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On indefinite diagonal quaternary quadratic formsAshton, Richard James January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Enumeration reducibility and polynomial time boundsHarris, Charles Milton January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Higher-dimensional adèles and their applicationsBraeunling, Oliver January 2012 (has links)
THIS thesis studies higher-dimensional adeles, It can be divided into two larger parts (Chapters 2 & 3). The first part constructs and studies a certain notion of idele sheaf on smooth surfaces over a field. These idele sheaves form a flasque resolution of the Zariski sheaves arising from Rost cycle modules. The second part studies a generaliza- tion of Tate's construction of the 'l-dimensional local residue to arbitrary dimensions. This generalization is due to Beilinson, but was only explained in a 2 page article with- out proofs. We rework this approach and give full details for the construction of the higher local residue along this path. Parshin posed the problem to give an explicit for- mula for Beilinson's rather abstract approach. We give such a formula. This formula also gives a natural generalization of Tate's central extension class in Lie cohomology for multiloop Lie algebras. To the best of the author's knowledge no such explicit for- mula has appeared in the literature for dimension n > 1. This thesis develops ideas in the theory of multidimensional adeles and should be seen as a part of 1. B. Fesenko's program to investigate arithmo-geometric questions through adele /Idele theories. In Chapter 2 we use certain finiteness/integrality conditions on adeles which can be seen as multiplicative and K-delic analogues of the rank 2 integral structure of adeles as introduced by Fesenko. Chapter 3 is related to the multiple loop space nature of the additive group of higher local fields. As a residue over C is usually expressed as an integral over a loop, the multidimensional residue should always arise as a special case of integration. While we have not established such a link, this question has certainly been an inspiration and links to Fesenko's theory of higher integration and potential connections to physics.
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On the exceptional zeros of p-adic L-functions associated to modular formsOrton, Louisa January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Modular forms and elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fieldsLingham, Mark Peter January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to an ongoing project to understand the correspondence between cusp forms, for imaginary quadratic fields, and elliptic curves. This contribution mainly takes the form of developing explicit constructions and computing particular examples. It is hoped that as well as being of interest in themselves, they will be helpful in guiding future theoretical developments. Cremona [7] began the programme of extending the classical techniques using modular symbols to the case of imaginary quadratic fields. He was followed by two of his students Whitley [25] and Bygott [5]. Together they have covered the cases where the class number of the field is equal to 1 or 2. This thesis extends their work to treat all fields of odd class number. It describes an algorithm, which holds for any such field, for determining the space of cusp forms, and for computing the eigenforms and eigenvalues for the action of the Hecke algebra on this space. The approach, using modular symbols, closely follows the work of the previous authors, but new techniques and theoretical simplifcations are obtained which hold in the case considered. All of the algorithms presented in this thesis have been implemented in a computer algebra package, Magma [3], and the results obtained for the fields Q(sqrt(-23)) and Q(sqrt(-31)) are included.
