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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bubble and droplet flow phenomena at different gravity levels

Suñol Galofré, Francesc 19 July 2011 (has links)
Two-phase flows are encountered in a wide range of applications both on-ground and in space. The dynamics of such flows in the absence of gravity is completely different from that in normal gravity due to the absence of buoyancy forces. A deeper understanding of the behavior of multiphase flows is essential in order to improve the operation of devices which require the use of two-phase systems. Analytical and experimental work is still needed for enhancing the control of two-phase flows, due to the theoretical complexity and the lack of experimental data for certain configurations. In this work, the behavior of two-phase flows has been studied experimentally in normal gravity and in microgravity conditions. In particular, the single-jet configuration has been investigated for bubbly jets and droplet jets. Dynamics of individual bubbles and droplets as well as the global structure of the jets has been considered. The opposed-jet configuration has been investigated for bubbly flows. Different separation between jets and orientation angles have been studied in normal gravity, and the obtained results have been compared to the microgravity case. A numerical model has been implemented to study single-phase jet impingement and opposed bubbly jets at different gravity levels. Good qualitative agreement between the simulations and the experiments has been obtained. The bubble bouncing process, prior to coalescence, after collision with a flat free surface has been also studied experimentally in normal gravity conditions. The results presented in this work will help to improve the general understanding of two-phase flows in normal gravity and in microgravity conditions, with general applications on mixing devices, environmental and propulsion systems.

Characterizing and witnessing multipartite correlations : from nonlocality to contextuality

Sainz, Ana Belén 10 February 2014 (has links)
In the past century, experimental discoveries have witnessed phenomena in Nature which challenge our everyday classical intuition. In order to explain these facts, quantum theory was developed, which so far has been able to reproduce the observed results. However, I believe that our understanding of quantum mechanics can be significantly improved by the search for an operational meaning behind its mathematical formulation, which would help to identify the limitations and possibilities of the theory for information processing. An intriguing property of quantum theory is its intrinsic randomness. Indeed, Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in 1935 questioned the completeness of quantum theory. They argued the possibility of the existence of a complete theory where variables to which we have not access determine the behaviour of physical systems, and the randomness observed in quantum mechanics is then due to our ignorance of these variables. These hidden variables theories, however, were proved not to be enough for explaining the predictions of quantum theory, as shown in the no-go theorems by Bell on quantum-nonlocality and by Kochen and Specker on quantum-contextuality. In the past decades, many experiments have corroborated the nonlocal and contextual character of Nature. However, no intuition behind these phenomena has been found, in particular about what limits their strength. In fact, special relativity alone would allow for phenomena which are more nonlocal than what quantum theory allows. Hence, much effort has been devoted to find the physical properties of quantum theory that restricts these phenomena. In this thesis, we study the constraints that arise on nonlocal and contextual phenomena when a certain exclusiveness structure compatible with quantum theory is imposed in the space of events. Here, an event denotes the situation where an outcome is obtained given that a measurement is performed on the physical system. Regarding nonlocality, we introduce a notion of orthogonality that states that events involving different outcomes of the same local measurement are exclusive, and construct constraints that the correlations among observers should satisfy. We denote this by Local Orthogonality principle (LO), which is the first intrinsically multipartite principle for bounding quantum correlations. We prove that LO identifies the supra-quantum character of some bipartite and multipartite correlations, and gets close to the quantum boundary. When studying contextuality, the same abstract event may correspond to outcomes of different measurements, which introduces a non-trivial structure in the space of events. For its study, we develop a general formalism for contextuality scenarios in the spirit of the recent approach by Cabello, Severini and Winter. In our framework, nonlocality arises as a particular case of contextuality, which allows us to study a generalization of LO. Both in nonlocality and contextuality, we find close connections to problems in combinatorics and hence use graph-theoretical tools for studying correlations. Finally, this thesis also studies the detection of nonlocal correlations. Most results on quantum nonlocality focus on few particles' experiments, while less is known about the detection of quantum nonlocality in many-body systems. Standard many-body observables involve correlations among few particles, while there is still no multipartite Bell inequality to test nonlocality merely from these data. In this thesis, we provide the first proposal for nonlocality detection in many-body systems using two-body correlations. We construct families of Bell inequalities from two-body correlators, which can detect nonlocality for systems with large number of constituents. In addition, we prove violations by systems which are relevant in nuclear and atomic physics, and show how to test these inequalities by measuring global spin components, hence opening the problem to experimental realizations.

