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Řízení a vizualizace automatizovaného domu / Control and visualization of automated buildingRompotl, Zdeněk January 2009 (has links)
The automation of buildings mainly in the large and office buildings is very discussed issue in nowadays time. The advantages of automated buildings fundamentally consist in the lowering of the operation costs, more safety and the protection of property. The building can be monitored and controlled towards the proceeding processes and states. It is able to use local or remote monitoring and controlling. More comfortable controlling is next important factor. This thesis describes European installation bus EIB and its communication with visualization a control system called Control Web. Control Web communicates with the electronic security system Galaxy for complete monitoring of the whole building. The complex system ensues by the mutual link of these technologies. It is possible to lower effectively the total costs for the business among other things. The result of this project is the developed application in the system Control Web 6, which is used in the building of the company ATX, ltd. in Žďár nad Sázavou. The Visualization is targeted in the two dimensional view and 3D view, which is used very often today. Web representation is used as well because web browser is part of the every operating system. The integral part of visualization is process automatic control.
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Interaktivní Java applet pro 3D vizualizaci optického disku oka / Interactive Java applet used for 3D optic nerve head visualizationŠikl, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to design and implement the interactive Java applet used for topography 3D optic nerve head visualization. Primary purpose of the 3D vizualization is ophthalmology, especially for diagnosis of glaucoma. More over should serve as a training material, which enables to study the transformation of 2D figures to 3D model and to test the effects of adjustments and regulations to imaging of the model in 3D space. Two program versions were designed in this work using the development system NetBeans version 5.5. Their final realization is implemented as .html application working in web browser window. First version of the designed applet is simple intuitive application with several default settings, so that the figure is opened automatically to 3D model. Subsequently, the applet enables to set the size of the image, 3D depth of the image, smoothing of the surface and selection of monochrome or coloured image. The second version is the extension of the first version of the designed applet, and provides the possibility to display x, y, z axis, depiction of the 3D model surface by dots, curves or grid, and illumination of the surface. Software was tested on available topographic data acquired by HRT equipment and in different web browsers. Technical documentation and user’s manual are also involved in this thesis.
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Optický proximitní skener s měřením doby letu / Optical Proximity Sensor with Time-of-Flight Measuring PrincipleMlatecová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
3D optical proximity scanner is described in this thesis. The sensor is marked as 03D201 and is made by Ifm electronic, GmbH company. The text also describes the basic characteristics, measuring principle, PC connection method and communication. A program for communication between PC and sensor was created and named O3D_Application. This program provides functions for real-time data transfer and visualization. Measured data can be saved easily by this program. The thesis also contains an analysis of measured data and parasitic parameters of the sensor.
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Návrh 3D pouzdření pro konstrukci moderních elektronických systémů / Development in 3D Packaging for Modern Electronics SystemsPrikryl, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is 3D package design study and elaboration of rules for effective thermal and electrical design. There are recommendations and equations for calculating parameters affecting design of modern SOP and SIP packages mentioned in this thesis. Advantages of modern technologies in thermal management of packages are demonstrated in the second part of thesis using ANSYS workbench.
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Univerzální modul s připojením na ethernet / Universal ethernet moduleŘeháček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with creating a universal module with Ethernet interface and its using for digital values measurement. The main module components are gate array FPGA, microprocessor, PHY chip and RJ45 connector. Printed circuit board is in this thesis designed in Eagle. The chase for board is drawn in SketchUp and printed on a 3D printer. There is a code implemented in created universal module that is performing the function of logic analyzer. Data measured by the analyzer are sent to the Ethernet using UDP/IPv4 protocol. The last part is creating an application in C# to display the measured waveforms on a PC.
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Podnikatelský záměr / Entrepreneurial ProjectJaníček, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with a business plan proposal formation. Subject of this proposal is establishment of a new company for real estate, focusing primarily on students and provides a virtual 3D tour. The thesis is composed of theoretical and analytical parts and actual proposal solution. This part covers the respective business plan.
1047 |
Vize záznamového zařízení prostorového obrazu / Vision of recording device for stereoscopic pictureJelínek, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
We have a chance to live in one of greatest age in technical improvement, especially information technology. In this age, the time plays power full part. Five years in IT is in compare with humans life a like a full one generation. We can only speed up or speed down this improvement. And a human life improvement? It makes simpler just a technics. In the beginning it was necessity when a human was substituted by technics. Later it helps and salving. And in a top when human don’t need, when it don’t solve but especially in this time when people are in comfort of anything pushed by himself to searching new experience right in this part of life the technics upgrade and makes comfortable living. Right in this chapter pertain this theme which you may follow up in this project.
1048 |
Využití reverzního inženýrství pro výpočty aerodynamiky automobilu / The utilization of reverse engineering in computation of vehicle aerodynamicsRozsíval, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The vehicle body was measured by using ATOS 3D scanner. Measured data from the ATOS 3D scanner were applied to make a 3D model of vehicle body and to make a 3D model of whole vehicle by using computer program Pro/ENGINEER. The model of vehicle was made with a view for future use of CAD model. Surface of the vehicle model was used for computation of vehicle aerodynamics – aerodynamic static pressure distribution by using CFD software Star-CCM+.
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Konstrukční návrh sestavné klimatizační jednotky / Design of an air handling unitMěrka, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to design a modular air handling unit based on determined requirements. Modular air handling units provide great flexibility for consultants when work-ing on a project. Modular air handling units are assembled using many sections (heater section, cooler section, humidification section, fan section, etc) which gives the consultant an advantage to use only those sections necessary for particular project.
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3D tvarování keramické suspenze vytvrditelné UV zářením / 3d shaping of UV curable ceramic feedstockMišák, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na přípravu koloidních suspenzí, vytvrditelných UV zářením, jenž jsou určeny k 3D tisku komplexních keramických vláknových struktur. Rovněž jsou v práci představeny techniky následného tvarování vytisknutých a vytvrzených struktur. Z hydroxyapatitu ve formě prášku a komponent, vytvrditelných UV zářením, byly vytvořeny pasty, určené k 3D tisku komplexních keramických vláknových struktur a multivrstev. U takto vytisknutých a vytvrzených struktur bylo navíc dosaženo zlepšení kvality povrchu a soudržnosti vláken. Pro výrobu past, určených k 3D tisku, s vhodnými reologickými vlastnostmi je nezbytné důkladné pochopení interakcí mezi částicemi, surfaktantem a monomerní/oligomerní směsí. Za použití lineárních a zesíťujících oligomerů jako disperzního média vznikají po tisku a UV vytvrzení velmi flexibilní vláknové mřížky, které lze dále tvarovat a takto vytvářet rozmanité struktury. Tyto struktury jsou následně slinuty, bez významných vad na povrchu či delaminace vrstev, za vzniku složitých keramických těles. Vysoké kvality povrchu je dosaženo UV vytvrzením vytisknutých struktur v argonové atmosféře, která brání kyslíkové inhibici radikálů v blízkosti povrchu vláken. Výhody kombinace 3D tisku s UV vytvrzováním jsou demonstrovány v této práci za užití dvouvrstvých flexibilních struktur, určených k následným metodám 3D tvarování. Takto vytvořených složitých 3D struktur je jen velmi obtížné, ne-li nemožné, dosáhnout pouze užitím přímého 3D tisku. Na základě této práce může být v budoucnu odvozena univerzální teorie k přípravě past, určených k 3D tisku komplexních keramických struktur pro různé aplikace.
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