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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wortforschung und Namenetymologie

Kremer, Dieter 06 September 2018 (has links)
Some statements about the relations between general lexicon and onomasticon, etymology and history of words and the question, how far a name must be traced back etymologically. The examples are chosen from romance languages and German.

Fragwürdige Benennung. Der Anfangssatz von Goethes Roman 'Die Wahlverwandtschaften': Für Davide de Camilli zum 70. Geburtstag

Kohlheim, Volker 07 September 2018 (has links)
The first sentence of Goethe's 'Elective Affinities' poses many questions: Who is meant by the personal pronoun 'we' that calls a young baron Eduard? And are we to rely on that unusual literary naming procedure that intentionally destroys all fictional illusions? Further on in the novel we are informed that it is actually not a mysterious 'we', but rather that the wealthy baron himself, whose 'real' name was Otto, had chosen this name. This essay tries to elucidate the motives and intentions underlying Goethe's ambiguous and capricious game which he plays with the reader's expectations.

Motivwandel bei der Namengebung deutscher Unternehmen. Eine diachronische Analyse (am Beispiel der Genossenschaften)

Kremer, Ludger 07 September 2018 (has links)
There is a considerable public interest in the name-giving of top-ranking firms in the German economy. However, the world of business doesn't completely consist of, or depend on global players listed on the DAX index, on the contrary - to a large degree economic life is dependend on SMEs, small and medium sized enterprises. If we want to gain some insight into actual name-giving tendencies in German commerce and industry we ought to take a closer look at the diachronic development of company names. In this article account is given of such an analysis of names in the cooperative sector. Cooperative organisations allow to differentiate between several branches of the economy, and between varying sizes of companies, keeping at the same time the legal form of the enterprise invariable. As most important results of this inquiry we can conclude: Big companies directed strongly at interregional and international activities under strong competition make use of the most modern elements in their name-giving. They prefer elements such as abbreviations, deviations from orthographical norms, and fancy names/neologisms, and rather tend to avoid elements like owner names or geographical indications (like the seat of the company, or its sphere of action).

Das Hispano-romanische Namenbuch und die Geschichte des iberoromanischen Personennamenschatzes

Becker, Lidia 07 September 2018 (has links)
The first part of the paper is a presentation of a doctoral thesis Hispano-romanisches Namenbuch submitted at the University of Trier (to be published in 2009 in the series 'Patronymica Romanica' by Niemeyer, Tübingen). The thesis is dedicated to the personal names of pre-Roman, Greek and Latin-Romance etymology in the Christian North of the Iberian Peninsula in the medieval period (6th-12th centuries). Comments on primary sources and structure are followed by a sample article (*Aurundo) from the thesaurus. In the second part of the paper a particular aspect of the Ibero-Romance onomasticon, which is its multicultural etymolo- gical composition, is discussed. Examples of medieval and modern personal names typical for each etymological layer (pre-Roman, Latin, Hebrew, Visigothic, Arabic, Franconian, Gallo-Romance) conclude the survey.

Schichten spanischer Familiennamen in Deutschland

Kohlheim, Rosa 07 September 2018 (has links)
The first stratum of Spanish surnames in Germany goes back to Spanish soldiers fighting on German soil during the wars of the 16th and 17th centuries, the second one to Jewish immigrants of Spanish (and Portuguese) origin, who settled down in Northern Germany around 1600, and the third one to workers' immigration and exile in the second half of the 20th century. Special attention is given to the last stratum (problems connected with the use of telephone directories as a source, frequent Spanish surnames in present Germany, tendencies of linguistic integration).

