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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical modeling of simple laboratory experiments of rotating flows

López Alonso, José Manuel 05 February 2015 (has links)
Despite the large amount of research which has been conducted on turbulent flows, a full understanding of their dynamics as well as the mechanisms involved in the onset of turbulence is still missing. Experimental studies of transition to turbulence are generally carried out in setups with simple geometries which allow isolating the physical mechanisms underlying the dynamics. However, in spite of the simplicity of the models, the problem is extremely complex and it is difficult to reach definitive conclusions on many of the observed dynamical features. Since a few decades ago numerical simulations complement laboratory experiments, significantly accelerating the scientific progress and improving the quality of investigations. In order to compare experimental and numerical results, it is essential to carry out a calibration process in which the possible discrepancies are identified and adjustments (typically modifications in the numerical formulation of the problem) are made in order to minimize them as far as possible. The results of this thesis are primarily intended as an aid in the calibration process of rotating flows in presence of a temperature gradient, which are of great interest in multiple industrial, geophysical and astrophysical applications. Numerical simulations of the flow enclosed in rotating cylindrical and annular cavities subjected to either a vertical or horizontal temperature gradient (rotating Rayleigh--Bénard convection and laterally heated Taylor--Couette flows) have been performed. Several techniques of numerical analysis such as direct simulation of the governing equations, linear stability analysis, continuation methods or time--series analysis have been used for the completion of the thesis. Three sources of discrepancies between experimental and numerical results have been investigated. First,we show a detailed study of how symmetry-breaking due to experimental imperfections may modify the dynamics of the idealized systems used in numerical simulations. An example in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection is illustrated in which simulations only capture the experimental behavior when this symmetry-breaking is introduced in the formulation of the problem, i.e. through the boundary conditions. Second, we consider the influence of centrifugal effects which are often neglected in theoretical and numerical studies of rotating flows. This may result in substantial differences with experimental results in those ranges of parameters in which centrifugal buoyancy plays a significant dynamical role. To this extent, we provide a straightforward Boussinesq-type approximation which allows for considering centrifugal effects in an inertial reference frame, including secondary effects stemming from differential rotation or strong internal vorticity, which had not been previously considered in any other formulation. Third, the influence of axial end walls in the dynamics of simple models for the study of baroclinic flows is discussed. The objective of this study is to identify the degree to which simulations in axially periodic systems, with a lower computational cost, can be used to reproduce experimental results. A strong stabilizing effect, which increases significantly at high temperature differences between the cylinders, results from the boundary layers and cause large discrepancies with the onset of instability in the case of axially periodic boundary conditions. Finally, a numerical study of a recently reported experimental bifurcation scenario in isothermal Taylor-Couette flow is also presented. We focus on the dynamics of flow patterns characterized by large amplitude oscillations that are localized only in some vortex-pairs. In this case, experimental and numerical results are in full agreement. / A pesar de que se han llevado a cabo numerosos estudios en el ámbito de los fluidos turbulentos, su dinámica así como las causas que originan la turbulencia continúan planteando multiples interrogantes. Los experimentos sobre transición a la turbulencia se realizan generalmente en instalaciones con geometrías sencillas que permiten aislar los mecanismos físicos responsables de los cambios dinámicos en el sistema. Sin embargo, el problema es muy complejo y, a pesar de la simplicidad de los experimentos, es muy dificil alcanzar conclusiones definitivas sobre muchos de los fenómenos que se observan. Desde hace unas décadas las simulaciones numéricas complementan el trabajo de laboratorio, lo que ha acelerado notablemente el progreso de las investigaciones y también mejorado su calidad. Para comparar de una manera eficaz los resultados numéricos y experimentales es esencial llevar a cabo un proceso de calibración, en el cual las posibles discrepancias se identifican y se realizan ajustes (normalmente modificaciones en la formulación del problema) para minimizarlas al máximo. Los resultados de esta tesis pretenden servir de ayuda en el proceso de calibración para el caso de fluidos en rotación y sometidos a un gradiente de temperatura, los cuales son de gran interés en aplicaciones industriales, geofísicas y astrofí­sicas. Se han realizado simulaciones numéricas del flujo contenido en cavidades cilíndricas y anulares, sometidos a gradientes térmicos tanto verticales como horizontales (convección de Rayleigh--Bénard rotativa y flujos de Taylor--Couette con calentamiento lateral). Entre las técnicas de ánalisis numérico que se han empleado para la realización de la tesis se encuentran la simulación directa de las ecuaciones, análisis de estabilidad lineal, métodos de continuación o análisis de series temporales. Se han investigado tres fuentes de discrepancias entre resultados numéricos y experimentales. En primer lugar mostramos un detallado estudio sobre como una rotura de simetrí­a debida a imperfecciones en un experimento fí­sico modifica la dinámica de los sistemas idealizados que se emplean en simulaciones numéricas. Un ejemplo en el caso de convección de Rayleigh--Bénard rotativa es ilustrado en el cual las simulaciones capturan el comportamiento experimental cuando la rotura de simetría se introduce en la formulación del problema a través de las condiciones de contorno. En segundo lugar, consideramos la influencia de los efectos centrífugos, generalmente despreciados en el estudio de fluidos en rotación. Esto puede ocasionar importantes diferencias con los resultados experimentales en aquellos casos dónde las fuerzas centrí­fugas desempeñen un papel relevante. Por este motivo proporcionamos una sencilla aproximación de tipo Boussinesq que permite considerar los efectos centrí­fugos en un sistema de referencia inercial, incluyendo efectos secundarios debidos a la rotación diferencial o una fuerte vorticidad interna, los cuales no habí­an sido considerados en ninguna formulación anterior. Tercero, discutimos la influencia de las tapaderas en la dinámica de modelos simples para el estudio de flujos baroclí­nicos. El objetivo es identificar el grado en que simulaciones axialmente periódicas, con un menor coste computacional, pueden ser usadas para reproducir resultados experimentales. En este problema se observa que las capas lí­mite producen un fuerte efecto estabilizador, que aumenta a medida que se incrementa el gradiente térmico, y provoca grandes discrepancias con respecto al origen de inestabilidad en el caso periódico. Finalmente, se ha realizado un estudio numérico de un escenario de bifurcación que ha sido reportado recientemente en experimentos sobre flujos de Taylor--Couette isotérmicos. La particularidad de este problema es la aparición de estados globales caracterizados por oscilaciones de gran amplitud localizadas en algunos de sus vortices. Los resultados experimentales y numéricos concuerdan.

