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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Distribuce toku v zařízeních s hustými svazky trubek / Flow Distribution in Equipment with Dense Tube Bundles

Babička Fialová, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
Significant maldistribution negatively influences performance of equipment containing dense tube bundles and, moreover, it can cause a wide range of operating issues. This thesis therefore focuses on analysis of fluid flow in complete distribution systems via computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Data obtained from simulations carried out using the software ANSYS Fluent were also statistically analysed. Influence of system arrangement, tube bundle parameters and operating parameters on flow distribution non-uniformity and pressure drop was investigated. According to the results, system arrangement is the crucial differentiating parameter in terms of flow distribution as well as pressure drop. Additionally, data obtained via the classical CFD approach were compared with those yielded by a simplified CFD model for three selected distribution systems. Simplified CFD approach can - given its low computational demand - be utilised in optimization algorithms as well as in the course of the initial stage of equipment design process. Furthermore, this thesis discusses a simulation tool which is based on the simplified CFD approach. Although this tool is still being developed, the results it yields are very promising.

3D CFD Simulation Analysis and Experimental Investigation of the Performance-based Smoke Management System Designs of a Building with Large Space

Yeh, Tsung-Chyn 08 August 2006 (has links)
The existing local fire code ¡§Standard for Installation of Fire Protection Facilities in Classified Areas¡¨ is prescriptive in nature and suitable for buildings, which can be well compartmented. It also described the minimum requirement for specific system designs such as fire and smoke compartmentation, mechanical smoke extraction rate, etc. on item 188. In this reserch, the concourse level encountered large spaces and is the vital part for passengers¡¦ movement, either under normal condition or in emergency cases. Therefore, a performance-based fire engineering design has been exercised which is also allowed in local fire code subject to approval from the authorities having jurisdiction. First, a comparative study of the code compliances should be addressed, with the alternative design options supported by 3D CFD simulation. The FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulation) program was utilized for this reserch for 3D CFD simulation. It is developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of U.S.. FDS is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of fire-driven fluid flow. The software solves numerically a form of the Navier-Stokes equations appropriate for thermally-driven flow with an emphasis on smoke and heat transport from fires. Secondly, it is decided that a full-scale hot smoke test should be conducted to validate the smoke management system performances under the as-built conditions. It can be summarized that, following the NFPA 92B N-percentage Criteria, both test 1 and test 2 results indicated that the hot smoke tests are successful, in validating that a sufficient smoke clear height can be maintained for safe evacuation should a 5 MW t-squared fast fire occurred at the concourse level. Finally, following the NFPA 130 and NFPA 92B as the design guides, the performance-based fire safety engineering design conducted in concourse level, is successful through 3D CFD simulations and full-scale hot smoke test. A smoke¡Vfree escape route can be maintained for a period of time much longer than needed for the worst case fire scenario which warrants a safe evacuation in case of a 5 MW fire occurred on concourse level.

Analysis of Air Flow Pattern and Pollution Control in the Mini-Environment of Injection Molding Clean Room

Hong, Jia-Hong 17 June 2003 (has links)
High technology industries have stringent on clean room environment. Traditional ballroom type clean room can¡¦t meet the requirement in many cases. The uni-directional laminar ballroom type cleanroom is can¡¦t fulfill such requirement. The adoption of Mini-Environment technology is becoming the mainstream of the environment control technology for high technology industries process. It is the goal of this project to simulate and design the air flow pattern, in using the current injection machine as a model, to achieve the cleanliness of class 1,000 ¡V 10,000. There are four major steps in achieving this goal, Namely: 1¡BThe dynamic 3D CFD simulation of the flow pattern of the clean bench. 2¡BThe evaluation of the pollution source and its impact on the overall cleanliness 3¡BThe basic design of the class 1,000 cleanroom for this machine 4¡BThe modification necessary to achieve this goal through design iterations. The results of this research are useful in the understanding of the flow characteristics in a mini-environment. The buffer zone of laminar flow was found to be effective to avoid cross contamination with the outside environment during door opening. The height of the processing opening of the mini-environment is found to be an important factor on the flow turbulent intensity and particle concentration. Concentration due to an operator can also be reduced by this buffer zone. The numerical techniques developed can also be used as numerical models in future studied.

