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Automated detection of reflection in texts : a machine learning based approachUllmann, Thomas Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Promoting reflective thinking is an important educational goal. A common educational practice is to provide opportunities for learners to express their reflective thoughts in writing. The analysis of such text with regard to reflection is mainly a manual task that employs the principles of content analysis. Considering the amount of text produced by online learning systems, tools that automatically analyse text with regard to reflection would greatly benefit research and practice. Previous research has explored the potential of dictionary-based approaches that automatically map keywords to categories associated with reflection. Other automated methods use manually constructed rules to gauge insight from text. Machine learning has shown potential for classifying text with regard to reflection-related constructs. However, not much is known of whether machine learning can be used to reliably analyse text with regard to the categories of reflective writing models. This thesis investigates the reliability of machine learning algorithms to detect reflective thinking in text. In particular, it studies whether text segments from student writings can be analysed automatically to detect the presence (or absence) of reflective writing model categories. A synthesis of the models of reflective writing is performed to determine the categories frequently used to analyse reflective writing. For each of these categories, several machine learning algorithms are evaluated with regard to their ability to reliably detect reflective writing categories. The evaluation finds that many of the categories can be predicted reliably. The automated method, however, does not achieve the same level of reliability as humans do.
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The use of television in Brighton and East Sussex schools (1965-1966)Pursaill, A. J. January 1968 (has links)
No description available.
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Rethinking e-learning strategy 2.0 in the digital age : case study of the future school project in the Kingdom of BahrainMohammed, Ahmed Abdulsamad January 2015 (has links)
This research aims to rethink e-learning strategy in the digital age by taking The Future School Project in The Kingdom of Bahrain as a case study and by investigating and evaluating e-learning strategies. In the Digital Age, the new technologies of web 2.0 (such as Facebook, blog, YouTube, etc.) have changed the learning landscape, where learners are becoming active participants and creators of knowledge. Many claims and suggestion have made about learning potential of Web 2.0 tools and technologies, however, these claims and suggestions have not been based on research evidence. New research is critical because many learning institutions and schools are making significant investments in e-learning; however, changes in the learning process have been incremental rather than transformational, mainly due to the lack of strategic direction. The research approach adopted in this dissertation includes (1) Observations and Document Analysis, (2) Interviews Stakeholders and (3) Questionnaires (Staffs, Teachers and Students). The findings show how teachers and students are using ICTs in learning. Moreover, they explain another factor which has an impact on the successful integration of technology in e-learning: this factor is the gaps between e-learning policy, the actual practice of teachers, and students’ practice; these three worlds are very far apart. Also the findings show that Web 2.0 could bridge the gap between digital natives and the educational system leading to successful integration of technology in learning. Furthermore, it explains the role of Web 2.0 in learning and provides an e-learning strategic framework for evaluating e-learning. The research recommends (1) Using social network sites Facebook and video sharing site YouTube in learning, (2) Triangulation of e-learning policy, teacher practice and students practice, (4) Rethinking using current ICTs, and (5) Encouraging and monitoring teachers using ICTs.
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Mathematical knowledge for teaching using technologyBretscher, Nicola January 2015 (has links)
The focus of this PhD study is teachers’ knowledge and how it is involved in interacting with technology to produce the mathematical knowledge made available in the classroom. Contrasting connectionist and transmissionist teachers’ use of technology provides a means of making such knowledge visible, allowing an exploration of the nature and content of mathematical knowledge for teaching using technology. In addition, this study examines how and to what extent the mathematical knowledge made available through a teacher’s interaction with technology is distributed across the teacher and technology. The first, quantitative phase of the project surveyed English secondary mathematics teachers’ use of technology (n=183). Using Rasch analysis to construct a transmissionist measure of self-reported pedagogic practice, a surprising association is found between frequent use of teacher-centred software and a more connectionist orientation. The survey data also suggests that ‘teacher-centred’ practices involving ICT may instead be construed as ‘dominant’ practices, since they are most frequently occurring across all teachers. In the second, qualitative phase of the project, two connectionist and two transmissionist teachers were selected as case studies on the basis of their responses to the survey instrument. Data collection involved a semi-structured interview based around a GeoGebra file on circle theorems, two classroom observations and postobservation interviews. Data analysis using the TPACK framework suggests the nature of mathematical knowledge for teaching using technology as abstract, mathematical knowledge and yet simultaneously as mathematical knowledge situated in the context of teaching using technology. Using the Knowledge Quartet, a conceptualisation of the content of mathematical knowledge for teaching using technology in relation to the topic of circle theorems is developed, demonstrating the highly complex nature of such knowledge. Ameliorating this complexity, this study provides indications of how a distributed view of cognition might offer potential strategies for facilitating teacher interaction with technology.
