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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evolution of dark and luminous structure in massive early-type galaxies

Oldham, Lindsay Joanna January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I develop and combine strong lensing and dynamical probes of the mass of early-type galaxies (ETGs) in order to improve our understanding of their dark and luminous mass structure and evolution. Firstly, I demonstrate that the dark matter halo of our nearest brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), M87, is centrally cored relative to the predictions of dark-matter-only models, and suggest an interpretation of this result in terms of dynamical heating due to the infall of satellite galaxies. Conversely, I find that the haloes of a sample of 12 field ETGs are strongly cusped, consistent with adiabatic contraction models due to the initial infall of gas. I suggest an explanation for these differences in which the increased rate of merging and accretion experienced by ETGs in dense environments leads to increased amounts of halo heating and expansion, such that the signature of the halo's initial contraction is erased in BCGs but retained in more isolated systems. Secondly, I find evidence that the stellar-mass-to-light ratio declines with increasing radius in both field and cluster ETGs. With M87, I show that the strength of this gradient cannot be explained by trends in stellar metallicity or age if the stellar initial mass function (IMF) is spatially uniform, but that an IMF which becomes increasing bottom-heavy towards the galaxy centre can fully reproduce the inference on the stellar mass. Finally, I use the sizes, stellar masses and luminous structures of two samples of massive ETGs at redshift z ~ 0.6 to set constraints on the mechanisms of ETG growth. I find that ETGs in dense cluster environments already lie on the local size-mass relation at this redshift, contrary to their isolated counterparts, and suggest that this may be evidence for their accelerated growth at early times due to the higher incidence of merger events in clusters. I also show that massive compact ETGs at this redshift are composed of a compact, red, spheroidal core surrounded by a more extended, diffuse, bluer envelope, which may be a structural imprint of their ongoing inside-out growth. Overall, the studies presented in this thesis suggest a coherent scenario for ETG evolution which is dominated by hierarchical processes.

Dark energy and modified theories of gravity

Lima, Nelson Daniel de Aguiar January 2017 (has links)
It is now a consolidated fact that our Universe is undergoing an accelerated expansion. According to Einstein's General Relativity, if the main constituents of our Universe were ordinary and cold dark matter, then we would expect it to be contracting and collapsing due to matter's attractive nature. The simplest explanation we have for this acceleration is in the form of a component with a negative ratio of pressure to density equal to -1 known as cosmological constant, Λ , presently dominating over baryonic and cold dark matter. However, the Λ Cold Dark Matter (Λ CDM) model suffers from a well known fine tuning problem. This led to the formulation of dark energy and modified gravity theories as alternatives to the problem of cosmic acceleration. These theories either include additional degrees of freedom, higher-order equations of motion, extra dimensionalities or imply non-locality. In this thesis we focus on single field scalar tensor theories embedded within Horndeski gravity. Even though there is currently doubt on their ability to explain cosmic acceleration without having a bare cosmological constant on their action, the degree of freedom they introduce mediates an additional fifth force. And while this force has to suppressed on Solar system scales, it can have interesting and observable effects on cosmological scales. Over the next decade there is a surge of surveys that will improve the understanding of our Universe on the largest scales. Hence, in this work, we take several different modified gravity theories and study their impact on cosmological observables. We will analyze the dynamics of linear perturbations on these theories and clearly highlight how they deviate from Λ CDM, allowing to break the degeneracy at the background level. We will also study the evolution of the gravitational potentials on sub horizon scales and provide simplified expressions at this regime and, for some models, obtain constraints using the latest data.

