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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of ultra long n-alkane crystals by X-ray diffraction

Lord, Timothy David January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Approaches to α-methylcyclopropanes and a new route to methylenecyclopropanes

Mohammed, H. M. January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Novel enantioselective construction of nitrocycloalkanes

Sundaram, Rajkumar January 2013 (has links)
This thesis studies the novel enantioselective of nitrocycloalkanes with multiple stereocentres via inter and/or intramolecular Michael addition using a variety of organocatalytic approaches. A novel nitro-Michael/Michael domino reaction catalysed by a quinine-derived bifunctional thiourea catalyst has been developed. This methodology has been applied to generate a variety of nitrocyclohexane derivatives, containing up to five contiguous stereocentres, with very high enantioselectivity and good diastereoselectivity. We have hypothesized that the reaction proceeds through the dual coordination of thiourea catalyst to both the nitronate and the conjugated ester. Finally the application of these compounds was demonstrated in the synthesis of a tetracyclic alkaloid a-lycorane-like compound. We have also successfully devised an enantioselective organocatlytic Michael addition to vinyl cyanosulfones catalysed by quinine-derive bifunctional thiourea catalyst. A variety of highly functionalised cyclohexyl derivatives containing one quaternary stereocentre in nature were synthesised with high yield and good enantioselectivity and diastereoselectivity. Finally, the synthetic application was demonstrated through the synthesis of and amino acid precursors.

Potential for functionalised ionic liquids in olefin/paraffin separation using composite polymer membranes, extraction or reactive distillation

Deng, Rui January 2013 (has links)
In this work, non-membrane and membrane methods were utilized to investigate the separations of olefin/paraffin and several industrial gas pairs. The non-membrane methods section investigated different methods used for olefin and paraffin separations which include liquid extraction and reactive distillation. I -hexene and n-hexane were selected as the olefin and paraffin representatives and were tested in all the liqu id extraction and distillation separation experiments. In the liquid extraction separation systems, three different extractants were used namely [Bmim][N Tf2L silver nitrate salt of MIM-PS (1-( 1-methyl-3-im idazolio)propane-3 -su lfonate) dissolved in [Bmim][HS041 mixtures and [BmimHBF,l cont aining AgBF4• Distribution coefficients of I -hexene and n-hexane were ca lculated for each and selectivities were also obtained from the distribution coefficient data. For the distillation separation method, silica supported ionic liquids (SILs) of [Bmim][NTf21 and [Bmim][BF41 containing AgBF4 were prepared and adopted as the reactive packing to aid in the separation of the olefin. Vapour-liquid equilibrium (VlE) data were studied for the ordinary distillation without Sils packing as well as for the different reactive distillation systems. TPU (Thermal polyurethane) and PSF (polysulfone) were selected as the polymer materials to carry out the olefin/paraffin permeabilities and separation effects tests in the membrane sepa ration section. Casting and coating composite polymer/ionic liquid membranes of different weight ratios of polymer to ionic liquid were made to undertake the olefin/paraffin separation tests. Ethane/ethylene and propane/propylene gas pairs were selected as the olefin/ paraffin rep resentatives. Co mposite TPU/AgOTf/[Bmim+OTfj and TPU/AgPFt;/ [Bmim+PF6-1 membranes were also pre pa red and tested for olef in/paraffin separations. Diffe rent weight ratios of polymer to silver salt and mol ratios of silver salt to ionic liquid were chosen to synthesize the composite polymer/silver salt/ionic li quid membranes. Finally, the olefin/ paraffin separation mechanisms were discussed.

Micro porous-based catalysts for selective oxidation reactions and isomerisation of alkanes

Cavallaro, F. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Προσομοίωση Monte Carlo της δομής συστημάτων ημιφθοριωμένων αλκανίων