1D engine simulation of a turbocharged SI-engine with CFD on components

Renberg, Ulrica January 2008 (has links)
<p>1D engine simulations of turbocharged engines are difficult to <!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --></p><p>Techniques that can increase the SI- engine efficiency while keeping the emissions very low is to reduce the engine displacement volume combined with a charging system. Advanced systems are needed for an effective boosting of the engine and today 1D engine simulation tools are often used for their optimization.</p><p>This thesis concerns 1D engine simulation of a turbocharged SI engine and the introduction of CFD computations on components as a way to assess inaccuracies in the 1D model.</p><p>1D engine simulations have been performed on a turbocharged SI engine and the results have been validated by on-engine measurements in test cell. The operating points considered have been in the engine’s low speed and load region, with the turbocharger’s waste-gate closed.</p><p>The instantaneous on-engine turbine efficiency was calculated for two different turbochargers based on high frequency measurements in test cell. Unfortunately the instantaneous mass flow rates and temperatures directly upstream and downstream of the turbine could not be measured and simulated values from the calibrated engine model were used. The on-engine turbine efficiency was compared with the efficiency computed by the 1D code using steady flow data to describe the turbine performance.</p><p>The results show that the on-engine turbine efficiency shows a hysteretic effect over the exhaust pulse so that the discrepancy between measured and quasi-steady values increases for decreasing mass flow rate after a pulse peak.</p><p>Flow modeling in pipe geometries that can be representative to those of an exhaust manifold, single bent pipes and double bent pipes and also the outer runners of an exhaust manifold, have been computed in both 1D and 3D under steady and pulsating flow conditions. The results have been compared in terms of pressure losses.</p><p>The results show that calculated pressure gradient for a straight pipe under steady flow is similar using either 1D or 3D computations. The calculated pressure drop over a bend is clearly higher1D engine simulations of turbocharged engines are difficult to <!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->using 1D computations compared to 3D computations, both for steady and pulsating flow. Also, the slow decay of the secondary flow structure that develops over a bend, gives a higher pressure gradient in the 3D calculations compared to the 1D calculation in the straight pipe parts downstream of a bend.</p><p> </p>

Multiscale Modeling of Hemodynamics in Human Vessel Network and Its Applications in Cerebral Aneurysms

Yu, Hongtao 24 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

An Experimental and Computational Study of Surge in Turbocharger Compression Systems

Dehner, Richard D. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse expérimentale et numérique du comportement de véhicules terrestres en présence d'un vent latéral instationnaire / Experimental and numerical analysis about ground vehicles behaviour when subjected to an unsteady side wind