A complete study of radio galaxies at z ~ 0.5

Herbert, Peter David January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I investigate the hosts and cluster environments of a sample of 41 radio galaxies between z = 0.4 and z = 0.6. I use spectroscopic data for a 24 object subsample to investigate their star formation histories via the strength of the 4000A break. I find that the higher radio luminosity or high excitation objects in the sample have evidence for young stellar populations, but the lower radio luminosity or low excitation objects do not. My investigations into the Fundamental Plane (FP) of 18 of the radio galaxies, using the same spectroscopic data as well as data from the literature, show that the Fanaroff- Riley type I objects (FRIs) lie on the FP of local radio galaxies once corrected for passive evolution but the Fanaroff-Riley type II objects (FRIIs) do not. I suggest that an evolution in the size of the host galaxies, aided by a combination of passive evolution and a mass-dependent evolution in the mass-to-light ratios, may explain the observed offsets. Finally, I use wide field multi-band imaging to investigate the cluster environments of the full z ~ 0.5 sample. I find that the environmental overdensity is positively correlated with the radio luminosity and observe a greater number of close companions around the FRIIs than the FRIs (albeit with only nine FRIs in the sample). The cluster environments of the radio galaxies with the greatest host luminosities show tentative evidence for an alignment between the major axis of a galaxy and that of its cluster, whilst there are hints that the objects with the highest radio luminosities have clusters whose major axis is aligned with the position angle of the radio jet. My results suggest a picture in which FRII type radio sources reside in particularly rich cluster environments at z ~ 0.5 but FRI type radio sources in less rich environments. The environment plays a key role in determining both the radio properties of the galaxy and the evolution of its host. The effect of the environment on the emission line properties and star formation histories of the galaxies leads to the overlap seen in the morphological and spectral properties of radio galaxies.

The star formation history of early-type galaxies

Schawinski, Kevin January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Clustering redshift : une nouvelle fenêtre sur l'univers / Clustering redshifts : a new window through the Universe

Scottez, Vivien 21 September 2015 (has links)
Les principaux objectifs de cette thèse sont de valider, consolider et développer une nouvelle méthode permettant de mesurer la distribution en redshift d'un échantillon de galaxies. Là où les méthodes actuelles - redshifts spectroscopiques et photométriques - sont toutes liées à l'étude de la distribution d'énergie spectrale des sources extragalactiques, l'approche ici présentée repose sur les propriétés d'agrégation des galaxies entre elles. En effet l'agrégation (clustering en anglais) des galaxies due à la gravité leur confère une distribution spatiale - et angulaire - particulière. La méthode des clustering redshifts utilise cette propriété particulière d'agrégation entre une population de galaxies dont le redshift est inconnu et un échantillon d'objets de référence afin de déprojeter l'information et de reconstruire la distribution en redshift de la population inconnue. On peut s'attendre à ce que les systématiques de cette approche soient différentes de celles des méthodes existantes qui elles s'intéressent à la distribution spectrale d'énergie (SED) des galaxies. Ce type d'approche répond à un réel besoin de la part de la communauté scientifique dans le cadre des grands projets d'observations tels que la mission Euclid de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA). Après avoir situé le contexte scientifique général et avoir mis en évidence le rôle crucial de la mesure des distances en astronomie, je présente les outils statistiques généralement utilisés dans le cadre de l'étude de la répartition de la matière dans l'Univers ainsi que leur modification afin de pouvoir mesurer des distributions en redshift. Après avoir validé cette approche sur un type d'objets extragalactiques particuliers, j'ai ensuite étendu son application à l'ensemble des galaxies existantes. J'ai ensuite exploré la précision et les systématiques affectant ces mesures dans un cas idéal. Puis, je m'en suis éloigné de façon à me trouver en situation réelle. J'ai également poussé plus loin cette analyse et montré que les objets de référence utilisés lors de la mesure n'ont pas besoin de constituer un échantillon dont la magnitude limite est représentative de la population de redshift inconnu. Cette propriété constitue un avantage considérable pour l'utilisation de cette approche dans le cadre des futurs grands projets observationnels comme la mission spatiale Euclid. Pour finir, je résume mes principaux résultats et présente certains de mes futurs projets. / The main goals of this thesis are to validate, consolidate and develop a new method to measure the redshift distribution of a sample of galaxies. Where current methods - spectroscopic and photometric redshifts - rely on the study of the spectral energy distribution of extragalactic sources, the approach presented here is based on the clustering properties of galaxies. Indeed clustering of galaxies caused by gravity gives them a particular spatial - and angular - distribution. In this clustering redshift approach, we use this particular property between a galaxies sample of unknown redshifts and a galaxies sample of reference to reconstruct the redshift distribution of the unknown population. Thus, possible systematics in this approach should be independent of those existing in other methods. This new method responds to a real need from the scientific community in the context of large dark imaging experiments such as the Euclid mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). After introducing the general scientific context and having highlighted the crucial role of distance measurements in astronomy, I present the statistical tools generally used to study the large scale structure of the Universe as well as their modification to infer redshift distributions. After validating this approach on a particular type of extragalactic objects, I generalized its application to all types of galaxies. Then, I explored the precision and some systematic effects by conducting an ideal case study. Thus, I performed a real case study. I also pushed further this analysis and found that the reference sample used in the measurement does not need to have the same limiting magnitude than the population of unknown redshift. This property is a great advantage for the use of this approach in the context of large imaging dark energy experiments like the Euclid space mission. Finally, I summarize my main results and present some of my future projects.