Numerical modeling of anisotropic granular media

Kanzaki Cabrera, Takeichi 29 November 2013 (has links)
Granular materials are multi-particle systems involved in many industrial process and everyday life. The mechanical behavior of granular media such as sand, coffee beans, planetary rings and powders are current challenging tasks. In the last years, these systems have been widely examined experimentally, analytically and numerically, and they continue producing relevant and unexpected results. Despite the fact that granular media are often composed of grains with anisotropic shapes like rice, lentils or pills, most experimental and theoretical studies have concerned spherical particles. The aim of this thesis has been to examine numerically the behavior of granular media composted by spherical and non-spherical particles. Our numerical implementations have permitted the description of the macroscopic properties of mechanically stable granular assemblies, which have been experimentally examined in a framework of the projects "Estabilidad y dinámica de medios granulares anisótropos" (FIS2008- 06034-C02-02) University of Girona and "Interacciones entre partículas y emergencia de propiedades macroscópicas en medios granulares" (FIS2008-06034-C02-01) University of Navarra / Els materials granulars són sistemes de moltes partícules implicats en diversos processos industrials i en la nostra vida quotidiana. El comportament mecànic de conjunts granulars, com la sorra, grans de cafè, anells o pols planetàries, representa actualment un repte per a la ciència. En els últims anys aquests sistemes s’han estudiat àmpliament de forma experimental, analítica i numèrica. De totes maneres, avui dia es continuen obtenint resultats rellevants, i en moltes ocasions, inesperats. Malgrat el fet que els materials granulars sovint estan compostos per grans amb forma anisotròpica, com l’arròs, les llenties o les píndoles, la majoria dels estudis experimentals i teòrics se centren en partícules esfèriques. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi ha estat analitzar numèricament el comportament dels mitjans granulars compostos per partícules esfèriques i no esfèriques. Els mètodes numèrics implementats han permès la descripció de les propietats macroscòpiques de piles i columnes granulars, que s’han estudiat experimentalment en el marc dels projectes "Estabilidad y dinámica de medios granulares anisótropos" (FIS2008-06034-C02- 02) de la Universitat de Girona i "Interacciones entre partículas y emergencia de propiedades macroscópicas en medios granulares" (FIS2008-06034-C02- 01) de la Universitat de Navarra

Influencia de los componentes parásitos en el análisis y diseño de inversores resonantes paralelo para aplicaciones de calentamiento por inducción

Esteve Gómez, Vicente 12 November 1999 (has links)
La aparición de nuevos dispositivos semiconductores de conmutación cada vez másrápidos y capaces junto con el uso de modernas técnicas de control ha permitido la mejora deparámetros básicos de los equipos industriales como son la fiabilidad, la seguridad y elrendimiento. En calentamiento por inducción, el uso de estos nuevos dispositivos ha permitidoademás el aumento de la potencia y frecuencia de funcionamiento con lo que se han evidenciadolos efectos perjudiciales que provocan las diversas magnitudes parásitas que aparecen en loscomponentes y conexiones de estos equipos. El presente trabajo se basa en el estudio de estosefectos y en el análisis y diseño de circuitos capaces de resolver los problemas que estos planteanen inversores resonantes paralelo para aplicaciones de calentamiento por inducción con el objetode aumentar su rendimiento y fiabilidad trabajando a altas frecuencias.En la actualidad la gama de frecuencias en las aplicaciones de calentamiento porinducción está cubierta mediante convertidores cuyas tecnologías han sido elegidas optimizandocriterios de coste, fiabilidad y rendimiento. A partir de algunas decenas de kilohercios elrendimiento y la fiabilidad de los convertidores con transistores IGBT baja haciendo aconsejablecubrir las aplicaciones en estas frecuencias con convertidores con transistores MOS.A continuación se muestra la situación que se puede alcanzar incorporando las técnicasque aquí se presentan. La gama de frecuencias de los convertidores con transistores IGBT seextiende hasta alcanzar los 100 kHz con lo que pueden sustituir en este segmento de frecuenciasa los transistores MOS reduciendo consecuentemente el coste del equipo. De un modo análogose incrementará la frecuencia de trabajo de los convertidores con transistor MOS que podránsustituir en la práctica totalidad de aplicaciones a los generadores con tubo electrónico.Seguidamente se hace un breve resumen de los contenidos de cada unos de los capítulosde esta memoria.El primer capítulo muestra una introducción al calentamiento por inducción dando unarelación de las necesidades de este sector industrial y las soluciones aportadas por la ElectrónicaIndustrial en el transcurso de los últimos años.Los equipos generadores utilizados en caldeo por inducción tienen como punto comúnque la carga es un circuito resonante. En el segundo capítulo se aborda el análisis y condicionesde carga de las distintas configuraciones resonantes paralelo así como la caracterización de loscomponentes básicos de los convertidores y el estudio de sus estructuras topológicas dando unaespecial atención a los circuitos inversores con carga resonante paralelo.Una vez caracterizados los circuitos de salida y definidas las topologías del convertidor,en el tercer capítulo se estudian los procesos de conmutación de los dispositivos conmutadoresen inversores con carga resonante paralelo para diferentes condiciones de funcionamiento. Estosprocesos se pueden mejorar con el uso de redes de ayuda a la conmutación cuyo funcionamientotambién será analizado. En este capítulo se introducen las técnicas del disparo de losconmutadores del inversor para conseguir conmutaciones suaves que reduzcan las pérdidas deconmutación permitiendo así la posibilidad de aumentar tanto la potencia como la frecuencia delconvertidor. El estudio de este sistema de control se hará en el cuarto capítulo y se completarámediante su modelización y estudio dinámico.En el capítulo quinto se estudiará el funcionamiento del inversor resonante paralelo encondiciones de cortocircuito exponiéndose los problemas que implica esta circunstancia y laefectividad de las soluciones propuestas.Finalmente, en los dos últimos capítulos se mostrarán los resultados experimentalesobtenidos sobre generadores con inversor resonante paralelo de alta frecuencia contransistores IGBT y MOS para calentamiento por inducción y la relación de aportaciones deeste trabajo. / The appearance of new devices more and more fast and capable switchingsemiconductors together with the use of modern control techniques has allowed the improvementof basic parameters of the industrial teams as they are the reliability, the security and theefficiency. In induction heating, the use of these new devices has allowed the increase of thepower and operation frequency. With this, the harmful effects that cause the parasitic magnitudesin the components and connections appears. The present work is based on the study of theseeffects and in the analysis and design of circuits able to solve the problems in parallel resonantinverters for induction heating applications in order to increasing its efficiency and reliabilityworking at high frequencies.Subsequently a brief summary of the contents is made of each one of the chapters of thismemory. The first chapter shows an introduction to the induction heating giving a relationship ofthe necessities of this industrial sector and the solutions contributed by the Industrial Electronicsin the course of the last years. In the second chapter it is approached the analysis and conditionsof load of the different configurations of the parallel resonant circuit as well as thecharacterisation of the basic components of the converters and the study of their structures. In thethird chapter the processes of commutation of the devices switches are studied in inverters withparallel resonant load for different operation conditions. The soft commutations techniques areintroduced to reduce the commutation losses allowing this way the possibility to increase asmuch the power as the frequency of the converter. The study of this control system will be madein the fourth chapter and it will be completed by means of its modelización and dynamic study.In the chapter fifth the parallel resonant investor's operation will be studied under short circuitconditions. Finally, in the last two chapters the experimental results obtained on generatorswith parallel resonant inverters of high frequency for induction heating will be shown.

