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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parental participation in English state schools : the case for Kenyan Points Based System (PBS) immigrants

Muteru, Leah Nyawira January 2016 (has links)
This research aims to capture the struggles and triumphs of a small group of skilled Kenyan workers who migrate to the UK for the purposes of work and are accompanied by their children, aged 10 years or older. To try and gain a better understanding of Kenyan Points Based System (PBS) immigrant parents' experiences of participating in their child's school, a systematic qualitative enquiry exploring the experiences of 15 Kenyan PBS households through in-depth interviews and focus groups was carried out. The participants were drawn from one borough in London. The main findings of this research are that positive relationships with their children' s' schools led to more formal and informal involvement at school by the PBS parents and more academic success for their Kenyan children. Negative relationships led to children failing to achieve expected academic success or, their parents withdrawing children from UK state schools, moving them into Independent schools or, sending the children back to Kenya to continue with their studies: However, Kenyan PBS parents' social capital both in the UK and in Kenya seemed to be an important influence in determining participation in schools, with parents that had strong social capital and ties within the UK leading to more participation in UK state schools while high social capital and ties in Kenya and not the UK led to non-participation in the UK state schools. This suggests that relationships within the destination country are important for PB migrant families for attenuating feelings of exclusion and supporting to the educational success of PBS children. This study recommends that schools and teachers in the UK should do more to assist newly arrived PBS immigrants forge valuable social capital, and in collaboration with work sponsors enable PBS have a platform to effectively support their children through involvement at school.

A reconceptualisation of the cross-cultural adaptation process from a Chinese student perspective

Luxon, Michele January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of how Chinese students adapt to a new educational and socio-cultural environment when they come to Britain to do their undergraduate degree, in the context of increasing internationalisation of higher education in the UK. In this qualitative study 39 Chinese students were interviewed, at different stages of their studies over a two year period, in order to gain insights from their perspective, into their home and host educational environments and their experiences of the acculturation process. The interviews were analysed using a grounded theory methodology with an emphasis on the discovery of theory. The thesis traces the adaptation process, taking its starting point as the two different educational contexts, which act as a predictor for the new academic and socio-cultural conventions that the students encounter, and the adjustments the students have to make to accommodate the new environment. It goes on to trace how the students respond to their new situation and how they subsequently change as a result of their new experiences, at the different stages of adaptation. The main findings from this study show emergent new theory of the cross-cultural adaptation process. The first new finding is the identification of enablers, which facilitate the students' adaptation, in addition to obstacles which have previously been identified, in existing theoretical models, and which by contrast militate against acculturation. The second is the emergence of four different types of student response to their new situation, which have been labelled hedonist, cynic, stoic, and quietist responses, which reflect respectively how the students embrace, reject, are indifferent to or are accepting of the new experiences they encounter. Furthermore, it was found that individual students adapt differently to different aspects of their experiences and so there are multiple configurations of these responses for anyone student. The third finding is the identification of the different roles that students take on at different stages of acculturation: starting out as observers, evolving into strategists and participants and then assuming the role of adviser over the period of their stay in the host environment. This investigation has led to the deconstruction and reformulation of existing theories of acculturation, and the emergence of a reconceptualised cross-cultural adaptation process, from a Chinese student perspective. This new theoretical framework could be used in future studies to examine how other international students adapt to new educational contexts in an era of globalised higher education.

A better choice? : a case study of Polish migrants' educational aspirations and school choice for their children

Thatcher, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Using a case study of Polish parents living in North London and Nottingham, this thesis analyses their interaction and strategies within two localised education markets. Drawing on qualitative research, perceptions of social divisions in British society are explored in an attempt to assess whether these influence their educational strategies and practices used in secondary school choice for their children. It is found that the Polish symbolisation of Catholicism as representing their national cultural “morals” and “values” becomes a guiding influence in school choice. It also offers them a support network in gathering information about the education market. “Whiteness” and the stigmatising of disadvantaged sections of society also becomes a channel for some of the Polish participants to position themselves against others and within a perceived “hierarchy” which ultimately impacts upon their strategies used in parental school choice. A Bourdieusian framework, exploring the influence of reciprocal “importing” and “exporting” societal structures, is used to analyse the findings.

