel. Barbels were exposed to a 10-minute anaesthesia with MS 222 (in recommended concentration 100 mg×l-1), clove oil (in recommended concentration 33 mg×l-1), 2-phenoxyethanol (in recommended concentration 0.4 ml×l-1) and Propiscin (in recommended concentration 1 ml×l-1). The effects of anaesthetics were evaluated immediately after 10 min. anaesthesia and 24 hours after anaesthesia. Anaesthesia with MS 222, clove oil, 2-phenoxyethanol and Propiscin had no significant effect on haematological indices, level of oxidative stress (TBARS) and activity of glutathione reductase in barbel tissues. The activity of catalase was significantly increased in the muscle 24 h after anaesthesia of all anaesthetics compared to the control. Superoxide dismutase activity was changes in all experimental groups (immediately after 10 min. anaesthesia and 24 hours after anaesthesia). The tested anaesthetics not altered hematopoietic tissue and had not effect on the level of lipid peroxidation in barbel´s tissues. The results of this study suggest that the antioxidant systems of barbel are altered by Propiscin anaesthesia, but they are slightly affected by MS 222, clove oil, and 2-phenoxyethanol anaesthesia. On the basis of the results of this thesis, for anaesthesia of barbel we can recommend clove oil and 2-phenoxyethanol as an alternative MS 222.
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