Direct measurement of resonance driving terms in the super proton synchrotron (SPS) of cern using beam position monitors

Tomás García, Rogelio 30 May 2003 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en desarrollar un metodo para medir los terminos resonantes del Hamiltoniano de un acelerador mediante la transfomada de Fourier de la posicion del haz vuelta tras vuelta. Dos aspectos fundamentales de este metodo de medida son: el efecto de la decoherencia del haz en el espectro de Fourier y la variacion longitudinal de estos terminos resonantes. Ambos se estudian analiticamente y mediante simulaciones numericas. Con el fin de probar la validez de esta tecnica se realizaron experimentos en dos aceleradores de hadrones: el SPS del CERN y el RHIC del BNL. Por ultimo se estudia como utilizar dipolos AC para que esta tecnica no sea destructiva / The aim of this thesis is to develop a beam based method to measure the Hamiltonian terms of an accelerator by precise Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of turn-by-turn beam position data. The effect of beam decoherence on the turn-by-turn Fourier spectrum and the longitudinal variation of the resonance terms are studied analytically and via computer simulations. Experiments to validate the proposed technique are performed at the CERN SPS and at the RHIC of BNL. Finally, the improvement of replacing the single kicks by an AC dipole is analytically described

Producció de partícules a la factoria de Pions del GSI de Darmstadt

Ardid Ramírez, Miguel 17 December 2002 (has links)
Recentment s'ha instal·lat un feix secundari de pions al laboratori d'ions pesants GSI de Darmstadt (Alemanya) per a produir feixos de pions amb moment fins a 3 GeV/c. Aquesta és la primera vegada que feixos d'ions pesants són utilitzats per a aquesta finalitat. La tesi investiga la validesa d'aquest aspecte i estudia exhaustívament el feix de pions abans mencionat. Primer, es fa una revisió de les dades experimentals de la producció de pions en reaccions nuclears i es presenten algunes aplicacions per a aquest feix secundari. A continuació, es descriuen els sistemes experimentals de les línies HADES i C emprats en els distints experiments, es mostren els resultats dels experiment que s'analitzen i s'interpreten. Per a complementar tota aquesta informació, s'ha realitzat simulacions de la producció de pions i del seu transport al llarg de la línia, els resultats dels quals s'han descrit i comparat a dades experimentals.Els principals resultats d'aquest treball són que les propietats del feix secundari de pions es coneixen bé i que som capaços de definir les millor condicions per a un experiment donat emprant aquest feix. Finalment, cal destacar la demostració que feixos d'ions pesants són útils per produir feixos secundari de pions i que les intensitats assolides al GSI (amb un màxim d'al voltant de 6106 - i 107 + per cicle) són suficients per desenvolupar l'ampli programa físic proposat. Més encara, el feix de pions esta actualment operatiu i s'esta ja utilitzant. / A secondary pion beam facility has recently been installed at the heavy ion laboratory GSI-Darmstadt (Germany) in order to provide pion beams with momenta up to 3 GeV/c. This is the first time that heavy ion beams are used to produce secondary pion beams. The thesis investigates the validity of this aspect and studies exhaustively the pion beam facility mentioned. First, a review of the previously available experimental data for pion production in nuclear reactions is made and some future applications of this facility are presented. Next, the setups of the HADES and C beam-lines used in the different experiments are described, the results of the experiments are shown and the data are analysed and interpreted. To complement all this information some simulations in pion production and transport along the beam-line have been done and reported. The main results of this work are that the properties of the secondary pion beam are well understood and we are able to define the best conditions for a given experiment. Last, but not least, the demonstration that heavy ion beams are useful to produce secondary pion beams and the intensities reached at GSI (with a maximum of nearly 6106 negative or 107 positive pions per spill) are enough to develop the wide physics program proposed. Moreover, the pion beam is already operational and it is being used.

Effective field theories for heavy and light fermions.

Ruiz Femenía, Pedro David 11 December 2003 (has links)