Transitional periods of the atmospheric boundary layer

Blay Carreras, Estel 21 July 2014 (has links)
The atmospheric boundary layer is the part of the troposphere influenced by the presence of the surface, and where most weather phenomena occur. During the day, with fair weather conditions, a convective boundary layer exists. In contrast, during the night, a stable boundary layer appears. It is important to note that the evolution from a convective boundary layer to a stable boundary layer and vice versa happens through two transitional processes. Due to its complexity and the rapid variability, there is a lack of studies about the morning or afternoon/evening transitions. This thesis wants to solve some of the uncertainties related with the morning and afternoon/evening transition of the atmospheric boundary layer. It is based on observations from the project Boundary-Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) and numerical simulation experiments developed with mixed-layer and large-eddy simulation models. In this thesis, we develop an analysis focused on the role played by the residual layer during the morning transition and by the large-scale subsidence on the evolution of the boundary layer. DALES numerical experiments that include the residual layer are capable of modeling the observed sudden increase of the boundary-layer depth during the morning transition and the subsequent evolution of the boundary layer. These simulations show a large increase in the entrainment buoyancy flux when the residual layer is incorporated into the mixed layer. We also examine how the inclusion of the residual layer above a shallow convective boundary layer modifies the turbulent kinetic energy budget. Large-scale subsidence mainly acts when the boundary layer is fully developed and, for the studied day, it is necessary to consider this in order to reproduce the afternoon observations. Finally, we also investigate how CO2 stored the previous night in the residual layer plays a fundamental role in the evolution of the CO2 mixing ratio during the following day. Moreover, we hypothesize that during the evening transition a delay exists between the instant when the buoyancy flux goes to zero and the time when the local gradient of the virtual potential temperature changes sign contradict the assumption in which are base the gradient-based turbulence models. The results from this work confirm and quantify a flux-gradient delay. Specifically, the observed values of the delay are between approximately 30 and 80 min. The existence of the delay and its duration can be explained by considering the convective time and the competition of forces associated with the classical Rayleigh-Bénard problem. This combined theory predicts that the last eddy formed should produce a delay when the sensible heat flux changes sign during the evening transition. It appears that this last eddy is decelerated through the action of turbulent momentum and thermal diffusivity, and that the delay is related to the convective turnover time. Observations indicate that, as horizontal shear becomes more important, the delay time apparently increases to values greater than the convective turnover time. Finally, we study the existence and characteristics of Lifted Temperature Minimum (LTM) during the evening transition. The study shows that LTM can be detected in calm conditions already during day¿night transition, several hours earlier than the usual time of occurrence reported by previous works. These conditions are fulfilled when weak synoptic forcing exists and the local flow shifts from valley to mountain breeze in a relatively complex orography. Under these special conditions, turbulence becomes a crucial parameter to determine the ideal conditions for observing LTM. Additionally, the correlation of longwave radiation measured at 0.8 m and estimated at the ground varies when the LTM is observed. Therefore, LTM is also related to a change in the atmospheric radiative characteristics under calm conditions. / La capa límit atmosfèrica és la part de la troposfera influenciada per la presència de la superfície terrestre, i on es produeixen la majoria dels fenòmens meteorològics. Durant el dia, en condicions de bon temps, es forma una capa límit convectiva. En canvi, durant la nit, apareix una capa límit estable. L'evolució d'una capa límit convectiva a una capa límit estable i viceversa passa a través de dos processos de transició. A causa de la seva complexitat i la ràpida variació, hi ha una manca d'estudis sobre les transicions del dia a la nit o viceversa. Aquesta tesi vol resoldre algunes de les incerteses relacionades amb les transicions de la capa límit atmosfèrica. La tesi es basa en les observacions obtingudes durant la campanya Boundary-Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence i simulacions numèriques desenvolupades amb dos models: un model de capa de mescla i un model de tipus large-eddy simulation. Primerament, es desenvolupa una anàlisi centrada en el paper de la capa residual durant la transició entre la nit i el dia i en el paper de la subsidència en l'evolució de la capa límit. Les simulacions que inclouen la capa residual són capaces de modelar l’augment sobtat de l’alçada de la capa límit durant aquesta transició i també la posterior evolució de la capa límit. Aquestes simulacions mostren un gran augment del flux que entra des de la atmosfera lliure quan la capa residual s'incorpora a la capa convectiva. També s’analitza els efectes de considerar la capa residual en el balanç d'energia cinètica turbulenta. La subsidència actua principalment quan la capa límit està totalment desenvolupada i , pel dia seleccionat, cal tenir-la en compte per tal de reproduir les observacions durant la tarda. Finalment, també investiguem com el diòxid de carboni (CO2) emmagatzemat a la capa residual juga un paper fonamental en l'evolució del CO2 durant el dia. En segon lloc, s'analitza el fet de que durant la transició del dia a la nit hi ha una demora entre el moment en què el flux de flotació esdevé zero i el moment en què el gradient de la temperatura potencial virtual canvia de signa. Aquest fet contradiu el supòsit en què estan basats els models de simulació. Els resultats d'aquest treball confirmen i quantifiquen aquest demora. Específicament, els valors observats de la demora són aproximadament d'entre 30 i 80 min. L'existència de la demora i la seva durada es pot explicar a través del temps convectiu i de les forces associades amb el problema de Rayleigh-Bénard. La teoria proposada considera que l'últim remolí format abans de cessament del flux de superfície produeix el retard en el canvi de signe del gradient del flux de calor. Alhora aquest últim remoli es pot frenar a través de l'acció de la viscositat i la difusivitat tèrmica, i el retard està relacionat amb el temps que dura el recorregut del remolí. Les observacions indiquen que, com més important és el cisallament de vent horitzontal, el temps de retard aparentment augmenta a valors més grans que el temps convectiu. Finalment , s'estudia l'existència i característiques d'un Mínim Elevat de Temperatura (LTM) durant la transició entre el dia i la nit. L'estudi mostra que el LTM es pot detectar en condicions de calma durant aquesta transició hores abans de l'hora d’observació descrita en els treballs anteriors. Aquestes condicions de calma es compleixen quan les forces sinòptiques són febles i el vent local canvia de direcció en una orografia relativament complexa (durant el dia prové de la vall i durant la nit de la muntanya). En aquestes condicions especials, la turbulència es converteix en un paràmetre fonamental per determinar les condicions ideals per a l'observació de LTM. A més, la correlació de la radiació d'ona llarga mesurada a 0,8 m i estimada a terra varia quan s'observa el LTM. Per tant, el LTM també està relacionada amb un canvi de les característiques radiatives de l’atmosfera en condicions de calma.