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Διατήρηση κλάσεων πεπερασμένων ορίων από αριστερές επεκτάσεις KanΠροτσώνης, Γρηγόρης 31 August 2012 (has links)
Mελετάμε το πρόβλημα της διατήρησης κάποιας κλάσης πεπερασμένων ορίων από την αριστερή επέκταση Kan ενός συναρτητή. Παρουσιάζουμε αρχικά την περίπτωση για συναρτητές που λαμβάνουν τιμές στην κατηγορία των συνόλων. Η περίπτωση αυτή έχει μελετηθεί στην βιβλιογραφια, και ο χαρακτηρισμός τέτοιων επεκτάσεων Kan έχει να κάνει με την έννοια της επιπεδότητας του συναρτητή. Παρατηρώντας ότι η έννοια της επιπεδότητας μπορεί να ερμηνευτεί (με όρους εσωτερικής λογικής) σε μία κατηγορία η οποία είναι εφοδιασμένη με μία τοπολογία Grothendieck, μελετάμε το πρόβλημα στην γενικότητά του. Καθοριστικό ρόλο στην μελέτη μας, παίζει η έννοια του καθορισμένου συνορίου. Με αυτά τα εργαλεία καταλήγουμε σε ικανές και αναγκαίες συνθήκες για την διατήρηση πεπερασμένων γινομένων, πεπερασμένων συνεκτικών ορίων και όλων των πεπερασμένων ορίων από την αριστερή επέκταση Kan ενός συναρτητή που λαμβάνει τιμές σε μια κατηγορία η οποία είναι εφοδιασμένη με μία υποκανονική τοπολογία Grothendieck. Τέλος μελετάμε και την περίπτωση διατήρησης μονομορφισμών από αριστερές επεκτάσεις Kan μεταξύ αλγεβρικών κατηγοριών. / We study the problem of preservation of some classes of finite limits from the left Kan extension of a functor. Initially we present the case where the functor takes values in the category of sets. This case has been studied in the literature, and the characterization of such Kan extensions is related with the notion of flatness. Observing that the notion o flatness can be interpreted (with terms of internal logic) in a category which is equipped with a Grothendieck topology, we study the problem in its generality. Crucial role plays the notion of postulated colimit. With those tools, we conclude necessary and sufficient conditions for the preservation of finite products, of finite connected limits and all the finite limits from the left Kan extension of a functor which takes values into a category which is equipped with a subcanonical Grothendieck topology. Finally we study the case of preservation of monomorphisms from certain Kan extensions between algebraic categories.
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Correspondance de Jacquet-Langlands et distinction / Jacquet-Langlands correspondence and distinguishnessConiglio-Guilloton, Charlène 11 July 2014 (has links)
Soit K/F une extension quadratique modérément ramifiée de corps locaux non archimédiens. Soit GLm (D) une forme intérieure de GLn (F) et GLμ (∆) = (Mm (D) ⊗ K)× . Alors GLμ (∆) est une forme intérieure de GLn (K), les quotients GLμ (∆)/GLm (D) et GLn (K)/GLn (F) sont des espaces symétriques. En utilisant la paramétrisation de Silberger et Zink, nous déterminons des critères de GLm (D)-distinction pour les cuspidales de niveau 0 de GLμ (∆), puis nous prouvons qu’une cuspidale de niveau 0 de GLn (K) est GLn (F)-distinguée si et seulement si son image par la correspondance de Jacquet-Langlands est GLm (D)-distinguée. Puis, dans le cas particulier où μ = 2 et m = 1, nous regardons le cas des séries discrètes de niveau 0 non cuspidales, en utilisant le système de coefficients sur l’immeuble associé à la représentation, donné par Schneider et Stuhler. / Let K/F be a tamely ramified quadratic extension of non-archimedean locally compact fields. Let GLm (D) be an inner form of GLn (F) and GLμ (∆) = (Mm (D)⊗K)× . Then GLμ (∆) is an inner form of GLn (K), the quotients GLμ (∆)/GLm (D) and GLn (K)/GLn (F) are symmetric spaces. Using the parametrization of Silberger and Zink, we determine conditions of GLm (D)-distinction for level zero cuspidal representations of GLμ (∆). We also show that a level zero cuspidal representation of GLn (K) is GLn (F)-distinguished if and only if its image by the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence is GLm (D)-distinguished. Then, we treat the case of level zero non supercuspidal representations when μ = 2 and m = 1 using the coefficient system of the Bruhat-Tits building associated to the representation by Schneider and Stuhler.