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The influence of technology - enhanced task design on the development of language learner autonomy and motivation in an Anatolian high school : a case studyKoruyan, Kasim January 2016 (has links)
This study explores the ways in which the introduction of technology-enhanced task design may affect the motivation of students to read in English and encourage more autonomous approaches to reading in English in an Anatolian High School. The subjects investigated were Grade 9 students whose level of English was between A2 and B 1 according to the criteria set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning. Seventy participants engaged with specifically designed reading tasks. This case study draws on several theoretical frameworks: Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory (1985), Gardner's socio-educational model with regard to motivation (1985), imd notions of learner autonomy (Kohonen, 1992; Little, 1991; Ho1ec, 1981). Furthermore, the approach to designing the reading tasks was informed by Hampel's comprehensive expansion (2006) of Chapelle's theoretical framework (2000). Data collection and processing followed an exploratory case study approach applying mixed-method design using questionnaires (N = 70) given before and after use of specially designed, technology-enhanced tasks, pre-task interviews (N = 2), post-task interviews (N = 6), class blog discussions, and a researcher journal. Quantitative data were summarised and reported as average percentages. The differences in median scores for pre- and post- introduction of technology enhanced tasks were statistically tested using a Mann-Whitney U test. Thematic analysis was used in order to identify, analyse and report themes in qualitative data collected for this study. The qualitative data were transcribed and then imported into the qualitative data analysis software package NVivo 10, which allowed for the data from the transcripts to be coded to the main themes and sub-themes. Analysis of the results indicates that despite the prevailing traditional behaviourist approach to teaching, these particular Turkish Anatolian High School students were able and willing to exercise control over the learning of English, and that their intrinsic motivation to engage in reading tasks was increased through technology-enhanced, task-based language learning. This study contributes to the knowledge and understanding of learners ' motivation and autonomy when technology enhanced language learning tasks are introduced into a traditional learning context.
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Uses and meanings of multiliteracies in a community of learners : student responses and practices in an online teaching moduleMedhurst, Nigel Stephen January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Learners' perspectives on self-direction in e-learningWilliams, Perry January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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ePedagogy for virtual learning environments : professional doctorateBasiel, Anthony January 2006 (has links)
Three projects were conducted to generate data to validate the eLearning theories, models and pedagogical design principles[1] offered in the concluding chapter. Through this study the overall research question addressed is: ‘How can the learning process (a virtual learning environment event) be facilitated and supported through the research and development of web-based technology that is appropriately matched to eLearning pedagogy and online epistemology?’ The projects discussed are: Project 1: Educational Web-based Video Conferencing - This study aims to answer the question, ‘How can web-based video conferencing and related tool sets (white boards, shared desktop, text chat, recording utility, etc.) be pedagogically designed appropriately and applied to a virtual research environment (VRE) context to address the collaborative and support needs of trans-disciplinary (across subjects and levels) work based learning practitioner researchers? Project 2: eLearning Teaching Templates – This study will answer the research question, “How can eLearning model templates be used to promote the online teaching/learning process?” Project 3: VLE Denouement Profile methodology and Toolkit - The research question, ‘How can a common understanding of VLE design and implementation between the NCWBLP stakeholders be facilitated and supported?’ is addressed.