Síntesi i caracterització d'aliatges amb memòria magnètica de forma

Coll Riera, Rosa 13 November 2014 (has links)
Els aliatges magnètics amb memòria de forma es caracteritzen per presentar tant la transformació estructural austenita – martensita com la magnètica (ferromagnetisme – paramagnetisme). El conjunt de propietats els fa candidats a ser emprats en aplicacions com a sensors, actuadors o en sistemes de refrigeració magnètica. Entre els aliatges tipus Heusler que presenten aquest comportament el sistema més estudiat és el Ni-Mn-Ga. Nogensmenys, els darrers anys s’ha desenvolupat l’interès en aliatges sense gal•li, com ara els del sistemes Ni-Mn-Sn i Ni-Mn-In. A la present tesi s’han produït i caracteritzat aliatges d’ambdós sistemes amb diverses especificitats: a) l’element majoritari és el manganès (a la bibliografia tradicionalment ho és el níquel), b) s’ha treballat amb diferents morfologies (massissa, cinta, pols), c) les cintes han estat sotmeses a tractament tèrmic i d) les composicions dels aliatges amb indi o amb estany són equivalents. Les composicions concretes són: Mn50Ni50-xSnx i Mn50Ni50-xInx(x= 5, 7,5 o 10 % atòmic). Els capítols 4 i 5 recullen el conjunt de resultats experimentals i la seva anàlisi i discussió. L’estudi s’ha centrat principalment en la transformació estructural que és reversible i amb histèresis. La transformació ha estat detectada amb els aliatges produïts en forma massissa o de cinta. En canvi, la mòlta mecànica indueix canvis estructurals que inhibeixen la transformació en els aliatges amb forma de pols. Per altra banda, s’ha constatat una disminució de les temperatures de transformació a mesura que augmenta el contingut en estany o indi (coincideix amb una disminució del paràmetre e/a relacionat amb el nombre d’electrons als orbitals externs). En el sistema amb estany aquesta relació és lineal. Aquest tipus de dependència ha de permetre seleccionar la composició adient per a desenvolupar aliatges amb la transformació dins d’un interval de temperatures desitjat. L’anàlisi calorimètrica ens permet establir que els valors més elevats en les variacions d’entalpia i d’entropia es donen en el massís en els aliatges amb indi i a les cintes sense tractar tèrmicament en els aliatges amb estany. Malgrat la fragilitat de les cintes, a les mostres amb estany ha estat possible realitzar mesures dilatomètriques. Respecte la resposta termomagnètica, aquesta és similar a la dels aliatges dels mateixos sistemes rics en níquel. / Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys are characterized by both the structural austenite to martensite transformation and also by the magnetic transition from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism. The set of properties make them candidates for use in several applications such as sensors, actuators or magnetic refrigeration systems. Among the Heusler type alloys that exhibit this behaviour the most studied system is the Ni-Mn-Ga. However, it has recently been increased the interest for gallium free alloys, such as systems Ni-Mn-Sn and Ni-Mn-In. In the present thesis have been produced and characterized alloys from both systems with different specificities: a) the majority element is manganese (in the literature it is usually nickel), b) alloys with different morphologies were produced (bulk, ribbon, powder), c) the ribbon shave been annealed and d) the compositions of the alloys with indium or tin are equivalent. The specific compositions are: Mn50Ni50-xSnx and Mn50Ni50-xInx (x= 5, 7.5 or 10 atomic %). The set of experimental results are reported in chapters 4 and 5, together with its analysis and discussion. The study has been focused mainly on the structural transformation that is reversible and hysteretic. Transformation has been detected in the massive alloys and also in ribbons. However, the mechanical grinding has induced structural changes which inhibit transformation in alloys with powder morphology. Moreover, it was found a decrease in transformation temperatures with increasing the content of tin or indium (it coincides with a decrease of the parameter/a related to the number of electrons in outer orbits). In the system with tin this relationship is linear. This dependence must allow the selection of the appropriate composition for the production of alloys with transformation within a desired temperature range. The calorimetric analysis has established that the highest values in the entropy and enthalpy changes occur in bulk alloys (indium samples) and in as quenched ribbons (tin samples). Moreover, despite the fragility of the ribbons dilatometry experiments has been performed in tin alloys. With respect to the thermo magnetic response, it is similar to that of alloys of the same systems but nickel rich.

