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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Can Holistic Wellness Predict Teacher Effectiveness?

Harwell, Dana Rolison 05 August 2006 (has links)
Wellness literature reported that the current focus on academic achievement and high-stakes testing has sacrificed wellness in students, and ?there is a strong need and a public outcry to promote wellness in public schools? (Myers & Sweeney, 2005a, p. 228). Also, ?the promotion of schoolwide well-being will enrich the academic experience of students and families. In addition, school staff members who are aware and knowledgeable of wellness concepts may be more likely to apply healthy strategies in the curriculum and throughout the school? (Myers & Sweeney, p. 232). Effective teacher research supported the Student Teacher Assessment Instrument as a viable measure of teacher effectiveness. The purpose of this research was to determine whether holistic wellness as defined by creative self, coping self, social self, essential self, and physical self as measured by the 5F-Wel can be used to predict teacher effectiveness as measured by the STAI. The research question proposed for this study was: Is there a relationship between wellness as measured by the Five Factor Wellness Inventory and effective teaching as measured by the STAI? The research design was correlational. A convenience sample of voluntary participants among the 54 teacher interns during the spring 2006 semester from Mississippi State University-Meridian campus was used. The predictor variables were the second order factor scores on the 5F-Wel. These factors are creative self, coping self, social self, essential self, and physical self. The dependent variable was the overall formative score on the STAI. The results obtained show the predictor variables included in the multiple linear regression analysis did not predict teacher effectiveness as measured by the STAI at an accuracy greater than chance. A statistically significant relationship between the predictor variables and dependent variable was not found. Specifically, wellness as measured by the second order factors on the 5F-Wel did not predict teacher effectiveness as measured by the STAI in this study. Recommendations included: (a) using similar methodology in other studies and (b) replicating the study with future cohorts of student interns from Mississippi State University-Meridian Campus.

Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an Enterprise

Voborská, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes strategy analysis of the enterprise producing interior and facade paints. In diploma thesis are used such analysis as PEST, 4C, Porter's 5F model, internal factors and SWOT analysis. On the basis of SWOT analysis is formulated strategy for improving competitive position of the enterprise on the market.

Návrh podnikatelského modelu pro nové podnikání / Proposal of Business Model for New Business

Pospíšilová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is to create a Proposal of Business Model for New Business using critical analysis. To achieve such a goal Business Model Canvas is used. It is dividend into two major parts. First part is theoretical and sums up main subjects of this topic. Second part is practical and offers current state analysis and the proposal itself.

Studie digitalizace a automatizace ve výrobním procesu vybraného podniku / Study of Digitization in the Production Process of a Selected company

Dolinský, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the current situation of the company in terms of automation and digitization of its production process and the subsequent de-sign of measures respecting the principles of lean manufacturing, which aim to help the company achieve its goals and gain a competitive advantage in the market. An integral part of this work is also the subsequent discussion of the conditions necessary for suc-cessful implementation, as well as discussion of the resulting risks and benefits of the proposed measures.

Návrh podnikatelského plánu pro vznik a rozvoj společnosti / Business Plan Proposal for a Company

Kingová, Jana January 2021 (has links)
The content of this diploma thesis is a proposal for a business plan for the establishment and development of a company. Specifically, it is a business plan for a café called Ollie, which is also a community center, a workshop and a place to work situated in Brno Komárov, near the Komec sports complex. The first part consists of the theoretical basis of the work containing an explanation of the concepts needed to write the practical part of the thesis. The practical part contains an analysis of the current state and the actual design of the solution. Methods used are for example PESTLE or Porter’s Analysis.

