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Cosmic anthropology : Genesis 1-11 in Irenaeus of Lyons with special reference to Justin, Theophilus and select Gnostic contemporariesSteenberg, M. C. January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Taking ex nihilo seriously : ontology and providence in creationRobson, Mark January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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God, artist and material : toward an ethical paradigm for artistic creativityWatkins, James M. January 2012 (has links)
The central argument running through this project is that, if re-imagined in light of a Christian theology of creation, comparisons between divine and human creativity provide a valuable ethical paradigm because of the structure they provide for thinking about and engaging in creative practices. Because there is not enough space to do justice to the full gamut of the human experience of creativity, I have chosen to narrowly focus on comparisons between divine and artistic creativity. Very specifically, this project is concerned to show that comparing the artist's relation to her materials to God's relation to the cosmos as a whole can envision the artist as respectfully transforming her materials. In part one, I present negative and positive arguments for the use of comparisons between divine and artistic creativity as ethical paradigms in a theology of art. I then suggest that the theological term ‘kenosis' might serve as the focus of such an ethical paradigm, and that those who describe divine creativity as kenotic are helpful dialogue partners for the development of a comparison between divine and artistic creativity. The heart of this project is part two, in which I consider three different types of comparisons. By ‘type of comparison,' I refer to the comparisons' central content. The three types considered are: the modern concept of genius, the incarnation as revelation and the incarnation as redemption. I argue that the latter type provides the best ethical paradigm for encouraging artists to respectfully transform their materials. In Part three, I assess the comparison between artistic creativity and the incarnation as redemption according to its anthropological and theological costs. Turning to recent formulations of divine kenotic creativity, I develop a comparison between divine and human creativity that includes vulnerability and risk.
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An analysis of Matthew Fox's mystical immanenceEvans, Joan Davies January 2010 (has links)
The key objective of this research is to explore Matthew Fox’s mystical immanence, as developed in his panentheistic Creation-centred theology. Focussing on the key theme in his thought, the relationship between prayer and social justice, this thesis provides what is essentially an auteur critique. That is to say, his theology is excavated by means of biographical analysis, exploring his principal formative influences. In Chapter One the thesis seeks to identify and chronicle his spiritual odyssey, from his home environment via his seminary training within the Dominican Order to his acceptance into the Episcopal priesthood in 1994. Chapter Two focuses on the main influences on Fox’s thought, particularly: Marie-Dominique Chenu, who transformed Catholic thought in the twentieth century; Jewish spirituality, as developed by Martin Buber, Abraham Heschel, and Otto Rank; and Robert Bly, the American poet, author, activist and leader of the Mythopoetic Men’s Movement. Turning specifically to the principal developments in his theology, the third chapter, analyses Fox’s mysticism. His consistent use of the term ‘Creation’ is an indication of the cosmic orientation of this thinking, while his ‘creation spirituality’ is undergirded by his embrace of Thomas Aquinas, the Rhineland mystics and his rejection of Augustine. This chapter also evaluates the diverse scholarly critiques which have attempted to classify his work as New Age, pantheist, and monist. The fourth chapter turns to his complex understanding of the historical Jesus and his quest for the ‘Cosmic Christ’ in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Church Fathers. The thesis concludes with an examination of, firstly, Fox’s understanding of ‘Wisdom’, focussing on the ‘sophiological problem’ within the Russian religious consciousness and, secondly, his interpretation of liberation theology and social justice, as developed in his theology of work, Gaia, and eco-feminism.