Nonlocality in multipartite correlation networks

Würflinger, Lars Erik 18 September 2013 (has links)
Despite the success of quantum mechanics in predicting the outcomes of experiments in many branches of physics, the foundations of the theory have remained subject of research and dispute. At the basis of this struggle with the theory lie the phenomena of nonlocality and entanglement. Since it was first predicted by Bell in 1964, nonlocality was not only verified in numerous experiments, but also identified as a useful resource for quantum information processing. Thus, the study of nonlocality is important both from a fundamental point of view and with respect to new applications in quantum information theory, such as secure cryptography and randomness generation. The identification of entanglement as a resource for quantum information led to a strong theoretical effort devoted to its characterisation and detection. Many of the resulting mathematical tools find application in several domains of physics. Although the only known way to create nonlocal correlations is to measure entangled quantum systems, it has been shown that entanglement and nonlocality constitute two inequivalent properties. Therefore, in the light of the success of entanglement theory, it is of interest to also devise a resource theory of nonlocality. The task of this thesis is to develop such a theoretical framework for the characterisation of nonlocality as a resource. To gain a better understanding of nonlocal correlations it will be necessary to investigate correlation scenarios that go beyond the situation originally considered by Bell. In doing so, this thesis provides new description of nonlocality that also have implications for the characterisation of quantum correlations and the detection of new forms of nonlocality. The first question we address is how nonlocality can consistently be defined in a scenario of arbitrarily many parties that may collaborate among each other. To this end we recognise which are the allowed physical operations in this situation and then define nonlocality as the resource that cannot be created by these operations. Our approach shows that the conventional definition of multipartite nonlocality, adopted by the community so far, is inconsistent with this operational definition; we further propose and analyse new models that do not suffer from these inconsistencies. Furthermore, we show that our findings have implications for the characterisation of quantum correlations. A recent approach to describe the set of quantum correlation consists in using principles inspired from information theory. By using a special instance of the models we defined earlier we show a fundamental limitation of this approach: no bipartite information principle is sufficient to single out the set of quantum correlations from the set of nonsignalling correlations. We then developed a description of nonlocality in an even more generalised scenario of several parties. Motivated by a result of Popescu we study scenarios where the parties are allowed to perform not only a single but sequences of measurements on their systems. Characterising nonlocality also in this scenario in operational terms and defining local models compatible with this definition, we show that a new form of nonlocality can be detected Lastly, we examine the problem of detecting the presence of nonlocality in a multipartite scenario when one is given only partial access to the global system. We find that one can verify that the total system must display nonlocality, even though the accessible subsystems only exhibit local correlations.

Obtaining advanced oxide thin films at low temperatures by chemical methods. Thermal analysis of thin films

Sánchez Rodríguez, Daniel 14 October 2015 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar mètodes químics de baix cost com a ruta per a sintetitzar òxids avançats a baixa temperatura. En particular, hem explorat l'SHS per a la síntesi d'un òxid catalitzador fent servir pólvores de ciano complexes heteronuclears. També hem explorat el transport de calor per a sintetitzar capes via VCS concloent que les capes primes rarament experimentaran una combustió. Per això hem analitzat la condició necessària per que tingui lloc una combustió volumètrica en una mostra sòlida que reacciona sense intercanvi de gasos amb el seu entorn. Per fer-ho, hem ampliat el criteri de Frank-Kaminetskii per a sistemes d'escalfament continu i per a reactors cilíndrics. Per la part experimental em fet servir tècniques l'anàlisi tèrmica (TA). Hem desenvolupat un mètode per a mesurar la conductivitat tèrmica en pólvores per DSC. Finalment, hem desenvolupat dos criteris per a comprovar la fiabilitat en la mesura de la temperatura als experiments de TA. / The aim of this work is to analyse chemical methods as a route to synthesise advanced oxides at low cost and low temperatures. In particular, we have explored the combustion synthesis of a catalytic perovskite-type oxide from heteronuclear cyano complex powders. We have also explored heat transfer to synthesise films via VCS and concluded that thin films will hardly experience combustion. In particular, we have analysed the conditions needed for a thermal explosion to occur in a solid sample reacting without any gas exchange with its surroundings. For that purpose, we have extended the Frank-Kamenetskii relationship to continuous heating systems and to cylindrical reactors. The experimental component of this work is based on thermal analysis methods (TA). We have developed a new method to measure thermal conductivity of powders by DSC. Finally, we have developed two analytical relationships to check the reliability of the sample temperature in TA experiments.