Electrons in 5f Systems

Le, Duc-Anh 11 October 2010 (has links)
The localized/delocalized duality of 5f electrons plays an important role in understanding the complex physics of actinides. Band-structure calculations based on the ad hoc assumption that 5f electrons are simultaneously localized and delocalized explained the observed dHvA experiments very well. This ad hoc assumption also gives the correct equilibrium volume for delta-Pu. Experimentally, the duality of 5f electrons is observed by inelastic neutron scattering experiments, or by soft X-ray angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. It is worth recalling that the origin of partial localization in the 3d and 5f systems is quite different. In compounds with 3d electrons, the large crystalline electric field set up by the surrounding environment of transition metal ions plays a major role. On the other hand, in 5f systems, the Hund's rule correlations play the key role whilst the crystalline electric field is less important. In this thesis we have studied the effect of intra-atomic correlations on anisotropies in hopping matrix elements of different 5f orbitals. For that purpose, we used the effective model that includes on-site interactions that are responsible for Hund's rules and effective hopping terms that result from the hybridization of different 5f orbitals with the environment. Two different approximations, namely, rotationally invariant slave-boson mean-field (RISBMF) and infinite time-evolving block decimation (iTEBD), have been used to investigate the ground-state properties of the Hamiltonian. We have demonstrated that Hund's rule correlations enhance strongly anisotropies in hopping matrix elements. For a certain range of 5f bandwidth parameters this effect may result in a complete suppression of hopping processes for some of 5f orbitals, i.e., the system is in a partially localized phase. Within the RISBMF method, we calculated the ground-state properties and the phase diagram of the system. The suppression of hopping processes in some of 5f orbitals due to Hund's rule correlations can be seen through orbital-dependent quasiparticle weights. In a mean-field theory, a quasiparticle weight of zero for an orbital means a complete suppression of hopping processes in this orbital. Thus, quasiparticle weights and occupation numbers were used to classify partially localized phases. In the calculated phase diagram we obtain four partially localized phases that can be separated into two different sets. In the first set electrons in two orbitals are localized. In the second, electrons in one orbital are localized. The difference between the two sets is not simply the number of localized orbitals but the mechanism for the partial localization. For the first set, the Hund's rule mechanism applies: only those 5f electrons that enable the remaining ones to form a Hund's rule state will delocalize. This mechanism requires to have at least two localized orbitals, therefore it is definitely not applicable to those phases with only one localized orbital. For the second set, a situation similar to a single-band Mott-Hubbard transition applies. The direct on-site Coulomb interaction between jz and -jz electrons plays the key role for understanding the partial localization transition. In order to assess the validity of the RISBMF results we have used the iTEBD method to calculate the ground-state properties of a 1D system. Qualitatively, the two approaches agree with each other. However, we found an area where the RISBMF yields an artificial ground-state. Note that the mean-field method is worst for a 1D system. Therefore one shoud not judge from it the quality of the RISBMF method for the more general case.

Wellness in student affairs: An exploration of the profession and its practitioners.

Marling, Janet L. Trepka 05 1900 (has links)
This mixed design study surveyed members of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) to determine the baseline for wellness among student affairs administrators and within the profession. In addition to describing the wellness levels of the administrators and comparing them to the wellness of the general population, the study explored how wellness is represented within the student affairs profession, as reflected in the literature and practice. Student affairs administrators' wellness was assessed utilizing the Five Factor Wel Wellness Inventory (Myers & Sweeney, 2004). Collectively, the administrators posted "well" scores on the six factors utilized in the study and scored higher than the norms reported for the 5F-Wel general population. However, there was a broad range of actual scores across individuals indicating that not everyone can be considered to be maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle. The administrators' wellness was not affected by their length of time in the student affairs profession but was negatively associated with the number of hours they worked per week. The administrators possessed a holistic view of wellness and could articulate the behaviors and conditions associated with achieving, and failing to achieve, balance. However, reported engagement in certain wellness behaviors (e.g., physical activity and healthy eating) was not always reflected in the 5F-Wel scores. Additionally, the administrators noted a lack of focus on wellness issues in the student affairs literature, professional organizations, and most pointedly, in graduate preparation programs. The study creates a context for individual exploration of balance given the "norms" of the profession and instigates dialog focused on building healthy workplaces that facilitate positive role modeling experiences for students and staff. Recommendations for practitioners, graduate program faculty, and the profession aim to maximize personal wellness, create balanced professionals, and facilitate congruence between the student affairs profession's espoused values and wellness philosophy and the enculturation of professionals into this ideology.

Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an Enterprise

Knapová, Jitka January 2008 (has links)
Aim of this thesis was to develop a strategic analysis of the selected firm. The whole thesis is divided into two main parts: the theoretical part and the practical. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of the basic concepts of strategic management, strategy, vision, external and internal analysis and SWOT analysis. The theoretical foundations are applied in the practical part to the selected firm. In conclusion is given advice.