Τσούρτου, Φλώρα 16 May 2014 (has links)
Η μεσόμορφη κατάσταση είναι μια ενδιάμεση κατάστασή της ύλης μεταξύ στερεής και υγρής φάσης και περιλαμβάνει δύο μεγάλες κατηγορίες, την υγροκρυσταλλική και την περιστροφική φάση, στις οποίες παρατηρούνται ιεραρχημένες δομές υπό συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες. Ανάλογη συμπεριφορά εμφανίζουν και τα ημιφθοριωμένα αλκάνια κατά το σχηματισμό κρυστάλλων σε στοιβάδες (λαμέλες) με μικρή ή μεγάλη τάξη στη μεσοφάση τους τα οποία έχουν μοριακό τύπο CmF2m+1CnH2n+1 και χρησιμοποιούνται κατά κόρον σε βιοϊατρικές εφαρμογές. Ένα από αυτά τα αλκάνια είναι το F(CF2)12(CH2)12H ή αλλιώς F12H12, ένα γραμμικό δισυσταδικό μόριο για το οποίο έχει παρατηρηθεί ότι μεταπίπτει από μία μεσοφάση με δομή διστρωματικής λαμέλας σε μεσοφάση μικρότερης τάξης και δομής μονομοριακής λαμέλας καθώς η θερμοκρασία αυξάνει. Στη παρούσα εργασία, με τον ανασχεδιασμό ενός ατομιστικού αλγορίθμου Monte Carlo (MC) μελετήθηκε η μεσόμορφη κατάσταση του F12H12 και συγκεκριμένα στόχος ήταν η πρόβλεψη της αυτό-οργάνωσης του συστήματος στον κύριο όγκο (bulk system) και στην ενδιάμεση κατάστασή του. Όμως για να καταστεί εφικτή αυτή η μελέτη, ήταν αναγκαία η εύρεση από την διεθνή βιβλιογραφία ενός μοριακού μοντέλου, το οποίο θα μπορούσε να προβλέψει με την καλύτερη δυνατή ακρίβεια τις ιδιότητές του υπό μελέτη συστήματος. Προς την κατεύθυνση αυτή, δοκιμάστηκαν τρία μοριακά μοντέλα με διαφορετικές παραμέτρους αλληλεπίδρασης των ατομιστικών μονάδων του μορίου. Τα αποτελέσματα των προσομοιώσεων Monte Carlo δεν ήταν τα αναμενόμενα, σύμφωνα με τα διαθέσιμα πειραματικά δεδομένα. Η ιδέα της εφαρμογή της μεθόδου μοριακής δυναμικής για τη μελέτη της μεσόμορφης κατάστασης των F12H12 κρίθηκε απαραίτητη για την εξισορρόπηση του συστήματος σε εύλογο χρονικό υπολογιστικό διάστημα, αλλά και για τη χρήση της ως εργαλείο ελέγχου της αξιοπιστίας του αλγορίθμου MC και των μοριακών μοντέλων. Από τα αποτελέσματα προσομοιώσεων MD εξακριβώθηκε η ορθότητα του αλγορίθμου MC και προέκυψε το συμπέρασμα ότι τα εξεταζόμενα μοριακά μοντέλα αδυνατούν να προβλέψουν με ακρίβεια και επιτυχία τα πειραματικά δεδομένα, καθώς τουλάχιστον τα δύο από αυτά εντοπίζουν τη μετάβαση φάσης από την ισοτροπική στην μεσόμορφη κατάσταση μικρότερης τάξης σε διαφορετικές συνθήκες (μικρότερη θερμοκρασία, μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα) από αυτές των πειραματικά μετρούμενων. Σε αυτές τις συνθήκες εφαρμόστηκε και η μέθοδος προσομοίωσης Monte Carlo η οποία δεν είχε την δυνατότητα να εξισορροπήσει το υπό μελέτη σύστημα σε μικρές θερμοκρασίες και να προβλέψει την μετάβαση φάσης. Σε κάθε περίπτωση θα ήταν εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέρουσα η περαιτέρω μελέτη του συστήματος F12H12. / Semifluorinated alkanes (SFAs) are diblock molecules, which consist of two immiscible and incompatible moieties, the perfluorinated segment (CF2)m and the hydrοgenated segment (CH2)n, which are covalently linked to form the copolymer with the general chemical structure F(CF2)m(CH2)nH, abbreviated as FmHn. The (CF2)m and (CH2)n segments have different conformation, as the first one adopts a twisted 15/7 helical structure, whereas the other prefers an all-trans zigzag conformation. Due to the incompatibility between the two segments and consequently their asymmetric structure, SFAs are capable of remarkable phenomena, such as structural transitions, formation of ordered structure and aggregations in non-polar solvents, influenced by the existence of significant dipole moment and surface activity. In spite of the absence of hydrophilic polar head group from the diblock, SFAs possess an amphiphilic character and form Langmuir monolayers at the air/water interface. Furthermore, because of their biocompatibility and their tendency to stabilize interfacial films and control properties of biological colloidal systems, they have been used as additional components in fluorocarbon-in-water emulsion applicants to artificial blood formulation, in phospholipid liposomes that act as drug delivery systems, in ophthalmology as endotamponades, in vitreoretinal surgery and in lung surfactant therapy. Despite the amply of studies as far as the structure and the behavior of solid state SFAs, the identification of phase transition structure has not clearly spelled out, but