Ion binding landscapes and molecular dynamics of phospholipid membranes

Yang, Jing 11 December 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims at studying the physical-chemical properties of model lipid bilayers in physiological environments. Since in such conditions biological membranes composed of phospholipids and cholesterol are surrounded by electrolyte solutions, understanding the interactions of phospholipids with cholesterol, lipid bilayers with surrounding ions, and lipid bilayers with interfacial water are of great fundamental importance. Moreover, phospholipids are classified into saturated ones and unsaturated ones according to the tail saturation. Therefore, considering the tail saturation is another important issue when studying lipid bilayers. The lipids involved in this thesis include the saturated phospholipids di-myristoil-phosphatidyl-choline (DMPC) and di-palmytoil-phosphatidyl-choline (DPPC), the unsaturated phospholipid palmytoiloleoil-phosphatidyl-coline (POPC) and cholesterol. Classical molecular dynamics simulations and well-tempered metadynamics simulations have been applied in this thesis. By applying well-tempered metadynamics simulations, we have performed systematic free energy calculations of Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ bound to DMPC phospholipid membrane surfaces for the first time. Free energy landscapes unveil specific binding behaviors of metal cations at phospholipid membranes. This work provides a general methodology to explore the free energy landscapes for ions at complex biological interfaces which can be extended to study other interactions of interest between ions and charged headgroups in colloidal chemistry and biology. We further applied this methodology to cholesterol-containing membranes by means of systematic free energy calculations of Na+ bound to DMPC phospholipid membranes of several cholesterol concentrations. The resulting free energy landscapes further validate our methodology at membrane interfaces with higher complexity and unveil the cholesterol effects on Na+ binding at phospholipid membranes. We also studied the microscopic structure and dynamics of water and lipids in a DMPC phospholipid membrane in the liquid-crystalline phase by classical molecular dynamics simulations. Structural properties such as density and pressure profiles, a deuterium-order parameter, surface tension, and the extent of water penetration in the membrane have been analyzed. Molecular self-diffusion, reorientational motions and spectral densities of atomic species reveal a variety of time scales playing a role in membrane dynamics. The physical meaning of all spectral features from lipid atomic sites is analyzed and correlated with experimental data. We have performed microsecond molecular dynamics simulations on the ternary mixtures of DPPC/POPC/cholesterol to systematically examined lipid-lipid and lipid-cholesterol interactions in the liquid-ordered and the liquid-disordered phases. The results show that the interactions of lipid-lipid and lipid-cholesterol are nontrivial properties depending on the lipid saturation and also on the mixture phase. The results are consistent with the push-pull forces derived from experiments and give systematical descriptions of the mutual interactions between various like or unlike species in different phases. / Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu l'estudi de les propietats fisicoquímiques de les bicapes lipídiques en ambients fisiològics. Atès que en tals entorns les membranes biològiques compostes de fosfolípids i colesterol estan envoltades de solucions d'electròlits, la comprensió de les interaccions dels fosfolípids amb el colesterol i amb els ions circumdants, així com amb l’aigua interficial són d’una gran importància fonamental. D'altra banda, els fosfolípids es classifiquen en saturats i insaturats, d'acord amb la saturació de les seves cues. En conseqüència, tenir en compte la saturació de la cua és un altre factor important en l'estudi de les bicapes lipídiques. Els lípids que s'han estudiat en aquesta tesi són: la di-miristoil-fosfatidil-colina (DMPC) i di-palmitoil-fosfatidil-colina (DPPC), ambdós fosfolípids de tipus saturat, la palmitoiloleoil-fosfatidil-colina (POPC, fosfolípid insaturat), així com també el colesterol. Les tècniques bàsiques de treball que s'han aplicat en aquesta tesi han estat les simulacions clàssiques de dinàmica molecular i de metadinàmica ben temperada. Mitjançant l'aplicació de simulacions de metadinàmica ben temperada, hem realitzat el càlcul de l'energia lliure d’adsorció de Na+, K+, Ca2+ i Mg2+ a les superfícies de les membranes de fosfolípids DMPC per primera vegada. Les hipersuperfícies d'energia lliure revelen comportaments d'unió específics dels cations metàl·lics en les membranes de fosfolípids. Aquest treball proporciona una metodologia general per explorar els paisatges de l'energia lliure de ions de rellevància aplicada en interfases biològiques complexes, que poden ser estesos a estudiar altres interaccions d'interès entre els ions i els grups situats als caps dels lípids carregats. També s'ha aplicat aquesta metodologia a les membranes que contenen colesterol i, com a cas d’exemple, s'han realitzat càlculs d'energia lliure sistemàtics pel sodi unit a membranes de fosfolípids DMPC, a diverses concentracions de colesterol. Els paisatges d'energia lliure resultants validen encara més la nostra metodologia en les interfícies de membranes amb una major complexitat i donen a conèixer els efectes del colesterol sobre l’adsorció del Na+ en les membranes de fosfolípids. S'han analitzat també amb detall l'estructura i la dinàmica microscòpica de l'aigua i els lípids en una membrana DMPC en fase líquida-cristal·lina, mitjançant simulacions clàssiques de dinàmica molecular. S'han obtingut propietats estructurals com ara els perfils de densitat i de pressió, s'ha avaluat un paràmetre d’ordre per establir la fase de la membrana, i s'han calculat la tensió superficial i el grau de penetració de l' aigua a la membrana. La difusió molecular, els moviments reorientacionals i les densitats espectrals d'espècies atòmiques ens han revelat una complexa varietat d'escales de temps, que juguen un paper en la dinàmica de la membrana. S'ha analitzat el significat físic de totes les característiques espectrals i s'ha correlacionat amb les dades experimentals. Hem realitzat simulacions de dinàmica molecular a l'escala dels microsegons de mescles ternàries de DPPC, POPC i colesterol, examinant sistemàticament les interaccions lípid-lípid i lípid-colesterol en les fases líquida ordenada i desordenada. Els resultats mostren que les interaccions dels lípids entre ells i amb el colesterol són propietats no trivials depenent de la saturació de lípids i també en la fase de mescla. Els resultats són consistents amb les forces ''push-pull'' observades en experiments recents i donen descripcions sistemàtiques de les interaccions mútues entre les diverses espècies en dues fases diferents.

Complex dynamics in photonic delay systems: a story of consistency and unpredictability