Inferring the photometric and size evolution of galaxies from image simulations / Inférence de l'évolution photométrique et en taille des galaxies au moyen d'images simulées

Carassou, Sébastien 20 October 2017 (has links)
Les contraintes actuelles sur l'évolution en luminosité et en taille des galaxies dépendent de catalogues multi-bandes extraits de relevés d'imagerie. Mais ces catalogues sont altérés par des effets de sélection difficiles à modéliser et pouvant mener à des résultats contradictoires s'ils ne sont pas bien pris en compte. Dans cette thèse nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode pour inférer des contraintes robustes sur les modèles d'évolution des galaxies. Nous utilisons un modèle empirique générant une distribution de galaxies synthétiques à partir de paramètres physiques. Ces galaxies passent par un simulateur d'image émulant les propriétés instrumentales de n'importe quel relevé et sont extraites de la même façon que les données observées pour une comparaison directe. L'écart entre vraies et fausses données est minimisé via un échantillonnage basé sur des chaînes de Markov adaptatives. A partir de donnée synthétiques émulant les propriétés du Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) Deep, nous démontrons la cohérence interne de notre méthode en inférant les distributions de taille et de luminosité et leur évolution de plusieurs populations de galaxies. Nous comparons nos résultats à ceux obtenus par la méthode classique d'ajustement de la distribution spectrale d'énergie (SED) et trouvons que notre pipeline infère efficacement les paramètres du modèle en utilisant seulement 3 filtres, et ce plus précisément que par ajustement de la SED à partir des mêmes observables. Puis nous utilisons notre pipeline sur une fraction d'un champ du CFHTLS Deep pour contraindre ces mêmes paramètres. Enfin nous soulignons le potentiel et les limites de cette méthode. / Current constraints on the luminosity and size evolution of galaxies rely on catalogs extracted from multi-band surveys. However resulting catalogs are altered by selection effects difficult to model and that can lead to conflicting predictions if not taken into account properly. In this thesis we have developed a new approach to infer robust constraints on model parameters. We use an empirical model to generate a set of mock galaxies from physical parameters. These galaxies are passed through an image simulator emulating the instrumental characteristics of any survey and extracted in the same way as from observed data for direct comparison. The difference between mock and observed data is minimized via a sampling process based on adaptive Monte Carlo Markov Chain methods. Using mock data matching most of the properties of a Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey Deep (CFHTLS Deep) field, we demonstrate the robustness and internal consistency of our approach by inferring the size and luminosity functions and their evolution parameters for realistic populations of galaxies. We compare our results with those obtained from the classical spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting method, and find that our pipeline infers the model parameters using only 3 filters and more accurately than SED fitting based on the same observables. We then apply our pipeline to a fraction of a real CFHTLS Deep field to constrain the same set of parameters in a way that is free from systematic biases. Finally, we highlight the potential of this technique in the context of future surveys and discuss its drawbacks.