for some FmHn it has eventually been described as liquid crystalline or smectic phase. Experimental efforts to predict the solid state packing structures in the bulk and the phase state of SFAs, arising from the incommensurable cross-section of the two opposing moieties, with comparable segment lengths and especially for F12Hn compounds have attracted the scientific interest in the literature. DSC measurements indicate the existence of solid-solid phase transitions for F12Hn with n= 8, 10 and 12. Two different crystal packings with layered structure have been observed below the melting point of F12Hn by SAXS and electron density profiles. It is proposed that F12Hn chains with 8 ≤ n ≤ 14 form an antiparallel monolayer packing below their melting point and at lower temperature it follows the transformation to a tilted bilayer lamella, as the Bragg spacings are larger than the end-to-end distance of the individual molecules. For the same group of F12Hn, their phase is referred as a mesomorphic phase below the melting transition and it is described as a “smectic liquid crystalline phase”, whereas at the solid-solid transition the hydrogenated segment presents a fluidlike character. Semifluorinated alkane F(CF2)m(CH2)n with m=n=12 is a linear, symmetric diblock, that is abbreviated as F12H12. It exhibits interesting morphologies not only in the air/water interface, as it forms Langmuir monolayers consisting of “spherical cap” substructures with the orientation of the perfluorocarbon segment on the air1, but also in the bulk state. The DCS experiments and the thermodynamic pressure-volume temperature measurements proposed that the F12H12 system undergoes solid-solid transitions and especially favors two first order transitions. Brillouin spectroscopy, X-ray scattering studies and NMR experiments showed that F121H12 below its melting point exhibits phases that are denoted as layered smectic phases or lamellar phases. In particular, below Tm ~361-363K (melting point) a mesophase exists, whose structure is composed from a monolayer lamella in which hydrocarbon and perfluorinated segments display interdigitation. At lower temperatures (Ts ~351-353K) the system exhibits a denser solid phase that comprises of a fluorocarbon bilayer lamella with interdigitated hydrocarbon segments. In this present work, we report results of constant pressure atomistic molecular simulations, both using molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods and adopting a molecular united model, for predicting the phase transition and the solid bulk-phase assembly of F12H12 molecules. Furthermore, thermodynamic and structural properties are studied and thus the evaluation of the predictions obtained from the two methods is sought through comparison with the available experimental data.

Conceptual design of gasification-based biorefineries using the C-H-O ternary diagram

Litheko, Lefu Andrew 10 1900 (has links)
This dissertation develops a systematic targeting method based on the C-H-O ternary diagram for the conceptual design of gasification-based biorefineries. The approach is applied using dimethyl ether (DME) as case study. A stoichiometric equilibrium model is presented for calculation of the C-H-O chemical equilibria to evaluate and predict equilibrium syngas composition, operating temperature, type and amount of oxidant required in biomass gasification. Overall atomic species balances are developed and process targets are plotted on the C-H-O ternary diagram. Sustainability metrics are incorporated to provide useful insights into the efficiency of biorefinery process targets. It was found that syngas at 1200 and 1500 K is predominantly H2 and CO. Moreover, DME biorefineries have two main process targets, based on the indirect and direct synthesis routes. Gasification at 1200 K and 1 atm. using H2O/CO2 = 2.642 (w/w) and H2O/CH4 = 1.645 (w/w) achieved syngas composition targets for the direct and indirect methods respectively. Comparatively, the integrated biorefinery based on indirect route was more efficient, producing 1.903 ton of DME per ton of biomass feedstock. The process is 100% carbon-efficient and recycles 1.025 tons of H2O. / Civil and Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

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