In this thesis, various aspects of different effective field theory (EFT) approximations to the Standard Model of elementary particle physics have been elaborated. The EFT's treated range from non-relativistic approximations to quantum electrodynamics (QED) and quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which can be applied if the quanta under consideration moves at velocities small compared with the speed of light, to chiral perturbation theory as well as the effective theory which emerges in the limit of a large number of colour degrees of freedom in QCD. The latter two constitute expansions in the energy of the process under investigation, and are applicable if this energy is small compared to a typical hadronic scale like, for example, the mass of the -meson. The first type of EFT's, namely NRQED and NRQCD, has been applied in chapter 2 and 3 to study the production cross section of tau lepton pairs as well as quark-antiquark pairs in electron-positron annihilation close to the production threshold, where the system is non-relativistic. In chapter 2 previous computations on tau threshold production are extended to the next-to-next-to-leading order in the velocity expansion and the full analytic form of the two-photon box amplitude, which had not been known explicitly before, is given. As an aside, in chapter 3 we discuss contributions to the total cross section of production of a heavy quark-antiquark pair which arise from intermediate states composed of light QCD degrees of freedom like light mesons or gluonia. These novel contributions constitute an advancement in the field of QCD sum rules for heavy quarks, since they point to the crucial necessity to exactly specify what is actually measured when one speaks about heavy quark production out of e+e- collisions. The second part of the thesis, chapters 4 and 5, tackles with several issues of low-energyhadronic physics. The effective approximation of QCD, chiral perturbation theory, as initially pioneered by Gasser and Leutwyler is only applicable up to energies roughly equal to the -meson mass. However, in recent years it proofed possible to extend this energy range by explicitly including higher resonance states into the effective Lagrangian. This so-called resonance chiral effective theory has been extended in chapter 3 to include a minimal odd-intrinsic parity sector constructed in such a way that it is fully compatible with short-distance QCD constraints. This is an important result for incorporating resonance fields in a chiral framework, and corrects a claim to the contrary put forward recently by other authors. As a by-product, predictions for odd-intrinsic-parity radiative decays of vector mesons in very good agreement with experiment are obtained. In the last chapter of this thesis, we move to the more crowded 1-2 Gev region in electron-positron annihilation where many more resonances need to be included in the field theoretic description. We outline the general strategy to follow in order to obtain a QCD-based parameterization of the total hadronic cross section at these energies, mainly focusing in the technical part of the analysis. A closed formula for the QCD vector-vector current correlator is proposed including contributions from resonance chiral theory at 1-loop with the odd-intrinsic-parity sector introduced before and resummation techniques. Although the practical implementation of the results shall require further investigations, this study shows that the use of EFT's of QCD in the intermediate energy region, populated by resonances, provides a powerful tool to endow the basic information of the underlying theory into the hadron phenomenology in an essentially model-independent way. / Bajo el título de "Effective field theories for heavy and light fermions" se han englobado diversos temas relacionados con la aplicación de las teorías efectivas derivadas de la Electrodinámica y la Cromodinámica Cuántica a la producción de leptones y quarks a partir de la aniquilación de un par electrón-positrón. En el primer bloque, que se ocupa de la creación de sabores pesados, se estudia el cálculo de la sección eficaz de producción de leptones tau en la región umbral, y se hace una revisión profunda de la técnica de las reglas de suma para quarks pesados. La producción electromagnética de hadrones formados por quark ligeros se aborda en la segunda parte de esta tesis. En primer lugar se presenta el procedimiento para inferir relaciones entre las constantes del Lagrangiano efectivo con resonancias y QCD para el sector de paridad-intrínseca negativa, y a continuación se deriva una expresión teórica para el correlador de dos corrientes vectoriales en la región de las resonancias, cuya parte imaginaria se relaciona con la sección eficaz hadrónica.

