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Analysis of determinants of South Africa's sugar production and export performance within the tripartite free trade area : a case of raw and refined sugarMamashila, Mokgoshi John 03 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the trends and determinants of
South Africa’s sugar production and exports within the TFTA between 1996 and 2014.
The specific objectives of the study were (1) to identify trends in South Africa’s sugar
production and exports within the TFTA between 1996 and 2014; (2) to determine the
drift rate in South Africa’s sugar exports within the TFTA between 1996 and 2014; (3)
to investigate the correlation between South Africa’s sugar production and exports
between 1996 and 2014; and (4) to determine the factors that affect production and
exports in South Africa’s sugar industry in order to identify the industry’s major
challenges and opportunities for sustained performance.
The secondary data, obtained from the Economic Analysis and Agricultural Statistics
Directorate of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), were
used to meet the first three objectives of the study. The primary data, obtained by
means of a survey questionnaire and interviews with key stakeholders, were used to
meet the fourth objective of the study. A 7-point Likert scale was applied to indicate
the degree to which each of the determining factors are perceived to affect the
performance and resulting competitiveness of the sugar industry. The Johansen test
and Porter’s Diamond Model were the analytical techniques used in the study.
The results of the analysis of the secondary data revealed continued fluctuations in
sugar production in South Africa between 1996 and 2014. On the basis of this, the
researcher rejected the hypothesis that there is no trend in South Africa’s sugar
production. It was therefore concluded that seasonal variations accounted for these
fluctuations in the sugar industry. As determined using the Johansen test, drift rate
variations came to 51%, indicating that there is potential for growth in South Africa’s
sugar exports. This was confirmed by the results of the bivariate correlation between
production and exports which clearly indicated a positive relationship between the two
and prompted the researcher to accept the hypothesis that there is a positive
relationship between the production and export of sugar.
In determining the factors that influence South Africa’s sugar production and exports,
a number of obstacles to competitiveness success were identified. With regard to
sugar production, applying Porter’s Diamond model revealed that the major constraints experienced by respondents in the study area were the availability of
skilled labour; cost of doing business; level of infrastructure development; cost of
infrastructure; water availability; climatic conditions; soil quality; rainfall patterns;
availability of financial services; access to credit; crime; and HIV/AIDS. In terms of
exports, tariffs were found to be the major constraint along with certain of the abovementioned
factors. While the majority of respondents view macroeconomic policy and
trade policy as export constraints, South Africa’s labour, B-BBEE and competition
policies are seen as neither constraining nor supportive. Product design; packaging;
labelling and pricing; as well as the manager’s willingness to export; level of education
and training; length of time in the business; experience; and language had a positive effect on competitive success. / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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An evaluation of competitiveness of South African sugar exportsNoyakaza, Bubele 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to examine the competitiveness of the South African sugar industry relative to the top ten exporters of the product, namely Brazil, Thailand, Netherlands, Mexico, China, Germany, Canada, France, Belgium and the United States of America. Different techniques were used in the study to ensure that the main objective of the study was achieved. Three popular indices, namely the Balassa Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA#) Index, the Net Export Index (NXi) and the Relative Revealed Comparative Trade Advantage (RTA) Index were used to compare the competitiveness of the top ten sugar exporting countries including South Africa. The Trade Potential Index was also applied in the study to investigate markets that South Africa could use to increase its exports. Time series data collected on the trade map and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations were used for the analysis of the markets by using an Excel spreadsheet. The results of the study showed that South Africa has a trade competitive advantage against the majority of the countries considered. South Africa's competitive performance was surpassed by that of Brazil, which was the strongest trader of sugar, followed by Thailand and China. The remaining seven countries (Mexico, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada, Germany, USA and China) were all exceeded by the South African sugar industry. The top potential markets that South Africa could exploit to increase its exports were identified with the use of the Trade Potential Index (TPI). The countries that were identified were selected by calculating the scores, comparing tariffs imposed by these markets to the exporters of sugar and looking at the concentration of the markets that supply these potential markets. The United States of America, Lesotho, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi and Egypt were identified as the top five countries that South Africa could