Oliver Andreu, Neus 16 December 2015 (has links)
- Introducció Photonic systems are powerful test-beds for the investigation of complex dynamics emerging from delays in feedback or coupling. The aim of this thesis was to study two relevant properties of photonic delay systems with direct applications in current information processing and encryption systems: consistency and unpredictability. We characterized the ability of laser systems with delay to exhibit, on the one hand, reliable complex dynamics when an external stimulus is applied, and on the other hand, unpredictable complex behavior, depending on the operating conditions. Consistency properties have been studied as a necessary condition for the implementation of Reservoir Computing schemes. The property of unpredictability has been exploited in the application of random bit generation. - Contingut de la investigació For the characterization of the consistency properties, we used three different experiments based on a semiconductor laser systems with delay that followed the drive-response scheme. Through the analysis of the responses to a repeated drive, a consistent or inconsistent behavior can be identified. In the first setup, we investigated consistency of a semiconductor laser to its own time-delayed feedback, so that the drive was the self-generated complex signal, and the response system was the semiconductor laser itself. A high accuracy in the repetition of the drive was achieved with the design of a fiber-optic setup with two feedback loops. This allowed us the extraction of measures like the sub-Lyapunov exponent. We extended the study to the use of a semiconductor laser system with excitability properties subject to electrical input pulse trains. Here, two different pulse trains modulating the pump current of the laser were used as drives, while the semiconductor laser with delayed feedback operating in the chaotic regime of Low Frequency Fluctuations acted as response system. The purpose of this experiment was to study the possibility and requirements to induce a consistent response, particularly the power drop-out, with the injection of a short pulse. To complement the investigations on consistency, the last drive-response scheme used was an electro-optic intensity oscillator driven by 3 scalar signals: an harmonic waveform, a sequence of pulses, and recorded time-traces from the autonomous dynamics. Under certain conditions, the response system can show hysteresis and coexistence of multistable states. We introduced new tools to quantify consistency and identified common features of the setups investigated. Our study showed that when the autonomous dynamics were periodic or period doubled, a consistent response was obtained independent of the drive. In cases of bistable dynamics, new sorts of consistency were discovered, like reproducible time-position transitions between the two states. The last Chapter of this thesis was devoted to the use of the unpredictable dynamics for the generation of random bits. A semiconductor laser with polarization rotated feedback was utilized to provide chaos characterized by randomness-like features, including a flat broad spectrum, suppression of the delay echoes of the autocorrelation function and no recurrences in the temporal oscillations. Nevertheless, we found that other factors like the data acquisition and the postprocessing of the signal also affected the randomness of the finally generated bits. The validity of our guidelines was proven with our random bit generator, enhancing its generation rate up to 160Gbit/s. - Conclusió With this work, we explored the emerging complex behavior in laser systems with delay. In particular, we characterized their ability to display a consistent behavior, and deterministic chaos that can lead to unpredictable dynamics. We introduced new tools and measures to quantify consistency, and guidelines for an optimum performance of a random bit generator. Altogether, our results represent a significant contribution to the areas where these two properties play a role, such as information processing and secure optical communications. Contents: Resumen vii Summary ix List of publications xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Delay systems 2 1.2 Photonic delay systems 3 1.2.1 Photonic delay systems in the drive-response scheme 3 1.3 About Consistency 4 1.3.1 Applications of consistency 5 1.4 About Unpredictability 6 1.4.1 Applications of unpredictable dynamics 7 1.5 Overview of this Thesis 8 2 Concepts and tools 11 2.1 Consistency and Generalized Synchronization 11 2.2 Tools to measure consistency 13 2.2.1 The sub-Lyapunov exponent 13 2.2.2 Inter- and intra-correlations 15 2.2.3 Review of the consistency measures 19 2.3 Tools to measure unpredictability 21 3 Consistency of a laser to time delayed feedback 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.2 Experimental implementation 24 3.2.1 Dynamical performance 26 3.3 Quantifying consistency from experimental data 29 3.3.1 Consistency correlation 29 3.3.2 Sub-Lyapunov exponents from transverse distribution functions 33 3.4 Sub-Lyapunov exponent in numerical simulations 39 3.5 Summary and conclusions 41 4 Consistency of a laser system to input pulse trains 43 4.1 Introduction 43 4.2 Experimental realization 44 4.2.1 A study at slow timescales 48 4.3 Influence of the history of pulses 48 4.3.1 Consistency for a bimodal distribution of drive pulses 51 4.4 Influence of the inter-pulse intervals 54 4.4.1 Consistency for a uniform distribution of drive pulses 55 4.5 Filtering the responses 58 4.6 Summary and conclusions 59 5 Consistency of an electro-optic intensity oscillator 61 5.1 Introduction 61 5.2 Experimental realization 62 5.2.1 Methodology 64 5.3 Dynamics without modulation 65 5.3.1 Changing : from fixed point to chaos 65 5.3.2 Changing and 0: the bifurcation diagrams 66 5.4 Consistency with an external drive 71 5.4.1 Harmonic drive 72 5.4.2 Pseudo-random pulse distribution 74 5.4.3 Recorded time traces 77 5.5 Summary and conclusions 83 6 Random bit generation with a chaotic laser 87 6.1 What are random numbers? 88 6.1.1 Types of random bit generators 89 6.1.2 Why a random bit generator based on a semiconductor laser? 89 6.2 Experimental implementation 90 6.3 Dynamical properties for a good Random Bit Generator 91 6.3.1 RF power spectrum 92 6.3.2 Autocorrelation conditions 93 6.3.3 Systematic study of the AC properties 96 6.3.4 Role of noise 97 6.4 Acquisition conditions 97 6.4.1 Sampling rate and data acquisition . 99 6.5 Postprocessing 100 6.6 Assessing the randomness 102 6.7 Generation of random bit sequences 105 6.8 Interplay of postprocessing and sampling rate 106 6.9 Optimizing the bit generation rate 108 6.9.1 Extension to 16-bit digitization 110 6.9.2 Information Theoretic limits 110 6.10 Discussion 112 6.11 Summary 115 7 Conclusions and future work 117 7.1 Conclusions 117 7.2 Future work 119 Bibliography 121