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Welt lieben : Perspektiven einer schöpfungstheologischen Weltanschauung für ökumenische Spiritualität / Loving the world : perspectives of a creation-theological worldview for ecumenical spiritualityRehm, Christian Gregor 11 1900 (has links)
German text / Gelebte Ökumene wird, als Zeichen christlicher Glaubwürdigkeit, in unserer postmodernen und postsäkularisierten Gesellschaft gefordert. Die dogmenorientierten Bemühungen zur Ökumene scheinen in die Krise geraten zu sein. Es bedarf es der Suche nach Grundlagen für ökumenische Spiritualität, für die sich der Schöpfungsglaube, als von den großen Konfessionen geteiltes Glaubensgut, anbietet. Um Schöpfungstheologie und -spiritualität als zusammengehörige Elemente wahrnehmen zu können, wird in dieser Dissertation das Weltanschauungsmodell Wrights verwendet, welches durch Waaijmans Aspekt der Umformung ergänzt wird. Konfessionell geprägte Schöpfungstheologien werden in den Kategorien Story und Antworten auf weltanschauliche Schlüsselfragen analysiert. Dies bildet die Basis für eine Synthese, im Sinne der Hermeneutik des differenzierten Konsenses, zu einer ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie. Konfessionelle Schöpfungsspiritualitäten werden in den Kategorien Symbol und Praxis dargestellt und in einem emergent-synthetischen Entwurf, auf der Basis der ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie, zu Perspektiven für ökumenische Schöpfungsspiritualität weiterverarbeitet.
Die so aufgezeigte schöpfungstheologisch-ökumenische Weltanschauung, bietet eine mögliche Grundlage für ökumenische Spiritualität. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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Welt lieben : Perspektiven einer schöpfungstheologischen Weltanschauung für ökumenische Spiritualität / Loving the world : perspectives of a creation-theological worldview for ecumenical spiritualityRehm, Christian Gregor 11 1900 (has links)
German text / Gelebte Ökumene wird, als Zeichen christlicher Glaubwürdigkeit, in unserer postmodernen und postsäkularisierten Gesellschaft gefordert. Die dogmenorientierten Bemühungen zur Ökumene scheinen in die Krise geraten zu sein. Es bedarf es der Suche nach Grundlagen für ökumenische Spiritualität, für die sich der Schöpfungsglaube, als von den großen Konfessionen geteiltes Glaubensgut, anbietet. Um Schöpfungstheologie und -spiritualität als zusammengehörige Elemente wahrnehmen zu können, wird in dieser Dissertation das Weltanschauungsmodell Wrights verwendet, welches durch Waaijmans Aspekt der Umformung ergänzt wird. Konfessionell geprägte Schöpfungstheologien werden in den Kategorien Story und Antworten auf weltanschauliche Schlüsselfragen analysiert. Dies bildet die Basis für eine Synthese, im Sinne der Hermeneutik des differenzierten Konsenses, zu einer ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie. Konfessionelle Schöpfungsspiritualitäten werden in den Kategorien Symbol und Praxis dargestellt und in einem emergent-synthetischen Entwurf, auf der Basis der ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie, zu Perspektiven für ökumenische Schöpfungsspiritualität weiterverarbeitet.
Die so aufgezeigte schöpfungstheologisch-ökumenische Weltanschauung, bietet eine mögliche Grundlage für ökumenische Spiritualität. / Living ecumenism is vital today in our postmodern and postsecularised society, in order for us to have credibility as Christian Church. Dogma-oriented attempts to establish ecumenical accord appear to be in a crisis. It is now necessary to search for a foundation of an ecumenical spirituality, and it seems that belief in creation is particularly suitable since it is shared by the established churches. In order to understand creation theology and spirituality as interdependent elements, this dissertation will apply Wright's worldview model, complemented by the aspect of transformation as identified by Waaijman. Denominational creation theologies will be analysed in the categories Story and Answers to Key Worldview Questions. This will provide the basis for a synthesis, in the sense of the hermeneutics of the differentiated consensus, for an ecumenical creation theology. Denominational creation spiritualities will be presented in the categories Symbol and Practice and developed in a step further, through an emergent synthesis related approach and on the basis of an ecumenical creation theology, to present perspectives for an ecumenical creation spirituality.
The thus described worldview based on creation and ecumenical theology offers a potential foundation for an ecumenical spirituality. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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