Биолошка активност и хемијски састав аутохтоних врста гљива Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 и Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001 / Biološka aktivnost i hemijski sastav autohtonih vrsta gljiva Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 i Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001 / Biological activity and chemical composition of autochthonous mushroom species Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 and Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001

Tešanović Kristina 20 September 2017 (has links)
<p>У оквиру ове докторске дисертације испитана је биолошка активност екстраката плодних тела и потопљених култура (мицелије и филтрата) аутохтоних врста гљива <em>Coprinus comatus</em> и<em> Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Такође, испитан је&nbsp; метаболизам фосфата мицелија обе врсте употребом нуклеарно магнетне резонантне спректроскопије (<sup>31</sup>Р NMR), утицај ванадијума на метаболизам фосфата као и идентификација облика ванадата присутних у ћелији мицелије (<sup>51</sup>V NMR). Утврђена је антирадикалска и антиоксидативна активност&nbsp; етанолних,метанолних и водених екстраката гљива при чему су се екстракти потопљених култура издвојили по антирадикалској, а екстракти плодних тела по антиоксидативној активности. Екстракти потопљених култура истакли су се и у погледу антибактеријске активности, где се као најпотентнији показао&nbsp; хлороформски екстракт филтрата потопљене културе<em> C. comatus</em>. Такође, етанолни екстракт филтрата потопљене културе <em>C. comatus</em> показао се као најпотентнији у анти-ацетилхолинестеразној активности у односу на&nbsp; конвенционални лек донепезил. Испитан је и утицај екстраката на вијабилност ћелијских линија HepG2 (хумане хепатома ћелије) и Rin-5F (&szlig; ћелије панкреаса пацова).</p><p>Спектрофотометријским методама одређен је укупан садржај фенола и флавоноида у већини анализираних екстраката.</p><p>LC/MS идентификацијом и квантификацијом фенолних киселина уочена је разлика између фенолних једињења присутних у плодном телу, мицелији и филтрату потопљене културе. Екстракти потопљених култура бележе већи број и већи садржај једињења. Укупан садржај протеина одређен само у воденим екстрактима, а укупан садржај угљених хидрата у полисахаридним екстрактима.Употребом Фуријеве инфрацрвене спектроскопске методе (FTIR) детектоване су везе између угљених хидрата&nbsp; присутних у полисахаридним екстрактима, а планарном&nbsp; хроматографијом показано је да екстракти плодног тела и филтрата врсте <em>С. truncorum</em>, као и екстракт плодног тела врсте <em>C</em>. <em>comatus</em>, садрже велику&nbsp; количину D-глукозе, док екстракт мицелије <em>C. truncorum</em>, баш као и екстракти филтрата и мицелије <em>C. comatus</em>, садрже највише галактозе. Квалитативном и квантитативном елементарном анализом (ААS) утврђен је виши садржај&nbsp; калијума и гвожђа у анализираним узорцима. GC-МS идентификацијом и квантификацијом масних киселина указано је на значајно присуство линолне киселине код обе врсте.&nbsp;<br />Како за аутохтону врсту&nbsp; <em>C.truncorum </em>постоји мало података у литератури, подаци о њеном хемијском саставу могу се сматрати иновативним.<br />Компаративним прегледом биолошке активности и хемијског састава екстраката плодног тела и мицелије и филтрата (потопљених култура) указано је да су анализирани екстракти извори биоактивних супстанци са медицинским потенцијалом, а потопљене културе датих гљива представљају атрактивне кандидате за даља биотехнолошка истраживања.</p> / <p>U okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitana je biološka aktivnost ekstrakata plodnih tela i potopljenih kultura (micelije i filtrata) autohtonih vrsta gljiva <em>Coprinus comatus</em> i<em> Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Takođe, ispitan je&nbsp; metabolizam fosfata micelija obe vrste upotrebom nuklearno magnetne rezonantne sprektroskopije (<sup>31</sup>R NMR), uticaj vanadijuma na metabolizam fosfata kao i identifikacija oblika vanadata prisutnih u ćeliji micelije (<sup>51</sup>V NMR). Utvrđena je antiradikalska i antioksidativna aktivnost&nbsp; etanolnih,metanolnih i vodenih ekstrakata gljiva pri čemu su se ekstrakti potopljenih kultura izdvojili po antiradikalskoj, a ekstrakti plodnih tela po antioksidativnoj aktivnosti. Ekstrakti potopljenih kultura istakli su se i u pogledu antibakterijske aktivnosti, gde se kao najpotentniji pokazao&nbsp; hloroformski ekstrakt filtrata potopljene kulture<em> C. comatus</em>. Takođe, etanolni ekstrakt filtrata potopljene kulture <em>C. comatus</em> pokazao se kao najpotentniji u anti-acetilholinesteraznoj aktivnosti u odnosu na&nbsp; konvencionalni lek donepezil. Ispitan je i uticaj ekstrakata na vijabilnost ćelijskih linija HepG2 (humane hepatoma ćelije) i Rin-5F (&szlig; ćelije pankreasa pacova).</p><p>Spektrofotometrijskim metodama određen je ukupan sadržaj fenola i flavonoida u većini analiziranih ekstrakata.