Study of thermal transitions in polymers by a multifrequency modulated DSC technique

Fraga Rivas, Iria 26 February 2010 (has links)
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is one of the most widely used thermal analysis techniques for the study of transitions and relaxation processes in polymers and also in other materials. It measures the heat flow as a function of time and/or temperature, and determines the energy released or absorbed by a sample when it is heated (cooled) or maintained at a constant temperature. Its advantages are that it is fast and sensitive, the amount of sample needed is small (~mg), it could be in the liquid or solid state and the sample preparation is easier than for some other techniques. Nevertheless, it present some drawbacks, such as not being able to separate different overlapping transitions that happen in the same temperature range, the difficulty of detecting very weak transitions, or the requirement for multiple experiments to determine heat capacities that increases the experimental time needed. Temperature modulated DSC techniques (TMDSC) were introduced in the market more than 16 years ago. In these techniques a periodic temperature modulation of small amplitude is superimposed on the underlying rate of conventional DSC. This superposition gives two different heating rates: the underlying and the instantaneous due to the sinusoidal signal, thus permitting a better resolution and sensitivity (in DSC a better resolution gives a worse sensitivity and vice versa) and the evaluation of the heat capacity in real time. TMDSC is able to determine not only the total heat flow but also its two individual components usually referred to as “reversing” and “non-reversing”, thus it is possible to separate overlapped transitions. Although TMDSC offers more information than that available by DSC it also shows some drawbacks as the use of lower underlying heating rates than in conventional DSC which leads to longer experiments, or the requirement of making a separate scan for each frequency if one wishes to study, for example, the frequency dependence of a certain phenomenon. More recently, in 2005, TOPEM, a new technique of TMDSC from Mettler-Toledo, was commercialised. Instead of being based upon a periodic modulation of the heating rate, as is the situation with other TMDSC techniques, TOPEM uses a stochastic modulation of the heating or cooling rate by means of random pulses of temperature. This stochastic perturbation introduces a broad frequency spectrum in the response, which implies that TOPEM is apparently able to determine the complex heat capacity over a range of frequencies in a single scan. In the present thesis, a detailed description of the bases and operation of TOPEM is presented, showing the differences between the other calorimetric techniques, DSC and TMDSC. All the parameters which define an experiment and the parameters needed to make an evaluation of the experimental response are explained. The glass transition of polycarbonate is selected to make an initial study of the influence of all the different parameters (experimental and calculation) on the results of an experiment. Different samples are employed and different experiments by TOPEM and ADSC (TMDSC technique specific of Mettler- Toledo) are performed and compared. The limits and advantages offered by TOPEM are observed and presented here, and with a more profound understanding of the technique as a result, additional materials and transitions are studied. In the next part, an epoxy resin with a diamine is selected to be studied. The vitrification during the isothermal cure is studied by TOPEM. The results are again compared with those obtained by TMDSC and the additional information obtained is analyzed and compared with additional results obtained from the literature. With the aim to confirm some experimental data observed, a simulation is made with MATLAB to confirm the experimental results. It is found that the theoretical results not only predict the calorimetric data, but also those obtained from dielectric analysis at higher frequencies which were extracted from the literature. In the next part, the same epoxy resin with a diamine is selected. The vitrification and devitrification during the non-isothermal cure is analyzed by TOPEM. The results obtained permit to construct a CHT diagram (conversion-time-temperature) which characterized the system. As in the previous case a simulation is made with MATLAB and the theoretical results obtained compare well with the experimental data. Finally, some preliminary experiments related to other transitions are presented and are planned to be studied in the future. / La calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC) es