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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolomics and stoichiometry adapted to the study of environmental impacts on plants

Gargallo Garriga, Albert 10 September 2015 (has links)
La metabolòmica ha permès importants avanços en les ciències biològiques. Un nombre creixent d'estudis ecològics han aplicat un enfoc metabolòmic per respondre a preguntes ecològiques (ecometabolòmica) durant els últims anys. El treball desenvolupat al llarg d'aquesta tesi doctoral significa un pas més en el camp de la ecometabolòmica. En el primer capítol d'aquesta tesi doctoral, hem fet l'adaptació del protocol per dur a terme la metabolòmica en estudis ecològics. En ell es descriuen en detall els procediments per al camp i de laboratori per realitzar anàlisis de metabolòmica mitjançant la Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear (RMN) especroscòpica i cromatografia líquida amb espectrometria de masses (HPLC-MS), juntament amb l'anàlisi de l'estequiometria. Aquesta millora ens ha permès combinar l'estudi d'estequiometria ecològica i metabolòmica en un sol protocol i donar una visió general del que està passant amb els organismes. En el segon i tercer capítols s’ha aplicat el protocol sobre la part aèria i arrels en l’estudi dels efectes de factors relacionats amb el canvi climàtic (sequera, escalfament, els factors de risc). Els resultats confirmen la variació metabolòmica entre la part aèria i les arrels, en les diferents estacions de l’any i en diferents tractaments d'aigua. L'anàlisi ecometabolomic simultània entre la part aèria i les arrels ha proporcionat una visió completa de tota la planta, incloent la resposta dels diferents òrgans als canvis ambientals, la resposta global fenotípica i els mecanismes metabòlics subjacents a aquestes respostes. En el quart capítol es descriu la metabolòmica de fulles d’alzina (Quercus ilex) simulant un atac dels herbívors. El perfils de RMN de les fulles del Quercus ilex canvien després de la ferida. Es va observar, un marcat augment en els metabòlits secundaris rics en carboni, del quercitol i del àcid quínic, que estan relacionats amb la via metabòlica de l'àcid shiquímic. Els resultats també confirmen que l'àcid quínic i el quercitol són presents en gran contingut en el gènere Quercus i estan involucrats en els mecanismes contra factors biòtics. Finalment, el cinquè capítol estudia les relacions entre els microorganismes epífitics i la planta. L’estudi mostra que els microorganismes que viuen a la filosfera de la fulla juguen un paper important, existeixen microorganismes dins dels òrgans de la planta i les relacions que hi ha entre l’estructura i les funcions del metabolisme intern i extern de la planta. Aquests resultats aporten un major coneixement de les relacions específiques entre les plantes i les comunitats microbianes que viuen sobre i dins d'ells. / Metabolomics has allowed significant advances in biological sciences. An increasing number of ecological studies have applied a metabolomic approach to answer ecological questions (ecometabolomics) during the last few years. The work developed throughout this PhD thesis means a further step in the field of ecometabolomics. The first chapter of results of this thesis is dedicated to the adaptation of a previously described protocol to conduct metabolomics in ecological studies. It describes in detail the procedures to follow, in the field and in the laboratory, to perform metabolomic analyses using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) coupled to stoichiometric analysis. This improvement allowed to combine the study of ecological stoichiometry and metabolomics in a single protocol and obtain a wider overview of what is happing to the organism. In the second and third chapters, the described protocol is applied to study how some climate change factors (drought, warming and irrigation) affect different organs of the plant (shoots and roots of Holcus lanatus and Alopecurus pratensis) at two different seasons. The results show a relationship between the metabolic variation observed in roots and the observed in shoots. The simultaneous metabolomic analysis of both organs of these grasses provide a complete view of the entire plant; including the response of different organs to environmental changes, the global phenotypic response and the metabolic mechanisms underlying these responses. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the study of the simulated attack to Quercus Ilex leaves by a herbivore. The results show differences in the 1H NMR metabolic profiles of the leaf before and after the wound. A marked increase in C-rich secondary metabolites, quinic acid and quercitol, which are related to the shikimic metabolic pathway, was observed. The results also confirm that quinic acid and quercitol are present in great content in the genus Quercus and they are involved in mechanisms against biotic stress. In the fifth chapter a study of the relationship between the epiphytic microorganisms and the plant host is described. This study highlights the large complexity of the episphere, the existence of internal microbial communities and the strong relationships between the structure and function of the internal and external plant metabolomes. These results warrant further study of the specific relationships between plants and the microbial communities living on and in them.