</p><p>LC/MS identifikacijom i kvantifikacijom fenolnih kiselina uočena je razlika između fenolnih jedinjenja prisutnih u plodnom telu, miceliji i filtratu potopljene kulture. Ekstrakti potopljenih kultura beleže veći broj i veći sadržaj jedinjenja. Ukupan sadržaj proteina određen samo u vodenim ekstraktima, a ukupan sadržaj ugljenih hidrata u polisaharidnim ekstraktima.Upotrebom Furijeve infracrvene spektroskopske metode (FTIR) detektovane su veze između ugljenih hidrata&nbsp; prisutnih u polisaharidnim ekstraktima, a planarnom&nbsp; hromatografijom pokazano je da ekstrakti plodnog tela i filtrata vrste <em>S. truncorum</em>, kao i ekstrakt plodnog tela vrste <em>C</em>. <em>comatus</em>, sadrže veliku&nbsp; količinu D-glukoze, dok ekstrakt micelije <em>C. truncorum</em>, baš kao i ekstrakti filtrata i micelije <em>C. comatus</em>, sadrže najviše galaktoze. Kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom elementarnom analizom (AAS) utvrđen je viši sadržaj&nbsp; kalijuma i gvožđa u analiziranim uzorcima. GC-MS identifikacijom i kvantifikacijom masnih kiselina ukazano je na značajno prisustvo linolne kiseline kod obe vrste.&nbsp;<br />Kako za autohtonu vrstu&nbsp; <em>C.truncorum </em>postoji malo podataka u literaturi, podaci o njenom hemijskom sastavu mogu se smatrati inovativnim.<br />Komparativnim pregledom biološke aktivnosti i hemijskog sastava ekstrakata plodnog tela i micelije i filtrata (potopljenih kultura) ukazano je da su analizirani ekstrakti izvori bioaktivnih supstanci sa medicinskim potencijalom, a potopljene kulture datih gljiva predstavljaju atraktivne kandidate za dalja biotehnološka istraživanja.</p> / <p>The biological activity of extracts of basidiocarps (fruiting bodies)&nbsp; and submerged cultures (mycelium and filtrate) of autochthonous mushroom species&nbsp; <em>Coprinus comatus</em> and&nbsp; <em>Coprinellus truncorum&nbsp;</em> was examined. Furthermore, the metabolism of phosphate&nbsp; of mycelia&nbsp; of both types was studied using nuclear magnetic&nbsp; resonance spectros-copy ( <sup>31</sup> R NMR), the influence of vanadium on phosphate metabolism and the identification of vanadate oxidation states present in the mycelia cell ( <sup>51</sup> V NMR). The antiradical and antioxidant activity of methanolic, ethanolic and water fungal extracts was determined. Extracts of submerged cultures achieved the best anti- radical activity while fruit body extracts showed the best antioxidant activity. Extracts of submerged cultures also highlighted in terms of antibacterial activity, where the chloroform extract of the submerged culture&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>&nbsp; showed as the most potent. Also, the ethanolic extract of the submerged culture of<em>&nbsp; C. comatus</em>&nbsp; was found to be most relevant in anti-acetylcholinesterase activity&nbsp; compared with&nbsp; the conventional donepezil drug. The influence of extracts on the viability of cell lines HepG2 (human hepatocytes cells) and Rin-5F (&szlig; pancreatic cells of the rat) was also examined.</p><p>Spectrophotometric methods determined the total con-tent of phenol and flavonoids in most of the analyzed extracts.</p><p>The LC/MS identification and quantification of phenolic acids revealed the difference between the phenolic compounds present in the fruiting body, mycelium, and the submerged culture filtrate. Extracts of submerged cultures record a greater number and higher content of compounds.</p><p>The total content of proteins determined only in water extracts&nbsp; and the total content of&nbsp; carbohydrates in poly-saccharide extracts. Using the Fourier infrared spectro-scopic method (FTIR), the links between the sugar pre-sent in the&nbsp; polysaccharide extracts were detected, and planar chromatography showed that the extracts&nbsp; of the fruiting body and the filtrate of type<em>&nbsp; C. truncorum</em>, as well as the extract of the fruiting body of the species&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>, contain a large amount of D-glucose, while the extract of the&nbsp;<em> C</em>. <em>truncorum</em>&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; and&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; of&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>, contain the most galactose. GC-MS identification and quantification of fatty acids indicated a significant presence of linoleic acid in both species, while qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis (AAS) has determined a higher content of potas-sium and iron in the analyzed samples. Since there is no data in the literature for the autochtho-nous species&nbsp;<em> C</em>. <em>truncorum</em>, the studies on its chemical composition can be considered advanced аs innovative. A comparative review of the biological activity and the chemical composition of the extracts of the fruiting body and&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; and filtrates&nbsp; of&nbsp; medium of&nbsp; submerged cultures&nbsp; indicated that the extracts were analyzed by sources of bioactive substances with medical potential, and the submerged cultures of these mushrooms are attractive candidates for biotechnological research.