Dissipative effects in the Early Universe

Metcalf, Thomas Patrick January 2015 (has links)
Inflationary cosmology is the leading candidate for explaining the homogeneity, isotropy and spatial flatness of the universe whilst also providing the mechanism for the seeding of large scale structure. The central theme of inflationary dynamics involves the evolution of a scalar field, called the inflaton, such that its potential drives an accelerated expansion. Warm inflation is the dynamical realization in which interactions between the inflaton and other fields can lead to dissipation of inflaton energy to other dynamical degrees of freedom. Heavy fields coupled to the inflaton mediate the transfer of inflaton energy to light degrees of freedom which thermalize and heat the universe. This damps the inflaton’s motion and allows for the potential formation of a thermal bath during the inflationary period. Hybrid inflation models are a natural way in which warm inflation can be realized, with dissipation of inflaton energy mediated by the waterfall fields to fields in the light sector. In this thesis I outline the dynamics and observational predictions of supersymmetric hybrid inflation driven by radiative corrections in the warm regime. As in the standard cold inflationary scenario inflation ends when the effective mass squared of the waterfall field becomes negative, with the tachyonic instability driving the system to a global minimum in a process called the waterfall transition. I present the effect of including thermal mass corrections to the waterfall fields, and SUSY mass splittings on the quantum effective potential and the resulting dissipation coefficient. I show that including dissipative effects can significantly prolong the inflationary period to produce 50-60 e-folds of inflation with an observationally consistent primordial spectrum. Inflation still requires a microphysical description within a fundamental theory of quantum gravity. This has prompted the search for inflaton candidates within the superabundance of scalar fields present in string theory compactifications, with brane-antibrane inflation in particular emerging as a concrete implementation of SUSY hybrid inflation in a UV complete particle physics model. Inflation proceeds in a brane-antibrane system through the movement of a stack of branes towards a stack of antibranes, with the inflaton field being the interbrane distance. Warm inflation can be implemented in a brane-antibrane system with dissipation of inflaton energy mediated by fields corresponding to strings stretched between the brane and antibrane stacks. It has been shown that this dissipation of inflaton energy in warm inflation can greatly alleviate the η-problem in brane-antibrane scenarios. Whilst these strings mediating dissipation have end points fixed on to both the D3 and D3 stacks, the compact nature of the geometry within which the system is constructed allows these strings to have different winding modes. We investigated how strings with increasing winding number can provide an enhancement to the dissipation coefficient, allowing a significant reduction in the number of branes and antibranes in the warm inflation system, whilst also modifying the inflationary dynamics by reducing the speed at which the system evolves. This may go some way to alleviating the η-problem associated with some constructions of brane-antibrane inflation whilst also potentially providing the best way to motivate the large field multiplicities associated with warm inflation models.

(Sub)millimetre-selected galaxies and the cosmic star-formation history

Koprowski, Maciej Piotr January 2015 (has links)
Understanding the time evolution of the star formation in the Universe is one of the main aims of observational astronomy. Since a significant portion of the UV starlight is being absorbed by dust and re-emitted in the IR, we need to understand both of those regimes to properly describe the cosmic star formation history. In UV, the depth and the resolution of the data permits calculations of the star formation rate densities out to very high redshifts (z ∼ 8 − 9). In IR however, the large beam sizes and the relatively shallow data limits these calculations to z ∼ 2. In this thesis, I explore the SMA and PdBI high-resolution follow-up of 30 bright sources originally selected by AzTEC and LABOCA instruments at 1.1 mm and 870 μm respectively in conjunction with the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS) deep COSMOS and wide UDS maps, where 106 and 283 sources were detected, with the signal-to-noise ratio of > 5 and > 3.5 at 850 μm respectively. I find that the (sub)mm-selected galaxies reside and the mean redshifts of ¯z ≃ 2.5±0.05 with the exception of the brightest sources which seem to lie at higher redshifts (¯z ≃ 3.5 ± 0.2), most likely due to the apparent correlation of the (sub)mm flux with redshift, where brighter sources tend to lie at higher redshifts. Stellar masses, M⋆, and star formation rates, SFRs, were found (M⋆ & 1010M⊙ and SFR & 100M⊙ yr−1) and used to calculate the specific SFRs. I determine that the (sub)mm-selected sources mostly lie on the high-mass end of the star formation ‘main-sequence’ which makes them a high-mass extension of normal star forming galaxies. I also find that the specific SFR slightly evolves at redshifts 2−4, suggesting that the efficiency of the star formation seems to be increasing at these redshifts. Using the S2CLS data, the bolometric IR luminosity functions (IR LFs) were found for a range of redshifts z = 1.2 − 4.2 and the contribution of the SMGs to the total star formation rate density (SFRD) was calculated. The IR LFs were found to evolve out to redshift ∼ 2.5. The star formation activity in the Universe was found to peak at z ≃ 2 followed by a slight decline. Assuming the IR to total SFRD correction found in the literature the SFRD found in this work closely follows the best-fitting function of Madau & Dickinson (2014).

