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Men in prison : con-viviality, race and cultureEarle, Rod January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: The Old Days, The New Times: A personal journey. The body of work I present for a PhD by Publication is comprised of twelve carefully chosen papers. Below, in Part 1, I summarise each paper’s development and content seeking to show how they combine to form a coherent narrative that offers a substantial and original contribution to criminological knowledge. Part 2 comprises the published papers in the order they are listed in the Table of Contents above. In Part 3 I briefly conclude and reflect on the field of knowledge to which these papers are a contribution, namely criminology and studies of prison with an emphasis on gender, ethnicity and reflexivity in the research process.
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Suicide and self-harm risk in offenders : the development of a new psychometric scalePerry, Amanda Elizabeth January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Entre subversion et gouvernementalité : le droit d’expression collective des personnes détenues en France (1944-2014) / Between subversion and governmentality : Inmates’ right to collective expression in France (1944-2014)Charbit, Joël 11 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse prend pour objet l’institutionnalisation d’un droit d’expression collective des personnes détenues en France. Elle repose sur l’articulation entre une démarche sociohistorique centrée sur l’émergence de l’enjeu d’une participation des détenus à la gestion carcérale et une enquête de terrain par entretiens, observations et analyse de corpus documentaires menée entre 2011 et 2014 dans trois établissements pénitentiaires français. Cette institutionnalisation est tout d’abord envisagée comme le prolongement d’une double histoire, réformatrice et subversive, de l’implication des prisonniers dans la gestion de certains aspects de la détention au cours la seconde moitié du XXème siècle. Cette double histoire est abordée à travers le croisement entre recherches de modes alternatifs de gestion de la détention et auto-organisation des prisonniers sous les formes associative et syndicale. La thèse analyse ensuite l’émergence et la trajectoire de l’expérimentation administrative « droit d’expression collective des personnes détenues » entre 2010 et 2011 afin de dégager les logiques d’action mises en œuvre par les acteurs impliqués, au niveau national ou local, dans la promotion, la critique et le fonctionnement de dispositifs participatifs expérimentaux. Enfin, en analysant la contribution de ces dispositifs à la production de l’ordre en prison et les relations de pouvoir qu’ils impliquent, cette étude souligne la manière dont la mise en participation de la « vie quotidienne » en prison exprime une forme de gouvernementalité carcérale spécifique. Ce travail se présente ainsi comme une contribution à l’étude des transformations contemporaines de l’enfermement. / This dissertation focuses on the institutionalization of inmates’ right to collective expression in France. The research brings together two complementary perspectives: a sociohistorical account of the issue of prisoners’ participation in prison management and a field research (based on interviews, direct observation and data collection) conducted in 2011–2014 in three French prisons. First, this institutionalization is identified as the contemporary extension of a dual historical process, both reformist and subversive, of prisoners’ involvement in certain aspects of prison management since the second half of the 20th century. The investigation of this dual historical process leads to a distinction between the search for alternative methods of prison management and prisoners’ self-organization through association and unionization. Secondly, the dissertation analyzes the emergence and trajectory of the “inmates’ right to collective expression” policy experiment in 2010–2011. It highlights the various rationales of the main protagonists of this experiment at both national and local levels, whether they supported, criticized or became involved in the implementation of this experiment. Lastly, the study of the power relations in the implementation of this policy and the analysis of how it contributed to the production of order highlight the ways in which inmate participation in the management of certain aspects of their “daily life” entails a specific form of prison governmentality. As such, this dissertation contributes to the understanding of the contemporary prison system and its transformations.
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Adapting and assessing the feasibility of a brief psychological intervention for women prisoners who self-harm : a pilot studyKenning, Cassandra January 2011 (has links)
Background: The current literature concerning self-harm and suicide has shown firstly that self-harm is a major public health problem, secondly that people who self-harm are at increased risk of suicide and thirdly, that women prisoners have a higher rate of self-harm than women in the general population and than male prisoners. Women prisoners are therefore particularly high risk of self-harm and suicide and yet to date, no specific intervention has been developed for this group. Aims: This study intends to build on an intervention found to be effective in the community and to describe a methodology of conducting a therapeutic intervention in a prison environment. Method: The research utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods conducted over four phases. In Phase 1, semi-structured interviews were completed with women prisoners who self-harm and with prison staff. Data was analysed thematically. In Phase 2, the results from the analysis were then used to inform the modification of a Psychodynamic Interpersonal skills Therapy (PIT) model originally used in the community. During the third phase of the study, prison staff were recruited and trained to deliver the therapy. Finally, the fourth phase consisted of a feasibility and acceptability study with 64 women prisoners who had recently self-harmed. Thirty-two were randomized to the treatment group which consisted of four sessions of individual PIT therapy and 32 to the control condition which consisted of four sessions with a member of staff not trained in the therapy. Rates of self-harm were measured pre- and post-treatment. Standardized measures for depression, suicide intention, hopelessness and interpersonal skills were also administered. These data were further supported by interviews conducted with participants who completed the intervention, therapists and therapy supervisors. The methods used in the study were constantly evaluated and amended when required to describe a methodology suitable for this environment. Results: There was evidence of a lack of understanding of self-harm by prison officers. The trial phase of the study did not show evidence of efficacy for the intervention. There was an overall reduction in rates of self-harm pre- and post- treatment across the sample. Comparison of scores on outcome measures, pre- and post-intervention, showed a reduction on all tests in both treatment groups but this was not significant. It was not feasible to deliver the therapy as originally envisaged and substantial changes to the methods were needed. The results showed that prison staff had the skill and capacity to deliver PIT therapy but that the prison was not able to support such a role. As a result external therapists had to be brought in to the study. Conclusions: It is acknowledged that the study was not feasible as originally designed, but due to the small sample size we cannot say it was not effective and therefore, not worthy of further study.