una técnica ampliamente utilizada desde el año 1963 en la caracterización térmica de polímeros y otros materiales. En DSC se mide el calor absorbido o emitido por una muestra cuando es sometida a un programa de calentamiento (enfriamiento) o bien es mantenida a una temperatura constante. Sus ventajas es que es una técnica rápida, con gran sensibilidad, no requiere una preparación previa de las muestras, el tamaño de las mismas es pequeño (~mg) y pueden analizarse en estado líquido o sólido. Sin embargo, presenta algunas desventajas: no es posible detectar transiciones muy débiles, ni separar aquellas que aparecen superpuestas en el mismo rango de temperaturas y para la determinación de capacidades caloríficas exige la realización de varios experimentos separados lo que se traduce en un tiempo de experimentación en ocasiones muy largo. Hace 15 años comenzó a comercializarse la calorimetría diferencial de barrido con temperatura modulada (TMDSC). Lo que la diferencia de la calorimetría DSC convencional es que al tipo de barrido utilizado en DSC se superpone una señal periódica sinusoidal de modulación de temperatura de pequeña amplitud. Esta superposición da lugar a dos tipos de velocidad: una es la velocidad base de calentamiento (enfriamiento) y la otra de superposición de la señal modulada, algo que proporciona ciertas ventajas. Por ejemplo ofrece al mismo tiempo una buena resolución y una buena sensibilidad (en DSC la mejora de la sensibilidad lleva asociada pérdida de resolución y viceversa) o la evaluación de la capacidad calorífica a tiempo real. La TMDSC permite separar el flujo de calor total en dos componentes, reversing y non-reversing, permitiendo así separar transiciones que aparezcan superpuestas. Aunque si bien la TMDSC ofrece más información que el DSC convencional también presenta algunas desventajas como son el uso de velocidades más lentas que en DSC lo que implica tiempos de experimentación largos, o la necesidad de hacer un barrido para cada frecuencia en el caso de querer estudiar la dependencia en frecuencias de un determinado fenómeno. En el año 2005, se comenzó a comercializar TOPEM, una técnica también de temperatura modulada de Mettler-Toledo, en la que la modulación de la temperatura en lugar de ser periódica es estocástica, lo que introduce un amplio espectro de frecuencias en la respuesta cuya principal ventaja es que permite analizar la capacidad calorífica de una muestra en un rango de frecuencias realizando sólo un único barrido. En la presente tesis se ofrece una descripción de las bases del funcionamiento de TOPEM, mostrando las diferencias que presenta respecto a las mencionadas técnicas calorimétricas DSC y TMDSC. Se da una explicación detallada de todos parámetros que definen un experimento, así como los necesarios para realizar el cálculo de la respuesta experimental obtenida y otros parámetros importantes a tener en cuenta al utilizar TOPEM. En un primer estudio se selecciona la transición vítrea del policarbonato para comenzar a trabajar con la nueva técnica. Con diferentes muestras y realizando experimentos tanto de TOPEM como de ADSC (nombre de la técnica TMDSC específica de la casa comercial Mettler-Toledo) se comparan los resultados obtenidos con ambas técnicas. Se realiza un minucioso análisis de la influencia de los parámetros experimentales y de evaluación en los resultados obtenidos. Se observan y presentan los límites y ventajas ofrecidos por TOPEM y se establece una metodología de experimentación y evaluación con el fin de trabajar con otros materiales y transiciones. En la siguiente parte, se selecciona una resina epoxi con una diamina, y se aplica la técnica a la vitrificación durante el curado isotermo. Los resultados se comparan con los obtenidos por TMDSC y la información adicional obtenida es analizada y comparada con resultados extraídos de la bibliografía. Con el fin de confirmar algunos datos, se realizó una simulación con MATLAB que además de coincidir con los resultados experimentales previos, también coincide con diferentes resultados obtenidos con análisis dieléctrico a más altas frecuencias. En la siguiente parte, la misma resina epoxi con la diamina es sometida a curados no –isotermos para estudiar su vitrificación y posterior devitrificación. Se comprobaron las ventajas ofrecidas por TOPEM y se construyó un diagrama CHT (conversión-tiempo-temperatura) para caracterizar el sistema. Como en el caso anterior, una simulación realizada con MATLAB predice los resultados obtenidos experimentalmente. Por último, se presentan algunos experimentos previos realizados con diversos materiales en los que se obtienen interesantes resultados para ser ampliados y analizados en el futuro.