</p> / <p>В рамках данной работы была исследованна биологическая активность экстракта плодородных тел и погружонных видов култур (мицелии и филтрата) автотоных видов грибов <em>Coprinus comatus</em> и <em>Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Также, исследованн метаболизм фосфата обеих видов&nbsp; мицелий с помощью ядерного магнитного резонанса спектроскопии (<sup>31</sup>Р ЯМР), влияние на содержание ванадия в метаболизме фосфата, а также идентификация формы ванадата присущего в клеток мицеллий (<sup>51</sup>V ЯМР). Установленная антирадикальная и антиоксидантная активность метанольных, этанольных и водных экстрактов гриб, причём выделяются экстракты погружённых культур по антирадикальной активности и&nbsp; экстракты плодородных тел по антиоксидантной активности.</p><p>Экстракты погружённых культур выделялись и в плане антибактериальной активности, причем,&nbsp; наиболее мощным из филтратов показался экстракт хлороформа погруженной культуры <em>C. comatus.</em> А также этанольный экстракт филтрата погружённой культуры<em> C. comatus</em> оказался найболее мощным в анти-ацетихолинестеразной активностипо сравнению с традиционным лекарством донепезилом. Было исследовано и влияние экстрактов на виябильность клеток линий&nbsp;&nbsp; HepG2 (гуманые хепатома клетки) и Rin-5F (&szlig; клетки поджелудочной железы крыс).<br />Методом спектрофотометрии определена совокупность фенола и флавоноида в большинстве проанализированных экстрактах.<br />С помощью ЛС ̸МС идентификации и квантификации фенолных кислот была замечена разница между соединениями фенола, присущих в плодородном теле, и мицелии, и филтрата погружённой культуры. Экстракты погружённых культур отражают больше количество и более высокое содержание соединений.<br />Общее содержание белков выделен только в водяных экстрактах, и общее содержание углеводов в полисахаридных экстрактах. Используя инфракрасный метод спектроскопии Фурия (ИКМСФ) были обнаружены связи между сахарами, присущими в полисахаридных экстрактах, а планарной хромотографиой было показано, что экстракты плодородного тела и филтратов вида <em>С. truncorum</em>,&nbsp; а&nbsp; также и экстракты плодородного тела вида <em>C. comatus</em> содержат большое количество D-глюкозы, в то время как экстракт мицелии <em>C. truncorum,</em> именно как и экстракт фильтрата и мицелии <em>C. comatus</em>, содержат больше всего галактозы.<br />GC-МS идентификацией и квантификацией жирных кислот показано значительное наличие линолевой кислоты у обоих видах. А качественным и квантитативным элементарным анализом установленно большее содержание калиума и железа в анализированых шаблонах.<br />Из-за того, что для автохтонного вида <em>C. truncorum</em> практически не было данных в литературе, данные о её химическом составе можно считать прогрессивным и инновационным.<br />Сравнительный анализ биологической активности и химического состава экстрактов плодородного тела и мицелии и фильтрат (погружённых культур) показаывает, что проанализированные экстракты &mdash; источники биологически активных веществ с медицинским потенциалом, и погружённые культуры данных гриб являются привлекательными кандидатами для биотехнологических исследований.</p>

Význam a design evaluačního výzkumu v oblasti managementu informačních služeb / The Importance and the design of evaluation research on information management

Šidlichovská, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví Informační věda PhDr. Zuzana Šidlichovská Význam a design evaluačního výzkumu v oblasti managementu informačních služeb řízení informačních aktivit a toků v organizacích ze sektoru soukromých bezpečnostních služeb The importance and the design of evaluation research on information management management of information activities and flows in private security service organization Abstrakt dizertační práce v angličtině Vedoucí práce: Prof. Ing. Josef Basl, CSc. Praha 2015 3 Abstrakt dizertační práce v angličtině In the first part, the dissertation describes the importance and the design of evaluation research on information management at small and medium-sized enterprises in the area of private security services. Secondly, it provides a general mapping of current evaluation practices trends from all over the world as well as from the Czech Republic. Thirdly, the dissertation depicts the main characteristics of evaluation and evaluation research methodology focused on the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises in private security service sector. The main goal of the dissertation project is to map and discuss the current importance of evaluation research on information management. Its main output is to explore an...

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