Supersymmetry with custodial triplets

García Pepin, Mateo 15 June 2016 (has links)
Gracias a resultados experimentales pero tambien a argumentos teoricos, sabemos que el Modelo Estandar de la fsica de partculas es solo una descripcion a bajas energas de una estructura mas fundamental. Supersimetra, una simetra del espacio-tiempo que relaciona bosones y fermiones, proporciona algunos de los candidatos para completar el Modelo Estandar mas favorecidos desde un punto de vista teorico. Sin embargo, la busqueda sin resultado de partculas supersimetricas pone a estos modelos bajo cierta tension, sobre todo porque muchas de las propiedades de supersimetr a en su aplicacion a la fsica de partculas estan directamente relacionadas con su presencia a escalas de energa del orden de las que estan siendo exploradas en LHC. Sin evidencias directas de supersimetra, ¿existe alguna medicion indirecta que los fsicos de partculas podran usar para estudiar estos modelos? La partcula de Higgs descubierta en 2012 en LHC no es solo la ultima pieza del Modelo Estandar, tambien es una nueva ventana que podra ser util en el estudio de fsica mas alla del Modelo Estandar. En la primera parte de esta tesis estudiamos las consecuencias del descubrimiento del boson de Higgs para versiones mnimas (construidas con el menor numero posible de elementos) de supersimetra. Encontramos que la masa del Higgs es mas pesada de lo que uno esperara en las extensiones supersimetricas del Modelo Estandar mas mnimas. Por lo tanto concluimos que puede que la busqueda de \minimalidad” a la hora de formular teoras mas alla del Modelo Estandar, no sea el camino mas adecuado en este caso. Por eso construimos una realizacion un poco mas “barroca” de supersimetra con la esperanza de que solucione el problema de la masa del Higgs, la teora se llama “Modelo de Tripletes con Simetra Custodial”. Este modelo presenta un sector de Higgs extendido y usa simetras para resolver algunos de los problemas asociados a la introduccion de nuevos grados de libertad en el potencial escalar de una teora, al mismo tiempo, es capaz de proporcionar una masa para el Higgs en acuerdo con la medicion experimental. Dedicamos la segunda parte de la tesis al estudio pormenorizado del Modelo de Tripletes con Simetra Custodial, de donde derivamos resultados muy interesantes con aplicaciones tanto en fsica de partculas como en cosmologa. / We know from experimental results but also from theoretical arguments that the very successful Standard Model of particle physics is just a low energy description of a more fundamental structure. Supersymmetry, a space-time symmetry that relates bosons and fermions, provides some of the most theoretically favored candidates to complete the Standard Model. However, null results in the searches for supersymmetric particles put these models under stress, specially since many of the nice properties of supersymmetry at the particle physics level are directly tied with its presence at the energy scales that are now being probed at the LHC. With no direct evidence for supersymmetry, is there an indirect measurement that particle physicists could use to test these models? In 2012 the Higgs particle was discovered at LHC. Its discovery gives closure to the Standard Model but also opens up a new window that could be useful in the study of physics beyond the Standard Model. In the first part of this thesis we study the consequences of the Higgs discovery for minimal versions of supersymmetry. We find that the measured mass of the Higgs particle is heavier than what is expected by the minimal realizations of a supersymmetric Standard Model. We thus consider that the search for minimality, i.e. building models with the least number of elements, in the formulation of beyond the Standard Model theories may not be such a good guiding principle in this case and construct a more baroque realization of supersymmetry, the Supersymmetric Custodial Triplet Model. This theory features an extended Higgs sector and uses symmetry as a tool to get rid of some of the problems associated with the introduction of new degrees of freedom to the scalar potential of a theory, at the same time, it is able to provide a Higgs that fits properly the experimental measurement of its mass. We devoted the second part of the thesis to an in depth study of the Supersymmetric Custodial Triplet Model, deriving very interesting results that can be useful both for particle physics, and cosmology.

A novel depleted monolithic active pixel sensor for future high energy physics detectors