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The experiences of e-learning for eight education professionals undertaking an online course in educational testing : an interpretative phenomenological analysisTurner, Mark John January 2010 (has links)
Major UK studies reviewing thee-learning literature have concluded that "There is a general scarcity of studies of the learner experience" (Sharpe, Benfield, Lessner & De Cicco, 2005, p.3). This research study focuses on the experience of e-learning for eight education professionals who, over a six month period, wrote diary entries on a confidential online blog. A single open ended question and a prompt which aimed to increase awareness were used so that participants provided data about the experiences that were important to them. A phenomenological perspective was used to explore the participants' experience. The data was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Smith, 1996). The diary accounts provided eight different personal experiences of alearning. Three common themes were identified of 'feeling socially isolated', 'difficult to keep going', 'online tutor absent'. Less common themes were also identified, 'positive social contact online', 'I must be careful that people don't see me as incompetent', 'course matches my learning style', 'course does not match my learning style' and 'writing the blog made a difference'. Course participants experienced the social presence of 'faceless strangers' and felt socially isolated. The 'social isolation' theme appeared to link to the theme 'difficult to keep going'. This suggests that providing experiences of social presence on an e-learning course is not enough and further research into the area of social connectedness would be valuable. Whilst all course participants made progress through the course many described their e-learning experience in intensely emotional terms. Adopting Mead's (1934) theory of perception it is suggested that the intense emotional experiences could be due to the unexpected loss of social cues making it difficult for course participants to construct an identity on the course. Educational Psychologists are recommended to consider using elearning to provide continuing professional development opportunities for education professionals.
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English-language learning at their fingertips : educational and motivational affordances of tablet apps in children's EFL learningAlhinty, Mona January 2016 (has links)
Given the popularity of multi-touch tablets, especially among children, and the amount of educational applications (apps) currently available for their use, tablets offer mobile-assisted language learning opportunities rarely provided by more traditional English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching methods. Tablets are increasingly finding their way into classrooms, as their unique affordances give them educational advantages over other mobile technologies. To date, however, insufficient research has been conducted on the educational applications and motivational potential of this digital tool, particularly with reference to foreign-language acquisition by young beginner learners. The aim of this research was to explore the educational and motivational affordances of tablets and tablet apps in supporting young EFL beginner learners, and the factors affecting students’ self-determination to use tablets to learn English. To fulfil this aim, I designed and conducted a case study in a fourth-grade class in a state primary school in Riyadh City in Saudi Arabia. I used an exploratory qualitative case study design to gain an in-depth understanding of the topic. My approach was social-constructivist, supported by a framework of self-determination theory. I collected the data via participant observation, focus groups, semi-structured interviews and blogging. The sample consisted of 22 female students between 9 and 10 years old. I used inductive and deductive thematic analysis to examine the data. The findings indicate that the technological affordances of tablets, their capacity to mediate and encourage social interaction and collaborative learning, and the overall positive experience of tablet-based EFL learning powerfully motivate children to use tablets to learn English both in classroom settings and beyond. These influential factors were found to elicit, enhance and sustain the intrinsic motivation (IM) and self-regulation of the young EFL participants. The children were highly intrinsically motivated and positively self-regulated by the use of tablet apps to learn English both in the classroom and outside the school setting. Self-determination types such as IM accomplishment, IM knowledge, IM stimulation and identified regulation of external motivation were observed in the data. These findings suggest that the experience of learning via apps was both enjoyable and personally meaningful. However, the students’ self-determination appeared to be affected by certain factors related to the use of tablets (digital and social factors) and apps (app features) that reduced their motivation to deploy these learning tools. The findings of this thesis provide language instructors and researchers, policy-makers and app developers with insights into the educational and motivational tools afforded by tablets and tablet apps for English-language learning, and the factors that enhance or reduce young EFL students’ self-determination to use these tools for learning. In addition, recommendations are made for future research in this area.
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