The measured intelligence of immigrant children from the Indian subcontinent resident in Hertfordshire

Sharma, Ramachandra January 1971 (has links)
There are many methodological problems associated with cross— cultural studies and these have not always been given serious consideration either by psychologists or anthropologists. One of the methods has been that of comparing equivalent groups across cultural borders. This has often resulted in interpretations of the observed differences in genetic terms. Also, certain assump— tions have often been made regarding the tools employed and the samples compared. Their role in dictating a certain type of interpretation has been ignored. These and other related theoretical matters are discussed in the first few chapters with reference to the studies of the intelli— gence of American Indians, Negroes and Africans. The use of Western tests of intelligence in studying the changes in ability that result when children from the Commonwealth countries come into the United Kingdom is justified. The present study deals with the measured intelligence of immi— grant children from the Indian Subcontinent. Two groups of such children living and attending schools in Hertfordshire are tested for their ability and the difference assessed for significance in terms of the degree of exposure they had to the environment here. They are compared with a group of school children in India and another group, here, of English children. Various hypotheses are postulated regarding the changes that could be expected in the ability scores of the immigrant children and results analysed in terms of these hypotheses. Some other aspects of the schooling of immigrant children are also considered in terms of the data provided by the study. In the concluding chapter the main findings are summarised. Suggestions are made for other studies that could be undertaken with this and other immigrant groups. Consideration is also given to what can be done in the context of English schools to educate these immigrant children in an efficient manner.

Travellers and Scottish schools

Jordan, Elizabeth Stewart January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Trainee teachers and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in education

Laxton, Kerry Lesley January 2014 (has links)
This research explores the attitudes of a group of Postgraduate Certificate in Education citizenship student teachers in London in 2012 towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues in education; their own perceptions of their abilities to deal with LGBT education within schools; the training they have received from their teacher training institutions in this area; and how this training may be improved in the future. The research was carried out using a written response questionnaire and five vignette scenarios to which the trainees had to respond. The findings are discussed under themes including the awareness of LGBT legislation in education; preparedness for, confidence in and the importance of LGBT education; and teacher training in this area. References to legislation from 1967 to 2013, including the Equality Act 2010, are made, and Banks‟s (2004) Dimensions of Multicultural Education model is drawn upon to suggest possible developments in teacher training in this area. The research finds that the trainee teachers have a strong sense of commitment and genuine determination towards addressing issues of homophobia and they express the importance of equality within schools on this issue. However, many also feel unprepared in regard to their knowledge and the strategies they can use when approaching some LGBT issues, expressing anxieties in certain situations, especially those which cannot be easily planned for, such as delivering the topic within lessons. The research therefore argues for improvements in LGBT training for postgraduate students as they prepare to enter the profession.

Meeting the duty? : an explorative study of four Welsh local authority looked-after children's education (LACE) teams and views of their interventions from looked-after young people