Volpe, Raffaele 11 March 2013 (has links)
L’aérodynamique latérale des véhicules automobiles suscite de nos jours de plus en plus d’intérêt de la part des constructeurs. L’automobiliste est en effet soumis quotidiennement à de forts courants d’air latéraux, que ce soit lors du dépassement d’un autre véhicule, ou alorsen passant dans un couloir de vent du à la topographie du terrain (passage devant un espace entre deux immeubles par exemple). Les efforts aérodynamiques mis en jeu dans ces situations peuvent provoquer des mouvements non désirés du véhicule, pouvant avoir des conséquences dramatiques si le conducteur se laisse surprendre. Des études expérimentales reproduisant les effets d’un dérapage dynamique ont mis en évidence des phénomènes transitoires importants mettant à défaut les modèles stationnaires généralement pratiqués par les constructeurs pour qualifier le comportement de leurs véhicules en présence de dérapage. Les mécanismes responsables de ces phénomènes transitoires sont encore mal connus de la communauté scientifique. Ce travail propose d’approfondir ce sujet au travers de l’étude de l’aérodynamique d’un véhicule terrestre fixe soumis à un vent longitudinal et à une rafale de vent latéral. Le but principal est d’identifier les structures tourbillonnaires au moyen de mesures PIV et de calculs numériques des champs de vitesse autour d’une maquette automobile et de les corréler aux efforts aérodynamiques. Un accord entre l’ISAT, composante de l’Université de Bourgogne, et l’Institut Supérieurde l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE) de Toulouse a permis de mener l’étude avec les ressources de cet établissement. Le moyen d’essai principal, créé par l’ISAE, est le banc« rafale latérale », constitué d’une soufflerie principale et d’une soufflerie secondaire, dont la sortie à volet déferlants (« Mexican Wave ») est inspirée de l’approche proposée par Ryan et Dominy (2000). L’analyse expérimentale a été effectuée à l’aide de la PIV résolue en temps et stéréoscopique, et d’une balance dard instationnaire à cinq composantes. Un banc« numérique » identique a été constitué à l’aide du logiciel FLUENT©, pour des calculs 3D. De plus, un modèle 2D annexe, basé sur la méthode « meshless », a été développé pour de futures investigations, en raison de sa robustesse pour des problèmes à fortes discontinuités et sa bonne adaptabilité aux problèmes avec frontières mobiles.Une première phase de ce travail a consisté en la mise au point des bancs expérimental et numérique, avec génération d’un champ de dérapage homogène, de 21° dans la zone de mesure. L’évolution du dérapage en chaque point respecte bien la forme d’un créneau imposé par la rafale. Pour l’analyse des efforts, deux géométries de maquette ont été étudiées, à savoir un corps de Windsor à culot droit générant, pour un écoulement longitudinal, des structures de sillage bidimensionnelles, et son homologue à culot incliné de 25°, générant des tourbillons « cigare ». Des pics d’efforts ont été observés à l’arrivée de la rafale, tout comme la littérature le prédit. Pour ce qui est du coefficient du moment de lacet, les sursauts sont de 29 % et 19 % respectivement pour la maquette à culot droit et celle à culot incliné, par rapport aux valeurs stationnaires. Concernant le coefficient de force de dérive, ils sont de 10 % et 14 %, respectivement. Lors de nos essais, ces efforts se sont établis après 5.5 longueurs de maquette. Afin d’expliquer la différence de comportement entre les deux maquettes en termes d’efforts, l’évolution temporelle des tourbillons nommés, dans ce mémoire, ΓA, ΓB, ΓC et Γ1 à été discutée. Il en est ressorti une forte corrélation entre la circulation du tourbillon ΓA, le plusénergétique, naissant à l’avant du flanc sous le vent de la maquette, et les efforts latéraux, de sorte que ce tourbillon serait le meilleur témoin des phénomènes instationnaires mis en jeu dans l’étude de l’effet du vent latéral. [...] / The automotive manufacturers are nowadays more and more interested in crosswind aerodynamics. Indeed, the driver is subjected every day to strong side air flows, for example when overtaking another vehicle or when passing through a lateral wind wall, generated by terrain topography (as in the case of the passage near the empty space between two buildings).The aerodynamic efforts generated in these situations can lead to undesired lateral deviations,which can be dramatic if the driver is surprised. Different experimental studies, reproducing the effects of a dynamic yaw angle, pointed out the issues of the steady methods, commonly used to qualify the vehicle crosswind behaviour. Little is still known about the physics behind these unsteady phenomena. This is the main topic of this work, by studying the aerodynamics of a fixed vehicle subjected to both a longitudinal flow and a side wind gust. The goal is the identification of the near-vehicle vortex structures, by means of PIV measurements and CFD calculations, and their correlation with the evolution of the efforts. An agreement between the ISAT, a department of the University of Burgundy, and the ISAE of Toulouse, permitted to carry out this research with the resources of the latter laboratory. The work focuses on the use of the “rafale latérale” (side gust) test bench, made up with a main wind tunnel connected with an auxiliary one by means of a shutter system,whose opening is held by a “Mexican Wave” law. This approach is inspired by the work of Dominy and Ryan (2000). The experimental analysis was carried out by means of Time-Resolved and stereoscopic PIV, and by a five components unsteady balance as well. Anidentical test bench was numerically reproduced with the 3D CFD software FLUENT©.Moreover, an additional 2D CFD model, based on the meshless method, has been developed for future studies. This kind of approximation method has been chosen for its robustness innon-continuous problems and because of its adaptability when moving boundaries are needed.The first phase of this work consisted on wind tunnels set-up, both for the real test bench and for the CFD model. The yaw angle field is homogeneous, 21° in the measurement region. The yaw angle evolution, at given point, respects the step wise behaviour, imposed by the gust passage. As far as the efforts are concerned, two versions of the Windsor body car model were studied, that is a squareback geometry, generating, for longitudinal flows, 2D wakestructures, and a fastback geometry (rear window inclined by 25°), producing cone-liketrailing vortices. Force overshoots were seen after the gust arrival, as seen in literature. In particular, the yaw moment coefficient overshoots are 29% and 19% higher than the steady yaw angle tests, for the squareback and the fastback geometries, respectively. If the side forceis concerned, the entities of these overshoots are 10% and 14%, respectively. Our testspointed out that efforts establish after the vehicle has driven 5.5 times its length in thecrosswind. In order to explain the different behaviour of the two geometries, it is discussed about the unsteady evolution of the vortices called, in this report, ΓA, ΓB, ΓC et Γ1. A strong correlation between the side efforts and the circulation of the most energetic vortex, ΓA,having its origin in the front leeward side of the vehicle. The ΓA vortex is so the best index for the study of the crosswind unsteady phenomena. The coupled analysis between vortex structures and efforts confirmed the presence of a higher side force for the squareback geometry. The inverted effect has been observed for the yaw moment