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Trajectoires et dynamiques carcérales au féminin. Le cas de Lima / Trajectories and dynamics in a women’s prison. The case of Lima / Trayectorias y dinámicas carcelarias femeninas. El caso de LimaConstant, Chloé 21 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’étudier la trajectoire des femmes incarcérées dans la prison péruvienne Chorrillos I à Lima et d’analyser l’influence des inégalités sociales et du parcours de vie des détenues sur les dynamiques carcérales de cet établissement. Les entretiens menés avec les détenues révèlent un ensemble de similitudes dans leur parcours avant l’incarcération, parmi lesquelles ressortent des schémas de domination genrée, des situations de précarité socioéconomique, des expériences de mères célibataires, ainsi que la recherche de stratégies de survie. Le croisement de l’étude de leur trajectoire et de l’analyse des rapports sociaux, ethniques et genrés permet de comprendre leurs formes d’adaptation au milieu carcéral ainsi que les relations qui lient l’ensemble des acteurs en présence, pour dévoiler les ressorts d’un univers carcéral particulier. / This thesis studies the trajectory of incarcerated women in the Peruvian prison Chorrillos I in Lima and analyzes the influence of social inequalities and detainees’ life-paths on the dynamics of this prison. Interviews with the inmates reveal a range of similarities in their trajectories before incarceration, from gendered domination schemes, socio-economic insecurity and life as single-mothers, to the search for survival strategies. Cross-examining the study of their trajectories with analyses of social, ethnic and gender relations provides an understanding of strategies used by these women to adapt to the prison environment, as well as the relationships between all the actors, and reveals the specific characteristics of a particular prison universe. / Esta tesis propone estudiar la trayectoria de las mujeres encarceladas en el establecimiento penitenciario peruano Chorrillos I en Lima, y analizar la influencia de las desigualdades sociales y del recorrido de vida de las internas sobre las dinámicas carcelarias de este penal. Las entrevistas realizadas con las internas revela un conjunto de similitudes en su trayectoria antes del encarcelamiento, dentro de las cuales sobresalen esquemas de dominación de género, situaciones de precariedad socioeconómica, experiencias de madres solteras, así como la búsqueda de estrategias de supervivencia. El cruce del estudio de su trayectoria con el análisis de las relaciones sociales, étnicas y de género permite comprender sus formas de adaptación al ámbito carcelario y las relaciones que vinculan al conjunto de los actores, para develar los mecanismos de un universo carcelario particular.
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Sortie et sortants de prison : une réinsertion déterminée / Prison release and releasees ; a determined reintegrationLable, Jean-François 07 December 2015 (has links)
Plus de 80 000 libérations des prisons de France ont été enregistrées chaque année au cours de la dernière décennie. La question du devenir pénal des sortants de prison s’impose dans une réflexion générale sur la récidive et la réinsertion sociale. Un échantillon de la population carcérale a été constituée à partir d’un terrain professionnel afin d’étudier les parcours et les profils sociaux des sortants. Cette recherche, dans une approche quantitative et qualitative, tente de dégager les déterminants sociaux les plus prédictifs de l’évolution du parcours post-carcéral.L’analyse des effets des fins de peines aménagées, et plus généralement les parcours de vie, permet d’isoler un certain nombre de facteurs qui marquent, en tendance, la poursuite d’un parcours pénal. La nature et la qualité du lien social qui caractérise l’individu avant l’incarcération, déterminent la poursuite d’un parcours pénal ou son interruption. Se trouve également réaffirmée la plus forte répression de l’illégalisme populaire (vol, violence, infraction au code de la route), délinquance touchée le plus largement par la récidive, et caractéristique des couches sociales les plus pauvres. / More than 80 000 inmates have been released from French prisons in the last ten years. Questions about these releasees had to be studied from the point of view of recidivism and social reintegration. A sample of the French inmate population has been built, from a professional field, to study the social profiles and courses of the released inmates. This study tries, by quantitative and qualitative approach, to find the most predictive social determinants of the individual post-custodial journey.Analysing the results of sentence adjustments, and more generally life courses, made it possible to isolate a number of factors that can predict the pursuit (or not) of a criminal route.The nature and the quality of the integration into the social fabric before custody, defines the continuation or interruption of a criminal life.The strongest repression of the most common offences (theft, violence, reckless driving) is also confirmed by the study as well as the fact that the segment of the population most affected by repeat offenses are the poorest classes.
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