High-power, fiber-laser-pumped optical parametric oscillators from the visible to mid-infrared

Chaitanya Kumar, Suddapalli 18 January 2012 (has links)
High-power, continuous-wave (cw), mid-infrared (mid-IR) laser sources are of interest for variety of applications such as trace gas detection and remote sensing, which require broad spectral coverage to address the most prominent absorption features of a wide range of molecular species particularly in the mid-IR fingerprint region. On the other hand, surgical applications require high energy sources with unique pulse structure at specific wavelength in the mid-IR ranging from 6-6.5 m. Optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) offer potential sources for all the above applications. The output wavelengths of a singly-resonant oscillator (SRO) can be coarsely tuned over wide ranges through the adjustment of the nonlinear crystal temperature, phase-matching angle or, in the case of quasi-phase-matched (QPM) the first time. The high-energy CSP OPO marked the first demonstration of a compact, high-repetition-rate OPO synchronously pumped by a master oscillator power amplifier system at 1064 nm, generating an milli-joule pulses in the 6-6.5 m spectral range, which is technologically important for surgical applications. Additionally, we also demonstrated a fiber-based-green source at 532 nm, based on single-pass second harmonic generation (SHG) in MgO:sPPLT, as an alternative pump source for Ti:sapphire laser, pointing towards the future, compact fiber-laser pumped Ti:sapphire lasers. Further efforts to improve the SHG efficiency led to the development of a novel multi-crystal scheme, enabling single-pass SHG efficiency as high as 56%. This generic technique is simple and can be implemented at any wavelength. materials, the QPM grating period. The combination of SRO with a tunable pump laser allows the development of uniquely flexible and rapidly tunable class of mid-IR sources. In this thesis we have demonstrated several mid-IR OPOs in the cw as well as ultrafast picosecond regime pumped by fiber-lasers making them compact and robust. In the cw regime, we developed a high-power, Yb-fiber-laser pumped mid-IR OPO based on MgO:PPLN spanning 1506-1945 nm in the near-IR and 2304-3615 nm wavelength range in the mid-IR, efficiently addressing the thermal effects by implementing the optimum signal output coupling. Novel materials such a MgO:sPPLT, with better optical and thermal properties for cw mid-IR generation are explored. High-power broadband, cw mid-IR generation is also demonstrated by using the extended phase-matching properties of MgO:PPLN. Further, we also demonstrated a simple, inexpensive and novel interferometric technique for absolute optimization of output power from a ring optical oscillator. We deployed a picosecond Yb-fiber-laser pumped mid-IR OPO based on MgO:PPLN in ring cavity configuration to demonstrate this proof-of-principle experiment for / Fuentes coherentes de luz continua y de alta potencia en el infrarrojo-medio (mid-IR) son de gran interés por su aplicación en la detección de gases, detección remota y la observación de imágenes. Estas aplicaciones requieren un ancho de banda amplio para evidenciar las características que ofrece la absorción de una gran variedad de especies moleculares, particularmente en la región “finger print” del mid-IR. Por otra parte, fuentes altamente energéticas con pulsos que posean estructuras peculiares en rangos específicos de longitud de onda en el mid-IR, entre 6-6.5 m. , prometen características únicas para nuevas aplicaciones en cirugía. Osciladores ópticos paramétricos (OPOs) constituyen fuentes de luz versátiles y apropiadas para todas las aplicaciones mencionadas anteriormente. La longitud de En el régimen ultrarápido, hemos demostrado una nueva técnica de interferometría para la optimización absoluta de la potencia de salida de un oscilador óptico con una cavidad de anillo. Como demostración de principio, implementamos, por primera vez, un OPO de picosegundos en el mid-IR basado en MgO:PPLN con una cavidad de anillo bombeado por un láser de fibra de Yb. Además, hemos desarrollado un nuevo OPO de alta energía en el mid-IR basado en el material nolineal CSP. Esto representa la primera demostración de un OPO compacto de alta repetición sincrónicamente bombeado por un láser de estado sólido a 1064 nm generando pulsos de milijulios en el rango espectral 6-6.5 m. Esta radiación es importante para aplicaciones en cirugía. Adicionalmente, hemos demostrado una fuente verde, 532 nm, basada en láseres de fibra. Esta radiación se obtiene por medio de la generación de segundo harmónico (SHG) en un paso individual en MgO:sPPLT. Esto representa una nueva alternativa de bombeo para los láseres de Ti:sapphire que los harán compactos en el futuro. Los esfuerzos para mejorar la eficiencia de segundo harmónico resultaron en el desarrollo de un novedoso esquema que utiliza múltiples cristales y permite eficiencias de SHG de paso individual del 56%. Este esquema es general y simple y puede ser implementado para cualquier longitud de onda. onda de un OPO puede ser sintonizada en regiones amplias del espectro cambiando la temperatura del cristal no-lineal, el ángulo de ajuste de fase o, al considerar materiales cuasi ajuste de fase (QPM), cambiando el periodo de red. En esta tesis, hemos demostrado una gran variedad de OPOs en el mid-IR en régimen continuo y de pulsos de picosegundo. Estos OPOs han sido bombeados por láseres de fibra permitiendo un diseño compacto y resistente. En el régimen de emisión continua, hemos implementado un OPO de alta potencia basado en MgO:PPLN bombeado por un láser de fibra. Este OPO es sintonízable en el rango 1506-1945 nm correspondiente al infrarrojo-cercano y en el rango 2304-3615 nm correspondiente al mid-IR. Esta capacidad de sintonización se logra al sobrepasar eficientemente los efectos térmicos optimizando el acoplamiento de salida. Materiales nuevos como el MgO:sPPLT, con propiedades ópticas y térmicas mejoradas para la generación de radiación continua en el mid-IR han sido estudiados. Utilizando las propiedades ajuste de la fase extendió del MgO:sPPLT, fuentes continuas de alta potencia con un gran ancho de banda en el infrarrojo-medio también han sido implementadas.