The interplay between stellar feedback and galactic environment in molecular clouds

Rey Raposo, Ramon January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we address the problem of understanding the star formation process in giant molecular clouds in a galactic context. Most simulations of molecular clouds to date use an oversimplified set of initial conditions (turbulent spheres/boxes or colliding flows). Full galactic scale models are able to generate molecular clouds with complex morphologies and velocity fields but they fail to reproduce in detail the effects that occur at sub-pc scales (e.g. stellar feedback). Our goal is to build the bridge between these two scenarios, and to model the star formation process in molecular clouds produced in a galactic context. We extract our molecular clouds from full-scale galactic simulations, hence we need to increase the resolution by two orders of magnitude. We introduce the details of the program used to simulate molecular clouds in Chapter 2, and describe in detail the method we follow to increase the resolution of the galactic clouds. In Chapter 3 we compare our simulated galactic clouds with the more conventional approach of using turbulent spheres. We create turbulent spheres to match the virial state of three galactic clouds. We perform isothermal simulations and find that the velocity field inherited from the full-scale galactic simulations plays an important role in the star formation process. Clouds affected by strong galactic shear produce less stars compared with clouds that are compressed. We define (and test) a set of parameters to characterise the dynamical state of our clouds. To include stellar feedback in our simulations we need to introduce a cooling/heating algorithm. In Chapter 4 we analyse how the different velocity fields of our clouds change the temperature distribution even in the absence of feedback. To study the formation of molecules we need to model the chemistry of H2 in our clouds. We also add CO chemistry, and produce synthetic observations of our clouds. The effect of feedback from winds and supernovae in galactic clouds is studied in Chapter 5. We analyse the effect of winds in clouds with very different velocity fields. We find that the effect of winds is stronger in highly virialised, high star forming clouds, with clouds with weak galactic shear, compared to unbound shear-dominated clouds. The steady and continuous action of the winds appears to have a greater effect than the supernovae. In summary, the inherited properties from the galaxy have an impact on many relevant processes in star formation, influencing gravitational collapse, the formation of filamentary structures, the temperature field of the cloud, and have a considerable effect on the impact of feedback in the clouds.

Cosmology with CMB and large scale structure

Ma, Yin-Zhe January 2011 (has links)
Cosmology has become a precision science due to a wealth of new precise data from various astronomical observations. It is therefore important, from a methodological point of view, to develop new statistical and numerical tools to study the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation and Large Scale Structure (LSS), in order to test different models of the Universe. This is the main aim of this thesis. The standard inflationary -dominated Cold Dark Matter ( CDM) model is based on the premise that the Universe is statistically isotropic and homogeneous. This premise needs to be rigorously tested observationally. We study the angular correlation function C(θ) of the CMB sky using the WMAP 5-year data, and find that the low-multipoles can be reconstructed from the data outside the sky cut. We apply a Bayesian analysis and find that S1/2 statistic (S1/2 = R [C(θ)]2d cos θ, used by various investigators as a measure of correlations at large angular scales) cannot exclude the predictions of the CDM model. We clarify some issues concerning estimation of correlations on large angular scales and their interpretation. To test for deviation from statistical isotropy, we develop a quadratic maximum likelihood estimator which we apply to simulated Planck maps. We show that the temperature maps from Planck mission should be able to constrain the amplitude of any spherical multipole of a scaleinvariant quadrupole asymmetry at the 1% level (2σ). In addition, polarization maps are also precise enough to provide complimentary constraints. We also develop a method to search for the direction of asymmetry, if any, in Planck maps. B-mode polarisation of the CMB provides another important test of models of the early Universe. Different classes of models, such as single-field inflation, loop quantum cosmology and cosmic strings give speculative but testable predictions. We find that the current ground-based experiments such as BICEP, already provided fairly tight constraints on these models. We investigate how these constraints might be improved with future observations (e.g. Planck, Spider). In addition to the CMB related research, this thesis investigates how peculiar velocity fields can be used to constrain theoretical models of LSS. It has been argued that there are large bulk flows on scales of & 50 Mpc/h. If true, these results are in tension with the predictions of the CDM model. We investigate a possible explanation for this result: the unsubtracted intrinsic dipole on the CMB sky may source this apparent flow, leading to the illusion of the tilted Universe. Under the assumption of a superhorizon isocurvature fluctuation, the constraints on the tilted velocity require that inflation lasts at least 6 e-folds longer (at the 95% confidence interval) than that required to solve the horizon problem. Finally, we investigate Cosmic Mach Number (CMN), which quantifies the ratio between the mean velocity and the velocity dispersion of galaxies. We find that CMN is highly sensitive to the growth of structure on scales (10, 150) Mpc/h, and can therefore be used to test modified gravity models and neutrino masses. With future CMN data, it should be possible to constrain the growth factor of linear perturbation, as well as the sum of the neutrino mass to high accuracy.

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