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Systémy průmyslového vidění a snímání 3D obrazu / Robot vision and 3D image acquiringArnošt, David January 2011 (has links)
Master´s thesis is describing basic concepts in machine vision. Used camera systems and possible imaging 2D and 3D are described. Practical part deals with constructin of scanning device with linear actuator, conveyor belt, camera and laser. For experimental use is construction of scanning device made for 2D and 3D image using several methods.
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Výroba dílů technologií DMLS a jejich porovnání s jinými konvenčními technologiemi z hlediska ekonomické náročnosti / Production of parts by DMLS technology and their comparison with other conventional technologies in terms of economic performanceSekerka, Vít January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents a technology based on the gradual smelting of fine layers of metal powder by using a laser beam. It explains and describes basic terminology related to the Rapid Prototyping technology, its division and practical usage. A part of the thesis is also the fabrication of several prototype parts by Direct Metal Laser Sintering including the economical comparison of their fabrication with other conventional technologies.
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Modernizace 3D měřicího přístroje / Modernization of 3D measuring instrumentJanoušek, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is solving modernization of 3D measuring instrument. The modernization was necessary for implementation of new activities. Based on customer’s requirements, a new Incoming Inspection for the new projects was established. Another reason for modernization is development of new products. These new products require the most modernized measuring technology. There are presented 4 variants of solution.
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Návrh snímacího portálu pro snímání 3D obrazu / Design of an experimental stand for three-dimensional image acquisitionMužný, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of 3D vision. The theoretical part describes the principles of machine vision, constitutes the basic elements, description and the methods of measurement and 3D. The practical part is focused on the design of experimental workplace, which is consists of conveyor, experimental stand, industrial robot and PLC control. The system used to recognize and grasp objects undirected. Construction chapter focuses on the treatment needs of the conveyor for sensing applications and design of experimental stand with linear axis, which is equipped with camera and lasers. Furthermore solved by a communication network between the elements of work includes the design of their communications with the description of the control of its individual elements.
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Měření a analýza kinematických vlastností zavěšení formule Student Dragon 1 / Measurement and Analysis of Kinematic Properties of Formula Student Dragon 1 SuspensionMartinec, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis is focused on influence of manufacturing inaccuracy on suspension kinematics of Formula Student car Dragon 1. The real kinematics points were measured with 3D optical scanners and then the real vehicle kinematics was analysed. The gained data were compared with the ideal suspension points. For these purposes was used multibody system software MSC ADAMS.
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3D mapování vnitřního prostředí senzorem Microsoft Kinect / 3D indoor mapping using Microsoft KinectPilch, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This work is focused on creating 3D maps of indoor enviroment using Microsoft Kinect sensor. The first part shows the description of Microsoft Kinect sensor, the methods for acquisition and processing of depth data and their registration using different algorithms. The second part shows application of algorithms for map registration and final 3D maps of indoor enviroment.
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Analýza modálních vlastností lopatkové řady s lopatkami svázanými Z-vazbou / Modal Analysis of the Blades Row Tied with Z-tieValoušek, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is about modal analysis of the rotor blades row tied with Z-tie. Thesis was solved by finite element system ANSYS. Cyclic symmetry was used in this thesis with the aim of obtain eigen frequency of bladed disc. The next aim of this thesis was to find eigen frequency of the free rotor blades and to compare it with frequency obtained from experiment. 3D model was created by 3D scanner and CAD system CATIA.
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Měření tvaru zatížené pneumatiky / Shape Measurement of Loaded TyreHlavatý, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on measuring the shape of loaded tire and finding dependencies between inner tire pressure, load and the influence of these parameters on the resulting shape of the tire. Data for these dependencies were obtained by using a constructed measuring stand and 3D optical technology. Found dependencies describe the change in shape of the tire in specific mathematical functions, and served the creation of a parametric model of the tire. The main finding of this thesis is that the tire is actually behaves according to dependencies described by varying degrees of polynomial function.
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Konstrukce 3D tiskárny pro materiály s vyšší pevností / Design of 3D printer for high strength materialsŽlebek, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Thesis deals with FDM 3D printing method and testing capabilities of optimum printing conditions for different materials. The aim of this work is to design and manufacture of experimental device that enables printing to investigate these conditions. A device designed in this work was named UK3DP and allows dual color object printing with maximum dimensions of the square base of 150 mm and a height of 150 mm. Before printing, the user can set almost all parameters affecting the printing process, including air temperature in heated chamber that is part of it. To verify the functionality several materials are tested, including ABS, PC and PEI. It also describes basic verification of the influence of selected parameters on the print result. Performs tensile tests confirming the influence of ambient temperature during printing on the quality of fiber connections, examines the final quality of the surface for each layer height and compares the resulting deformation of printed objects with other printers. The result of this work is a 3D printer capable of testing printing conditions for both existing and new types of materials with a range of user adjustable parameters.
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Stavba a aplikace 3D FDM tiskárny typu deltabot / Production and aplication of 3D FDM deltabot printerKnapil, Josef January 2015 (has links)
The thesis describes design and aplication of 3D FDM printer type of delta. The first part describes methods of rapid prototyping. The second part describes 3D printers type of delta. The third part deals with construction and calibration of delta printer. In the fourth part are made suitable modifications to the design of the printer, to improve the quality of printing, which is then applied on a sample product. The final section is devoted to technical and economic evaluation.
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