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Faisceau automorphe unipotent pour G₂, nombres de Franel, et stratification de Thom-Boardman / Unipotent automorphic sheaf for G₂, Franel numbers, and Thom-Boardman stratificationYe, Lizao 27 September 2019 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, d’une part, nous généralisons au cas équivariant un résultat de J. Denef et F. Loeser sur les sommes trigonométriques sur un tore ; d’autre part, nous étudions la stratification de Thom-Boardman associée à la multiplication des sections globales des fibrés en droites sur une courbe. Nous montrons une inégalité subtile sur les dimensions de ces strates. Notre motivation vient du programme de Langlands géométrique. En s’appuyant sur les travaux de W. T. Gan, N. Gurevich, D. Jiang et de S. Lysenko, nous proposons, pour le groupe réductif G de type G2, une construction conjecturale du faisceau automorphe dont le paramètre d’Arthur est unipotent et sous-régulier. En utilisant nos deux résultats ci-dessus, nous déterminons les rangs génériques de toutes les composantes isotypiques d’un faisceau S₃-équivariant qui apparaît dans notre conjecture, ce S₃ étant le centralisateur du SL2 sous-régulier dans le groupe dual de Langlands de G. / In this thesis, on the one hand, we generalise to the equivariant case a result of J. Denef and F. Loeser about trigonometric sums on tori ; on the other hand, we study the Thom-Boardman stratification associated to the multiplication of global sections of line bundles on a curve. We prove a subtle inequaliity about the dimensions of these strata. Our motivation comes from the geometric Langlands program. Based on works of W. T. Gan, N. Gurevich, D. Jiang and S. Lysenko, we propose, for the reductive group G of type G2, a conjectural construction of the automorphic sheaf whose Arthur parameter is unipotent and sub-regular. Using our two results above, we determine the generic ranks of all isotypic components of an S3-equivaraint sheaf which appears in our conjecture, this S3 being the centraliser of the sub-regular SL2 inside the Langlands dual group of G.
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Cohomologie d'espaces fibrés au-dessus de l'immeuble affine de GL(N) / Cohomology of fiber spaces over the affine building of GL(N)Rajhi, Anis 01 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de deux parties : dans la première on donne une généralisation d'espaces fibrés construit au-dessus de l'arbre de Bruhat-Tits du groupe GL(2) sur un corps p-adique. Plus précisément, on a construit une tour projective d'espaces fibrés au-dessus du 1-squelette de l'immeuble de Bruhat-Tits de GL(n) sur un corps p-adique. On a montré que toute représentation cuspidale π de GL(n) se plonge avec multiplicité 1 dans le premier espace de cohomologie à support compact du k-ième étage de la tour, où k est le conducteur de π. Dans la deuxième partie on a construit un espace W au-dessus de la subdivision barycentrique de l'immeuble de Bruhat-Tits de GL(n) sur un corps p-adique. Pour étudier les espaces de cohomologie à support compact d'un G-complexe simplicial propre X muni d'un recouvrement équivariant assez particulier, où G est un groupe localement compact totalement discontinu, on a montré l'existence d'une suite spactrale dans la catégorie des représentations lisses de G qui converge vers la cohomologie à support compact de X. En s'appuyant sur ce dernier résultat, on a calculé la cohomologie à support compact de l'espace W comme représentation lisse de GL(n) puis on a montrer que les types cuspidaux de niveau 0 de GL(n) apparaissent avec multiplicité fini dans la cohomologie de certain complexes fini construit au niveau résiduel. Comme conséquence, on montre que les représentations cuspidales de niveau 0 de GL(n) apparaissent dans la cohomologie de W. / This thesis consists of two parts: the first one gives a generalization of fiber spaces constructed above the Bruhat-Tits tree of the group GL(2) over a p-adic field. More precisely we construct a projective tower of spaces over the 1-skeleton of the Bruhat-Tits building of GL(n) over a p-adic field. We show that any cuspidal representation π of GL(n) embeds with multiplicity 1 in the first cohomology space with compact support of k-th floor of the tower, where k is the conductor of π. In the second part we constructed a space W above the barycentric subdivision of the Bruhat-Tits building of GL(n) over a p-adic field. To study the cohomology spaces with compact support of a proper G-simplicial complex X with a rather special equivariant covering, where G is a totally disconnected locally compact group, we show the existence of a spactrale sequence in the category of smooth representations of G that converges to the cohomology with compact support of X. Based on the latter results, we calculate the cohomology with compact support of W as smooth representation of GL(n), and then we show that the level zero cuspidal types of GL(n) appear with finite multiplicity in the cohomology of some finite simplicial complexes constructed in residual level. As a consequence, we show that the cuspidal representations of level 0 of GL(n) appear in the cohomology of W.
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