Atmospheric downwelling longwave radiation at the surface during cloudless and overcast conditions. Measurements and modeling

Viúdez i Mora, Antoni 15 April 2011 (has links)
Atmospheric downwelling longwave radiation is an important component of the terrestrial energy budget; since it is strongly related with the greenhouse effect, it remarkably affects the climate. In this study, I evaluate the estimation of the downwelling longwave irradiance at the terrestrial surface for cloudless and overcast conditions using a one-dimensional radiative transfer model (RTM), specifically the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART). The calculations performed by using this model were compared with pyrgeometer measurements at three different European places: Girona (NE of the Iberian Peninsula), Payerne (in the East of Switzerland), and Heselbach (in the Black Forest, Germany). Several studies of sensitivity based on the radiative transfer model have shown that special attention on the input of temperature and water content profiles must be held for cloudless sky conditions; for overcast conditions, similar sensitivity studies have shown that, besides the atmospheric profiles, the cloud base height is very relevant, at least for optically thick clouds. Also, the estimation of DLR in places where radiosoundings are not available is explored, either by using the atmospheric profiles spatially interpolated from the gridded analysis data provided by European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), or by applying a real radiosounding of a nearby site. Calculations have been compared with measurements at all sites. During cloudless sky conditions, when radiosoundings were available, calculations show differences with measurements of -2.7 ± 3.4 Wm-2 (Payerne). While no in situ radiosoundings are available, differences between modeling and measurements were about 0.3 ± 9.4 Wm-2 (Girona). During overcast sky conditions, when in situ radiosoundings and cloud properties (derived from an algorithm that uses spectral infrared and microwave ground based measurements) were available (Black Forest), calculations show differences with measurements of -0.28 ± 2.52 Wm2. When using atmospheric profiles from the ECMWF and fixed values of liquid water path and droplet effective radius (Girona) calculations show differences with measurements of 4.0 ± 2.5 Wm2. For all analyzed sky conditions, it has been confirmed that estimations from radiative transfer modeling are remarkably better than those obtained by simple parameterizations of atmospheric emissivity. / La radiació infrarroja a l’atmosfera és una component important del balanç energètic del planeta; en estar fortament relacionada amb l’efecte hivernacle influeix de manera remarcable en el clima. En aquest estudi s’avalua la bondat de les estimacions de la irradiància infrarroja incident en superfície (DLR) fetes amb un model unidimensional de transferència radiativa, el Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART), per a condicions de cel serè o bé completament ennuvolat. Els càlculs realitzats amb aquest model han estat comparats amb mesures de pirgeòmetre realitzades en tres emplaçaments a Europa: Girona (NE de la Península Ibèrica), Payerne (a l’est de Suïssa), i Heselbach (a la Selva Negra, Alemanya). Els estudis de sensibilitat fets amb el model de transferència radiativa han mostrat l’especial importància que tenen els perfils atmosfèrics de temperatura i contingut d’aigua en absència de núvols; per cels completament ennuvolats l’estudi de sensibilitat mostra que, a banda dels perfils atmosfèrics esmentats, l’altura de la base dels núvols és molt rellevant. S’ha estimat la DLR per indrets on no es disposava de radiosondatges, substituint-los bé per un radiosondatge proper, o bé per perfils interpolats espacialment en l’anàlisi del model de predicció meteorològica de l’European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). Els càlculs han estat comparats amb mesures per tots els llocs. Per condicions de cel serè, i quan es disposa de radiosondatge, els càlculs mostren una diferència amb les mesures de -2.7 ± 3.4 Wm-2 (Payerne). Quan no es disposa d’aquests perfils, la diferència entre les modelitzacions i les mesures és de 0.3 ± 9.4 Wm-2 (Girona). Per condicions de cel cobert, quan es disposa del radiosondatge i les propietats dels núvols (derivades a partir d’un algoritme que empra mesures espectrals en infraroig i en la banda de microones en superfície, Selva Negra), els càlculs mostren una diferència amb les mesures de -0.28 ± 2.52 Wm-2. Quan es fan servir els perfils del ECMWF i es fixa el valor de la columna d’aigua líquida i el radi efectiu de les gotes d’aigua (Girona) els càlculs mostren una diferència amb les mesures de 4.0 ± 2.5 Wm-2. També s’ha confirmat per totes les condicions estudiades que les estimacions amb el model de transferència radiativa són notablement millors que les obtingudes amb parametritzacions senzilles de l’emissivitat atmosfèrica.

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