'Madame Royal'. Eine kritisch-diskursanalytische Untersuchung zur printmedialen Repräsentation von Polit-Figuren im medialen Diskurs am Beispiel des französischen Präsidentschaftswahlkampfes

Kuhn, Julia 07 September 2018 (has links)
The article illustrates 'nomination” as a special form of reference, containing an evaluative perspective of the language user on extra-linguistic entities (cf. REISIGL 2003. In the media discourse nomination referring to people appears as classification or as anthroponyms and can be instrumentalized. The corpus consists of the nominations of the candidates to the presidential election in France 2007, the nominations contained in the daily press of the 3 months preceding the election. In the field of nomination as anthroponyms it could be shown that in the media discourse the use of the family name alone and the use of both first name and family name can be considered as neutral, while the use of a nickname or the first name alone establishes a relation of inferiority, a phenomenon that could be observed only in the case of the female candidate Ségolène Royal. Nomination as classification of the other hand established the following representations: The hyper real figure of Nicolas Sarkozy was represented as an authoritarian, strong, experienced politician with a problematic character and a migration-background. Ségolène Royal was constructed as an emotional woman who is hardly known in the political landscape and has little political experience. François Bayrou was represented as a solid, Christian down-to-earth personality, at the third place behind the other two and Jean Marie Le Pen as extreme right wing and the oldest candidate behind the other three. It could be shown that nominations (as classifications or anthroponyms) construct representations of the candidates which correspond even before the elections to their result.

Kelten in Europa und geographische Namen als ihre Zeugen. Betrachtungen zu Herbert Pilch, Die keltischen Sprachen und Literaturen, im Kontrast zur 'Entdeckung' keltischer Namen in Ostdeutschland

Hengst, Karlheinz 07 September 2018 (has links)
The article gives a survey about a new manual to the Celtic languages in Western Europe. Its author is the German linguist Herbert PILCH (university of Freiburg). As a book of reference the title is especially recommended to students of Onomastics as well as to readers with interests in Celtic names or names of Celtic origin in other languages. It stands in sharp contrast to a pseudo-scientific tendency of explaining anthroponyms and toponyms in Eastern Germany with the help of “Celtic roots' based on an old obsolete publication with a large following in recent times. The main argument there is the statement German people spoke Celtic based dialects up to the Middle Ages and thus all names have only been horribly bent by adapting to the modern German language. The book Die keltischen Sprachen und Literaturen is therefore of especial importance to refute unscientific opinions and intentions.

Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu altsorbischen Ortsnamenformen. Zur Problematik bei der Rekonstruktion der Ausgangsformen sorbischer Ortsnamen in den Lausitzen

Hengst, Karlheinz 07 September 2018 (has links)
The article aims at demonstrating problems in connection with the process of reconstructing Old-Sorbian place names in the area of Upper and Lower Lusatia. On the basis of two books published in 2006 and 2008 by the well known onomast Walter WENZEL (Leipzig) and a critical contribution by the Sorbian linguist and specialist in etymologies Heinz Schuster- Šewc(Bautzen/Budysin) several important and necessary points of view regarding the past of more than thousand years in the tradition of place names are described and discussed.

Beobachtung - Benennung - mündliche Bewahrung über Jahrhunderte. Die Mundartform Schiebock für Bischofswerda als unklarer 'Merkzettel'

Hengst, Karlheinz 07 September 2018 (has links)
In this article the dialect form and its history of a German place-name is discussed. Although this dialect-form has already been found to be of Slavonic origin according to a leading linguist of Sorbian languages this article adds another comparable Sorbian vernacular form of an other place-name unconsidered up till now. In this way two dialect forms are the sources in character and value of primary Old-Sorbian place-names formed in the Middle Ages and have been existing thus without any written traditional forms for many centuries.

Historisches Ortsverzeichnis und Historisches Ortsnamenbuch von Sachsen. Zwei Lexika - ein Wissenssystem

Baudisch, Susanne 07 September 2018 (has links)
In 2001 the first edition of the “Historical Dictionary of Toponyms for Saxony” was published, the new edition of the “Lexicon of Places in Saxony” was released in 2006. The present article compares both standard works of Saxon regional history and historical cultural studies, describes synergies and draws the model of a common knowledge system in the digital world.

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