Contribution à l'étude du comportement thermique de la batterie lithium-ion pour véhicules électriques et hybrides / Contribution to thermal behaviour study of lithium-ion battery for electric and hybrid electric vehicle

Che Daud, Zul Hilmi 17 December 2014 (has links)
Les principaux objectifs de cette étude est de fournir les informations essentielles sur le comportement thermique des cellules de batterie pour une application automobile, en particulier pour les véhicules électriques et hybrides. Cette application est notre cadre de travail expérimental afin de développer un modèle électro-thermique 3D efficace pour les cellules lithium-ion et du pack batterie. L'étude expérimentale se concentre sur la distribution de température en différents points de la surface de la cellule, de l'impact de différents débits constants, et également l'importance du système de refroidissement sur le comportement en température de la batterie. Cette thèse met en évidence le comportement de température de la cellule dans des conditions de décharge agressive et de l'impact de l'empilement de plusieurs cellules à l'intérieur de la batterie. Une étude de cas sur le comportement thermique de la cellule dans une application véhicule électrique hybride série est proposée pour compléter les cycles de conduite en utilisant différentes stratégies de refroidissement. En outre, l'étude expérimentale est étendue à la caractéristique du comportement de refroidissement par flux d'air à l'intérieur de la batterie, en utilisant le système d'image de particules (PIV). Le modèle électro-thermique CFD 3D est développé sous un logiciel Open Source OpenFOAM. L'objectif principal est d'obtenir un modèle relativement simple mais précis avec un temps de calcul raisonnable. Le modèle proposé, estime la production de chaleur, à partir du courant de la batterie et la résistance interne en fonction de la température, le transfert de chaleur par conduction, convection forcée et rayonnement. / The main objectives of this study are to provide the essential information on the thermal behaviour of the battery cells for automotive purpose especially for EVs and HEVs through experimental work in order to develop an effective 3D electro-thermal model for lithium ion battery cells and pack. The experimental study is focusing on the distribution of temperature at various points of the battery cell surface, impact of different constant discharge rates, and also the importance of cooling system on the battery temperature behaviour. This thesis highlights the battery cell temperature under abuse discharge condition and the impact of stacking the battery cells inside the battery pack. Impact of different temperature and SOC on the battery cell internal resistance and a case study on the battery cell thermal behaviour used in a series HEV to complete driving cycles using different cooling strategies are also studied. Furthermore, the experimental study is extended to the characteristic of the cooling air flow behaviour inside the battery pack, using particulate image velocimetry (PIV) system. The 3D electro-thermal CFD model is implemented in a free, open source CFD software package called OpenFOAM. The target is to have a relatively simple but accurate model with reasonable computation time. This proposed model considers the heat generation from battery current and internal resistance as a function of temperature, heat transfer through conduction, forced convection and radiation.

Improvements in Engine Performance Simulations and Integrated Engine Thermal Modeling

Aishwarya Vinod Ponkshe (16648650) 26 July 2023 (has links)
<p>One of the major challenges in the field of internal combustion engines is keeping up with the advancements in electrification and hybridization. Automakers are striving to design environment – friendly and highly efficient engines to meet stringent emission standards worldwide. Improving engine efficiency and reducing heat losses are critical aspects of this development. Therefore, accurate heat transfer prediction capabilities play a vital role in engine design process. Current methods rely on computationally intensive 3D numerical analyses, there is a growing interest in reliable simplified models. </p> <p>In this study, a 1D diesel engine model featuring predictive combustion was integrated with a detailed finite element thermal primitive based on the 3D meshing feature available in GT Suite. Coolant and oil hydraulic circuits were incorporated in the model. The model proves to be an effective means to assess the impact on heat rejection and engine heat distribution given by an engine calibration and operating conditions. </p> <p>This work also contributes to the advancement of virtual IC engine development methods by focusing on the design and tuning of complex engine system models using GT Power for accurate prediction of engine performance. The current processes in engine simulations are assessed to identify sources of errors and opportunities for improvements. The methods discussed in this work include isolated sub system level calibration and model evolution specifically address the issue of identifying noise factors and issues in smaller parts. Additionally, the study aims on improving the model’s trustworthiness by computing 1st law sanity checks, replicating real-life compressor map calculations and refining GT’s existing global convergence criteria. </p>

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