Advanced amperometric nanocomposite sensors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene: characterization, optimization, functionalization and applications

Muñoz Martín, Jose María 28 September 2015 (has links)
Dins de l’amplia gama de nanocompòsits, la incorporació de materials conductors de carboni nanoestructurats, entre els quals s’hi troben els nanotubs de carboni (NTCs) i el grafè, a dins d’una matriu polimèrica aïllant, és una forma molt atractiva de combinar les propietats mecàniques i elèctriques úniques del material de farciment amb els atributs dels plàstics. Concretament, els materials nanocompòsits basats en carboni han jugat un gran lideratge en el camp de l’electroquímica analítica, sobre tot en el desenvolupament de dispositius (bio)sensors, degut a les seves interessants avantatges respecte a un material conductor pur. Aquestes avantatges els hi proporcionen un alt valor afegit, com versatilitat, durabilitat, una fàcil regeneració de la superfície i integració, simplicitat a l’hora d’incorporar diferents (bio)modificadors o una baixa corrent de fons, entre d’altres. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi aborda el desenvolupament de sensors nanocompòsits avançats de tipus amperomètrics que, havent sigut optimitzada la seva relació carboni/polímer, poden ser modificats amb un ampli ventall de nanopartícules (NPs) per millorar-ne la seva eficiència electroanalítica. Les propietats elèctriques d’aquests nanocompòsits i, per tant, la seva aplicabilitat analítica, es troben directament influenciades tant per la naturalesa de les partícules conductores com per la quantitat i distribució espacial de les mateixes a través de la matriu polimèrica aïllant. Una de les propietats electroquímiques més importants que envolten a aquests materials, és la similitud del seu comportament electroquímic amb el d’un array de microelèctrodes. Per tant, una optimització de la seva relació carboni/polímer respecte a la naturalesa del material conductor de partida, permetrà assolir una major dispersió de les àrees conductores a través de les zones no conductores, presentant així beneficis similars als d’un array de microelèctrodes. A més, és conegut que alguns paràmetres, tals com la resistivitat del material compost, la transferència electrònica, la robustesa del material i la corrent capacitiva es troben fortament influenciades per la naturalesa física de la mostra de nanotubs de partida, com és la seva relació longitud/diàmetre i la seva puresa, fet que poden influir fortament la resposta electroanalítica final del material transductor. Sota aquest context, la primera etapa de la Tesi va consistir en la implementació d’un conjunt de tècniques instrumentals que, aplicades de manera sistemàtica, han permès la caracterització i la optimització de la composició dels materials nanocompòsits basats en nanotubs de carboni i resina epoxi (Epotek H77) en relació a la naturalesa dels NTCs de partida per a la fabricació de sensors electroquímics més eficients. El protocol de caracterització dut a terme inclou eines elèctriques, electroquímiques, morfològiques, microscòpiques, espectroscòpiques i electro-analítiques. Un cop optimitzada les proporcions de CNT/epoxi, el següent pas va consistir en millorar el rendiment analític d’aquests sensors electroquímics nanocompòsits incorporant-ne diferents NPs per a la introducció d’algun tipus d’efecte electrocatalític. Per arribar a aquesta fita, es va desenvolupar una metodologia simple per a la síntesi d’una amplia gama de NPs. La Síntesi Intermatricial (IMS) va ser utilitzada com a tècnica verda per al disseny de tres rutes diferents que permetin una incorporació personalitzada d’aquestes NPs dintre del material transductor, obtenint així sensors amperomètrics més sensibles a diferents analits. Finalment, els estudis de