Andrews, Darren Matthew January 2017 (has links)
Almost a decade ago, Berridge, Dance, Beecham and Field (2008, p.49) noted a worrying absence of research into the UK picture of education support teams in terms of their organisational structure and priorities. This thesis represents an original contribution to knowledge in regard to the educational support provided for Looked-After Children in Wales. The overall sample (n=28) comprised four Looked After Children Education (LACE) coordinators, seven LACE team practitioners and seventeen young people with looked-after status, aged 14-16 years old, from across four local authorities in south Wales. This qualitative research is informed by constructionist ontology and is positioned within an interpretivist framework. Data were subjected to a coding framework and thematic analysis. The research yields useful insights with some clear implications for policy and practice. It has sought to address that void and add to a slowly growing knowledge base as little is known about the ways in which LACE Coordinators and their team practitioners interpret and enact relevant policy in their day to day work. Research findings include: The LACE team relationships with young people being described by workers were typically in administrative and procedural terms; LACE practitioners’ support typically lasts for an hour, once a week, and which was described by some young people as of welcome but limited value. Thus, the perennial discourse of ‘low attainment’ that surrounds looked-after children might be more aptly be re-cast as ‘low investment’ by the state, national and local; LACE practitioners’ described their work practice as a specialist knowledge area, but also disclosed how their knowledge and expertise was often undervalued or rejected by other external practitioners; young people’s identities appeared to be fashioned, by LACE practitioners, through occupational assumptions derived from a broader public welfare child discourse. In contrast the young people’s own identities did not coalesce with the perceptions of LACE practitioners. Instead, their comments indicated a more ‘normalised’, non-stigmatised, and pragmatic but also care (as affect) related sense of self. The thesis has argued that there needs to be a new framework that unites the way workers understand looked-after children and the relationships that will optimise meaningful achievement.

How are the career related decisions of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds shaped during their transition towards the end of compulsory schooling?

White, Danielle January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the two year transition period leading towards the end of compulsory schooling. It asks how young people who live in disadvantaged locations make career related choices, and is concerned with why such people often do not choose in ways that are advantageous to them. In order to provide a comprehensive understanding of how young people's career related decision-making is shaped, this study uses an approach that is both theoretically engaged and young person focused. Thirteen young people took part in the research over two years; interviews utilised visual research and analysis methods to engage with the experiences of these young people towards the end of their time studying at a secondary school in the North West of England. Data is analysed using a conceptual framework that incorporates selected 'thinking tools' from Bourdieu (1977) to explore the structural influences shaping career ideas that are typical for this group (i.e. 'field', 'habitus', 'social capital' and 'cultural capital'). The concept of reflexivity is also used to consider the presence of and potential for these young people to exercise agency within the structurally embedded context in which they are situated. The study demonstrates the ways in which the career ideas of these young people are heavily shaped by the environment they inhabit and, therefore, typically reproduce the existing, limited range of occupations already prevalent within the community. The social networks participants engage with when contemplating their ideas are critical in this process of reproduction since they mediate transference of cultural capital to the habitus. Such networks tend to be insular and made up of close family and friends. However, there is also evidence that reflexivity within this context is possible, and this can be vital in promoting social mobility - but this requires the creation of spaces where young people can reflect and discuss their experiences and options with actors who are genuinely seen as trustworthy (I argue that this occurred for some participants through this research process). Finally, the study concludes that although reflexivity is atypical for students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, in certain circumstances it shows the potential to be transformative.

Κίνητρα επίδοσης σε αλλοδαπούς και γηγενείς μαθητές : μια πειραματική έρευνα σε μαθητές Ε΄ και ΣΤ΄ τάξης δημοτικών σχολείων του Ν. Αχαΐας

Κουνέλη, Βασιλική 11 November 2008 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση των κινήτρων και του βαθμού της αυτοεκτίμησης των γηγενών και των αλλοδαπών μαθητών και ο ρόλος τους στην επίδοσή τους. Αρχικά, θα αναφερθούν θεωρίες σχετικές με τη μάθηση και παράγοντες που την υποβοηθούν και στη συνέχεια τα βασικά σημεία της θεωρίας των κινήτρων επίδοσης τα οποία αποτελούν τους άξονες του θεωρητικού υπόβαθρου της έρευνας. Εν συνέχεια, θα παρουσιάσουμε τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνάς μας για το βαθμό αυτοεκτίμησης γηγενών και αλλοδαπών μαθητών, των κινήτρων που θέτουν τόσο χωρίς την επίδραση εξωτερικών παραγόντων όσο και μετά την παρέμβαση και τις παραινέσεις των δασκάλων. Τέλος, θα παρουσιαστούν τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας που διεξήχθη. / -

Οι στάσεις των καθηγητών φυσικής αγωγής του νομού Αργολίδας απέναντι στους αλλοδαπούς μαθητές τους