exploit for its sugar exports. South Africa has trade agreements with the majority of these countries which assist the country in obtaining preferential agreements when exporting its products to these countries. Recommendations were made that could help the sugar industry to grow its competitiveness. / Inhloso yaleliphepha bekukuhlola kuncintisana kwemboni yashukela yaseNingizimu Afrika nayicatsaniswa nebatfumeli ngaphandle labasembili labalishumi balomkhicito, lekuyiBrazil, iThailand, iNetherlands, iMexico, iChina, iGermany, iCanada, iFrance, iBelgium ne-United States of America. Kusetjentiswa emasu lahlukene kulesifundvo kucinisekisa kutsi inhloso lenkhulu yesifundvo iyaphunyelelwa. Kusetjentiswe ema-indice, lekuyi-Balassa Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA#) Index, i-Net Export Index (NXi) kanye ne-Relative Revealed Comparative Trade Advantage (RTA) Index kucatsanisa kuncintisana kwalamave lasembili lalishumi lakhicita shukela kufaka ekhatsi eNingizimu Afrika. I-Trade Potential Index nayo isetjentisiwe kulesifundvo kuphenya timakethe letingasetjentiswa yiNingizimu Afrika kute ikhulise kutfumela ngaphandle kwayo lomkhicito washukela. Idatha yeluchungechunge lwesikhatsi legcogcwe kulibalave lekuhwebelana kanye naseNhlanganweni Yekudla Neyetekulima yaMhlab'uhlangene isetjentisiswe kuloluhlatiyo lwetimakethe ngekusebentisa si-spreadsheet se-Excel. Imiphumela yesifundvo ikhombise kwekutsi iNingizimu Afrika inekusitakala ngekuncintisana ekuhwebeni nayicatsaniswa nelinyenti lalamave lamanyenti lahlatiyiwe. Kusebenta kwekuncintisana kweNingizimu Afrika kundlulwe kusebenta kweBrazil, lebeyingumhwebi lomkhulu washukela, ilandzelwe yiThailand kanye neChina. Lamave lasikhombisa lasele (iMexico, iBelgium, iNetherlands, iCanada, iGermany, i-USA neFrance) onkhe andlulwe yimboni yashukela yaseNingizimu Afrika. Timakethe letingaba khona letiphambili leti iNingizimu Afrika ingatisebentisa kukhulisa kutfumela ngaphandle kwayo tibonwe ngekusebentisa iTrade Potential Index (TPI). Emave laboniwe akhetfwe ngekubala imiphumela, kucatsanisa ematharifu lafakwe nguletimakethe kubatfumeli bangaphandle bashukela nekubuka kulokucocana kwetimakethe lephakela letimakethe letingaba khona. I-United States of America, iLesotho, iDemocratic Republic of Congo, iMalawi ne-Egypt abonwe njengemave lasembili lasihlanu langasetjentiswa yiNingizimu Afrika kutfola ngaphandle shukela wayo. INingizimu Afrika inetivumelwano tekuhwebelana nelinyenti lalamave lokusita lelive ekutfoleni tivumelwano tekubekwa ngembili nangabe kutfunyelwa ngaphandle imikhicito yayo kulamave. Tiphakamiso letingasita imboni yashukela kukhulisa kuncintisana kwayo tentiwe. / Inhloso yalo mbhalo wocwaningo kwabe kuwukucubungula nokuhlaziya amandla okuncintisana ngempumelelo kwemboni kashukela yaseNingizimu Afrika uma iqhathaniswa namazwe ayishumi ahamba phambili emhlabeni ekuthumeleni imikhiqizo kashukela emazweni angaphandle, okuyi-Brazil, Thailand, Netherlands, Mexico, China, Germany, Canada, France, Belgium kanye neMelika (USA). Kulolu cwaningo kwasetshenziswa izindlela ezihlukahlukene ngenhloso yokuqinisekisa ukufezekiswa kwenjongo enkulu yocwaningo. Kwasetshenziswa izinkomba-simo ezintathu ezidumile futhi okuyizona ezisetshenziswa kakhulu, okuyi-Balassa Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA#) Index, Net Export Index (NXi) kanye ne-Relative Revealed Comparative Trade Advantage (RTA) Index ukuqhathanisa amandla okuncintisana ngempumelelo kwamazwe ayishumi ahamba phambili emhlabeni ekuthumeleni ushukela emazweni angaphandle, kubandakanya neNingizimu Afrika. I-Trade Potential Index yasetshenziswa futhi nayo kulolu cwaningo ukuphenya nokucubungula izimakethe ezingasetshenziswa yiNingizimu Afrika ukukhulisa inani lemikhiqizo yayo ethunyelwa emazweni angaphandle. Idatha eqoqwe ochungechungeni lwamaqophelo alandelana ngokwesikhathi ebalazweni lokuhwebelana kanye naseNhlanganweni Yokudla NezolimoyeNhlangano Yezizwe yasetshenziselwa ukuhlaziya izimakethe ku-Excel spreadsheet. Imiphumela yocwaningo yabonisa ukuthi iNingizimu Afrika isesimweni esikahle futhi inamandla angcono okuncintisana ngempumelelo kwezohwebo uma iqhathaniswa neningi lamazwe acutshungulwayo. Amandla eNingizimu Afrika okuncintisana ngempumelelo adlulwa yilawo e-Brazil, okuyizwe elinamandla kakhulu futhi elihamba phambili kwezokuhwebelana ngoshukela, kulandele i-Thailand kanye ne-France. Imboni kashukela yaseNingizimu Afrika inamandla angaphezulu kwawo wonke lawa amanye amazwe asele ayisikhombisa (okuyi-Mexico, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada, Germany, USA kanye ne-China). Amazwe ahamba phambili angasetshenziswa yiNingizimu Afrika ekukhuphuleni umthamo wemikhiqizo yayo ethunyelwa emazweni angaphandle ahlonzwa ngokusebenzisa i-Trade Potential Index (TPI). Lawo mazwe ahlonziwe akhethwe ngokubala inani lamaphuzu, ukuqhathanisa intela yempahla ekhokhiswa yilawo mazwe emazweni angaphandle athumela ushukela kanye nokubheka ubuningi bamazwe athumela imikhiqizo yawo kulawo mazwe angasetshenziswa yiNingizimu Afrika ukukhulisa umthamo wemikhiqizo yawo ethunyelwa emazweni angaphandle. I-USA, Lesotho, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi kanye ne-Egypt ahlonzwa njengamazwe aphuma phambili iNingizimu Afrika engathumela kuwona ushukela. INingizimu Afrika inezivumelwano zokuhwebelana neningi lalawa mazwe, okuyizivumelwano eziyilekelelayo ekutholeni izivumelwano ezizokwenza ibhekelelwe kangcono futhi icatshangelwe uma ithumela imikhiqizo yayo kulawa mazwe angaphandle. Kwenziwa izincomo ezingayilekelela imboni kashukela ukuthi ikwazi ukukhulisa amandla ayo okuncintisana ngempumelelo. / Agriculture and Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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