caracterització i funcionalització implementats en els sensors nanocompòsits basats en NTCs han estat estesos a materials nanocompòsits basats en una altra forma al·lotròpica del carboni: el grafè, el qual és l’últim descobriment en termes de material de carboni nanoestructurat. / Entre la amplia gama de nanocompósitos, la incorporación de materiales conductores nanoestructurados de carbono, entre los que se encuentran los nanotubos de carbono (NTCs) y el grafeno, dentro de una matriz polimérica aislante, es una forma muy atractiva de combinar las propiedades mecánicas y eléctricas únicas del material de relleno con los atributos de los plásticos. Concretamente, los materiales nanocompósitos basados en carbono han jugado un gran liderazgo en el campo de la electroquímica analítica, sobre todo en el desarrollo de dispositivos (bio)sensores, debido a sus interesantes ventajas con respecto a un material conductor puro. Dichas ventajas les proporcionan un alto valor añadido, como versatilidad, durabilidad, fácil regeneración de la superficie e integración, simple incorporación de (bio)modificadores o baja corriente de fondo, entre otras. En este sentido, esta tesis aborda el desarrollo de sensores nanocompósitos avanzados de tipo amperométrico que, habiendo sido optimizada su relación carbono/polímero, pueden ser modificados con un amplio abanico de nanopartículas (NPs) para mejorar su eficiencia electroanalítica. Las propiedades eléctricas de estos nanocompósitos y, por lo tanto, su aplicabilidad analítica, están directamente influenciadas tanto por la naturaleza de las partículas conductoras como por la cantidad y distribución espacial de éstas a través de la matriz polimérica aislante. Una de las propiedades electroquímicas más importantes que envuelven a estos materiales es la similitud de su comportamiento electroquímico con respecto a un array de microelectrodos. Por lo tanto, una optimización de la relación carbono/polímero con respecto a la naturaleza del material conductor de partida permitirá lograr una mayor dispersión de las áreas conductoras a través de las zonas no conductoras, presentando beneficios similares a los de un array de microelectrodos. Además, es conocido que algunos parámetros, tales como la resistividad del material compuesto, la transferencia electrónica, la robustez del material y la corriente capacitiva están fuertemente influenciadas por la naturaleza física de la muestra de nanotubos de partida, como son su relación longitud/diámetro o su pureza, hecho que pueden influir fuertemente en la respuesta electroanalítica final del material transductor. Bajo este contexto, la primera etapa de esta tesis consistió en la implementación de un conjunto de técnicas instrumentales que, aplicadas de manera sistemática, han perimitido, la caracterización y optimización de la composición de materiales nanocompósitos basados en nanotubos de carbono y resina epoxi (Epotek H77) con respecto a la naturaleza de los NTCs de partida para la fabricación de sensores electroquímicos más eficientes. El protocolo de caracterización llevado a cabo incluye herramientas eléctricas, electroquímicas, morfológicas, microscópicas, espectroscópicas y electroanalíticas. Una vez optimizada las proporciones de NTC/epoxi, el siguiente paso consistió en mejorar el rendimiento analítico de estos sensores electroquímicos nanocompósitos incorporándoles diferentes NPs con la finalidad de introducir algún tipo de efecto electrocatalítico. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se desarrolló una metodología simple para la síntesis de una amplia gama de NPs. La Síntesis Intermatricial (IMS) fue utilizada como técnica verde para el diseño de tres rutas diferentes que permitan una incorporación personalizada de estas NPs en el material transductor, obteniendo así sensores amperométricos más sensibles a diferentes analitos. Finalmente, los estudios de caracterización y funcionalización implementados en los sensores nanocompósitos basados en NTCs han sido extendidos para materiales nanocompósitos basados en otra forma alotrópica del carbono: el grafeno, el cual es el último descubrimiento en términos de material de carbono nanoestructurado. / Among the wide range of nanocomposites, the incorporation of conducting nanostructured carbon materials, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene, into an insulating polymeric matrix is a very attractive way to combine the unique mechanical and electrical properties of individual filler with the advantages of plastics. Concretely, carbon–based nanocomposite materials have played a leading role in the analytical electrochemistry field, particularly in (bio)sensor devices, due to their interesting advantages regarding to a pure conductive material, such as versatility, durability, easy surface regeneration and integration, facile incorporation of a variety of (bio)modifiers or low background current, among others. Accordingly, this thesis tackles the development of advanced amperometric nanocomposite sensors that having been optimized regarding to carbon/polymer composition ratios, can be tunable with different types of nanoparticles (NPs) for improving their electroanalytical efficiency. The electrical properties of these nanocomposites and, therefore, their analytical applicability, are directly influenced by the conducting particles nature and the amount and spatial distribution of them through the insulating polymeric matrix. One of the most important electrochemical properties of these materials is the similarity of their electrochemical behavior with a microelectrode array. Thus, an optimization of the carbon/polymer ratio with respect to the nature of the conducting material will allow to achieve a greater dispersion of the conducting areas through the non-conducting areas, presenting similar benefits to the microelectrode array. In addition, it is known that some parameters, such as composite resistivity, heterogeneous electron transfer rate, material robustness and background capacitance current are strongly influenced by the physical nature of the raw CNT sample, such as their diameter/length ratio and purity, fact that may strongly influences the final electroanalytical response of the transducer material. Under this context, the first step of this thesis consisted of implementing a group of instrumental techniques that, systematically applied, have allowed the characterization and optimization of nanocomposite materials composition based on CNTs and epoxy resin (Epotek H77) in relation to the nature of the raw CNT sample for the fabrication of more efficient electrochemical sensors. The developed characterization protocol includes electrical, electrochemical, morphological, microscopic, spectroscopic and electroanalytical tools. Having been optimized the MWCNT/epoxy composition ratios, the next step consisted of enhancing the analytical performance of these electrochemical nanocomposite sensors introducing some electrocatalytical effect by the incorporation of different NPs. For this goal, a simple methodology for synthesizing a wide range of different NPs has been developed. Intermatrix Synthesis (IMS) has been used as a green technique to design three different routes for CNT/epoxy nanocomposite electrodes modification, which offer a customized way for the preparation of sensitive amperometric sensors. Finally, the characterization and functionalization studies applied for CNT–based electrochemical nanocomposite sensors have been extended for nanocomposite materials based on another allotropic form of carbon: the graphene, which is the last discovery in terms of nanostructured carbon material.