Fernandez-Perez, Sonia 19 May 2016 (has links)
El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC) tiene previsto aumentar su luminosidad hasta siete veces su valor actual con el objetivo de ampliar su actual programa de física. Esta mejora se conoce con el nombre de High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) y está prevista para el año 2024-2026. El actual Inner Detector (ID) del detector de ALTAS será completamente reemplazado por uno nuevo para ajustarse a los rigurosos requisitos que impone el HL-LHC. Nuevos detectores de píxeles están siendo investigados para su utilización en todo el ID cuando el HL-LHC entre en operación. La utilización de sensores de píxeles tipo monolítico dentro del ID de ATLAS supondría una nueva era para los detectores de píxeles en física de altas energías debido a sus muchas ventajas con respecto a las tecnologías que se usan actualmente. Las principales ventajas son: mejor resolución espacial, menor densidad, mayor rendimiento, y menor coste. En este contexto, un nuevo tipo de sensor monolítico conocido como Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor on silicon-on-insulator ha sido investigado en esta tesis. El capítulo 1 describe el LHC, el experimento ATLAS, y las mejoras previstas para el HL-LHC. Este capítulo también describe los requerimientos y desafíos del futuro Inner Detector, al ser el subdetector más cercano al punto de interacción. El capítulo 2 describe la base de los detectores de partículas en física de altas energías. Este capítulo abarca la interacción de partículas con la materia, los conceptos básicos para la construcción de un detector de píxeles, y la resolución de momento transverso, vértice, y parámetro de impacto de un detector. El capítulo 3 describe los daños que la radiación produce en detectores de silicio, tanto en la electrónica como en el sensor, cuyo impacto es crucial en el rendimiento de los detectores especialmente para experimentos en el HL-LHC. El capítulo 4 revisa la evolución y tendencias en detectores de pixeles, abarcando desde los ya bien establecidos pixel híbridos, hasta los CMOS píxeles. La sección dedicada a los CMOS píxeles describe los diferentes tipos que se están considerando en ATLAS: High resistivity CMOS, high voltage CMOS, y monolíticos CMOS-on-SOI. Este ultimo compone el núcleo de estudio de esta tesis y es descrito en detalle. Los siguientes capítulos detallan el programa de caracterización y medidas realizado en el contexto de esta tesis. El capitulo 5 se centra en la caracterización del daño creado por la radiación en la electrónica hasta las dosis esperadas en el ID de ATLAS durante su operación en el HL-LHC. Las propiedades del detector, como son las corrientes de fuga, el cociente entre señal y ruido, la colección de carga y la profundidad de depleción, son descritas en el capitulo 6. El Capítulo 7 describe la caracterización de sensores monolíticos CMOS-on-SOI en un haz de piones, donde la colección de carga, el reparto de carga entre píxeles, la resolución espacial, y la eficiencia son discutidas. Este trabajo concluye con un resumen, con vistas al futuro de las tecnologías monolíticas CMOS-on-SOI en la física de altas energías. / A major upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) called High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is scheduled for 2024-2026. This will lead to an increase of the luminosity by seven times the current value and to the extension of the currently ongoing physics programme. A completely new Inner Detector for the ATLAS experiment needs to be developed to withstand the extremely harsh environment at the HL-LHC. New pixel detector concepts are being investigated as a possible candidate to the inner and outer layers of the HL-LHC ATLAS Inner Detector. The use of monolithic pixel sensors in the ATLAS Inner Tracker would lead to a new era of pixel detectors as a consequence of its many advantages with respect to the current technologies. The achievement of smaller spatial resolution, lower density, bigger production yield and throughput, and smaller budget cost are the main arguments to pursue this technology. In this context, a novel Depleted Monolithic Pixel Active Detector built on a thick film Silicon-On-Insulator has been fully investigated in this thesis. Chapter 1 introduces LHC and the ATLAS experiment as well as their foreseen scenarios at the HL-LHC upgrade. This naturally motivates the stringent requirements and challenges of the closest sub-detector to the interaction point, the Inner Detector. Chapter 2 describes the basis of a tracking detector for high energy physics applications, detailing the interactions of particles with matter to the formation of a pixel detector from a semiconductor material. Then the momentum, vertex, and impact parameter resolution of a tracking detector are calculated leading to a set of requirements for the detector design. Chapter 3 describes the radiation damage in silicon detectors whose impact to the detector performance is crucial specially for HL-LHC experiments. The radiation damage in the electronics and in the silicon bulk is treated. Chapter 4 revises the current developments and trends on pixel detectors from the well established hybrid pixel technologies to the commercial CMOS pixels. The commercial CMOS pixels section describes the current technologies being considered at ATLAS: high resistivity, high voltage CMOS (currently built as hybrid and as monolithic), and monolithic CMOS-on-SOI. The latter one composes the core of study of this thesis and is described in great detail. The final chapters are dedicated to the description of the validation programme performed to the CMOS-on-SOI technology, together with characterization methods used, measurements performed, and results analysis description. Chapter 5 focuses on the measurements performed to characterize the radiation hardness of the technology against the ionizing radiation expected in the HL-LHC ATLAS detector. The crucial charge collection properties to fulfil the ATLAS detector requirements were measured and are described in Chapter 6. These measurements include leakage current, signal-to-noise ratio, collected charge, and depletion depth on unirradiated and irradiated samples. Additionally, different techniques as radioactive sources, pion beams, and laser beams were used in order to calculate the depletion depth. Chapter 7 describes the characterization of the monolithic CMOS-on-SOI in a pion beam test. The measured charge collection, charge sharing, spatial resolution, and tracking efficiency are discussed. Within the summary, an outlook towards the future of depleted monolithic active pixel sensors on silicon-on-insulator technology for high energy physics is presented.

Quasi-Dynamic Characterization of Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Flat-Plate Collectors

Nalis, Amrizal 09 July 2012 (has links)
Un model híbrid transitòria fotovoltaic / tèrmic ha estat desenvolupat i validat experimentalment. La metodologia s'estén el model tèrmic quasi-dinàmica s'indica a la norma EN 12975 per involucrar el rendiment elèctric i estudiar el comportament dinàmic minimitzar les limitacions de l'hora de caracteritzar el col • lector. Una es mou cap enrere procediment mitjà de filtrat s'ha aplicat per millorar la resposta del model de condicions de treball variables. Quant a la part elèctrica, el model inclou les dependències tèrmiques i la radiació en les seves variables. Els resultats van revelar que els paràmetres característics inclosos en el model raonablement d'acord amb els valors experimentals obtinguts de la norma d'estat estacionari i els mesuraments de la corba característica IV. Després d'un procés de calibració del model proposat és una eina adequada per predir el comportament tèrmic i elèctric d'un col • lector solar híbrida, per un temps determinat conjunt de dades. / Se ha desarrollado un modelo dinámico para caracterizar colectores solares híbridos térmofotovoltaicos. La metodología extiende el modelo térmico estipulado en la norma EN 12975 involucrando la aportación eléctrica y estudiando el comportamiento dinámico para minimizar las restricciones a la hora de caracterizar el módulo. Se han implementado procedimientos de filtrado que mejoran la respuesta del modelo bajo condiciones variables. En cuanto a la parte eléctrica, el modelo incluye las dependencias térmicas y la radiación en sus variables. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de caracterización dinámica del colector híbrido PV/T revelaron que los parámetros característicos incluidos en el modelo concuerdan razonablemente bien con los valores experimentales obtenidos siguiendo el estándar de caracterización estacionaria, la capacidad calorífica efectiva y las mediciones de la curva característica IV. Después de un proceso de calibración, el modelo es una herramienta adecuada para predecir el comportamiento de un colector solar híbrido, para unas condiciones externas determinadas. / A hybrid photovoltaic/thermal transient model has been developed and validated experimentally. The methodology extends the quasi-dynamic thermal model stated in the EN 12975 to involve the electrical performance and to consider the dynamic behaviour minimising constraints when characterising the collector. A backward moving average filtering procedure has been applied to improve the model response for variable working conditions. Concerning the electrical part, the model includes the thermal and radiation dependences in its variables. The results revealed that the characteristic parameters included in the model reasonably agree with the experimental values obtained from standard steady-state and IV characteristic curve measurements. After a calibration process the proposed model is a suitable tool to predict the thermal and electrical performance of a hybrid solar collector, for a specific weather data set

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