Γρηγορίου, Ιωάννα 07 July 2009 (has links)
Η παρούσα μελέτη έχει ως στόχο την ανίχνευση των στάσεων των καθηγητών Φυσικής Αγωγής–υποχρεωτικής εκπαίδευσης- του νομού Αργολίδας απέναντι στους αλλοδαπούς μαθητές τους. Στη μελέτη συμμετείχαν 87 καθηγητές Φυσικής Αγωγής. Το θέμα της έρευνητικής εργασίας συνοψίζεται στην ανίχνευση των στάσεων και πιο αναλυτικά στην αναζήτηση των απόψεων των καθηγητών Φυσικής Αγωγής για ζητήματα όπως τα κίνητρα συμμετοχής στο μάθημα γηγενών – αλλοδαπών μαθητών, καθώς και σε ποιους παράγοντες θεωρούν ότι οφείλεται η επιτυχής εκτέλεση μιας κινητικής αλληλουχίας αλλοδαπών – γηγενών μαθητών αλλά και άπτεται ζητημάτων που αφορούν τη σχολική ζωή εν γένει. Πιο συγκεκριμένα χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την ανίχνευση των στάσεων δυο ερωτηματολόγια- πεντάβαθμης κλίμακα Lickert. Το πρώτο έχει σαν στόχο να αντιπαραβάλλει τις στάσεις των καθηγητών Φυσικής Αγωγής απέναντι στους αλλοδαπούς και στους γηγενείς μαθητές τους ως προς τα κίνητρα, την συμμετοχή τους στο μάθημα, τη συμμετοχή σε σχολικούς αγώνες, την επίδοσή τους και άλλες σχετικές παραμέτρους. Το δεύτερο είναι ένα ερωτηματολόγιο μέτρησης του ρατσισμού για ενήλικες. Τα συμπεράσματα που προέκυψαν είναι ενδιαφέροντα. Φάνηκε ότι πάνω από τους μισούς καθηγητές Φυσικής Αγωγής του δείγματος υποστήριξαν ότι η σχολική ζωή δεν θα ήταν πιο ομαλή αν δεν υπήρχαν αλλοδαποί μαθητές (56%).Πιο συγκεκριμένα φάνηκε ότι στο συγκεκριμένο δείγμα καθηγητών Φυσικής Αγωγής δεν υπάρχει συσχέτιση των δημογραφικών στοιχείων του δείγματος και του ρατσιστικού προφίλ που σχηματίστηκε από τις απαντήσεις τους. Σημαντικές είναι και οι διαφορές στους μέσους όρους που διαπιστώθηκαν στις απαντήσεις που αφορούσαν γηγενείς και αλλοδαπούς μαθητές τους. Όλα αυτά γεννούν νέα προς διερεύνηση ζητήματα που αφορούν την πολυπολιτισμικότητα στη Φυσική Αγωγή. / The study examined the attitude of the teachers in Physical Education in Argolida toward their foreign students. 87 teachers in physical education have taken part in this survey, teachers who also work in elementary and high schools. The purpose of this study was to find if the teachers of the sample differentiate their behavior depending on the national or other identity. Two questionnaires were used to collect their answers. The first one refers to the attitude of the P.E. teachers regarding the motivation, the participation in the lesson and at the school games and competencies, and the performance of the foreign students they have in their classes, and all this comparatively with their estimations toward the native students. The second questionnaire is also a five point Lickert scale which measures the level of racism of adults. An interesting result is that there is no relation between the demographic data and the racist profile of this sample. It has been found that over half of the P.E. teachers of the sample support that the school life wouldn’t be as proper if their weren’t any foreign students (56%). Important were also the differences of means which were detected among the answers that concerned their local and foreign students. Another significant result is that there are exciting differences of means between the questions that concern the students that comes from Greece and the students that come from foreign countries. These raise further questions to be answered. Questions involving multicultural education and physical education as well.

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