Novel water-based carbon inks for application in screen-printed biosensors

Crouch, Eric January 2005 (has links)
Numerous reports have been published detailing a wide variety of strategies for the production of many different prototype screen-printed biosensors, hmvever, few of these devices have been developed to the commercialisation stage. There is an unquestionable need for disposable biosensors suitable for decentralised analysis that can be mass-produced at low cost by a simple process; screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) fulfil both of these criteria. Conventional methods for producing biosensors based on this technology usually involve the deposition of a biological recognition element (typically an enzyme) onto a SPCE which has been printed using an organic solvent-based ink. The removal of organic solvents from the manufacturing process is a highly desirable goal as it should result in improved health and safety and also the possibility of incorporation of enzymes directly into the ink. The latter is difficult to achieve with conventional screen-printing inks as enzymes are inactivated by both the organic solvents themselves and the elevated temperatures required in the curing step. The studies described in this thesis utilise a screen-printing ink which incorporates a water-based binder and the electro catalytic mediator cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPe.) It is demonstrated that the addition of different oxidase enzymes directly into this ink allows for the one-step manufacture of biosensors with desirable performance characteristics, notably high precision and outstanding stability. A water-based carbon ink incorporating CoPC was used to produce robust and precise SPCEs which were found to act as effective sensors for H20 2• The sensors were operated in stirred solutions at an applied potential of +0.5 V, which was shown to be a significant reduction in the potential required for H20 2 detection at an un-modified electrode. The ink was modified further by adding glucose oxidase (GOD) to its bulk prior to printing. This allowed for the one-step printing of glucose biosensors which dried at room temperature. These biosensors were investigated using amperometry in stirred solution which revealed long-term operational stability and a shelf-life of at least 18 months. The analytical signal was shown to arise from the electro catalytic oxidation of the H20 2 produced by the enzyme in the presence of glucose and O2. Using these biosensors with a background correction technique, it was possible to determine the concentration of glucose present in a bovine serum sample with a good degree of both accuracy and precision. This demonstrated that the newly-developed glucose biosensors were capable of operating reliably in a biological sample. In order to extend the linear range, the ink composition was re-formulated and chronoamperometry was used as the measurement technique. The sensitivity of these new glucose biosensors was found to be comparable to that of the earlier system, and the upper limit of the linear range was successfully extended. A simple method for interference removal was developed, which involved the use of 'dummy' sensors that did not contain any enzyme. Using this system, it was possible to quantify glucose in dilute human plasma samples which had been spiked with glucose in order to represent diabetic samples. The generic nature of the CoPC modified water-based ink was illustrated by adding a different enzyme, lactate oxidase (LOD,) which is known to be much more delicate than GOD, into the ink. Even under un-optimised conditions, the LOD-containing biosensors gave a measurable response to lactate over a clinically useful range. Owing to their unusual properties, the study of materials with dimensions smaller than 100 nm is playing an increasingly important role in the development of biosensors. In an attempt to extend the linear range of the GOD-containing biosensors to higher glucose concentrations, the possibility of using nanoscaled cobalt phthalocyanine (n-CoPC) as a mediator was investigated. It was shown that the response of the n-CoPC containing sensors towards H20 2 was superior to those incorporating the bulk mediator. GOD was added to the n-CoPC modified ink, and the resulting glucose biosensors displayed a superior sensitivity and linear range to the bulk-CoPC containing biosensors produced earlier. The increased sensitivity was attributed to the increased sensitivity of the base transducer, and further experiments were conducted to determine the reason for the extended linear range. Remarkably, it was discovered that the n-CoPC modified biosensors were capable of operating in the absence of O2, which implied that the n-CoPC must be interacting in some way with the redox centre of GOD. Such direct electron transfer has been reported for biosensors incorporating other types of nanomaterials but, as far as is known, never for CoPC. In order to investigate the possibility of determining another clinically important analyte, cholesterol oxidase was introduced into the n-CoPC modified water-based ink. Although the resulting cholesterol biosensors did not display the same Orindependent operation, a good sensitivity and a linear response up to at least 2 mM cholesterol was achieved. Free cholesterol was determined in 40 dilute human plasma samples which had been spiked with cholesterol to represent a clinically useful range of total cholesterol concentrations; the results agreed well with a standard reference method (R2 = 0.95.)

The analysis of amphetamines and explosives by supercritical fluid chromatography : an evaluation

McAvoy, Yvonne January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Development and application of the DGT technique for the measurement of nitrate, ammonia and phosphate in natural waters, sediments and soils

Kobayashi, Takahiro January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular structure and predissociation dynamics studied using absorption spectroscopy and ion imaging

Howie, Wendy Helen January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Applications of vibrational microspectroscopy

Atkinson, Samantha D. M. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

A study of some aspects of capillary electrophoresis in drug analysis

Vorarat, Suwanna January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Depth profiling of ultra-shallow implants in silicon

Al-Harthi, Salim January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a biosensor based on enzyme-catalysed degradation of thin polymer films

Sumner, Claire January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

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